Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 125: Prepare


On the night when she learned of the war in the Northern Territory, Chu Lian, who usually went to bed early for beauty sleep, didn't fall asleep in the middle of the night.

Tossing and turning on the soft pillow of the high bed, the drowsiness that had hit her early seemed to have left this night, and did not call her for a long time.

In the end, Chu Lian had no choice but to lay flat on the bed, staring at the dark tent with wide eyes in the darkness.

Although she has read the original book, many things have changed by now, and not everything is clearly explained in the book.

For example, in the war in the northern border, Chu Lian only knew about it, whether she lost or won in the end, and if she won, how she won, she didn't know about it.

Although she wants to be a rice bug who doesn't care about anything and make some money by making delicious food, the premise is that everything in Jing'anbo Mansion must be in good condition. Grandma's identity is nothing.

Besides, except for the Zou family, she likes the other relatives in the Jing'an House very much, she doesn't want to see them hurt or sad, or even die for the sake of the family.

Chu Lian closed her eyes, as if she was making a decision. When her pair of clear apricot eyes opened again, even in the dark, it seemed as if the sea of stars was reflected inside.

Now that she has been under the elder's wing for so long, she will not shrink back at all when it is time for her to bear it.

After she figured it out, Chu Lian no longer tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep. She closed her eyes lightly, and within a short while, her breathing was slow and long.

Xi Yan, who was watching the night in the ear room outside, could not hear the sound inside and lay down to rest in peace.

The next day, Chu Lian, who always liked to stay in bed, got up without the maids shouting.

As soon as Nanny Zhong came in, she saw that Chu Lian had changed into a pink bunt for practicing kung fu, and her long black and smooth hair was tied up high with a ponytail hanging down to her waist.

Grandma Zhong opened her mouth, and after calming down for a while, she found her own voice: "Third Grandma, why are you... dressed like this?"

After finishing her hair, Chu Lian moved her arms and legs a few more times, put on her riding boots, then looked up at Nanny Zhong and said with a smile, "Morning exercise!"

Nanny Zhong's face turned pale in an instant, "Morning...morning exercise?"

I only know that when the male masters were in the mansion, they would have the habit of practicing early in the morning, especially the third young master, almost rain or shine. You have to rely on your abilities. But Jiao Didi's third grandma, a girl who is only fifteen years old, has not lost all the baby fat on her face. She said she was going to do morning exercises, so she wanted to make people laugh out loud

Xiyan and the others never said that the third grandma would know martial arts!

Songtao Garden has a special martial arts arena and practice room, which used to be used by He Changdi at the mansion, but now it is convenient for Chu Lian to use.

Seeing that Chu Lian really wanted to go out in such thin clothes, Grandma Zhong quickly took a fox fur cloak from the shelf beside the screen and wanted to put it on for her.

"Third grandma, it's winter now, and my daughter's family can't go out to suffer from the cold with so little clothes."

Chu Lian hurriedly pushed the cloak away. Just kidding, how can you run in such a thick fox fur.

"Mother Zhong, don't worry, it's okay, it's colder now, and it won't be cold when you run away later."

After finishing speaking, regardless of Nanny Zhong chasing behind with the fox fur, Chu Lian quickly walked out of the main room, and when she reached the yard, the cold air invaded in an instant, Chu Lian rubbed her arms, exhaled white air, and walked around Running around the yard.

Grandma Zhong saw the third grandma running up the yard in such little clothes, she was about to chase after her anxiously, but was stopped by Wen Lan who had just come out of the flower hall.

"Stop me from doing something, hurry up and chase your third grandma back! Madam and the old lady are not in good health now, if there is anything wrong with the third grandma, it will be good!"

Wen Lan pursed her lips and shook her head. She is a practicing family member and knows more than Nanny, Wen Lan said coldly: "Mama, it's okay, it's good for the third grandma to run around like this, Nanny, don't worry." Go ahead, go to the small kitchen to urge Chaoshi, and give me the cloak, and I will watch the third grandma here."

Seeing that Chu Lian and Wenlan couldn't resist, Grandma Zhong stomped her feet, stuffed the fox fur in her hand into Wenlan's arms, and walked away angrily.

I haven't exercised like this for many days, and I started to catch my breath after running for a while.

Chu Lian slowed down and tried to adjust her breathing.

In fact, she figured it out last night.

Her thoughts now are very simple. Since she decided to go to the North by herself, she must first adjust her body.

In modern times, she is half a donkey friend, and she understands the importance of a healthy and strong body too well.

Now that I have decided to travel far, I have to try my best to keep myself healthy. I heard that if you go north, it will be very cold after passing the Longxing Basin.

The coldness there is not comparable to the coldness in Shengjing City. I heard from the well-informed old servant in the mansion that if you spit on the ground, it will freeze into ice immediately.

If Chu Lian's body is still as delicate and weak as now, not to mention the fatigue of the journey, he will not be able to hold on after passing the Longxing Basin. No matter it is the war in the northern border or the search for flowers in the snowy mountains and mist, neither can be delayed.

