Tranxending Vision

Chapter 114: My pants are torn


Mu Jianfeng left, and Xia Xue also returned to school. Long Bing wore an apron and cleared away the empty dishes on the dining table, while Xia Lei pondered what Mu Jianfeng said before leaving.

Mu Jianfeng wanted him to go to Germany for inspection.

Germany's manufacturing industry is no weaker than that of the United States, and even surpasses the United States in some areas. Another advantage of going to Germany to inspect the most advanced ultra-precision machine tools is that it is much safer than going to the United States to do such a thing. Germany is not that wary of China, and there is no ideological hostility between the two. From time to time, there are reports on the Internet about the United States catching Chinese businessmen who stole American secrets, but such cases rarely happen in Germany. Therefore, Germany is the best choice.

Long Bing packed up the tableware and came over, sitting opposite Xia Lei. She looked at Xia Lei and said, "We are going to Germany. How much do you know about Germany?"

Xia Lei thought for a moment, "Well, Germany's industry is very developed, Germany has a high status in the European Union, and Germany's beer is very famous... Oh, by the way, there is also Bayern Munich Football Club."

"You like football?"

Xia Lei shook his head, "It's not that I like it, but it's famous, so I know it. That's all I know about Germany."

"It doesn't matter, you can speak German, that's enough." Long Bing said: "I am responsible for your safety in this operation, but I don't understand German, so you have to take care of me over there."

When talking to Mu Jianfeng, Xia Lei knew that Long Bing was going to Germany this time, and he liked this arrangement very much. He smiled and said, "No problem, I won't translate the men's bathroom into the women's bathroom."

He made a joke, but there was no hint of a smile on Long Bing's face. She said, "Then when will you leave?"

Xia Lei said: "I was told to give me two days to prepare, but it may take more time. I don't think I'm in a rush for these two days, right? I want to finish the things I have to deal with, so I won't have any worries. ." At this point, he suddenly remembered the purpose of coming to Kyoto this time, and then said: "By the way, have you found out what kind of parts Chi Jingqiu asked me to process?"

"have no idea."

"Don't know?" Xia Lei looked at Long Bing in surprise.

Long Bing said: "I have asked several experts and professors in different fields, but they can't tell you the purpose of those parts. In this situation, I can't do anything for you. What are you going to do?"

Xia Lei thought for a moment and then said: "This matter is very strange. I might fall into someone's trap accidentally. If I don't do this business, I will make less money at worst."

"One more thing is worse than one less thing. You are right to think so. Then let's go to bed early. I will accompany you to Haizhu City tomorrow. After you finish handling the matters at hand, we will leave for Germany." Long Bing said.

"Well, I'm going back to my room." Xia Lei got up and went up to the second floor.

An imperceptible smile appeared on Long Bing's lips...

Back in the room, Xia Lei was still thinking about Chi Jingqiu and her order. He thought Long Bing could help him figure out the purpose of those parts, but he didn't expect that even Long Bing, who had great powers, couldn't figure out the purpose of those parts. This surprised him.

"It's not for military use, so there is no frame-up. But why did Chi Jingqiu go to see Gu Kewen? If those parts belonged to Gu Kewen, would she be kind enough to give me an order? Impossible..." Xia Lei was filled with heart. Confused.

Music sounded outside the house again, just like yesterday, it was sports music with a strong rhythm.

The sound of music brought back some of Xia Lei's memories, and he couldn't help but picture Long Bing in a sports bikini, her skin wet with sweat, and her mature and attractive shape wrapped in elastic cotton...

These memories made him unable to calmly think about the problem. He got out of bed, opened the door and walked out, thinking secretly in his heart: "Does she want to teach me a lesson again like yesterday? I was fooled once, and I will be fooled a second time. Do you think so?"

Walking out of the room, Xia Lei immediately saw Long Bing exercising on a spinning bike.

It was really the same as last night, she only had a sports bikini that hugged her skin. The strenuous exercise made her sweat even more than last night. Her body was wet, with sweat beads hanging on her snow-white neck, sweat beads on her snow-white chest, and sweat on her lower abdomen and thighs. Wet, she looked like she had just come out of a sauna.

Her hands were on the handlebars, her upper body was bent forward, her buttocks raised high, and her long legs stepped hard on the pedals. Between the seat covers, the shape wrapped in elastic cotton is still so clear and obvious, mature and seductive. What makes Xia Lei even more want to have a nosebleed is that the mature shape and the seat cover touch each other from time to time, causing slight squeezing and slight deformation. Every change is highly irritating. That irritating feeling is very important to Xia Lei. To Xia Lei, it was as if he hadn't drank water for three days and he was terribly thirsty.

But this time Xia Lei learned the lesson. He quietly observed the situation around Long Bing. There was no towel or gun hidden in the towel.

