Tranxending Vision

Chapter 122: use as you learn


Opening the door, Xia Lei immediately saw Long Bing sitting in the living room watching TV.

"Why so late?" Long Bing looked at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "My colleagues invited me to drink, and something happened." He told the story about Anina provoking gang members.

When he heard Xia Lei talking about helping Anina, Long Bing frowned and said reproachfully: "How could you be so rash?"

Xia Lei said with some embarrassment: "I know that doing this may attract others' attention, but if I don't help her in that situation, she will be insulted by the black people and even be sold to a black market brothel. She is My whole life will be ruined. I really can’t stand by and watch something like this happen.”

"I knew that was the reason, but you are still too kind. Compared to what we are going to do, what does a German woman mean?"

Xia Lei nodded, "I know this won't happen again next time."

"Did she send you back?"

"No, she originally wanted to take me back, but I said it was too far, so I asked her to take me to the subway station, and I took the subway back by myself."

"You did it correctly." After a pause, Long Bing asked again: "Are you sure that those black people didn't see your face?"

Xia Lei said: "I'm sure not. I took action very quickly, and it took less than two minutes from the time I took action to the end. Then I ran away and took a detour back to the bar. I went to the bathroom, and when Anina returned to the bar, she also She didn’t see that I helped her.”

"That's good. By the way, did you gain anything today?"

Xia Lei smiled, "How could it be so fast? Crewe arranged for me to be Anina's assistant. In order to gain her trust, I even repaired her motorcycle. There is a very advanced precision machine tool in her workshop. I Used it a few times and learned a few things, but not enough.”

Long Bing thought for a moment, "Look for an opportunity to open it."

"Take it apart?" Xia Lei looked a little surprised.

Long Bing said: "How can you study its structure without taking it apart?"

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, then nodded. In fact, with the perspective ability of his left eye, he could see the structure inside without taking the machine tool apart.

"Okay, let's go to bed." Long Bing turned off the TV.

Her voice was soft, and she looked a little lazy and sleepy. She looked like a newlywed wife who was tired from watching the Kimchi drama and pestered her husband to go to bed.

Xia Lei nodded subconsciously, "Yeah."

Long Bing walked to Xia Lei's side, sniffed her nose slightly, and then frowned, "What does it smell like on you?"

"Uh... the smell of garbage, I was hiding behind the trash can." Xia Lei explained with some embarrassment.

"Go and wash up. I don't want to smell this smell on you all night long." Long Bing said.

This sentence is full of imagination, but what Xia Lei thinks of is her scissors gesture. Although they were in the same bed, he didn't even dare to touch her. Sleeping in the same bed seems picturesque, but he is a normal man with a strong blood, sleeping with a young and sexy woman every night but unable to do anything. Can this be a happy and enjoyable thing

"Go quickly, go quickly." Long Bing gently pushed Xia Lei.

Xia Lei walked to the bathroom obediently, thinking as he walked: "If this continues, something will definitely happen to my body..."

After taking a bath, Xia Lei did not go back to the bedroom to sleep. He used the laptop provided by Long Bing to check the knowledge about CNC machine tools on the German website and learn more about this aspect. He thought he would find the relevant software program, but in the end he found nothing. Then, he bit the bullet and started learning about integrated circuits.

After integrated circuits, there is also programming knowledge. Even if you have the ability to remember things, it is very difficult to master these two aspects of knowledge.

This study lasted two hours. Even Xia Lei himself couldn't remember how much knowledge he had memorized about integrated circuits in the past two hours. In short, as soon as he closed his eyes, his eyes were filled with transistors, resistors, capacitors and so on.

"Let's digest this knowledge tomorrow." Xia Lei stretched, closed his laptop, and returned to the bedroom.

Long Bing seemed to have fallen asleep, with his eyes closed and his breathing even and long. Maybe it was because the weather was too hot, so she didn't cover herself with a quilt. The curves under the nightgown are uneven and hazy, giving it a sultry look.

Xia Lei quietly got on the bed and lay motionless.

At this moment, Long Bing suddenly turned over and raised one of his long legs, pressing on his thigh. The nightgown on her body moved up, exposing a section of her white and delicate thighs, as well as a piece of purple lace. Her legs are beautiful, her lace is beautiful, and she has a unique light fragrance, everything about her is so alluring.

Xia Lei originally wanted to lift her thigh up and put it down. But when he just stretched out his hand, he suddenly saw under the lace, under the half-covered nightgown, there was a holster, and there was a black pistol inserted in the holster. His hand dropped again.

That's true. When he went to lift her legs, his hands would definitely hold her thighs, just in case she suddenly thought he missed her, or if the pistol went off...

Just press it, Xia Lei tried his best to adapt to the feeling of sleeping with a woman pressing his legs. He was very adaptable and got used to the strange feeling within a few minutes. But just when he was getting used to it, Long Bing's thigh moved up a little more, and her knee suddenly touched his sensitive spot.

Xia Lei's body suddenly stiffened and his nerves became tense.

Long Bing, however, had not yet fallen asleep heartlessly. He looked very sweet and had no intention of moving his legs away at all.

Xia Lei's brows furrowed into the character "Chuan" silently, and he lamented in his heart, "My life is really miserable, this is going to torture me into a disease..."