Without a healthy body, going to the northern border would only be a hindrance to Jing'anbo Mansion.

Thinking of this, Chu Lian became more determined.

After a while, Wen Lan actually changed her clothes and followed.

Chu Lian was puzzled, and glanced at the girl with questioning eyes.

Wen Lan pursed her lips and said, "Third Mistress, this servant will accompany you."

Chu Lian laughed and nodded.

When she felt her limit, Chu Lian stopped slowly, and went to the practice room with Wenlan's support.

After holding back for a long time, Lan finally couldn't hold back, "Third Grandma, why do you suddenly want to run? Could it be that you want to learn Kung Fu?"

Chu Lian was startled, wiped the sweat from Xi Yan's forehead with a wet towel from Xi Yan's hand, looked at Wen Lan, shook his head and nodded, and finally had to explain: "I just want to learn a half-movement to keep my body healthy." Just self-defense."

Chu Lian usually had a lot of strange thoughts, so she didn't ask Lan. She thought for a while and said, "Since the third grandma has this idea, why don't you teach the third grandma how to defend herself?"

Chu Lian really wanted to slap her thighs fiercely, alas, how could she forget Wenqing and Wenlan who knew kung fu? Bi, with their guidance, not to mention one-to-five, at least they can have some self-protection power in the face of vicious gangsters.

Therefore, Chu Lian spent the time before paying his respects in the practice room.

It was like this for several days in a row, every day Chu Lian got up before dawn, started running in the yard after eating a little something, and then followed Wenqing Wenlan to learn one and a half moves in the practice room. I used Chaoshi to go to Qingwei Hall to pay my respects to Mrs. He.

Every day, there are guards from Prince Jin's Mansion to convey the news of the northern border to Jing'anbo Mansion.

Mrs. He's face became more and more solemn, and He Changqi went out early and returned late to inquire about the situation in the court hall.

The court is still at a loss what to do.

Finally, on this day, Mrs. He couldn't sit still anymore, she patted Chu Lian's hand beside her, and told Nanny Zhou to look for He Changqi.

Seeing her expression, Chu Lian changed his expression, and said, "Grandmother, do you want elder brother to go to the north?"

Mrs. He turned her head to look at Chu Lian in surprise, then paused, and gave a wry smile, "It turns out that Lian'er and grandma have thought of getting together. The court can't think of a way, but our He family can't just sit idly by. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, my old lady will not give up. Sanlang... Sanlang is still young, only twenty years old!"

The sons of Jing'an Bo's mansion are very precious, and they are passed down from generation to generation. In He Changdi's generation, he finally had three sons. It is a great pity that the old man died on the battlefield, and now everyone except Da Lang is in the army. It's not long since Saburo got married, and he hasn't even had a concubine yet! How can you watch that child sacrifice.

Mrs. He's eyes were red, and tears glistened in her old eyes. Chu Lian swallowed, and said, "Grandmother, let me go to the north!"

Old Madam He was startled by Chu Lian's words before she shed tears. She looked at Chu Lian in shock, "Daughter-in-law Sanlang, what did you say?"

Chu Lian looked at Mrs. He seriously, with a pair of clear apricot eyes shining like stars and resolute. She repeated what she said just now: "Grandma, let me go to the northern border. No one is more suitable than me. The elder brother has to take care of the house and can't leave Beijing. Besides, she has an errand, and the two nieces are not very old. , the boys in our family are all outside, so the elder brother can’t go anymore.”

Only then did Mrs. He realize that what Chu Lian said was true, she was taken aback for a moment, then took Chu Lian's hand, and said in a deep voice: "No, how can your daughter's family go to such a barren place in the north? land!"

Chu Lian guessed that Mrs. He would object early in the morning, she slowed down and said, "Grandmother, you are a hero among women. Didn't you go to southern Xinjiang with your grandfather when you were young? You know best, our daughter is no better than Men are inferior, but at critical times, we women can hold up half the sky! Big brother can’t leave the capital, it’s not up to us, it’s the emperor!”

Although Mrs. He did not come from a family of generals, she has been guarding the southern border with Old Jing Anbo since she married Old Jing Anbo. I heard from my mother-in-law, Mrs. Jing Anbo, that Madam He was full of wisdom when he was young, and he can be regarded as the brains of old Jing Anbo. In several deadly battles with the people of southern Xinjiang, it was because of the old matriarch's ingenious tricks that Lao Jing Anbo narrowly won and narrowly escaped death.

Chu Lian's words woke up Mrs. He.

All the sons of the He family are outside, the reason why He Dalang was asked to take up a spare position in the capital is not just for the sake of the He family's heirs, but more the emperor's intention.

Jing Anbo is a general guarding the border, father and son cannot join the army, and sons must wait until Jing Anbo retreats from Mingzhou to inherit his father's career. As the eldest son, He Changqi stays in Beijing more because of his proton-like existence. Let the emperor rest assured.

With such an identity, how could it be possible to leave Beijing!