Tranxending Vision

Chapter 1: Disaster comes from heaven


"Something happened, something happened!"

"Xia Lei's eye was injured by the arc light! Please help!"

On the construction site, some people screamed, some ran, and some were anxiously dialing the ambulance number. The whole scene was a mess.

On the welding field of the construction site, Xia Lei huddled up in a ball. His left eye was burned black by the arc light, exuding a burnt smell. Blood, water and dust mingled on his face, giving people a miserable sight.

"Hey, it's such a pity that one of the eyes of such a young and handsome baby has been lost like this." Someone sighed.

"He also has a sister at home who is admitted to college. If he is blind, how can his sister go to college?"

"Hey, Xia Lei is a very nice young man. He always rushes to do work and is kind to others. How could something like this happen to him? God is so cruel."

There was a lot of discussion and many people were sighing.

Xia Lei's mother died of illness at an early age, and his father disappeared mysteriously five years ago. That year, he happened to be admitted to Kyoto University, but considering his sister Xia Xue, who was still in junior high school, he tore up the admission notice with tears in his eyes. When his sister asked him, he said he missed the exam by a few points. From then on, he started working on construction sites, doing whatever he could as long as he could make money. Now, his sister Xia Xue has also been admitted to Kyoto University, but something like this happened to him...

After a brief period of numbness, severe pain swept over him. Xia Lei's body twitched, and then his vision went dark and he passed out.

Someone was calling his name in his ears, but he could no longer hear the sounds. In the darkness, he felt as if his body was floating on a river, ups and downs, heading towards hell.

Time is imperceptible to a person who has fainted.

I don't know how long it took before Xia Lei opened his eyes. He saw a glimmer of light, and then saw a fat face, that was the face of his hair pony Xiao An. However, because he could only open one right eye, he couldn't see very clearly, and it felt like a double image.

"Leizi, are you awake?" Ma Xiaoan's voice was full of excitement.

"Where am I?" As he spoke, Xia Lei suddenly thought of something, and he reached out to touch his left eye. There was gauze wrapped around his left eye, and it hurt when he touched it.

Ma Xiaoan grabbed Xia Lei's hand and said, "Don't worry, Lei Zi, the doctor said that your left eye may not be blind. If you treat it well, it will be fine."

"Not necessarily? What does it mean not necessarily?" Xia Lei was very anxious and a little out of control.

Ma Xiaoan hesitated to speak. He seemed to know something but did not dare to say it.

"Say it!" Xia Lei became even more anxious.

At this time, a middle-aged man walked in from the door. He was slightly fat, wearing a famous brand suit, wearing gold and silver, and he was very wealthy. He is the owner of the construction company, Chen Chuanhu.

Seeing Chen Chuanhu coming in, Ma Xiaoan moved some places.

Xia Lei struggled to sit up from his bed and said hello, "Mr. Chen, why are you..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Chuanhu interrupted him, "Xia Lei, what did you do? Not only burned a welding machine, but also burned a transformer. Do you know that a welding machine plus one A transformer costs more than 20,000 yuan? This is not included. The construction period has been delayed, so who is responsible for the loss?"

A burst of anger suddenly rushed into Xia Lei's heart. Just now, he thought Chen Chuanhu was here to visit him, but he didn't expect that this guy was here to settle scores!

Ma Xiaoan couldn't help it anymore and said angrily: "Chen, what do you mean? Huh? There is a 90% chance that one of my friend's eyes will be blind, and you still fucking say such things , are you a human?"

These words were like a thunder exploding in Xia Lei's head, and he was completely stunned.

Ma Xiaoan suddenly realized that he had let something slip, but the words he said were like water that was thrown out and could not be recovered. He looked at Chen Chuanhu hatefully, it was all his fault!

At this time, Chen Chuanhu sneered, "What does his blindness have to do with me? Do we have an employment contract? No? So, I'm not afraid even if you take it to court."

Xia Lei's face was livid with anger and his teeth were clenching.

Chen Chuanhu was still adding fuel to the fire, "I sent you to the hospital because you were pitiful. I paid 10,000 yuan for the hospitalization fee. You can be discharged when you finish the treatment. In addition, I will pay Please leave a message, this 10,000 yuan is enough to settle the matter, don’t look for me again, it’s useless to look for me.”

"Asshole!" Ma Xiaoan said angrily: "I'm blind in one eye. Do you want to settle it with ten thousand yuan?"

Chen Chuanhu raised his finger and pointed at Ma Xiaoan's nose, and suddenly turned his face, "You kid, stop worrying about this. If you want to make trouble, I will help you! Damn it, you don't want to ask me who Chen Chuanhu is. If you try to make trouble again, I will I will destroy you in minutes!"

At this moment, Xia Lei suddenly grabbed the water glass on the bedside table and smashed it over.

There was a muffled sound, and Chen Chuanhu was caught off guard and his head was suddenly hit with a gash. Bloody red blood flowed down, wetting half of his big face covered with flesh in the blink of an eye.

