Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 325: The dark tide is raging


What the two have experienced, who they were before, is not important at this moment, the most important thing is that they are now husband and wife, and together, they have the crystallization of love.

Chu Lian never cared about how He Changdi dealt with Mu Xiang, since she learned from him the ending of his previous life that he didn't see in the original text, she was more and more considerate of him. Although He Changdi may seem cruel and tough to outsiders, in her eyes, he is the best husband.

After August, when the autumn wind was bleak, the second prince was finally deposed, imprisoned in the imperial mausoleum, and the concubine Liang was thrown into the cold palace.

Faced with such a change, King Jin didn't even say a word of intercession for the second prince and concubine Liang.

Before Concubine Liang hanged herself in the cold palace, she met King Jin for the last time, and only then did she know that King Jin already knew the truth about how she killed Concubine Xian back then.

With the abolition of the crown prince and news of Emperor Taiping's poor health, the battle for the heirloom between the court and China intensified. It turned out that the secret battle had been transferred to Minglu.

In the court, the fourth and sixth princes had the highest voices.

Chu Lian's stomach has been more than seven months old, and she and He Changdi have discussed that she will try not to leave the mansion until the little guy in her stomach is born safely.

For unknown reasons, Sima Hui took her female soldiers back to Shandong at the end of August.

Chu Lian usually stays in Anyuanhou's Mansion, and the people who often come to see her are Princess Duanjia, Mrs. Yang, Mrs. Zheng Guogong and others.

In mid-September, it was the wedding date of Chu Yuan, the eighth lady of the British government, and King Shoujun.

The two were married by the Holy Spirit, so it was very lively.

Even after receiving the big red invitation from the British government, Chu Lian didn't go to join in the fun. She was raising her baby in the mansion leisurely. In the evening, when she was preparing for dinner, Princess Duanjia rushed over excitedly.

Chu Lian watched Princess Duanjia rushing towards her in a hurry, picked up the fruit tea she had just drank and gulped it down, she was stunned.


Princess Duanjia sat next to Chu Lian after drinking tea, hugged her arm and said with bright eyes: "Hahaha, Chu Liu, you must not know what happened in the British government today."

The two are as close as sisters, Princess Jia naturally knows Chu Lian's affairs very clearly.

Since the last time she was designed by the second room of the British government, Chu Lian had secretly cut off contact with the British government, so she didn't go today, otherwise, she would have to be there to congratulate her nominal sister when she got married.

Chu Lian was funny, "What else can I do, let Chu Yuan get married!"

Princess Duanjia didn't like the pettiness of the British government, and with Chu Lian's relationship, she disliked the British government from the bottom of her heart.

Seeing that Chu Lian really didn't know, she started talking triumphantly.

"Haha, I didn't expect Chu Yuan to be quite ruthless. Today I attended the wedding banquet in the Yongkang Palace. In the new house, a group of clan members were joining in the fun. When Shoujun King lifted the bride's hijab, the entire new house was stunned. "

The more Chu Lian listened, the more strange he became.

"Ah? Stunned?" There's no reason to be shocked. Although Chu Yuan has a bad personality, she doesn't look ugly. Chu Qi is handsome. The second wife is Xiaojiabiyu, so Chu Yuan is naturally not bad.

Princess Duanjia laughed out loud again.

"you guess?"

The corners of Chu Lian's mouth twitched, and suddenly he smiled slyly, "The princess should have never eaten the sweet-scented osmanthus cake I asked Xiyan to make yesterday."

Princess Duanjia's eyes lit up when she heard that the food was fresh, "Where is it, why don't people bring it out and ask me to taste it."

Chu Lian stared at Princess Duanjia with a smile and said nothing.

The latter immediately understood the meaning of her expression.

Princess Duanjia bulged her cheeks, and glared at Chu Lian, "Chu Liu, everyone said that those who are close to ink are black, and this sentence is indeed true. Alright, let me say it's okay, bring the sweet-scented osmanthus cake quickly. "

Chu Lian waved, and Xi Yan quickly placed an exquisite plain porcelain plate on the small round table beside her.

Princess Duanjia looked happy, picked up a square osmanthus cake and stuffed it into her mouth.

She had something in her mouth and was a little slurred.

"King Shoujun lifted his hijab, and it's not Chu Yuan under the hijab, it's your Fifth Sister."

The fragrant and non-sticky osmanthus cake immediately grabbed Princess Duanjia's attention, and she told the truth casually.

Chu Lian was slightly surprised, "You said that Shoujun Wang actually married Sister Su?"

Princess Duanjia nodded, "People from the British government and the Yongkang palace are all looking for Chu Yuan, but they haven't found it yet."

"So what's going on now?"

The bride was changed, and the marriage was granted by imperial decree, which was not a trivial matter. If Emperor Taiping blamed it, the entire British government would be implicated.

Princess Duanjia snorted, "Uncle Huang will certainly be punished, but there is something strange. Uncle Yongkang was going to make a fuss in the palace, but he was stopped by Cousin Shou. Look at him like that, as if Just like knowing your Fifth Sister, everyone finds it strange!"

