Tranxending Vision

Chapter 121: The wind blowing through the hair


There were many young people in the bar and it was very lively.

After Anina drank a few beers, she went down to the dance floor to dance. Xia Lei sat at a small table, thinking about things quietly.

In one day's work, he touched the precision machine tool eight times. Except for the time when he was repairing Anina's motorcycle, he looked through the machine tool seven other times. After seven times, the internal structure and wiring of the machine tool were stored in his left eye. At this time, when he thought about it for a moment, those structures and lines appeared in his mind like pictures.

"The machine tool in Anina's workshop is not the most advanced machine tool in Germany, but it exceeds the highest level in China. If this gap is measured in time, it is at least thirty years. I want to upgrade myself I also need access to more advanced machine tools. Also, the structure is not the most important thing. The most important thing is the CNC program. How can I solve this problem?" Xia Lei thought hard in his heart.

The difference between precision machine tools and ordinary machine tools lies in the CNC program. Without CNC program, no matter how precise the machine tool is, it will not work. Therefore, it is not enough to understand its structure, you must also obtain its CNC program. But here’s the problem, the structure can be seen with the left eye, but how can a virtual thing like a program be seen

"I have to find ways to get access to more types of precision machine tools, the more advanced the better. At the same time, I also have to learn knowledge about CNC programs. It would be best if I can specialize in it. If I can't specialize in it, I have to Try to find a way to steal relevant software or chips." Xia Lei had such a plan in mind.

He knew very well that he was not a spy, but what he was carrying out now was espionage. He had a choice before he came here, but after he came here he had no choice. By ending the mission as soon as possible, he would be out of danger as soon as possible.

The DJ in the bar played percussion music with a very strong rhythm, and the young people on the dance floor also became active and danced to their heart's content.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to the dance floor, and he soon saw Anina. She was undoubtedly the most beautiful woman on the dance floor, and there were several men dancing around her, trying to please her. And Anina seemed to enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by everyone. She danced more and more excitedly, and her plump peaks bounced and swayed to the rhythm of the music, creating sultry waves.

Xia Lei couldn't help but picture the scene of her lying on the motorcycle, that white...

But at this moment, a black young man reached out and touched Anina's buttocks.

"What are you doing?" Anina turned back and stared at the black young man.

The black young man who was mopping up had a bad smile on his face, "Why are you pretending to be serious?"

"Shameless!" Anina scolded: "You make me sick!"

Another young black man took the opportunity to touch Anina's buttocks.

Anina turned around and slapped the second black young man who touched her in the face.

Snapped! The slap was so hard that it could be clearly heard in the music.

"You bitch!" The black young man who was beaten was furious. He reached out and grabbed Anina's long blond hair. With a strong effort, Anina's head was immediately pulled off by him.

The bar security guard strode away.

Several black youths suddenly stood in front of the bar security guard. One of them raised a tattooed hand and pointed at the burly security guard and said: "Don't move, you have nothing to do here. Otherwise, you will end up with If we, the Black Dynasty, are enemies, you will die an ugly death."

The security guard seemed to be afraid of these black youths, so he took two steps back.

Xia Lei stood up and walked towards the dance floor, but stopped at the edge of the dance floor.

In fact, he saw it when the first black young man touched Anina's buttocks. When Anina turned around and scolded the black young man, he wanted to go up and help. But at that moment, he suddenly remembered his identity and his purpose. He knew very well that it would not be a problem for him to go up and deal with a few black youths, but the problem was that once he injured someone, the Essen police would definitely investigate. At that time, how many people would notice a Chinese who knew Kung Fu? It’s something that’s hard to explain clearly. Moreover, he will face a worse possibility, that is, he will be deported for violating German laws, and his and Long Bing's mission will fail in advance!

Just when Xia Lei felt a headache and was hesitant, the black young man holding Anina's hair dragged Anina toward the back door.

Anina shouted for help, but no one dared to come forward. No one in the bar seemed willing to do such a thing for a stranger to offend a gang that was notorious in this area.

Xia Lei's heart moved and he walked quickly towards the back door. He couldn't get through the door before the gang member took Anina out the back door.

Outside the back door is an alley with several large trash cans. The bar's garbage is placed in the trash cans. You can smell the sour smell emanating from the trash cans from a distance. This stench is like a barrier, no one wants to get close to it. There were no lights in the alley, it was pitch black.

Xia Lei took off his shirt, covered his face, and hid on the side of a trash can.

The back door was pushed open, and several young black men pushed Anina out.

"Bitch!" The black young man who pulled Anina's hair pushed Anina to the ground and said viciously: "How dare you slap me? I'll let you taste the power of black people later, hahaha!"

