Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 310: ruthless


The British government has declined, and the current national government is only supported by the old British government who is more than seventy years old.

Sad to say, although the British government has a lot of children, but there are no real successors.

Chu Lian's "father" Chu Qizheng is considered Zhou Zheng's, so one can imagine others.

And the old lady is a very wary person, she is unwilling to invest in the training of talented and potential offshoots of the same clan, which makes people of the same clan extremely dissatisfied with the British government.

This leads to a vicious cycle.

Xiao Bojian finally came out among the old Yinggong's disciples, but he couldn't hold on to it. Now, it's too late even for the old Yingying.

When Emperor Taiping's edict of bestowing marriage first arrived at the British government, the people in the British government were not at all sad or shocked, but very happy.


Moreover, Emperor Taiping personally bestowed the marriage, and the other party was a county king, who was a serious relative of the emperor. Although this county king had some mental problems, it would not affect his birth.

As long as Sister Yuan marries, she will be a princess of the third rank!

This is an honor that the daughters of the Chu family can't even ask for.

Even if Chu Lian's marriage is compared at this time, it will be compared.

Everyone in the British government was beaming, and even the butler began to order his servants to decorate the mansion so that the entire British government looked festive and harmonious.

Even the old lady was cheerful, and praised Sister Yuan's blessings in front of the family members of the family.

The second room will also be valued more because of this marriage.

At this time, the only ones who are full of sorrow, despair and fear are the second wife and the eighth miss Yuan.

Chu Yuan leaned on the second lady's lap, already out of breath from crying, she choked up and said: "Mother, I won't marry that fool, mother, I won't marry! Can you help my daughter think of a way, my daughter likes it!" The person in question is Big Brother Xiao! Huh huh..."

The second lady's eyes are red and swollen. Sister Yuan is her only daughter, her lifeblood. Those people in the mansion are all blinded by wealth, so there is no one who treats her daughter sincerely.

Except for his birth, King Shoujun is not as good as an ordinary man!

How could she just watch her daughter ruin her life!

She stroked her daughter's disheveled bun, "Sister Yuan, don't worry, when your father comes back, mother will beg your father, your father has a position, he knows many people, even Master Pan I also have some friendship with him, mother must let your father find a way, and won't let you really marry that fool."

Just as the mother and daughter were crying, Chu Qi was returning to the yard of the second room.

His expression was sluggish, he had completely lost the vigor of the past, his eyes were empty, and he was still tightly clutching the official document in his cuffs that made him unable to recover for a long time.

The face that was originally well maintained now seemed to have aged ten years in an instant.

The servant girl, who was sweeping the courtyard, came up to congratulate her with a smile, wanting to ask for two rewards, "My servant congratulates the second master, the second lady, and the eighth miss."

Chu Qizheng's face contorted immediately, and his veins bulged.


The little girl who was sweeping was stunned and leaned over to the side, and didn't react for a moment. When she came back to her senses, her face turned pale, and she ran away in a daze.

Chu Qi was returning to the room with a surge of anger.

There was a maid waiting at the door to greet her, and Chu Qi stepped into the room without saying a word.

In the bedroom, the second lady was comforting her by hugging her sister Yuan. Seeing him coming back, the second lady patted her daughter immediately, then got up to greet her, and said aggrievedly: "Master, you have to help sister Yuan, otherwise she will Your life will be ruined!"

How stupid the Shoujun King is, Shengjing City has long been rumored.

Which normal girl can live well if she marries a fool, but whether she can have children in the future is still a question.

The second wife was also shocked by her daughter's sudden gift of marriage, and she was impatient, so she didn't pay attention to Chu Qi's face when she came in.

Chu Qizheng was already upset enough, but when his wife made such a noise, the anger suffocated in his chest burst out like a ignited volcano.

As soon as he exerted his arms, he pushed his wife who was close to him away.

Although he doesn't know kung fu, he is also a tall and burly man, and the force he used just now was really not small, so he pushed the second wife to the ground.

The second lady never thought that Chu Qizheng would treat her like this. She lay on the carpet in the bedroom, staring at Chu Qizheng with wide eyes in disbelief. Obviously, she hadn't recovered from this sudden blow.

"What's wrong with the princess of the county, if it wasn't for the imperial decree to grant the marriage, sister Yuan would be able to marry into the palace?" Chu Qizheng's voice was cold and sharp.

It was as if thousands of steel needles were stabbed into the hearts of the second lady and Chu Yuan.

The mother and daughter stared wide-eyed, especially Chu Yuan. At this moment, she even began to wonder if the cold middle-aged man standing in front of him was her father.

Her father loves her and loves her, and he will try his best to satisfy her whatever she wants, but the man in front of him actually asks him to marry a fool!

"Father!" Sister Yuan cried out in heart-piercing grief and indignation.

"Get out, sister Yuan, go back to her embroidered pavilion and get ready to get married. If I find out about your actions, I will kill you first without the help of my parents!"

