Tranxending Vision

Chapter 111: Uncontrollable anger


The next day, Long Bing went to deal with information, and Xia Lei followed Xia Xue around Kyoto as he wished. The brother and sister first visited the Great Wall and then went to the Forbidden City in the afternoon.

"Brother, that's the emperor's throne, isn't it majestic?" Xia Xue pointed at the emperor's dragon chair in the Qianqing Palace and said.

Xia Lei looked at the dragon chair and said with a smile: "It's just a wooden chair, not as comfortable as a sofa."

"That symbolizes the rights of the emperor. Over the past six hundred years of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, countless people have lost their heads and shed blood just to sit on this chair." Xia Xue looked like she was going to give Xia Lei a history lesson. look.

For some unknown reason, Xia Lei suddenly remembered the compass he had repaired.

That compass is an ancient artifact from the Yongle period, which happens to be a product of the same era as the Forbidden City.

"This Forbidden City was built by Emperor Zhu Di of the Ming Dynasty, and the compass was also engraved with the words of Emperor Yongle. With the technology and productivity at the time, it would have to be an emperor's home to complete such a magical compass. Assuming that compass is Zhu Di made it under his own instructions, what is he going to do with that compass?" The past events about the compass came to mind, and Xia Lei's mind was filled with thoughts.

"Brother, I'm going to the bathroom. Can you wait for me here?" Xia Xue said.

"Well, go ahead." Xia Lei nodded and watched Xia Xue leave. He was still thinking about the compass in his mind, but it was just out of pure curiosity. After Long Bing took away the repaired compass, he never saw it again, and no one talked to him about the compass.

I'm afraid Zhu Di himself knows best what secrets that compass contains, right? After much deliberation and no solution, Xia Lei concluded in his mind like this, with a hint of a teasing smile on his lips.

Jingle bell, jingle bell…

The cell phone rang suddenly. The call was from Chi Jingqiu.

Xia Lei walked out of Qianqing Palace and answered the phone, "Jingqiu, what's the matter?"

"How have you considered that matter?" Chi Jingqiu said straight to the point: "My client is no longer patient. Do you think there is less money or something else?"

Seeing the number on the caller ID, Xia Lei guessed what she was going to say, and he had already prepared the answer for her, "Is your client in a hurry? I'm sorry, I have a lot of things to do during this time. , you know, the company has just started operating and the supermarket has just opened... Otherwise, you can let him find someone else."

"Xia Lei!" Chi Jingqiu was angry, "If others could process it, would I still find you?"

Xia Lei smiled, "Then why did he lose his patience? Let him wait until I finish the matter at hand."

"You..." Chi Jingqiu softened again, and her voice became hoarse, "Brother Lei Zi, my dear Brother Lei Zi, please help me with this for the sake of our old classmates. Go back."

"Of course I want to help you. Did I say I won't help you? If I didn't help you, I would have refused." Xia Lei said.

"Then tell me, how can you help me?"

"actually… "

Before Xia Lei could make an excuse, Chi Jingqiu interrupted Xia Lei, "Do you want me to sleep with you? No problem, I'll come to your house tonight, I'll be waiting for you clean Come on, do you think I will serve you like a god?"

Only a woman like Chi Jingqiu can say such words.

Moreover, what she said was not a lie. As long as Xia Lei nodded, she would really do that. She would clean him up and serve Xia Lei like a god in various ways. However, Xia Lei did not dare to nod like this.

"Brother Lei Zi, okay? As long as you nod, I'll do whatever you want. You can play whatever you want, okay?" Chi Jingqiu's voice was like a baby's vibrato, which could make the bones of anyone who listens tremble.

"Let's not make such jokes. I'm in Kyoto now. Let's talk about it when I get back." Xia Lei could no longer stand her teasing.

"Are you in Kyoto? What are you doing in Kyoto?" Chi Jingqiu's voice suddenly became normal.

Xia Lei said: "It's like this. I went to China Industrial Group to do something, and they also have new orders for me."

"So that's it... Okay, we'll talk about it when you come back. Let me tell you first, I placed the order before China Industrial Group, so you have to complete it for me first." Chi Jingqiu said.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Okay, okay, I will finish it for you first. Okay, that's it, contact you later, goodbye."

Before Chi Jingqiu could say anything else, Xia Lei hung up the phone.

Although he hung up the phone, Chi Jingqiu's voice lingered in Xia Lei's mind. He quietly recalled the process of the phone call just now, and he also had a doubt in his heart, "Chi Jingqiu's reaction is normal. Isn't she afraid that I will find out what the parts are used for? Or, the matter itself is It’s a normal transaction, am I too suspicious? Also, what role does Gu Kewen play in this matter?”

A series of questions, but the answers are hidden in deep places and difficult to find.

"Brother." Xia Xue's voice called Xia Lei back from his thoughts.

Xia Lei looked up at Xia Lei and was suddenly stunned.

There was a red slap mark on Xia Xue's cheek, and there were faint tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Brother, let's go back. There's nothing good to see in this place." Xia Xue didn't dare to look at Xia Lei and just urged him to leave.

Xia Lei said in a low voice: "Why are there slap marks on your face? Who slapped you? Tell me, what's going on?"

"No,'s okay." Xia Xue said nervously: "Brother, don't ask, let's go."

Xia Lei suppressed the anger in his heart and said, "It's okay, I just want to know what's going on."

"Just now... Wuwu..." It seemed that she suddenly returned to the moment of humiliation. Xia Xue's tears suddenly rolled down, and she couldn't even cry out what she wanted to say.

At this moment, three girls aged eighteen or nineteen and four young men in their twenties came over. One of the girls suddenly pointed at Xia Xue and said, "She is there, and that little bitch is there!"