Chu Lian also found it strange that there was not much mention of Sister Su in the original text. After a few contacts, Chu Lian understood that Sister Su was not a simple and unscrupulous lady. Maybe this was the path she chose.

Chu Lian didn't want to know how Sister Yuan reached an agreement with her. Strictly speaking, the current British government has little to do with her.

It's better for her to raise her baby in the mansion.

Princess Duanjia saw that Chu Lian's face was calm, and his small mouth opened slightly, "Chu Liu, aren't you curious at all?"

Chu Lian poured himself another glass of honey water, "The princess also knows about my relationship with the British government. I don't want to pay attention to whether they are doing well."

Princess Duanjia put down the pastry in her hand, moved towards Chu Lian, and sat next to her, "It's better if you draw a clear line with the people in the British government earlier, your dear father is not a good person either."

Chu Lian thought to herself, once her soul crossed over, there would be no real father in this world!

Princess Duanjia didn't leave until He Changdi came back.

Chu Lian herself was heavy, so she asked Nanny Zhong to send Princess Duanjia off on her behalf.

He Changdi walked up to Chu Lian, put one hand through her back and the other through her knees, picked her up from the soft couch, and sent her into the inner room.

Chu Lian blushed a little, and she patted He Changdi's firm chest, "I'm heavy now."

He Sanlang lowered his eyes and glanced at her. Although he still had that stiff handsome face, his eyes were extremely gentle. He lowered his head and pecked her soft lips, and then whispered: "I don't dislike it."

Chu Lian was placed on the bedside and sat down by him. He Changdi took the thin blanket next to her and covered her. He sat on the side of the bed with his long arms around Chu Lian, letting her lean against his chest.

Chu Lian raised his head slightly, and saw his stubbled chin and blue eye sockets.

She raised her hand and touched his angular jaw, "You just came back?"

He Changdi nodded, "The situation is getting more and more anxious, and we can't do without it. In the afternoon, I took some time to go to Yongkang Palace. The princess has been here. You already know the matter, right?"

Although Chu Lian no longer interacts with the British government, in the eyes of outsiders, Chu Lian is a girl who came out of the British government after all. As her husband, He Changdi went to Yongkang Palace to congratulate him. mouth.

Chu Lian nodded, "How is Fifth Sister?"

He Changdi frowned slightly, "You're still in Yongkang Palace, the guests have already dispersed, the King of Shoujun has saved your Fifth Sister, my people have checked, and Chu Su had contact with the King of Shoujun before."

Chu Lian opened his eyes wide, obviously a little surprised.

He Changdi snorted coldly, "I said long ago that your Fifth Sister is not easy. This time, the entire British government may fall on the heads of these two sisters. However, I am also happy to see it succeed."

Sister Yuan wanted to take revenge on the entire British government, and secretly reached an agreement with Sister Su, and now one person is missing; the other got married as she wished and stayed in Yongkang Palace.

Chu Lian really "admired" the two sisters, but what happened to them had nothing to do with her.

"Are you sleepy? Sleep for a while?" Chu Lian asked He Changdi in a soft voice. He often stays up late recently. Sometimes when he is busy, he can't come back for a day or two. I can only hug her and sleep well, and I have to go out early the next morning.

He Changdi rubbed the center of his brows, got up, took off his robe and threw it aside, lifted the thin quilt and lay down next to his wife.

He held Chu Lian carefully, stretched out one hand to Chu Lian's chest, rubbed it, and suddenly opened his deep eyes that had just been closed, and then a fiery breath rang in Chu Lian's sensitive ears, "It's actually a lot bigger .”

Chu Lian: ...

Pregnancy boobs of course get bigger... Isn't that normal...

"Are you still sleeping or not!"

He Changdi kissed her gently on the earlobe, and said with a pleasant smile in his slightly hoarse voice, "Sleep."

Chu Lian pulled his big hand from his chest and put it on his waist. He Changdi didn't resist, but just moved and pressed against the soft body in his arms, "Lian'er, in two months, when the dust settles, I will take good care of you and our children."

"Go to sleep, I'm fine without you."

She is not one of those noble ladies who have nothing to do all day long without a man, she has a lot of things to do!

He Changdi smiled lowly in her ear, and soon, Low Ci's laughter turned into long breaths.

After a while, he fell asleep, obviously very tired.

It is a small courtyard of a simple residential house. In the main room of the courtyard, there is a couple embracing a man and a woman.

The woman was lying in the man's arms, her breathing hadn't calmed down yet, but the man couldn't wait any longer.

"How did you inquire about the matter at Concubine Wei's place?" Xiao Bojian's voice was hoarse after he had just been released.

The woman snorted coquettishly, and pouted her red lips dissatisfiedly towards Xiao Bojian, "Master Xiao is really cruel, he won't let my wife rest for a while, and won't tell you anything if I'm afraid that my wife will change her mind?"

Xiao Bojian suddenly gave a mischievous smile, this kind of smile rippling on his face which is more beautiful than women, instantly fascinated people, women really like this, looked up and stared dumbfounded.

"Madam really don't want to tell me?"

The feminine mist of the woman glanced at him, and reached out to caress his face, "With your face alone, Madam Ben is reluctant not to tell you."