Several black youths surrounded Anina who was lying on the ground.

"What do you want to do?" Anina asked in horror. At this time, she had lost all her pride, and there was only fear in her heart.

"What are you doing?" The leader of the black young men laughed and said: "We will not let go of a free white girl. After we are satisfied, we will sell you to the black market. A white girl like you must be worth a lot of money."

"Lucas!" Anina suddenly shouted: "Lucas!"

"Who is she calling?" said a young black man.

"Her boyfriend?" A young black man mocked: "Or is he calling Batman? She wants to call a free hero to save her!"

The leading black young man said: "She has a companion and may have called the police. We have to leave here, take this bitch with us, go to our territory, and play with her to death!"

"Okay!" A black young man laughed and said: "A white girl like this is very clean, she can even save the condom, haha!"

A group of young black men laughed.

The leading black youth grabbed Anina's hair and dragged her up from the ground.

Anina cried: "Please let me go, I'll give you my wallet, I have a thousand euros!"

The leading black young man sneered: "Everything you have on you belongs to us. Be honest, or I will kill you now!"

Several black youths dragged Anina towards the exit of the alley.

At this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out from behind the trash can, holding a brick he picked up from nowhere in his hand, and patted the head of the black young man who was walking at the end!

boom! There was a muffled sound, and the black young man walking at the back was immediately knocked down by a brick.

But before several black youths could react, the man with his face covered hit another black youth who had just turned around with a brick on the head.

boom! There was a muffled sound, the bricks shattered, and the first black young man who turned around to see what was going on also fell to the ground.

"Kill him!" the leading black youth roared, reaching out to draw his gun.

The man with his face covered suddenly walked through the gap between the two black youths and punched the leading black youth in the throat. The speed was so fast, like a person standing on the top of a building jumping down. Before the black young man in the lead could even blink, the opponent's fist had already hit his throat.

The throat is one of the most critical parts of the human body. A heavy blow can cause temporary suffocation. How could he draw a gun and shoot when he was suffocated

The remaining two young black men only then figured out what was going on, and they instinctively reached for their guns. However, the masked man was obviously faster than them. His hands slashed down at the same time, hitting the gun-drawing hands of the two black youths. His hands were like hard iron, and the two young black men who were hit on the wrists suddenly screamed in pain.

The masked man punched like the wind. His fists struck two targets separately. In the blink of an eye, an unknown number of punches hit the two black youths. He struck quickly, and in just a few seconds, when he withdrew his fist, the two black youths had turned into pig heads and fell to the ground.

Anina stared at the masked man who rescued her in stunned silence. She felt that he looked familiar, but at this time, her brain's reaction was very slow and she failed to judge the masked man's identity based on his skin, hair, body and other features.

At this time, the leading black young man finally breathed a sigh of relief. He covered his still sore throat and threatened in a weird voice: "If you dare to provoke our Black Dynasty, you will die in an ugly way! I swear, I will Put your head next to my bed as a urinal!"

Xia Lei kicked him in the face, and the latter shut his mouth completely.

"You..." Anina looked at Xia Lei. Although the fear had disappeared from her brain at this time, her brain was still a mess and could not function normally.

"Get out of here!" Xia Lei left these words, turned around and ran towards the exit of the alley. At this time, he didn't want Anina to see his face.

It was already a mistake for him to help, but if he showed his face to Anina again, it would be an even bigger mistake.

Anina looked at Xia Lei's back as he blinked away. It took her a while to say something, "It's strange, it feels so familiar..."

Xia Lei ran all the way, taking off the shirt covering his face and putting it on as he ran. Two minutes later, he returned to the bar and quickly entered the bathroom inside the bar. In the bathroom he washed his hands and face and straightened his shirt. Then, he walked out of the bathroom.

Just then Anina walked in from the back door. She looked around and quickly spotted Xia Lei.

Xia Lei walked towards her, pretending to be surprised, "Miss Anina, what happened? Why are you so dirty?"

"You..." Anina said tentatively: "Don't you know what happened?"

Xia Lei said: "I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach. I have been in the bathroom just now. Tell me, what happened?"

A flash of disappointment suddenly flashed in Anina's eyes, and she said, "Let's leave here. I'll tell you on the way."

"Well, okay, let's go." Xia Lei followed her and left the bar.

After getting on the Breaker motorcycle, Xia Lei put his arms around Anina's waist.

Anina's nostrils twitched slightly, and she suddenly smelled a sour smell. She suddenly remembered something, and a smile quietly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

The Breaker motorcycle roared into the driveway at a speed like the wind blowing through the hair.

ps: Thanks to the sixth-level blind spot brothers for the reward!