Chu Yuan limp and fell on the couch, her eyes were flushed with anger, "Father, I won't marry that fool! Not even if I die!"

"Hmph, I can't help you, come here and send the lady back to her room! If there is something wrong with the lady, you don't even want to live!" Chu Qizheng spoke so harshly today that even the second wife was trembling with fright. Not to mention the servants next to him.

Sister Yuan screamed and struggled but it was useless, two thick women covered her mouth with handkerchiefs, bound her hands and feet, and quickly carried her out.

Until Chu Yuan's voice disappeared in the room, the second lady came back to her senses like a dream, and she was helped up from the ground by the maid.

Walking to Chu Qizheng, he raised his head and stared at Chu Qizheng, "Chu Qizheng! Sister Yuan is our only daughter! How could you treat her like this! Could it be that your official position is more important than your daughter!"

Chu Qi sneered sarcastically, and slapped the envelope in his hand on the face of the second lady, "Official position? This is the official position you want!"

The second wife didn't know why, so she endured the humiliation and picked up the letter from the ground and opened it. Immediately, a bolt from the blue!

This is not a letter, but an official document, and it is dismissed.

The second room suddenly has nothing now!

The second lady was so shocked that she rolled her eyes and passed out.

Fortunately, the servant girl who was serving beside her was quick to support her, otherwise the second wife would have to fall to pieces.

So, when the second wife woke up again, like Chu Qizheng, she never mentioned the matter of retiring her daughter's engagement.

Now the second wife, who is poor and white, can only rely on Chu Yuan's gift of marriage.

Sometimes, in the face of cruel reality, some people have to "sacrifice".

Now it was Sister Yuan who should be sacrificed.

Chu Qi just didn't understand why he was dismissed for no reason, and the second wife and husband were sitting on both sides of the couch with gloomy faces.

Chu Qizheng asked suddenly, "How much money is left by Mrs. Ye?"

The second madam was startled, she didn't expect him to ask this, she beckoned her confidant maid to fetch the account book, checked it and said: "Excluding those shop properties, there is still five thousand taels of silver in cash."

"Bring them all to me."

The second lady opened her mouth wide in an instant, "Bring them all?" That's five thousand taels of silver! But it's not a small sum.

Chu Qi glanced at the second lady with a sullen face, and the second lady hurriedly went to the inner room to hold out an exquisite peachwood box, then took out two small silver keys from her purse, opened the box, took out all the expensive tickets inside and handed it to Chu Qizheng, a thick stack.

The second lady was in pain, her eyes were fixed on the stack of bank notes.

Chu Qi was mocking: "What are you looking at, this money is not yours at all."

The second lady froze at what he said, she looked away and clenched her hands tightly.

"You stay at the mansion to watch over Sister Yuan. If I can't get things done this time, Sister Yuan can only be the princess of the county, otherwise our house will be the end of Fifth Brother."

There are many heirs in the British government, and there are many sons and daughters.

Although Chu Qizheng's fifth younger brother was a direct descendant, but because he was innocent, he was not loved by the British husband and wife, and his wife's family background was even more ordinary, so he was murdered by other families.

When the second lady heard him mention the fifth younger brother, she shook her hand and agreed.

Chu Qi was pinching the thick bank note in his hand, and sneered in his heart.

Ye Xun finally had some effect.

In fact, the second wife's life can be so nourishing now, not because of the extra care of the old lady, but because of the money left by Ye Xun.

Back then, Ye Xun gave all these things to his cronies, and wanted to leave them all to Chu Lian.

It was only overheard by Chu Qizheng that he planned to murder all the cronies left around Ye Xun, so that he won the money. If he was not afraid of the secret person, he might not even stay with Chu Lian .

Chu Yuan was guarded in the boudoir. At this time, her tears had dried up, and only deep hatred remained in her eyes.

The corners of her mouth curled up mockingly.

Oh, doesn't the entire British government want her to marry into the palace as the county concubine, then she is not as good as they want!

They don't care about her life, why should she care about them!

Chu Lian soon also learned about Emperor Taiping's gift of marriage to Sister Yuan.

This confused her even more.

Emperor Taiping thinks that political affairs are not burdensome enough, eats salty radish and doesn't worry about it, and wants to marry a girl from the British government

Not to mention a dozen or so sisters to be married in the British government, there must be five or six.

Even if a marriage is to be bestowed, it must be done according to seniority, and Sister Su is ahead of Sister Yuan!

And the object of the marriage is the Shoujun King...

Chu Lian is close to Princess Wei, and knows a little about those in the royal family. This King of Shoujun is born with cerebral palsy, his thinking is similar to that of a three-year-old child, and sometimes he has a violent temper. Many died...

If Sister Yuan really married, her life safety would not be guaranteed.

Surely this is the Holy Majesty's favor for the British government, rather than cheating on her half-sister

But since the Holy Majesty bestowed marriage, as a sister, she should send a gift to the British government.