Tranxending Vision

Chapter 127: Hunter in the dark



Just when Xia Lei threw Anina to the ground, there was a gunshot.

The bullet grazed Xia Lei's shoulder and hit the grass, causing grass blades and soil to fly up.

The shooter was the gang leader who fainted after being kicked in the face by Xia Lei last night. The other four were also knocked down by Xia Lei last night. Two of them still had gauze wrapped around their heads, which Xia Lei had beaten with bricks.

Joseph, terrified, turned and ran to his house.

Bang bang bang! A motorcycle rider raised his gun and shot Joseph three times in the back.

Joseph fell to the ground, and the white shirt on his body was stained red with blood in the blink of an eye.

Xia Lei didn't dare to delay at all. Just when Joseph was hit by a bullet, he rolled into the woods with Anina in his arms. Anina didn't come back to her senses until this moment, and there was not even a trace of blood on her face.

"Chase!" the gang leader shouted, "Kill them!"

Xia Lei pulled the frightened Anina and ran deep into the woods.

Five gang members jumped out of the car and chased Xia Lei and Anina in the direction where they escaped, shooting while chasing.

"They will kill us!" Anina cried as she ran, "We are dead this time!"

Xia Lei held her hand tightly, "Don't talk, they will find us."

Anina then shut her mouth tightly. Her brain could no longer think normally. She let Xia Lei pull her and run deeper into the woods.

It was dark in the woods, and the moonlight could not penetrate the dense canopy to illuminate people's sight. But this just gave Xia Lei a chance to escape. His left eye could see everything he wanted to see clearly in the dark environment.

Xia Lei ran, looking back from time to time, changing directions several times along the way. Finally, he pulled Anina and ran towards her home. The woods were not big, and it would not take the five gang members long to complete the search of the entire woods, so hiding in the woods was definitely a stupid idea.

"Can the shotgun in your house still work?" Xia Lei asked aloud when Anina's house came into view.

Anina said nervously: "It works, I'll get the gun!"

Xia Lei let go of her hand and looked back. In his sight, five gang members were chasing him from the woods. The guys worked together very well, with one person every ten meters, looking after each other while searching the woods.

Seven or eight minutes have passed since Joseph was knocked down. The residents of Wharton Town will definitely call the police when they hear the gunshots. However, this town does not have a police station. It would take at least thirty minutes for the urban police car to drive here. minute. That's why these gang members could be so arrogant in chasing him and Anina with guns.

Anina quickly ran out with the shotgun, and handed the shotgun and a few rounds of ammunition into Xia Lei's hands.

Xia Lei took a look at the shotgun, then took aim at the direction of the woods.

Anina said worriedly: "Have you ever fired a gun?"

Xia Lei shook his head, "Never."

"Ah?" Anina said in surprise: "Then what are you trying to rob? Let's escape by bike!"

Xia Lei said: "Those guys also have motorcycles. It is easy for them to catch up with us when we escape on bicycles. They all have guns in their hands. Once they catch up, we will be dead."

"But... you don't know how to shoot. Although I have fired a gun, I have never shot a rabbit, let alone a human. What should I do?" Anina was very anxious.

Xia Lei handed the shotgun to Anina's hand again, "So, you come and shoot."

"Me?" Anina opened her mouth wide. She couldn't believe that this was Xia Lei's idea.

Xia Lei said: "My vision and hearing are very good. Later, you can shoot in whichever direction I ask you to shoot, okay?"

Anina shook her head, with a sad face, "No, your idea is terrible."

Xia Lei put his hands on her shoulders, "You have already guessed that it was me about what happened last night, right?"

Anina nodded subconsciously.

Xia Lei added: "They also had guns in their hands at that time, but I still managed to defeat them. This time is no exception. Believe me, nothing will happen to us."

Anina said: "I believe you, but it's so dark in the woods that I can't see the target at all. My shooting skills are very poor. Even if I see the target, I may not be able to hit it accurately, let alone I can't see the target."

Xia Lei said: "I will be your eyes. Let's go, they are coming soon."

Anina finally nodded and followed Xia Lei back to the woods.

In fact, shooting is not a difficult thing. Aim, pull the trigger, and the bullet will do the rest. It would be totally fine for Xia Lei to shoot, but he didn't want to do that. The reason is simple. If he, a Chinese laborer, shoots and kills a German, the police will investigate him carefully even if it is self-defense. This is not what he wants to happen. And if Anina was allowed to shoot, she would have no problem killing the five gang members in self-defense.

