Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 317: poisoning


Half a month later, He Changqi's room-connecting Miaozhen was activated.

After waiting for a day and a night, the child was finally born, but it was still a girl.

This disappointed the old matriarch. After the concubine's daughter was born, the old matriarch never asked her.

Miaozhen managed to save the baby because of her fetal gas, and died of postpartum hemorrhage.

The little girl was born frail and sick, and lost her mother early, and He Changqi is a big man, so the child can only stay with Madam Jing'an to take care of her.

When Chu Lian heard the news, he sighed and touched his stomach subconsciously.

A child without a mother is the most pitiful, and that child is just a concubine with a low status. It would be fine if the mother-in-law Mrs. Jing'an could take care of the child. .

She called Nanny Gui and asked her to choose some gifts to send to Mrs. Jing Anbo, as a celebration for this newborn baby.

Mu Xiang was waiting on the side, seeing Chu Lian like this, she was very disdainful.

She was mad with jealousy, and viciously cursed "this monster" who had taken her body to die early.

But she concealed it very well, even Chu Lian herself didn't see the slightest clue of Mu Xiang for half a month.

Wen Lan came in with the soup, put the plate on the desk, put the soup in front of Chu Lian, and then said: "Madam, are you still going to Wei Wangfu in the afternoon?"

Chu Lian nodded while drinking the soup, "Go, let the housekeeper arrange the carriage and guards, and I will go there after dinner."

Two days ago, Princess Duanjia came to see Chu Lian and said that Princess Wei had been dizzy and chest tight for the past two days, and she couldn't find out what was wrong with the imperial physician. Chu Lian was taken aback, and agreed with Princess Duanjia that she would ask Miracle Doctor Miao to see Princess Wei to see her today.

After lunch, Chu Lian and Miracle Doctor Miao went to Wei Wangfu in a carriage with a team of guards.

Wei Wang's Mansion is not far from Anyuan Hou's Mansion, if you take a carriage, it will take only a quarter of an hour.

Because he had made an appointment with Princess Duanjia earlier, when he arrived at the gate of Prince Wei's mansion, he was greeted by a big butler, and the carriage entered the palace directly from the side door.

Sister Lan personally brought Chu Lian and Miracle Doctor Miao to the main courtyard of the backyard, where Princess Wei and Princess Duanjia were already waiting.

As soon as Chu Lian came in, he saw Princess Wei sitting on top with a pale face.

She quickly stepped forward to salute, Princess Duanjia came up to support her in two steps, and then rolled her eyes at Chu Lian, "Chu Lian, what are you doing with me and concubine mother, come and sit down."

Princess Wei smiled when she saw Chu Lian, she held Chu Lian's soft little hand and sat down beside her.

He looked up and down carefully, frowned slightly and said: "How come you have a body, and you don't look fat at all?"

Chu Lian quickly shook her head, "Where!" She moved closer to Princess Wei, frowned and said distressedly: "The legs and arms are much thicker. I'm getting fat too fast. If my stomach gets bigger, I'll have to eat it myself." Turned into a ball."

Concubine Wei nodded her smooth forehead, and glared at her, "Little girl, what nonsense are you talking about! I have a few dietary prescriptions for nursing during pregnancy, and I'll let Nanny Lan write them for you later."

"Then thank you, Princess Wang."

Princess Wei couldn't help pinching her rosy cheeks again.

After that, Chu Lian helped Princess Wei to the side room to have the doctor Miao's pulse checked.

Behind the screen that Chu Lian couldn't see, Emperor Taiping was looking at Chu Lian lovingly, Ye Xun's impression in his mind was Chu Lian's current age.

It's just that Ye Xun is slightly taller and plumper than Chu Lian.

Originally, Chu Lian was half or half like Ye Xun. He was thin before, but now because of pregnancy, his face has more flesh, so he looks more like Ye Xun.

For a moment, Emperor Taiping was stunned, almost thinking that Ye Xun had come back to life.

Before he knew it, Emperor Taiping's eye sockets were slightly wet, and the memories deeply imprinted in his brain in the early years were awakened again.

Thinking of the good time with Ye Xun, and later the two were forced to separate, and his child in Ye Xun's arms was married to someone else, his heart raged for a moment, his face turned purple, and he suddenly fainted.

King Wei, who had been by his brother's side all the time, was taken aback, and quickly supported Emperor Taiping with his eyesight, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous for him to fall straight on the floor like this.

King Wei's face changed, and he whispered in Emperor Taiping's ear, "Brother Huang, brother Huang, wake up!"

Unfortunately, the comatose Emperor Taiping did not respond at all.

The King of Wei's face turned gloomy, and he hurriedly ordered the hidden guards to help Emperor Taiping to the side room to settle down, and then used his private order to ask the dark guards to invite the imperial physician in private.

Here, Miracle Doctor Miao just finished his pulse diagnosis and explained to Princess Wei.

"Princess, don't worry, this is just a deficiency syndrome. The old man will heal after a few months of prescribed medicine to adjust the body."

Chu Lian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Miracle Doctor Miao say that.

On the other hand, Princess Wei and Princess Duanjia had embarrassing expressions in private.

In fact, they knew that Princess Wei's body was not a real illness, and the reason why they exaggerated and told Chu Lian was just to invite her to the Wei Palace.

He Changdi has been very strict recently. If Chu Lian hadn't settled down after three months, he might not be able to leave the house!

This excuse was used to invite Chu Lian, a pregnant woman, to meet Emperor Taiping's request.

