Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 64: Wanfu Jade Pendant


Xi Yan hurriedly took out a wooden box from the side, "Third Grandma, here are all the jewelry you wore this morning. As for the clothes, the nurse next to the princess said that they had bad luck, so they burned them in the brazier together with the princess's."

Chu Lian nodded and took the wooden box from Xi Yan's hand. Xi Yan only had a little scrape on the elbow and leg, but the rest of the place was fine and there was no injury.

Opening the wooden box and dialing it, Chu Lian's expression darkened immediately, and she searched carefully again. All the jewelry on her body was there, except for the Wanfu jade pendant!

"Xi Yan, when you helped me pack my things, did you see the jade pendant hanging from my waist in the morning?"

Xi Yan was also very tired, her face turned pale instantly when she heard this, she looked at the wooden box in Chu Lian's hand, and remembered that the third grandmother did wear a jade pendant in the morning, but now it was not in the box.

"Third Mistress, when this maidservant was packing up your clothes in the palace, she didn't... didn't see the jade pendant..."


Chu Lian leaned limply against the wall of the car, and the plot of the original book kept flashing in Chu Lian's mind.

The Wanfu jade pendant was bestowed by Mrs. He when offering tea, and was later given to Xiao Bojian by Yuan Chulian as a token of love when they met Xiao Bojian in a tryst.

Xiao Bo wore the Jane around his waist every day, and He Changdi saw it with his own eyes, and had a big fight with Chu Lian when he came back.

Yuan Chulian turned a blind eye to He Changdi's anger, and even had a private meeting with Xiao Bojian in front of He Changdi.

Chu Lian was really having a headache. Could it be that she accidentally dropped the jade pendant and Xiao Bojian picked it up? If so, she wouldn't be able to wash it off even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

But I also thought that she ran a long way in the Defeng Teahouse to avoid being chased and killed. It was very likely that she accidentally dropped it at that time. give her.

Thinking of this, Chu Lian felt more at ease.

Chu Lian's mind was in turmoil, but Xiyan knelt down in front of her with a "plop", "Third Mistress, it's not good for you to be slaves. You didn't manage your things properly, so punish your slaves!"

Chu Lian opened her eyes, sighed, and helped her up, "What does this have to do with you? I accidentally lost it. Don't you keep looking at my jewelry for a moment? Forget it, that's A jade pendant, the next time you see Princess Duanjia, ask her if she sees it, maybe you can't lose it!"

Xi Yan sneaked a glance at Chu Lian, seeing that she was really not angry, and felt even more guilty. At the same time, she really felt that the third grandma had a much better temper.

If it was in the British government in the past, if the third grandma lost something, they would not be optimistic, but they would be severely fined.

Thinking about it now, at that time, the third grandma took money very seriously, but now she doesn't care about it at all. Could it be that after getting married, the third grandma also looked away a lot

Thinking about it this way, Xi Yan felt even more distressed about the third grandma.

Chu Lian didn't think about what Xiyan thought, she was speechless, she tried to hide and hide, but she still couldn't avoid meeting Xiao Bojian, why did she always feel that there was a hand in the dark that was always interfering in things direction of development.

Chu Lian pouted angrily, she still didn't believe it, she would definitely be more careful next time, she didn't believe that she couldn't escape!

Damn Xiao Bojian, she didn't want to have anything to do with him, it was her carefree life that mattered.

Anyone who wants to interfere with her life will have trouble with her!

The carriage drove slowly, and when it was approaching Jing'an Bo's mansion, Chu Lian asked Wen Lan to help him recomb his hair, and put on the jewelry he wore when he went out this morning.

When I was in Wei Wangfu, I wore a girl’s bun who hadn’t left the pavilion, but now I have to change it back, and I can’t continue to wear the phoenix-tailed hairpin on my head.

But this dress that was changed in Wei Wangfu is helpless.

As soon as Chu Lian returned to Uncle Jing'an's mansion, the news spread to Mrs. He and Mrs. Zou respectively.

Knowing what happened today, Chu Lian couldn't hide it, so after returning home, he didn't go back to Songtao Garden immediately, but went to Qingyu Hall first with Lan Xiyan.

And Zou, who was waiting early, immediately took people to Qingwei Hall.

The two sisters-in-law met on the corridor leading to Qingyi Hall.

Chu Lian had sensed that Zou Shi was somewhat dissatisfied with him, and immediately behaved more appropriately in front of her.

"Hello, sister-in-law." Chu Lian knelt down to salute Mrs. Zou.

Mrs. Zou took two steps forward and hurriedly supported her arm to make her stand up, but her eyes looked her up and down from time to time. When she recognized the material of her dress, her eyes trembled deeply, but there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. The dress is not quite the same as when I went out in the morning."

Soft fragrant Luo!


Even the royal family doesn't have much material for this dress, it's a tribute from a small southwestern country, and women who are not married women can't get on.

Concubine De got two horses last year, and gave half of them to Mrs. Dingyuan Hou Shizi. Shizi's wife used the half horse to make a dress, which made a big splash at the orchid party of the wives, but now Chu Lian is wearing a dress. Clothes of this material.

Chu Lian had a headache, so she knew it would happen, so she had to be patient and explain to Mrs. Zou.

"Sister-in-law, something happened in Wei Wang's mansion. Let's go to Qingyu hall. My brother and sister will tell you and grandma in detail. The dress of my brother and sister originally belonged to Princess Duanjia, and Princess Duanjia just lent it to you temporarily. Siblings and sisters put it on."

Zou was surprised! Duanjia princess clothes!

Why is Chu Lian so close to Princess Duanjia? Princess Duanjia actually rewarded her with such a precious dress. Look at this dress, which is brand new and beautiful.

Immediately suppressing the shock in his heart, he went to Qingwei Hall with Chu Lian.

After telling Mrs. He what happened today, Chu Lian was sent back to Songtao Garden to rest in Songtao Garden, feeling a little tired.

When Mrs. Zou returned to the hospital, she couldn't stop thinking about it. She never thought that Chu Lian would get such a big benefit just by going out. favored her. After things like this, Chu Lian will definitely go to Wei Wangfu, Zou already has a plan in mind.

Liu Mama came back from Songtao Garden with her maid, and saw that the old matriarch was still sitting on the couch in the flower hall, with the candles flickering around him, her eyes were deep, as if she was deep in thought.

Nanny Liu walked up to the old matriarch, reached out and gently massaged the old matriarch's shoulders, "Old matriarch, are you thinking about the third grandma?"

The old matriarch let out a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect that girl to be so lucky."

"It's also the third grandma who is bold, careful, kind, and affectionate. Otherwise, she would not have come up with a plan to save the princess in such an environment. I want the old slave to say that it is thanks to the third grandma that His Royal Highness King Jin was saved today! If it weren't for the third grandma Ask Wenlan to invite the people from Wucheng Bingmasi, how could they catch the assassin so quickly."