Tranxending Vision

Chapter 123: The beautiful town of Woden


Another day's work is over. Although she only had two days, Anina was very satisfied with Xia Lei as her assistant. In her eyes, Xia Lei is an outstanding mechanic. What makes her even more satisfied is that he is diligent and courteous. It is really a pleasure to work with Xia Lei. What's more, she actually knew that Xia Lei was the one who helped her. Although she didn't know why Xia Lei didn't admit that he did it, she was grateful to him.

"Lucas, wait a minute and I'll take you to the subway station." Anina said to Xia Lei before going to the public bathroom.

Xia Lei said: "Aren't you going to attend Joseph's birthday party? You don't need to worry about me. I will just call a car and go to the subway station."

Anina said: "My home and Joseph's home are one hundred meters apart, and I'm not in a hurry. That's it, you wait for me after you take a shower, and I'll see you off."

Xia Lei smiled at her, "Okay, thank you."

Anina also smiled at Xia Lei, it felt very sincere.

The two of them walked to the public bathroom together. Many people go to public bathrooms to take a shower, because mechanics do mostly physical work. They are sweaty after a day's work, and there are oil stains and other things, so many people take a shower before going home. Few people want to get into their car covered in sweat, or stand on the subway and be disliked by others.

When he was about to reach the public bathroom, Xia Lei saw Joseph. He was walking and chatting with a colleague, and he seemed very engaged.

Xia Lei's heart moved, "What is he talking about?"

With this thought, Xia Lei's left eye locked on Joseph's lips. He wanted to use lip reading to interpret Joseph's words, but he suddenly found that the lip reading that had been tried and tested in China was useless in Germany. The lip shapes he was familiar with were completely wrong when used in German pronunciation.

However, he still interpreted several German words by imitating their pronunciation: super-era, large, intelligent, machine tool, certain, successful.

It was just a few words, and Xia Lei couldn't guess more. He was a little depressed, and secretly said in his heart: "My lip reading skills have always been successful in China. That is because I am familiar with my mother tongue. If I want to give lip reading skills more room to develop, I have to Study and become familiar with German pronunciation and lip shapes.”

There were so many things to learn, and Xia Lei felt that his time was seriously insufficient.

"Joseph!" Anina walked up quickly.

Joseph spotted Anina, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face, "Anina, you must come tonight."

"Of course I'm coming." Anina walked up to Joseph, then pulled him aside and whispered.

Xia Lei took a look and entered the bathroom.

More than ten minutes later, Xia Lei changed into casual clothes and left the public bathroom. At this time, Anina also walked out of the bathroom. Her hair was wet, and it was easy to see how hurriedly she had washed it.

"I can actually wait for you, so why are you so anxious?" Xia Lei said with a smile, feeling a little grateful. He knew very well that if he didn't have to take him to the subway station, a woman wouldn't be able to take a shower so quickly.

Anina pursed her lips and smiled, "Let's go, let's get the car."

A few minutes later, Anina's Breaker motorcycle drove out of the factory and headed toward the city along a road.

Xia Lei was still sitting in the back seat, holding her waist tightly. Her plump buttocks were also pressed between his thighs, making him extremely sensitive.

Anina soon rode to a T-junction. If you go straight ahead, you will see the city. If you go to the left, you will see a small town. There is a road sign next to the T-junction, which says "Woden Town, five kilometers" in German.

Xia Lei has actually seen this road sign four times, but he has no idea what Woden Town is like because he has never been there.

But just when Xia Lei was reading the road sign, Anina suddenly changed the direction of the motorcycle and entered the road to Woden Town.

"Aren't you going to the subway station?" Xia Lei said in surprise: "Where are you taking me?"

Anina said: "Go to my house."

"Going to...your house?" Xia Lei was stunned for a moment.

Anina said: "I told Joseph that he invited you to attend his birthday party. You go to my house first, and then we go to Joseph's house to attend his birthday party."

Xia Lei, "..."

"You won't blame me, right? I kidnapped you without consulting you, haha." Anina said with a smile.

Xia Lei smiled and said: "How come? I also want to make a few new friends."

Joseph is a very powerful electrical engineer, and Xia Lei wants to get in touch with such a person. He longed for such an opportunity, so why wouldn't he be happy

A few kilometers passed quickly, and an ancient town came into view.

The town is located in a U-shaped valley surrounded by several peaks. The architecture is in a typical classical style, with Romanesque attics and Gothic churches. Those buildings are mixed together, with few modern elements. It feels like you have arrived in medieval Europe. If you are not careful, a group of German knights may rush out of the maple forest next to the town.

Surrounded by mountains, ancient towns, clear and slow-flowing rivers, and maple leaves and green grass all over the mountains that burn like fire, this place is breathtakingly beautiful.

Xia Lei was shocked by such beautiful scenery, and then sighed again. He secretly said in his heart: "In our country, such an environment is rare."