Xia Lei didn't know how he fell asleep that night, and he didn't know when Long Bing got up. The only thing he knew was that he felt uncomfortable in a certain part of his body after getting up. It felt like a boxer warming up on the sidelines for a long time. When it was time to go on stage for a physical fight, he was told that his opponent had given up and the game was cancelled.

Xia Lei arrived at the factory early the next morning, thirty minutes earlier than yesterday's start time. When he walked through the workshop, there were no workers in it, and the whole workshop was quiet.

Xia Lei's eyes moved to a large CNC machine tool. It was a comprehensive CNC high-precision machine tool that could do the work of several types of machine tools. He was immediately attracted and walked towards the machine tool. However, he soon discovered a surveillance camera installed on the wall of the workshop, and then gave up the idea.

The reason why he entered the factory half an hour early was to study the advanced machine tools in the workshop when no one was around. However, although there are no other workers in the workshop, it is a convenient opportunity to steal secrets, but if it is caught by surveillance and targeted by others, it will turn a good thing into a bad thing.

Xia Lei kept walking, but his pace slowed down a lot. He also kept his gaze fixed on the machine tool, using both his farsightedness and perspective abilities to observe the internal structure of the machine tool from a distance. This is definitely inconvenient and consumes a lot of energy from the body, but it is the safest.

When he passed the parallel line with the machine tool, Xia Lei looked away. If you have already crossed a parallel line and still have to look back, it will easily attract others' attention. Under the influence of Long Bing during this period, Xia Lei also paid great attention to these small details.

After passing through this room and coming to the maintenance shed at the back, Anina hasn't come yet. There were no surveillance cameras installed in this workshop, so Xia Lei walked directly to the lathe to see through its integrated circuit boards, and used his left eye to remember the contents of everything he saw.

Half an hour passed quickly, and Anina came to the work shed five minutes before work time. Wearing a tight black T-shirt, denim shorts, height, long legs and material breasts, her sexiness can be seen at a glance.

"Good morning, Lucas." Anina greeted Xia Lei affectionately.

Xia Lei also smiled and greeted her, "Miss Anina, good morning."

"Don't be so polite, just call me Anina." Anina said, "Look, I don't even call you husband anymore. I want to be friends with you, and friends don't need to be so polite."

She is a woman with a lively personality. She speaks out her thoughts directly without hiding them.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Okay, it's an honor for me to have a friend like you."

"Let me change my clothes and start working." Anina opened her wardrobe and did not shy away from suspicion. She took off her tight T-shirt and denim shorts in front of Xia Lei. She only wore a pair of denim shorts. A black bikini.

Although she was wearing clothes, Xia Lei still looked away in embarrassment.

Anina was very natural throughout the whole process. After changing into work clothes, she took Xia Lei to continue repairing the faulty tank engine. Xia Lei helped her, but while he was working, he was thinking about the knowledge about integrated circuits that he had memorized last night. Thinking of some knowledge, he recalled the machine tool integrated circuit board that he had just seen through perspective, comparing them one by one, using actual reference objects to help him understand and absorb what he has written down.

This way of learning is undoubtedly a way of taking shortcuts, and only people like him can do it.

"Lucas, do you remember the person I told you about who helped me?" For a while, Anina broke the silence between the two.

Xia Lei's mind came back from studying, and he said casually: "Remember what you said, he is very powerful."

Anina stared straight at Xia Lei with a very strange look in her eyes, "He is a person who knows kung fu. I think he is probably Chinese, what do you think?"

Xia Lei said: "Kung Fu is not only owned by China, right? Japanese Judo, Kendo, and Korean Taekwondo are all Kung Fu, and sometimes it is difficult to distinguish them. The person who helps you may be Japanese or Korean. People are not necessarily Chinese.”

"Well..." Anina said tentatively: "Lucas, could it be you?"

Xia Lei secretly cried out in his heart, and pretended to be surprised on his face, "Me? Haha, if I were as powerful as that person, I would definitely save you, but I was in the bathroom at that time, I don’t know what happened at all. In fact, I still feel guilty now that something happened to you and I couldn’t help you.”

The corners of Anina's mouth turned up slightly. She seemed not to be satisfied with Xia Lei's answer.

Xia Lei avoided her eyes and knew secretly in his heart: "She is testing me. Could it be that I have a flaw somewhere and she discovered it?"

At this time, a young man walked into the work shed and said, "Anina, today is my birthday. There will be a barbecue party at my house at seven o'clock in the evening. Come and join us."

Anina raised her head and glanced at the young man, "Joseph, happy birthday, I will be there on time."

The young man named Joseph looked at Xia Lei, but turned around and left the work shed without extending an invitation.

After Joseph left, Anina said aloud: "He is an electrical engineer in our factory. He is very powerful, but he is not very polite. He should have invited you just now."

"It doesn't matter. We don't know each other. It's normal for him not to invite me." Xia Lei said this, but he secretly said in his heart: "He is an electrical engineer, so he must have kept a lot of electrical engineering drawings in his hands. I If only I could see those drawings.”

Joseph, Xia Lei remembered this name.

ps: Thanks to Brother Bajian for the reward!