Princess Wei already knew the whole story from King Wei, so she became more intimate and fond of Chu Lian, and now she really loves her as her own daughter.

"Wangfei must take medicine properly in the future, I will specifically explain to Nanny Lan." Chu Lian didn't know the reason, she was really worried about Wei Wangfei's health.

Doctor Miao stroked his gray beard, his eyes were clear.

He is old and sophisticated, and some things can be seen through at a glance. Although he knew what was going on as soon as he felt Princess Wei's pulse, the shrewd doctor Miao did not say anything, but followed the path given by Princess Wei.

"Don't worry, Lian'er, you still have one in your belly, you should pay attention to your own health first, and the reaction will be better this month?"

Chu Lian smiled and nodded, "Now I can eat anything, and I won't throw up at all."

Princess Wei smiled and patted her head.

The atmosphere in the side room here is just right, but Lan Momo suddenly ran in with an ugly expression.

Princess Wei frowned, "What's the matter, in such a hurry?"

Sister Lan glanced at Chu Lian and then at Princess Duanjia beside her, then she had no choice but to stick to Princess Wei and whisper a few words.

"What?" Princess Wei's originally dignified and gentle face suddenly changed color.

Her face was like a bolt from the blue, and there was no time to hide her expression.

Princess Wei seldom looks like this, even Princess Duanjia's own daughter has never seen her mother lose her composure like this.

Princess Duanjia hurriedly asked: "Mother and Concubine, what happened?"

Chu Lian followed Princess Duanjia and stood up. She pursed her lips and did not speak, but looked seriously at the expression on Princess Wei's face.

Princess Wei recovered from such a sudden shock only after Mother Lan reminded her.

She suddenly looked at Miracle Doctor Miao who was sitting next to her.

"Old man, I have something to ask, and I hope the old man will agree."

Concubine Wei lowered her posture, and it was useless to call herself Miracle Doctor Miao.

Miracle doctor Miao was stunned, and he said: "It's all right to ask the princess, if the old man can do his best, he will definitely not stand by and watch."

Although Miracle Doctor Miao thinks of himself as noble at a young age, he is not stupid.

What is Princess Wei's status? The person who can make her worry deeply must be either rich or noble. Although he doesn't care about fame and wealth, he knows who can be messed with and who can't. If he wants to live a safe and smooth life, Princess Wei is one of the people he can't offend.

Besides, it's just giving him what he's good at, so there's nothing embarrassing about it.

Concubine Wei has a good character and is not unreasonable.

Soon, Princess Wei personally led Miracle Doctor Miao to a well-guarded wing.

Chu Lian was handed over to Princess Duanjia to take care of her, and even Nanny Lan stayed behind.

In the wing room, Wei Wang and his wife stood by the bed, and there were two men standing not far away.

A white-faced, beardless, fifty or sixty years old, an upright man.

Miracle Doctor Miao just glanced at it, and was suddenly startled in his heart. Immediately, out of the corner of his eyes, his eyes fell on the middle-aged man wearing an iron-gray python robe lying on the bed.

Divine doctor Miao suppressed the turmoil in his heart, closed his eyes slightly, and calmed down his mind.

He was invited by King Wei to sit down by the bed.

He didn't ask anything, and started to check the pulse of the middle-aged man on the bed according to King Wei's instructions.

After about a quarter of an hour, Miracle Doctor Miao finally completed the diagnosis.

Miracle Doctor Miao took one last look at the middle-aged man on the bed, and then looked at King Wei. Although the years had left indelible marks on the middle-aged man's face, it was still obvious that King Wei had a blood relationship with this man. connect.

The two look alike.

Miracle Doctor Miao opened his mouth after deliberation, his brows were already tightly knit.

After thinking for a moment, Miracle Doctor Miao decided to tell the truth.

"My lord, can I take a step to speak."

King Wei was slightly startled, obviously he didn't expect the old doctor in front of him to say this.

He looked around vigilantly at the people in the side room, and after a little thought, he agreed to Miracle Doctor Miao's request.

"Old doctor, please come with me."

The two arrived at a clean inner room. The door of the inner room was guarded by King Wei's personal guards, and no one dared to approach it.

As soon as he entered the room and sat down, King Wei couldn't wait to ask: "Doctor, what's the secret?"

Miracle Doctor Miao took a deep breath and said firmly, "The patient is poisoned."

Even King Wei couldn't keep his composure at this moment, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"What did you say, he was poisoned! How is this possible!"

Brother Huang is the Ninth Five-Year Lord, the hero of the world, and there are countless capable people around him, how could he be poisoned!

Since Miracle Doctor Miao planned to tell the truth, he took Wei Wang's mood into consideration.

He waited for King Wei's mood to calm down first, and then went on to say everything he wanted to say.

"Chronic poison, what kind of poison it is, I have to wait for the old man to verify it, but at present, it can be confirmed that it is not a commonly used poison. The poison is not deep now, and there are still rescues. If it takes a long time, there will be no way to recover."

King Wei is not someone who has not experienced major events. At the time when Nine Dragons seized the throne, he fought to the death. He and the emperor finally fought a bloody road. Now, no matter how big and shocking the incident is, is it still dangerous? So he calmed down quickly.

"According to the old doctor's opinion, how sure are you?"

Miracle doctor Miao thought for a while, and stretched out his hands to make a comparison, "Seventy percent, if the medicinal materials are complete, it can be increased by 10%."