Anina suddenly drove the motorcycle into an ancient cobblestone path, and Xia Lei, who was sitting in the back seat, was almost knocked off the car. He quickly hugged Anina's small waist tightly, and his body was just pressed against her back. You have finally settled down, but the test has just begun. The motorcycle was bumpy all the way, and Xia Lei's body was shaking constantly on the motorcycle. The place that was sensitive due to the sitting position was in contact with Anina's buttocks...

Xia Lei felt like a hammer drill in motion.

Fortunately, the pebble path was not long, and the Breaker motorcycle stopped in front of a house built by the river. There is a meandering river in front of the house, and a dense maple forest behind the house. There are no neighbors on either side, making it quiet and beautiful. This is the most exciting living environment that Xia Lei has ever seen.

"This is my home." Anina took off her sunglasses.

Xia Lei quickly jumped out of the car, "Do you live alone?"

"Well, my parents live in another place." Anina made an inviting gesture, "Please come in."

Xia Lei followed her into the house. The living room has a sofa and a fireplace, and a picture of antlers and a shotgun hang on the wall above the fireplace. Xia Lei asked curiously: "Do you like hunting?"

Anina said: "No, that's my dad's shotgun. I don't like hunting animals. Sit down and I'll make you a cup of coffee."

Xia Lei said: "No, aren't we going to Joseph's house?"

Anina smiled and said: "It's not yet 6 o'clock now. His birthday party is at 7 o'clock. We don't have to go there so early. You sit down and I'll make coffee for you. Well, you can also watch as you like. Look, there’s no need to be restrained.”

Xia Lei stopped refusing and nodded.

Anina turned and went to the kitchen to make coffee for Xia Lei. Xia Lei took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to Long Bing: I am attending a colleague's birthday party and I will be back later.

Soon he received a text message from Long Bing: Yes.

With just such a word, Xia Lei smiled bitterly, put away his phone and visited Anina's house.

Anina's home doesn't have many high-end things, but the design and layout are very particular, giving people a very comfortable feeling. In the study room on the second floor, Xia Lei saw many highly professional books, mainly on mechanical manufacturing and electrical engineering. He flipped through a professional book on electrical engineering and found that the knowledge in the book was more advanced and comprehensive than the knowledge he could find online.

"I'll borrow some books from her later." Xia Lei thought to himself.

Anina walked in with a cup of steaming black coffee, "So you are in the study room. Do you also like reading?"

Xia Lei said: "Yes, I like reading books very much."

"You are reading electrical engineering books. Do you also like this knowledge?" Anina put the coffee on the desk.

Xia Lei said, "Well, I'm studying this on my own." Then he smiled and said, "To be honest, I also want to get a senior professional title like you, so that I can earn more."

Anina said: "I'm not very good at electrical engineering. If you have a chance, you should ask Joseph for advice. He is a genius in this area. Oh, by the way, he is now working on very intelligent large-scale machine tools. He has already It's almost done. If nothing else happens, he will succeed."

"A very intelligent large-scale machine tool?" Xia Lei was excited. He recalled lip-reading bits of conversation between Joseph and his co-workers at the factory, which also included words like intelligence and large machine tools.

"Yes, I heard him say that it should be the most advanced intelligent machine tool in the world at present. It can save a lot of labor and production time. More importantly, the accuracy will be higher than the existing machine tools." Ah Nina said: "You know, in terms of accuracy, even if it improves the accuracy by one thousandth, that is amazing."

Xia Lei picked up the cup of black coffee and stirred it with a spoon, but secretly said in his heart: "I must get his design! If Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company has such a highly intelligent machine tool, then mine; Lei Horse Manufacturing Company will become the company with the strongest manufacturing capabilities in the country!”

"Do you like this place?" Anina looked at Xia Lei with a smile.

"I like it, I really like it." Xia Lei said with a smile: "I was just thinking, it would be great if I had such a house."

Anina said: "You can come and live at my house if you like. Are you still renting a house now? If you come to live with me, I will only charge you a nominal rent. Do you think that's okay?"

"This..." Xia Lei thought for a moment, "Thank you, my rent is not due yet, let's talk about it when it is."

"How about you stay here tonight, I want to drink some wine, and no one will take you home then." Anina said.

Xia Lei thought for a moment, "Okay, then I won't bother you tonight."

"Gee, are you Chinese always so polite?" Anina smiled.

"Most Chinese people are very polite. As a country of etiquette, we attach great importance to etiquette." Xia Lei said.

The two started chatting, and Xia Lei had long forgotten that Long Bing had told him not to speak German too fluently. However, based on the two days of contact, Xia Lei didn't think Anina would cause him any trouble. She was just a senior mechanic and an ordinary woman.

After drinking coffee, Anina left her home with Xia Lei at about 6:30 and walked along a path to Joseph's home.

ps; 3 updates today!