"Damn! How dare you hit me!" Chen Chuanhu was furious.

Suddenly two tall and thin young men rushed in at the door. They had tattoos and earrings. You could tell at a glance that they were gangsters.

"Hit me!" Chen Chuanhu pointed at the sick Xia Lei and shouted.

The two young men rushed forward.

Ma Xiaoan turned around to block Xia Lei behind him, and the fists of the two young men fell hard on his head and back. Ma Xiaoan gritted his teeth and endured, using his body to protect Xia Lei, and at the same time suppressing Xia Lei to prevent him from being impulsive.

"What are you doing?" A nurse appeared at the door pushing a tool cart. She was stunned for a moment, then screamed: "Someone is coming, there's a fight!"

The nurse turned and ran to call security.

"Wait for me, kid!" Chen Chuanhu said harshly, turned around and walked out the door. The two young men also left with him.

Ma Xiaoan then let go of Xia Lei. Several bumps had appeared on his head, and he grimaced in pain.

"Why are you blocking me?" Xia Lei lost control of his emotions and shouted, "I want to kill him!"

"Kill him? He's a rotten person, but you still have a sister to take care of. He enjoys everything from wine, sex and wealth, but you haven't even had a good day. Is it a good deal for you?" Ma Xiaoan sighed, " Lei Zi, calm down!"

Xia Lei is actually not an impulsive and reckless person. The absence of his parents has allowed him to develop an independent and mature character. But today's situation is really too bad. When he thinks about it, there is a 90% chance that his eyes will be damaged. If he goes blind, he won't be able to calm down.

"I'm sorry, Xiao An..." Xia Lei wanted to say something but didn't say it. He was so confused.

Ma Xiaoan patted Xia Lei on the shoulder, "Why are you being polite to me? If it were you, you would do the same for me."

Indeed, when Ma Xiaoan was bullied in the past, Xia Lei always rushed to protect him and stood up for him.

"Do you want me to tell Xiaoxue?"

"No, don't tell her." Xia Lei said nervously: "She is now giving tutoring lessons at school. She will be anxious if she finds out."

"But she will know one day."

"Then..." Xia Lei bit his lip, let's talk about it then. "

At this time, the nurse walked into the ward with the security guard. The security guard asked Xia Lei some information, while the nurse treated the wound on Ma Xiaoan's head. After a while, the nurse and security guard left, and the matter was settled.

Ma Xiaoan stayed with Xia Lei until night before leaving the hospital. After he left, Xia Lei couldn't sleep. He thought a lot. He thought about the cost of medicine, his future, and his sister Xia Xue and her dream of going to Kyoto University. Later, tiredness came over him, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He didn't know how long he slept, but his left eye started to itch, and he woke up. It was an indescribable itching, itchy to the core, itchy to death.

Xia Lei called the nurse, but the nurse didn't respond for a long time. He found the pager on the bedside and pressed it, but the pager was broken.

"Unlucky, how long will I be unlucky? What kind of shabby hospital is this?" Xia Lei was very depressed. He got up from his bed and walked to the door cautiously.

He originally wanted to go out to the nurse's station, but when he reached the door, he stopped.

"The doctors and nurses here know that I have no money, and because of Chen Chuanhu's troubles during the day, they are even more convinced that I can't afford the medical bills. I asked them to check and treat my wounds, and it was late at night, and they definitely ignored me. , maybe you’ll give me a blank stare. Forget it, I’ll just endure it.” After thinking about it, he turned around again.

The bathroom door was open, and Xia Lei saw himself in the mirror.

He is actually not bad looking, with handsome features and good looks. Coupled with a height of 1.8 meters and strong body curves, he is the kind of young man who is very sunny and handsome. It's a pity that all this seems to be leaving him. If he is blind in his left eye and has a big scar on his face, women will stay away from him when they see him, right

Xia Lei felt sad about himself in the mirror.

A burst of itching suddenly struck, interrupting Xia Lei's thoughts. He secretly thought, "The itching of the wound is a symptom of wound healing, but I only suffered the injury during the day, why do I feel itchy at night? No, my eyes It’s my own eyes, I have to see what it’s like now.”

Xia Lei entered the bathroom, stood in front of the sink, faced the mirror, and reached out to untie the knot of gauze.

The gauze was peeled off layer by layer. After the last layer of gauze was peeled off, Xia Lei saw his left eye. He was stunned when he saw it.

There was a layer of blood scar on his left eye. The blood scar was like solidified red glue. It was as big as a tea leaf, and it was completely covered in blood. But the strange thing was that when he was observing his left eye, he vaguely felt that the sight of his left eye seemed to penetrate the thick layer of blood scars and see the light in the bathroom, but it was very blurry.

"This... how is it possible?" Xia Lei was stunned.

Under normal circumstances, even if his left eye was not injured and a blood scar covered his eye, he would not be able to see anything, but now he actually saw light!

What's happening here

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