Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 66: reply


On the envelope were written a few vigorous and powerful characters, "My wife, the Chu family, from the family".

Chu Lian pulled the corners of her mouth in a funny way, and He Sanlang didn't feel guilty when he wrote this, this guy is not even willing to consummate the house with him! Don't you feel ashamed to be so "my wife and my wife"

Chu Lian tore open the envelope, and took out a few sheets of paper from the envelope. After unfolding, there were really several sheets, all of which were written in fine detail, but when he looked down, Chu Lian's face turned dark.

What are these! She couldn't understand a single word of the regular script that looked like ghostly drawn symbols!

No, she can still understand two words, that is, the word "Chu Lian" with a big beginning and thick ink.

On the envelope, my wife called her affectionate, but when it came to the content, it was replaced with "Chu Lian" with both names and surnames.

Even if he didn't read the contents of the letter, just by these two words, Chu Lian knew that nothing good was written in the letter.

She curled her lips, but fortunately He Changdi's scribbled writing made her unable to understand, otherwise she would definitely be pissed off by him.

Very politely, he refolded the letter and put it back into the envelope, and then put the envelope into a small pear wood box. Then, Chu Lian sharpened the ink, picked up the brush on the side, and prepared to write a reply.

If He Changdi knew that he had written three full letters of crusade and warning against Chu Lian, a poisonous woman, who was full of anger, and had been sent to her, she would not even read a single word, and wondered if she would spit out a mouthful of blood in anger. . If He Changdi knew that the reason why Chu Lian didn't read the letter was because his excellent cursive script was so smooth that she couldn't understand a single word, I don't know if he would regret showing off his powerful handwriting.

Chu Lian thought for a long time, but she didn't know what to write in the reply letter to He Changdi. She wrote a few words, staring at the upright face on the letter paper, Chu Lian frowned faintly, crumpled the letter paper into a ball and threw it away. into the brazier.

No, no, although she can do a little bit of calligraphy now, there is still a certain gap between those who have been familiar with calligraphy for many years. It's really inappropriate for her to show her handwriting in front of He Changdi rashly like this. What if he becomes suspicious? Her husband, He Sanlang, was already a bit of a snake spirit, so he couldn't be stimulated anymore.

Since I can't write, how can I reply to He Sanlang

Chu Lian scratched his head in annoyance, and out of the corner of his eyes, he caught sight of the quill and charcoal pens that he often used in daily life.

Her almond eyes, which were already bright, suddenly became brighter. By the way, she can't write, but can draw!

That kind of small four-frame comics is nothing to her master of art, okay

Thinking of this, Chu Lian immediately took action, picked up the eyebrow pencil next to her, and with a few strokes, a vivid and interesting pattern appeared on the paper.

The cartoon villain wearing Hanfu and wearing a bun is not himself.

With simple and crisp lines and a few sketches, a scene is vividly described.

In less than an hour, Chu Lian drew 20 paintings, which were so thick that they couldn't even fit in the envelope.

Finally Chu Lian called Xi Yan in.

"Xi Yan, go find me a bigger envelope."

Xi Yan was still in a daze, not knowing what Chu Lian wanted the big envelope for, if he wanted to put things in, he could use a parcel!

Chu Lian held a stack of papers and waved at Xi Yan, Xi Yan suddenly realized.

Laughing busily, she ran out to find an envelope for her. When she met Nanny Gui outside, Nanny Gui wondered why the normally prudent girl was so happy.

Xiyan laughed cheerfully, "Grandmother, you don't know! There is such a stack of letters from the third grandma to the third young master! It can't fit in an ordinary envelope, so I went here to find a big envelope."

As Xi Yan said, she pinched her two fingers together and exaggeratedly compared the thickness.

When she said this, Nanny Gui also became happy. Thinking of the letter that the third young master asked someone to bring back to the third grandma, it must have said something that made the third grandma happy, otherwise how could the third grandma have so much to say? The returned letter couldn't fit in an ordinary envelope.

"Okay, the old slave will also help the third grandma find it."

Finally, the special big envelope was dragged by the housekeeper in the front yard to get it!

In fact, such a large envelope is too rarely used, and there is no one in the house. In the end, the housekeeper was clever and made one out of kraft paper. The thick envelope has a special texture in the hand, just like what is used now Same as file bag.

Nanny Gui and Xiyan watched happily as Chu Lian carefully stuffed the stack of thick paper into a big envelope and sealed it himself, and then wrote the words "San Lang's Friendship" on the envelope. The third grandma put all the sweetness of her heart into this big envelope.

With the "special" reminder from Mammy Liu, Chu Lian was not stingy, and asked Nanny Gui to find a package and pack He Changdi's inner coats, cloak, winter clothes, cloak, shoes, etc., anyway, He Changdi was ready-made. It's done, and Chu Lian doesn't need to bother.

Grandma Zhong stood aside and looked at it with relief, she nodded silently in her heart, feeling that the third grandma really had the third young master in her heart, and she knew how to buy luggage for her husband.

