Transmigrator Meets Reincarnator

Chapter 85: lucky star


(No, Jiageng is here! Are you good, Ah Lan!)

"It's not good, someone has fainted, please go to the military doctor!"

Xiaowei Guo was not far from the tent where the accident happened, so he hurried over with He Changdi and the others.

Pushing aside the crowd, Captain Guo squatted beside a soldier who had passed out, and asked in a solemn voice, "What's going on?"

"Reporting to the captain, Zhao Qi seems to have a high fever."

Guo Xiaowei stretched out his hand to touch the unconscious soldier's head, and it was really hot.

Xiaobing seemed to be burned and confused, and began to babble.

Everyone waited for a while, but before the doctor arrived, Xiaowei Guo frowned tightly, and was about to shout, the soldier who was going to invite the military doctor ran over quickly, and said in a panic: "Lieutenant, the military doctor has gone to the left wing army. It is not in the account at this time."

what! Guo Xiaowei punched the ground angrily, and there was a dull "boom" sound on the rammed mud.

Xiaowei Guo belongs to the right-wing army, and because he is a vanguard, most of them are cavalry. In the barracks of the army here, the person he has the most trouble with is Gao Changwei, the high school lieutenant of the left-wing army.

He Changdi saw the little soldier's face was red and pitifully burned, he took a few steps closer, and said to Xiaowei Guo who was beside him with an angry face, "Lieutenant, let me see."

He Changdi has read a few medical books, was exiled on the border in his previous life, and learned a few local prescriptions from the barbarian grandmother. At this time, he still has some commonly used Chinese patent medicines that Chu Lian specially sent to him, which can be used in emergencies.

He squatted beside Xiao Bing, first took his pulse, then opened his eyelids to observe, and finally checked his tongue coating, and finally took out a delicate sachet from his pocket. Poured a honey-colored pill from it and put it into Xiaobing's mouth. Xiaobing's mouth was dry and he couldn't swallow the pill. He Changdi took a small gourd from his waist. When he pulled out the gourd, a strange smell wafted out instantly. , it was a smell of wine with a sweet and sweet taste.

The smell of wine wafted in the air instantly, and several old drunkards in the army twitched their noses violently, immediately intoxicated by the strong aroma of wine.

He Changdi didn't care about other people's expressions, he just tipped the gourd slightly and gave Xiaobing a half-sip, then quickly plugged the bottle and hung it back on his waist.

From the afterglow of the sunset, the soldiers onlookers saw that what He Changdi drank for the soldier was a kind of lavender strong-flavored wine, and the pills in the soldier's mouth were washed down the throat because of the wine.

After finishing all this, He Changdi said to the other soldiers beside him: "It's nothing serious, just carry it back, rest for a night and you'll be fine."

He Changdi was patted on the shoulder by Colonel Guo, "I didn't expect Zixiang to know how to identify illnesses. Today, the soldier should thank you a lot, but what kind of wine did you give the soldier to drink just now? People who are sick can't drink alcohol." Drink whatever you want."

He Changdi stood up and bowed to Xiaowei Guo, "Just now, this little brother has a cold and has a persistent high fever. The pill is a proprietary medicine from a shop in Shengjing City. The wine is not a strong drink, but a clove. wine brought by men."

There are antibacterial substances in wine that can fight against cold viruses. Although He Changdi didn't know such a scientific principle, he had seen a wandering old doctor do this in his previous life, and he just remembered to pour a sip of wine for the soldier today.

"Okay, you boy, you have a lot of private goods!"

Before Colonel Guo could pull out the wine that He Changdi was carrying with his bull's-eyes on, he heard a loud voice asking, "Wine? Who has wine? Take it out!"

Xiaowei Guo froze immediately, and after regaining his senses, he quickly greeted him, "General! Why are you here?"

The visitor was dressed in silver armor, with a gray beard, and was thin, but he was full of energy, especially his eyes, which were shrewd.

Lu Guogong, General Qian snorted, "Why, I can't come? Just said who has wine? Quickly bring it out!"

Guo Xiaowei hurriedly winked at He Changdi. He Changdi froze for a moment, then walked over calmly, first saluted General Qian, and then hesitantly removed the small gourd containing wine from his waist and handed it over.

General Qian, the Duke of Lu, had no hobbies in his life, that is, only wine.

Although the food in the northern army was vulgar, the general as the supreme commander was not like ordinary soldiers. He could have a few drinks with every meal, but the wine was not the best wine.

This old alcoholic, General Qian, was very sensitive to the smell of the wine, and just now he walked towards the faint scent in the air, and happened to hear what Guo Xiaowei and He Changdi said again.

In the Great Wu Dynasty, wine was rare, mostly sorghum rice wine. Today's wine is more like a kind of medicinal wine, just like what He Changdi saw in his previous life.

There are few people who drink wine even in Shengjing City, let alone the cool frontier of Liangzhou.

The alcoholic General Qian has seen countless kinds of wine in his life, but this is the first time he has seen wine.

Immediately in front of He Changdi and a group of subordinates, he pulled out the cork from the gourd and took a sip. The sweet and clear aroma of the wine immediately captured General Qian's sense of smell. He was not in a hurry to taste the wine, but put the cork on. The gourd holding the wine was hung on his waist.

