Tranxending Vision

Chapter 112: It turned out that he was causing trouble


Xia Lei was taken to a police station next to the Forbidden City, where the officer who handcuffed him interrogated him. The police officer’s surname was Wang and his name was Wang Wei. After hearing other police officers address him, Xia Lei also found out that he was the director of this precinct.

"Do you know what mistake you made?" Wang Wei slapped the notebook on the table in the interrogation room with a serious expression and a stern tone, "You beat up an underage girl. The girl was only seventeen years old. This is If you break the law, you may go to jail. As for how long you will be jailed, it depends on the judge's decision. So you'd better have a correct attitude."

Xia Lei said: "It is indeed wrong to hit someone, but I was defending myself."

Wang Wei's brows suddenly frowned. He obviously didn't want to hear such a statement.

Xia Lei ignored Wang Wei's feelings and continued: "The cause of this incident was just that my sister said in the bathroom that the girl should not throw the sanitary napkin on the ground. The girl slapped my sister and my sister ran away. But she refused to let go and chased me with others. I asked her why, and she asked her companions to beat me. At that time, four young men took action. If I didn't fight back, who would be lying in the hospital? My sister and I. So, I acted in self-defense, I didn’t break the law.”

Wang Wei said displeasedly: "If you act like this, I can't help you."

Xia Lei said: "No need to help. If she wants to sue me, I will hire a lawyer and I can find witnesses. Also, there are surveillance cameras everywhere in the Forbidden City. You will know what is going on if you check the surveillance cameras and check it out." ?"

"Hmph! I still want you to teach me how to do things?" Wang Wei was angry.

Xia Lei stopped talking and just looked at Wang Wei. He didn't believe that someone he had never met would offer him help. This Wang Wei said as soon as he came that he had broken the law and might go to jail, but he didn't even ask about the cause and process of the incident. What does this mean

"I'm just telling the truth. I don't mean to teach you how to do things." Xia Lei maintained restraint.

Wang Wei said: "It seems that we need to call your sister over to assist in the investigation."

Xia Lei's brows suddenly furrowed, "I was the one who beat him. Why did you call my sister here? She is just a student and a victim."

A sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Wei's mouth, "These are all said by you alone. Do you have any evidence? The girl is still lying in the hospital. The injury report has not been released yet, but it is estimated to be serious. She is the only person involved in such a big matter. You can't stay out of it, right? Let me tell you, your sister might also be detained, and she might be punished by the school or even expelled."

Anger suddenly arose in Xia Lei's heart, "What's wrong with you? Are you deliberately trying to mess with me?"

"Be careful what you say, I'm just doing business. Think carefully, I'll have someone bring your sister over, and then I'll record a statement for you." Wang Wei stood up and prepared to leave.

Xia Lei stopped and said, "Wait a minute, what do you want?"

Wang Wei put his hands on the table, put his face in front of Ling Xiao, and said in a low voice: "Plead guilty."

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment.

"Think about it, I'll come over later." Wang Wei left the interrogation room.

Xia Lei sat quietly, confused in his heart. This matter is not normal. Following normal procedures, the police should call out surveillance and interview witnesses. It was indeed wrong for him to hit someone, but at most it was excessive self-defense and could not be considered a criminal offence. If such a case is handed over to a judge, the most he can do is to pay medical expenses, and he will not be detained, let alone jailed. But this Wang Wei hinted that he had broken the law from the beginning, and after seeing his tough attitude, he used Xia Xue to blackmail him into confessing. If he couldn't smell the conspiracy in such a thing, then he would be really a fool.

"I have never seen this Wang Wei. I have no grievances with him. How could he frame me? This is my first time in Kyoto. Who is here..." Thinking of this, Xia Lei's heart suddenly moved, " How could I forget that although the Gu family made their fortune in Haizhu, they moved to Kyoto after that. When I came to Kyoto, Gu Kewen wanted to punish me, but it was just a matter of words? Could it be Gu Kewen? But Chi Jingqiu The order in hand is most likely related to the Gu family, and I haven’t agreed to process it for them yet. At this time, it’s unlikely that the Gu family will frame me and put me in jail, right?”

The Gu family is the biggest suspect, but it cannot be confirmed.

If not the Gu family, then who is it

After much deliberation and unable to clear his mind, Xia Lei's eyes also moved to the window of the interrogation room.

Special glass is installed on the windows so that the situation inside can be seen from the outside, but the situation outside cannot be seen from the inside.

Xia Lei's left eye moved slightly, and the glass window blocking his vision disappeared from his field of vision. Now, he is accustomed to using the power of his left eye to solve problems.

As soon as the glass window disappeared, the scene outside came into Xia Lei's field of vision. He saw Wang Wei standing in the corridor on the phone. His left eye immediately locked onto Wang Wei's lips, and he used lip reading to interpret Wang Wei's language.