"Isn't this class?" Xia Lei thought in his heart, and his eyes moved to Long Bing's chest. They were shaking violently under the violent exercise. Under her collar was a beautiful scene of white flowers, and his eyes were also colorful.

At this moment, Long Bing suddenly reached out and pulled out a small pistol from under the car seat, and aimed at Xia Lei with a flick of his hand.

The aiming action only took a third of a second, but in such a blink of an eye, Xia Lei suddenly fell to the ground because he had taken precautions.

boom! There was a gunshot, and a rubber bullet almost grazed Xia Lei's scalp.

The shot missed, and Long Bing adjusted the direction of the gun.

Xia Lei rolled over and hid in his room in time.

boom! Another rubber bullet grazed his shoulder and hit the ground, ricocheting elsewhere.

The pistol was small and contained only two rubber bullets. After both shots failed, a satisfied smile appeared on Long Bing's face. She got off the dynamic car and walked towards the door. As she walked, she said, "Not bad, vigilance and reaction passed the test."

Xia Lei cautiously poked his head out of the door and said with a wry smile, "Can we not do this?"

Long Bing stopped at the door, "Whenever I can no longer plot against you, our training will end."

"I'm just a consultant. There's no need to train me to be an agent or a spy, right?"

"Although Germany is safer than the United States, unknown variables also exist. Once what we are going to do is discovered, it will be very dangerous for you and me. If you still want to come back safely, you'd better learn these things."

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Okay, I will learn whatever you want to teach me."

"That's it for today. You can use the bathroom on the second floor and I'll use the bathroom on the first floor. Good night." Long Bing turned around and walked downstairs.

"Good night." Xia Lei's eyes moved to her buttocks, and there were many messy imaginations in his mind.

After a while, Xia Lei changed into pajamas and slippers and entered the bathroom on the second floor to take a bath and go to bed. He turned on the shower head and took off his pajamas. But just when he was about to take off the only pair of briefs he was wearing, he suddenly stopped again, because at that moment, his left eye caught a little change in the light under the crack of the bathroom door. The change was very small, but his left eye was very sharp and could detect extremely subtle changes in light.

It was this subtle change in light that made him wary. His left eye twitched slightly, and the fogged glass door blocking his vision disappeared from his sight.

Outside the door, Long Bing was approaching quietly, holding a pistol equipped with a silencer in her hand. One of her hands was slowly reaching for the doorknob, and her ears were facing the direction of the bathroom, listening carefully to the sounds inside.

Again? She really doesn’t want to give up!

Xia Lei's heart moved, and he hung the pajamas hanging on the hanger on the shower head, and then closed the plastic curtain. The water from the shower head washed over the pajamas, making a strange sound. The plastic fabric is slightly translucent, making it look like a person is bathing in it.

After making a good disguise, Xia Lei quietly hid behind the door.

As soon as he hid, Long Bing pushed open the bathroom door, raised his hand, pointed the pistol with a silencer in his hand at the plastic curtain of the bathroom and fired three shots in one go.

Three rubber bullets pierced the plastic curtain and hit the pajamas hanging under the shower head.

Xia Lei suddenly jumped out, hugged Long Bing's waist and threw her to the ground. This time Long Bing realized that she had been fooled, and she hurriedly raised her gun, but Xia Lei had already anticipated her move. Before she could raise the gun, he grabbed her wrist and pressed her whole body on it. on her body.

The man and woman lying on the bathroom floor tiles, one only had a pair of briefs, the other only a sports bikini. The two of them were almost in contact with each other, and even the most sensitive parts were only a little thin. Cloth barrier is useless.

Long Bing, who was pinned down by Xia Lei, suddenly raised his leg and hit Xia Lei's waist with his knee. Xia Lei also raised his leg and pressed his thigh against hers, neutralizing her attack. But it was resolved, and his thing was pressed against hers. At that moment, both of them seemed to be electrocuted, and they stood still inexplicably.

As if she felt the change in Xia Lei, Long Bing's cheeks suddenly turned red. She tried hard to pull out the leg that was pressed by Xia Lei and get rid of his wrestler's restraint, but she couldn't. Not only did the movement not get rid of Xia Lei, but it caused inappropriate touching and squeezing... In less than ten seconds, she found that Xia Lei's face was red and his breathing was heavy, and his reaction was also... Obvious to the extreme.

The struggle and confrontation had such an effect that Long Bing almost wanted to hit the wall. She simply stopped moving and said, "Okay, today's class is over. Get up."

Xia Lei didn't move, "You just said that today's class is over, but you attacked me while I was taking a shower. I don't believe you."

"A killer will often pick an inconvenient time to attack you."

"Then I can't let you go unless you put down the gun and surrender to me."

"Your... my pants are torn." Long Bing looked embarrassed.

"Ah?" Xia Lei hurriedly stood up to see what was going on.

Bang bang bang!

Bullets, screams...

The sports bikini shorts were fine, but soaked with sweat.