Tranxending Vision

Chapter 103: rat


Dozens of large round tables were placed in the auditorium of Dongfang Heavy Industries. When Xia Lei followed Chi Jingqiu into the auditorium, it was already full of guests and friends. A stage was set up under the main wall of the auditorium, and several musicians were playing "The Street Where the Wind Lives" with a soothing rhythm. Beautiful music, well-dressed guests, everything exudes elegance.

Xia Lei quickly glanced at the entire auditorium and saw several familiar faces, Ning Yuanshan, Xu Zhengyi, Xu Lang, Ren Wenqiang, Ning Jing and Hu Hou. After looking at the hall, he didn't see Shentu Tianyin. He felt a little strange in his heart: "Her car has arrived, but she is not here. What's going on?"

"Let's sit here." Chi Jingqiu walked to a dining table with Xia Lei on her arm.

There were several guests sitting at the dining table, but Xia Lei didn't recognize any of them. He pulled out a dining chair for Chi Jingqiu, and after Chi Jingqiu sat down, he also sat down.

Chi Jingqiu whispered: "After the dinner there is a dance, dance with me."

Xia Lei said: "Your father-in-law and your husband will also attend this dinner, right? Aren't you afraid that they will be unhappy if you dance with me?"

Chi Jingqiu pursed her lips and smiled, "It's just a dance, not going to bed with you. So what if they are unhappy? I don't care."

Xia Lei was speechless, "Let's talk about it then."

At this point the musicians stopped playing and left the stage. The large LCD screen on the stage was activated and a promotional video for the Vientiane Group's wind power project was played. Blue sea, clean beach, countless rotating wind turbines, and an elegant woman standing on the beach. The woman had her back to the screen, and the sea breeze lifted her white dress and danced slowly. She was barefoot, head raised, looking at the undulating blue sea. This picture is extremely beautiful.

Xia Lei's eyes suddenly froze on the big screen. Although he did not see the face of the woman in the screen, he knew that this woman was not an actress or a model, but Shentu Tianyin, the president of the Wanxiang Family.

Xia Lei couldn't look away from him. There were ripples in his heart, very soft ripples.

"Leizi, you know Shentu Tianyin and helped her resolve a crisis." Chi Jingqiu said: "Why don't you ask her for help? As long as she is willing to help you, it will be difficult for you not to get rich in this life." . Take the current matter as an example, the Wanxiang Group’s wind power project has not yet been completed, and many people are looking for connections to buy shares in the wind power project. This is a sure-profit investment. I also want to buy it, but unfortunately there is no channel. .”

"Can't you buy it when the stock market opens?" Xia Lei said.

Chi Jingqiu said: "You are talking about stocks in the secondary market. Who cares? Can the stocks that retail investors can buy be profitable stocks? I am talking about stocks in the primary market. Otherwise, you can go look for them. Can we all buy into Shentu Tianyin’s relationship?”

Xia Lei said calmly: "You can go ahead, I'm not familiar with her."

Chi Jingqiu sighed, "Hey, I don't want to make money even if I have it. I really don't understand you."

Xia Lei just looked at the big screen. Shentu Tianyin turned around with a bright smile on her face. A line of narration appeared on the screen: Cherish nature, all things wind, we work together.

The scene froze and warm applause erupted in the auditorium.

Xia Lei also clapped his hands, and said secretly in his heart: "Put aside the commercial purpose, wind power is really a good thing that is beneficial to the environment. However, I am afraid that such a good thing can only be done by people of Shentu Tianyin's level. Can you do it?”

Investing billions of dollars is indeed not something ordinary people can do.

Suddenly there was another round of applause at the entrance of the auditorium. Xia Lei looked back and saw Shentu Tianyin walking into the auditorium surrounded by a group of followers.

Ning Yuanshan stood up and greeted him.

All the guests stood up and applauded, giving Shentu Tianyin the highest honor. At this moment, Shentu Tianyin was like a queen arriving at the palace, extremely noble and proud.

Xia Lei also stood up. This was not because he admired Shentu Tianyin, but because everyone stood up, it was not appropriate for him to sit alone.

"I have to go do something. I'll come over to accompany you later." Chi Jingqiu said to Xia Lei, and then walked towards Shentu Tianyin and Ning Yuanshan. She is Ning Yuanshan's secretary, so of course she has to do things like greeting and serving people.

Shentu Tianyin and Ning Yuanshan came to the stage to speak. Ning Yuanshan gave a speech first, and then Shentu Tianyin also walked to the stage and said some words of thanks and improvement of the environment. The dinner party then started, but Chi Jingqiu did not come back.

"Ning Yuanshan invited me here just because he wanted me to have a meal?" A wry smile appeared on the corner of Xia Lei's mouth. He originally wanted to take this opportunity to meet some potential customers, but now it seems that this wish will come true.

At this time, the text message ringtone of the mobile phone suddenly rang. Xia Lei took out his phone and took a look, but it was a text message from Ning Jing: Lei Zi, why are you here? I see you.

Xia Lei looked in the direction where he saw Ning Jing before. He saw Ning Jing, and she was also looking at him. Their eyes met, and Jing Jing smiled at him.

Xia Lei also smiled and nodded from her.