"... The person is already in my hands... No problem, you are right, his weakness is his sister. As soon as I talk about his sister, he will be helpless." Wang Wei had a smile on his face, " Don't worry, as long as he pleads guilty, I will ask the doctor to make the injury report more serious and exaggerated, and it will be fine with a one-year sentence... Xu Lang, why are you being polite to me? You took good care of me when you were in Kyoto. Can I help you if you have something to do?"

It was actually Xu Lang.

Xia Lei understood immediately.

Xu Lang worked in Kyoto before being transferred back to Haizhu City, and his position was not low. As Xu Lang, he asked a few little girls to find trouble for Xia Xue and lure him into taking action. Then he asked his former colleagues who had a good relationship with him to plot against him, which was perfect.

There is no doubt about Xu Lang's motives. What happened in the Oriental Heavy Industries auditorium caused him great disgrace and his career was also affected. With his vengeful character, would he let go of such an opportunity for revenge? Won't!

"...Okay, that's it. I'll have his sister arrested now. For the sake of her sister's future, he will plead guilty. I'll hang up now and contact you later." Wang Wei hung up the phone.

Wang Wei waved his hand, and a police officer came over.

"Take someone to Kyoto University to arrest a student named Xia Xue." Wang Wei said, "Remember, she must be handcuffed."

The police officer said: "Isn't it... bad to put handcuffs on a college student?"

Wang Wei said displeasedly: "I said to wear handcuffs, just wear handcuffs, just do it, what nonsense are you talking about?"

The police officer nodded quickly, "Okay, I'll go now." After saying that, he quickly left.

In the interrogation room, Xia Lei was so angry that his face was livid. When he heard that Wang Wei asked someone to handcuff Xia Xue, he wanted to rush out and beat Wang Wei's head into the shape of a panda.

Xu Lang colluded with Wang Wei to frame him, but he was not worried at all. For no other reason than because of his current identity as the consultant of Bureau 101, he is not afraid of being framed by a small branch director! However, if Wang Wei's people go to Kyoto University to arrest Xia Xue and handcuff her in public, it will definitely have an impact on her future. And this was what he was most worried about. It was OK to hurt him, but not Xia Xue!

Xu Lang really knew him very well, and Xia Xue was his weakness and his lifeblood.

"No, I have to find a way to get my phone back. I have to call Long Bing." Xia Lei was very anxious.

But just when he was about to withdraw his gaze and make some noise to let Wang Wei in, a girl and a woman suddenly walked out from the corner of the corridor and walked straight towards the interrogation room.

Seeing their faces clearly, Xia Lei breathed a long sigh of relief.

It was Xia Xue and Long Bing who came, the people he wanted to see most at this time.

Wang Wei looked at Long Bing and Xia Xue and said rudely: "Who are you? Is this a place where anyone can come in casually?"

The police officer who had just been ordered to arrest someone at Kyoto University suddenly came running from around the corner. He pointed at Xia Xue and said, "Bureau Wang, she is Xia Xue."

Wang Wei was greatly surprised, "Are you Xia Xue?"

Xia Xue said: "Well, I am Xia Xue. Excuse me, where is my brother Xia Lei?"

Wang Wei sneered, "Want to see your brother? You came just in time. I was about to send someone to arrest you, but you came and surrendered yourself. Very good, handcuff her."

"Why are you arresting me?" Xia Xue asked in shock.

The police officer who was ordered to arrest Xia Xue took off the handcuffs and stepped forward to put them on Xia Xue.

Long Bing pulled Xia Xue behind him.

Wang Wei said angrily: "Who are you? Do you dare to obstruct official business?"

Long Bing said calmly: "I'm just here to perform official duties."

"You are here to perform... what official duties?" Wang Wei asked tentatively.

Long Bing said: "I have taken charge of this case. I am here to take Xia Lei away."

"What a joke!" Wang Wei's attitude was very tough. "You said you were in charge of the case. Who authorized it? Do you have any relevant instructions?"

Long Bing took out a document from her handbag and handed it to Wang Wei.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to Long Bing's ID. What was written on it was not Bureau 101, but the ID of the National Security Bureau. Her position was director.

This was the first time Xia Lei saw Long Bing's ID, but he knew that this ID was just a cover-up, not her real ID. In fact, looking at the entire country of China, how many people know about Game 101? The mystery of Bureau 101 is that even Xia Lei, the "advisor", has never seen its ID, let alone the little police chief in front of him.

When he saw Long Bing's ID, Wang Wei suddenly became nervous. He asked tentatively: "What... what is going on? Xia Lei just beat up an underage girl. How could you... take action in such a case?" ?”

"This is not something you can ask. Stop talking nonsense and let me go now. I will take him away now." Long Bing said.

Wang Wei looked hesitant.

Long Bing said calmly: "You should be a smart person. If this matter continues like this, you will probably have to go to the street to get a ticket."

Wang Wei's face suddenly turned pale, and he shouted at the police officer: "Why are you still standing? Why don't you let him go!"