Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 28: heart to heart


She closed the dowry list and patted it gently in the palm of her hand.

Suddenly asked: "Nurse, I can't remember clearly, is there no cash in my dowry?"

Nanny Gui glanced at her cautiously, as if she was afraid that there would be a lump in her heart, and said after deliberation: "If there is cash, how can there be no cash!"

At that time, because of this marriage, Miss Six was not happy. When she got married, the bank note sent by the wife of the eldest son of the British government was placed here with her. She wanted to tell Chu Lian afterwards that the young couple and their sons got along with each other in the past two days. The way was so shocking that he forgot about it.

Finally, there was one incident that did not disappoint Chu Lian, her eyes lit up instantly, and she asked urgently, "How many?"

Nanny Gui was a little embarrassed, pulled the corners of her mouth and laughed dryly, and stretched out five fingers.

Chu Lian smiled, "Five hundred taels?"

Nanny Gui stared, obviously she didn't expect her to guess right, shouldn't this ordinary lady guess five thousand taels

Seeing Chu Lian's smiling face, Xi Yan's heart tightened, but she felt that Chu Lian's easy contentment made her feel more distressed.

Although the British government has no successors and is gradually declining, it is still a national government. The emaciated camel is bigger than the horse. The fourth concubine of the big house used to get married, because the aunt liked it, and the money given to her when she got married was also a thousand taels. Woolen cloth!

No matter what they say, their young lady is a legitimate daughter, but they are treated like this.

"Miss Six..." Xi Yan called Chu Lian in a low voice.

Whenever this girl called her Miss Six in such a depressed and nasal voice, Chu Lian knew that Xiyan had entered a dead end and didn't think about it.

Her voice was clear and indifferent, "What's so sad, five hundred taels is not a lot, an ordinary family of three can spend ten taels of silver for a year! Besides, my mother passed away early, you still expect no Mother's children are the same as mother's children? Although my dowry is a little less, the person I marry will be successful. The elders in Jing'anbo's house are easy to get along with. What else am I not satisfied with? After seeing it, don’t you guys still not see it? Besides, it doesn’t matter if you have less money, we just earn it ourselves, there is no better solution than having less money in the world.”

Hidden behind Chu Lian's words is her incomparably strong self-confidence and perseverance. In the era of technological explosion and human distortion, she can survive tenaciously, not to mention that the real world does not even exist in this small book. of the Great Wu Dynasty.

To be able to enjoy life is to be able to bear it, this is what a smart woman should know.

Both Nanny Gui and Xiyan were taken aback by what Chu Lian said. Nanny Gui was older, she had more experience than Xiyan, and she reacted faster. She nodded in relief, as if she saw that the delicate flower in front of her had finally broken free from its shackles, giving birth to a fragrant and beautiful flower bud, and it was no longer the lonely and fragile emerald green struggling in the mire.

Xi Yan was still in a daze, and Chu Lian's sweet voice was still echoing in his ears, "There is no better solution than less money in the world." This is such a proud and confident sentence. It is not unreasonable to say that it is not unreasonable to work hard and even take your life for those few dirty and smelly copper plates.

When Chu Lian said these words just now, Xi Yan seemed to see the white light radiating from her body, like an awe-inspiring god and Buddha, and found that the young lady was looking at her with gentle eyes. Suddenly, she felt relieved . Whether it was the mistreatment received in the British government, or the pimples buried in my heart for many years, they all disappeared in an instant into tiny golden dots.

"Yes, what Miss Six said is that slaves and servants listen to Miss Six."

Chu Lian tilted her head and saw Xi Yan, who raised the corners of her mouth and smiled, revealing two pointed canine teeth on both sides, and was also happy for her.

If this girl with a deep heart and heart gets rid of her heart as early as today, she won't die in vain because of "Chu Lian".

"Okay, let's go back after seeing it!" Chu Lian stood up, and returned to Songtao Garden with Nanny Gui and Xiyan.

After returning to the courtyard, Nanny Gui gave the purse containing five hundred taels of silver bills to Chu Lian with both hands, "Third Grandma, this is the money given by Shizi's wife on the day you were married."

Chu Lian took it, opened it, and sure enough, there were five silver notes with a face value of one hundred taels neatly placed inside, all of which were expensive notes from Datong Bank.

She took out one of them and handed it to Nanny Gui, "Mommy, you keep this one hundred taels, save it for emergencies, and I'll keep the rest."

Looking at the one hundred taels expensive ticket, Nanny Gui waved her hands again and again, "No, no, this is the money that the third grandma gave as a dowry. How can this old slave get it? Don't worry, there is no need for money in the house, so there is no need for emergency."

After finishing speaking, her eyes turned red, remembering that in the British government, Miss Six kept the money like a treasure all day long, for fear that they would be discovered and taken away secretly, although she didn't care about Chu Lian's Although they are close, they are master and servant after all, and the most taboo thing between master and servant is having a rift.

Chu Lian giggled, she couldn't guess what Nanny Gui was thinking, she curled her lips inwardly, scolding the original owner was too ignorant.

Regardless of Nanny Gui's refusal, Chu Lian stuffed the silver bill into Nanny Gui's hand, "Hold it, there is always a contingency in everything, and money is better than no money. Money can move a lot in this world." I still have 400 taels for some things! It’s not a small amount. Now that I see it, it’s not a waste of money when I get it in my hands. Why pay attention to so much. Mom, I was wrong before, too narrow-minded Son, don't take it to heart."

Hearing what Chu Lian said, Nanny Gui couldn't hold back for some reason, two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks, she choked up a sob, and tightly clutched the thin bank note in her hand, unable to speak, just Neng nodded vigorously. A servant who sincerely wants to be the master doesn't want to be recognized and trusted by the master. For today's friendship with Chu Lian, Nanny Gui feels that all the grievances she suffered before are worth it.

She said silently in her heart: madam, have you seen it? Miss is really sensible now, you can feel at ease underground.

Seeing that Nanny Gui lost control of her emotions, Chu Lian deliberately wanted to make her happy.

She stretched her head to stare at Nanny Gui's embarrassed face covered with tears, smiling, her two bright almond eyes bent into two beautiful crescents, "What's the matter, Mammy thinks I don't give too much? If you make money, you must let the nanny count the money until your hands cramp."

Grandma Gui burst into laughter when she teased her, and glared at Chu Lian angrily, "The third grandma will make this old slave happy!"

"Then I'm not teasing Mammy. Doesn't Mammy believe me?"

"Believe it! Mammy believes in you the most!"


Nanny Gui stared at the delicate flower-like face in front of her, and her heart suddenly became brighter. She felt that she had never been as comfortable as she is now. The former Miss Six was gloomy and restrained, but now Miss Six is like a beautiful jade that has been completely wiped off the dust. , The whole body is warm, and people can't help but want to get close. As for whether Miss Six will make money, what does that matter? As long as their master and servant are safe, she is easy to be content.