Then he pointed to He Changdi, and turned to Captain Guo, "Who is this kid and when did he join the army?"

Guo Xiaowei did not expect that General Qian would personally ask about the situation of He Changdi who offered the wine, and slightly startled, he gave He Changdi a look, which meant to let him speak for himself.

He Changdi obviously didn't expect that he had planned for a long time to meet General Qian, and he would get it so easily because of a small gourd of wine. After being slightly stunned, he did not forget to seize the opportunity and said respectfully: "Back to the general, his subordinate is Jing Anbo's third son, He Jiachangdi, who has been in the northern army for more than a month, and is currently the general of the right-wing army. "

General Qian stared slightly, as if he couldn't believe it. The third boy of the He family had learned kung fu with King Jin back then, but he was a handsome and tall boy at that time. Now that he has a sloppy beard, he describes him as bold and unrestrained. If he remembers correctly, this He Sanlang is only twenty years old.

In fact, it is no wonder that General Qian thinks so, people love beauty at that time, and in Shengjing City, there are some men with hairpins and hairpins. Many men, even in middle age, do not have beards, and their faces are clean and tidy. Chu Qi, the second master of the British government, is a typical example.

Most of the people with beards seen on the street are old people over fifty. There are not many people with big beards at such a young age as He Changdi.

A black beard covered most of his handsome face, no wonder General Qian didn't recognize him at all.

"Boy of the He family! Why did you come to this old man!" General Qian was surprised at first, and then his face was full of sternness and dissatisfaction.

As soon as He Changdi was about to reply, General Qian's expression became serious, and he said under suppressed anger, "You and the old man come here!"

Guo Xiaowei watched He Changdi's tall and straight figure follow General Qian to the camp, and he took a long time to look away.

After a while, Captain Guo raised the corner of his mouth and sighed, "This kid is really lucky."

Zhang Mai, who was standing next to Captain Guo, also smiled gently, "I really want to meet this little brother and sister someday."

He Changdi was able to get closer to Captain Guo today, and met General Qian again, but it was because of two small things sent by his wife at home. These two things helped him a lot. His daughter-in-law who just passed the door is really his. lucky star.

Guo Xiaowei glanced at the old brother beside him, "If Ah Mai is envious, why don't you marry another house? It's been ten years since that happened."

Zhang Maiyuan had a wife for a long time. His family was a military household, and the imperial court recruited soldiers. He had to leave his wife who had just been married for half a year and leave home. The old father and young wife at home. When he left, his wife was just pregnant. He thought his wife would give birth. The next son and half daughter, who knows, when his wife was pregnant in July, the village where his hometown was located was attacked by bandits. The father died protecting his daughter-in-law, and the child in the wife's womb was not saved. When Zhang Mai left, he was still a reunion family, and within a year, he was reduced to a single person. It is precisely because of this that although he was secretly wounded, he still did not retire from the army and has been serving in the army.

Zhang Mai shook his head, and changed the subject casually, "It seems that this kid has a lot in stock. When I get back, I'll have to look for it. Maybe there's something delicious."

Captain Guo could only shake his head helplessly.

Chu Lian went back to Uncle Jing'an's mansion, first went to Qingwei Hall, and Madam Liu greeted her, first told Chu Lian the news that the Wang family's family had been disposed of, and then led her to the old Madam He. .

Mrs. He was so comforted, and then told her to go to the palace to thank her and have a banquet through the Mid-Autumn Festival, so that she could go back and prepare.

The Mid-Autumn Festival Banquet in the palace was originally held for the high-ranking foreign wives in Shengjing City. Originally, it was not for Chu Lian's business. The status of a fifth-rank Jinyi Township Lord is still hanging, but now he can't do it if he doesn't enter the palace.

After bidding farewell to Mrs. He, and returning to their own yard, Nanny Zhong and Nanny Gui showed her the gowns they entered the palace on the Mid-Autumn Festival. The two nuns figured it out.

As usual, I practiced two big characters in the small study, and re-listed the plan to reorganize and return to Linju, crossed out the inappropriate items before, and added some according to the situation I saw today. It's time to rest.

In the next two days of free time, Chu Lian used the money he had saved these days to hand over to the old matriarch to allocate to his own staff, and asked them to find someone to renovate Guilin residence according to his plan.

Time passed quickly, and it was the Mid-Autumn Festival in the blink of an eye.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival in the Dawu Dynasty, there was a custom to eat Tuan Cake. This is a dessert made of glutinous rice flour, which is soft and sticky. Roll different crumbs for different flavors. The usual flavors include sesame crumbs, soybean powder, jujube powder and so on.

Some are like glutinous rice dumplings eaten in modern times.

The method is very simple, and the innovations of various governments are only on the layer of debris that is configured outside...

Waking up early in the morning, she saw Nanny Gui instructing the cook in the kitchen to make ball cakes. Seeing the sticky snacks, Chu Lian really lost her appetite. Thinking of the mooncakes that are eaten every Mid-Autumn Festival in modern times, she still couldn’t hold back My hands were itchy, so I decided to make some. Even if I don’t want to give it away, it’s good to have a piece for myself to reminisce about my life in the modern age.