As if he noticed something, Ren Wenqiang, who was sitting at the same table with Ning Jing, also looked here, and then saw Xia Lei. He then glanced at Jingjing again, his eyes full of displeasure. Jing Jing then lowered his head.

Xu Lang, who was sitting next to Ren Wenqiang, also saw Xia Lei. He moved next to Ren Wenqiang, and the two of them talked in a low voice.

What would those two guys say? Perhaps because he was too bored, Xia Lei locked eyes with Ren Wenqiang and Xu Lang with his left eye, interpreting their conversation with lip language.

"Why is that guy Xia Lei here?" Xu Lang said disdainfully: "Is a small workshop owner qualified to attend such a dinner? How did Uncle Ning do this? Didn't he review the guest list?"

There was a sneer on Ren Wenqiang's lips, "Probably he begged Director Ning to let him come. People like him who come from the market have no regard for dignity and will do any embarrassing thing to achieve their goals."

Xu Lang said: "I don't know why, but I just don't like him."

Ren Wenqiang whispered: "He is like a fly, and I hate him very much. How about we play tricks on him tonight, let him make a fool of himself in public, and let him know himself."

"Okay, I wonder if Brother Ren has any good ideas?"

Ren Zhiqiang put his mouth to Xu Lang's ear, "I'll ask Ning Jing to invite the boy over later, and then put some medicine in a bottle of wine. I will use the bottle of medicine-added wine to pour him wine. Sometimes you rush to pour me wine, do you understand what I mean?"

Xu Lang nodded, "I understand, but what medicine are you going to give him?"

"Indian God Oil."

"How come you have that kind of medicine and still have it with you?"

"It just adds to the fun, so don't worry about it." While speaking, Ren Wenqiang glanced at Ning Jing out of the corner of his eye.

Jing Jing still lowered her head, not daring to look at Xia Lei or Ren Wenqiang.

"Okay, this is a good idea. I can't wait to see that boy show his ugly face, hehe." Xu Lang smiled.

Ren Wenqiang also smiled. He ended his whisper with Xu Lang, then leaned into Jing Jing's ear and said to her: "Jing Jing, I saw Mr. Xia. He was sitting there alone without even an acquaintance. You Go and invite him over, we all know each other, and it’s fun when we all drink together.”

A smile suddenly appeared on Jing Jing's face, "Have you reconciled?"

Ren Wenqiang said: "The unpleasantness has long since passed. Am I such a stingy person? Go ahead. I also want to give him a gift and apologize. In this way, we will be friends in the future."

"Okay, I'll invite him over right away." Jing Jing stood up and walked towards Xia Lei.

Xia Lei sighed in his heart, Ning Jing was too innocent and too cowardly. He could completely see that she didn't like Ren Wenqiang at all, but she was forced to be with him under pressure from her parents.

"Ren Wenqiang carries medicine like Indian magic oil on his body. He definitely didn't expect me to come and brought it specifically to punish me, but to use it on you. How can you, such a person, do this for such a long time? Can't you see through his true colors?" Xia Lei felt sorry for Ning Ning and felt pathetic.

Jing Jing walked over with a joyful smile on his face, "Leizi, what a coincidence. Did you see the text message I sent you?"

Xia Lei said: "I saw it, hello, Sister Ning." As he spoke, his eyes moved to Ren Wenqiang, and the dining table that blocked his sight suddenly disappeared from his sight.

Under the table, Ren Wenqiang took out a small glass bottle from his trouser pocket. Xu Lang handed an opened bottle of red wine from under the table to Ren Wenqiang's hand. Ren Wenqiang poured the brown liquid in the small glass bottle into the red wine bottle and shook it gently a few times to allow the wine and liquid to fully blend.

Xia Lei's left eye was locked on the red wine bottle in Ren Wenqiang's hand, and the QR code on the bottle immediately came into his sight. When Ren Wenqiang put the bottle of drugged red wine at his feet, he looked away.

"Come over and sit with me. Long time no see. I want to chat with you." Ning Jing said.

Xia Lei said: "Ren Wenqiang and I had a bad time, wouldn't it be appropriate for me to go?"

Jing Jing continued: "No, no, you don't know, he asked me to come over and invite you over, and he also said he wanted to apologize to you."

Xia Lei said: "Let's forget it. It's not suitable for me to go over. How about this? You sit at the same table with me and we can chat."

Jing Jing glanced at Ren Wenqiang subconsciously. It was inconvenient to say what he wanted to say. Just a moment ago, he looked happy, but in the blink of an eye he became sad.

Xia Lei couldn't bear it and said, "Sister Ning, I'm not telling you. People like Ren Wenqiang are insidious and cunning. If you follow him, you will not be happy."

There were tears in Jing Jing's eyes, "You know, I don't like him at all, but he is very popular with my parents. My dad has a heart disease. I, I..."

Xia Lei stood up and said, "Okay, I'll accompany you there."

Jing Jing suddenly smiled again, "Yeah."

Xia Lei followed her, walking very slowly, "Sister Ning, listen to my advice. It's you who are looking for your partner, not your parents. You have to have your own opinion, otherwise your next You will spend half your life in tears, do you want that?"

Jing Jing bit her lip and nodded slightly.

Xia Lei sighed again in his heart, and secretly said in his heart: "I can only help you so much, and you still have to rely on yourself for the rest."