Xia Lei looked at the sound. The three girls were scantily clad and wore heavy makeup when they were young. They looked like little girls at first glance. The four young men were also dressed in fancy clothes, each with tattoos and earrings. None of these young people's clothing, temperament and image are normal. Seeing these young people, he seemed to have guessed something, and his face suddenly darkened.

Xia Xue held Xia Lei's hand in fear and said anxiously: "Brother, let's, let's go."

Xia Lei didn't move, "Let's go? Where are we going? They were the ones who beat you, right?"

"Brother, let's go, please..." Xia Xue was about to cry again.

Xia Lei still didn't leave. The more Xia Xue felt wronged and frightened, the more angry he felt in his heart.

Seven young men trotted over and surrounded Xia Lei and Xia Xue in the blink of an eye.

A girl with smoky make-up pointed at Xia Xue and cursed: "Damn it, little bitch, what did you say just now? No quality? I just want to ask you what quality is!"

Xia Xue hid behind Xia Lei, trembling with fear.

Xia Lei said aloud: "What's going on? Who are you calling a bitch? Keep your mouth clean."

The girl with smoky make-up didn't seem to expect that Xia Lei would dare to talk back. She laughed angrily, "Ha! So you came to find help. What should you do? I'm so scared!"

"Hahaha..." The four young people laughed.

"Hehehe..." The other two little girls also laughed.

The laughter was full of ridicule and contempt, and Xia Lei's eyes became cold.

The girl with smoky makeup suddenly pointed at Xia Xue, who was hiding behind Xia Lei, and said viciously: "Damn it, it's none of your business that I threw the sanitary napkin on the ground? How dare you say that I have no quality? I won't do it today." Just take a video of your clothes and upload it online and I’ll—”

Her voice suddenly stopped because Xia Lei's slap had already hit her face. In anger, Xia Lei slapped her forward, causing her head to turn ninety degrees. A big tooth also flew out of the mouth and stuck into the face of a young man.

This slap stunned the group of young people, because none of them expected that this gentle-looking man would suddenly take action, and he would be so cruel!

The girl with smoky make-up who was slapped was stunned for a moment, and suddenly yelled: "What are you still doing standing here? Beat him! Whoever beats him down, I will sleep with him tonight!"

The four young men looked at each other and rushed forward.

Xia Lei kicked a young man who was rushing towards him to the ground. Then he hit the face of the young man who was rushing towards him from behind with his elbow. The guy fell to the ground holding his head. Before the remaining two could recover, Xia Lei pulled away and kicked another one down with a long sideways kick. The remaining one ran away.

Three of the four people were knocked down in the blink of an eye, and one escaped. The three girls were immediately frightened. They wanted to run, but Xia Lei rushed over and blocked them. As soon as he waved his hand, the three girls screamed in fear and squatted on the ground.

At this time, a large group of tourists also gathered around, pointing and talking at Xia Lei and the three girls.

Xia Lei was still angry and asked sharply: "Who beat my sister?"

The two other girls glanced at the girl with smoky makeup. Although they didn't speak, their eyes gave the answer. It was the girl with smoky makeup who beat Xia Xue.

"Is that you?" Xia Lei looked at the girl with smoky makeup.

The girl with smoky makeup said playfully: "So what if it's me? If you dare to hit me, I'll tell my elder brother later, and my elder brother will bring his brothers to come to settle the score with you! Just wait!"

Xia Lei could no longer control the anger in his heart. He kicked the girl with smoky makeup on the chest. The girl with smoky makeup screamed, rolled several times on the ground, and then fainted. Dead in the past.

"She's just a little girl, why are her hands so heavy?" someone in the crowd said.

"Yeah, even if there is something wrong with someone, just give him a lesson. Isn't that too harsh?" someone said.

"With this kick, I'm afraid I'll have to stay in the hospital for a long time." Someone said.

"Well done. Such a little girl is too arrogant. She joins the society at such a young age. I really don't know how her parents raised her." Others said that she was well played.

"That is, at such an age, they should go to school, join society, have sex, and be the lovers of bad people. Are they worthy of the upbringing of their parents?" This is also agreed upon.

These comments fell on Xia Lei's ears, and his mood slowly calmed down. In fact, if his sister Xia Xue hadn't been beaten and it had been something else, he would definitely not have dealt with such a heavy blow. You must know that his sister Xia Xue is basically his life. Xia Xue has been his family's treasure since he was a child. His parents are reluctant to beat or scold him. He has never even said a harsh word to Xia Xue. Very well-behaved, when had she ever been insulted like this? Beating Xia Xue was simply more uncomfortable than cutting his flesh!

"The police are here." Someone suddenly said.

Xia Lei then said to Xia Xue: "Go back to school quickly."

"But, brother..." Xia Xue didn't want to leave alone at this time.

Xia Lei glared at her, "You are still a student, read your book with peace of mind, I won't be in trouble, hurry up!"

"elder brother… "

Xia Xue wanted to say something else, but Xia Lei pushed her into the crowd of onlookers.

Xia Xue left in tears.

The two policemen lined up the crowd and walked to Xia Lei.

The two girls squatting on the ground suddenly pointed at Xia Lei and said, "That's him. He injured my sister."

A policeman said: "Send the injured to the hospital. You all follow me to the police station."

Another policeman took out the handcuffs, looked at Xia Lei, and said politely: "Hands out."

Xia Lei hesitated for a moment and finally stretched out his hand.

Click! A bright silver handcuff fell on Xia Lei's wrist.

In the crowd, a middle-aged man had a strange smile on his face. He watched Xia Lei being taken away by two policemen. After he walked away, he took out a mobile phone from his trouser pocket...