The person who sent the letter explained that he could help deliver some things, but not too much, otherwise it would be inconvenient.

Mrs. He also knew the strict military control at the northern border, so she didn't feel embarrassed, and even explained to Chu Lian.

After packing up a small package, Nanny Zhong took the little girls out to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Nanny Gui thought about it and stayed, helped Chu Lian tie up the package, and then said: "Third grandma, this old servant has heard that the northern region is bitterly cold, so I don't have much to chew on. The third young master is used to rich clothes and fine food in Shengjing city I'm afraid I won't be used to it when I arrive in the north, and I won't be able to eat well, so I'm thinking about the exquisite food in Shengjing City."

Chu Lian didn't understand Nanny Gui's meaning, she looked up at her strangely, tilted her head, her big eyes were moist, and she let out a cute "Huh?"

"Is he going by himself? He didn't tell me a word. You can't blame me for suffering!"

Nanny Gui let out an "ouch" in her heart, "I don't mean that, I mean, the third young master must not be able to eat well or sleep well in the northern border, didn't you ask Xiyan and the girls to do some food a few days ago?" Snacks!"

Anyone who has tasted the food made by Chu Lian's "secret recipe" will understand how tempting this delicious food is. People regard food as their heaven, and eating is the number one priority.

Take Nanny Gui as an example. She is used to eating the meals ordered by the third grandma in Songtao Garden. Now she may not even look down on the most famous restaurants in Shengjing City. Those meals in Songtao Garden are like garbage!

The third grandma doesn't have any strengths either. She used to be able to cook good tea, but now she doesn't even touch the fried tea, so she only sells what she can eat.

Who in this world doesn't like to eat! Especially delicious, no one will not like it!

There is nothing delicious in the northern border, so the third grandma sent some delicious food over, isn't it just to please her

After hearing Nanny Gui's words, Chu Lian remembered that a few days ago, she was fine in Songtao Garden, and she brought snacks made by a group of girls in the yard, because there were often leftover meat in the small kitchen, and it would spoil if not eaten in time Thinking not to waste it, Chu Lian took the girls to make all the pork, beef, etc. into jerky.

There are several kinds of dried pork, Dengying beef shreds, and five-spice beef jerky!

This kind of snack was the first time she made it after she came to the Great Wu Dynasty, and there was not much meat left in the small kitchen every time, so it took a lot of effort to get a few small bags, and even the big maids didn't reward them. He was planning to keep it for himself to eat alone. The shredded Dengying beef was still soaking in the jar. It was a small jar and could be eaten in two days.

Now Nanny Gui asked her to give He Changdi all the snacks she had so hard to get, how could Chu Lian, a snack foodie, be willing to do so.

"Mommy, I made those snacks with great difficulty. I haven't eaten a few yet! But I've been hungry for a long time. Besides, the shredded beef has just been made, so I don't know if I can still eat it. What if it doesn't taste good? !"

Nanny Gui did not expect that the third grandma, who has always been generous and would not blink an eye when rewarding servants with hairpins and rings, would be stingy at this time, and would not even give up a few small bags of food. , Patiently persuaded: "Third Grandma, as long as there is something that you make that is not delicious, don't worry, this old slave has tasted it, and the Dengying Beef Shredded Beef is very delicious!"

Chu Lian widened her eyes in disbelief, pointed at Nanny Gui, and said aggrievedly, "Mom, you actually secretly ate my shredded beef."

Nanny Gui didn't expect that she would accidentally tell the truth, and said awkwardly: "This old slave just tasted it, not what the third grandma said before, it will be fine after soaking for four or five days! This old slave is just for three Grandma just tasted it in advance."

Chu Lian couldn't help being wronged, thinking that no wonder the beef jerky was getting less and less quickly, it turned out that Nanny Gui was also eating it secretly!

Why is she surrounded by big foodies? Isn't it enough to have her alone as a foodie

Nanny Gui found that the topic had been misleading, and hurriedly saved her, "Hey, it's not good for this old slave to steal snacks from the third grandma. Next time, this old slave promises not to steal them, and I will help the third grandma watch Xiyan and the others No. Third grandma, you don’t have many snacks anymore, so you won’t be able to eat them for a long time. Besides, we can make them anytime in the yard. If the third young master likes it, maybe you will miss the third grandma because of these snacks! "

Chu Lian was somewhat moved by Nanny Gui's words, thinking about it, she can cook whenever she wants, but He Changdi can't do it in the north!

She also thought that although she likes those snacks, they don't have much of them, they're just a taste, so just give it to He Changdi.

"Okay, Mammy, let Xiyan get the bag of snacks and put it in a small bag by itself, and tell the messenger to keep it carefully."

"Okay, I'm going now, old slave." Nanny Gui hurriedly got up and rushed to look for Xiyan.

As long as the dried pork and beef jerky are not soaked in water, they can be stored for a long time with a little care, so Chu Lian is not afraid that these things will be broken when they arrive in the north.