It was pitch black in the woods and visibility was no more than a few meters away. But in Xia Lei's left eye, he could see what the woods looked like during the day and what they looked like at night. He could clearly see the ants on the ground. Returning to the woods, he soon discovered the five gang members who were searching this way.

The five gang members were lined up in a row, more than ten meters apart, very close to Anina's house.

Xia Lei took Anina's hand and quietly walked around to the side. He hid behind the trunk of a large tree and waited quietly for the nearest gang member to pass by his hiding place. Anina was beside him, shaking with nervousness.

The closest gang members quickly crossed parallel lines.

"Right now, in the direction of your home." Xia Lei leaned into Anina's ear and whispered softly.

Anina subconsciously raised the gun and aimed it in the direction of her house. However, her vision was pitch black, and she couldn't see any target at all.

At this time, Xia Lei was pressed against her back, and a pair of hands stretched out from under her waist. His left hand held her left hand, and his right hand held her right hand. This posture was like he was taking aim with a gun. His hands were clamping her armpits like a clamp, and the pair of plump things were naturally within the range of his "clamp". Her breasts were pinched by him and protruded forward even more. It was like two loaded cannonballs that were about to fly out at any time.

Anina suddenly became nervous, but this nervousness was not entirely because she was about to shoot someone, but because Xia Lei was sticking closely behind her. She could feel a strange object on her buttocks, and it was On her buttocks, the volume and density increased, and a feeling that made her blush became more and more obvious.

"Does he want to shoot the gun above, or... the gun below?" Inexplicably, such a thought flashed through Anina's head at this most inopportune moment.

Xia Lei actually felt very awkward and nervous. Such a close posture made him very sensitive, especially there, where he felt as if that part of him wanted to rebel. He took a deep breath, trying to suppress the heat in his body, then slowly adjusted the direction of Anina's gun, and then whispered in her ear: "Shoot."

Anina reflexively pulled the trigger, and a ball of flame suddenly burst out from the muzzle of the gun. The gang member who had just walked less than ten meters away from the two men screamed and fell to the ground.

The shotgun ammunition was shotgun, and a distance of a few meters was enough for his body to withstand 80% of the ammunition - he had been beaten into a sieve!

The gang member who was shot fell to the ground and didn't move at all.

After a successful shot, Xia Lei pulled Anina and ran towards Joseph's house.

"They're in that direction!" the gang leader yelled, "Chase them!"

Four gang members ran toward the gang member who was shot, firing blindly as they ran. By this time, Xia Lei and Anina had already gone elsewhere.

"Did I hit him?" Anina said nervously when she stopped.

Xia Lei whispered: "Hit, you hit him."

"Huh?" After calling out, Anina covered her mouth, feeling excited, nervous, and scared.

Xia Lei said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, we will be fine. As long as we hold on for a while, the police will come."

Anina suddenly hugged Xia Lei, her body trembling.

Xia Lei patted her back to comfort her and help her calm down. No one can remain calm after shooting and killing for the first time. He actually felt like killing someone at this moment. Although the shooter was Anina, he was equivalent to Anina's gun frame and scope. The gang member's death had at least 50% to do with him. However, if he doesn't control his emotions, the next step will be very dangerous.

Xia Lei glanced into the woods and suddenly said to Anina: "Ten o'clock direction, aim."

Anina left Xia Lei's arms, picked up the shotgun, and aimed at the ten o'clock direction. She couldn't see any targets in that direction, but at this time she already trusted Xia Lei's judgment. She held the gun motionless, quietly waiting for something. Sure enough, as soon as she was ready, Xia Lei came up from behind. Just like before, his hands stretched out from under her armpits, clamped her breasts and also dragged her hands. What made her even more nervous was the contact from her buttocks. She felt Xia Lei's characteristics as a man again, and this time it was even harder and more obvious than before. There was a strange feeling there, and she quietly became excited.

"Shoot." Xia Lei's voice rang in Anina's ears.

Anina pulled the trigger decisively.

boom! There was a gunshot, and a big hole was made in the chest of a gang member. This time, he fell to the ground without even a scream.

Bang bang bang! A flurry of bullets flew over from the darkness and hit the tree trunk where Xia Lei and Anina were hiding.

Xia Lei pulled Anina and ran away to the side. He and Anina had run away, but the three remaining gang members were still shooting in a straight direction.

In a dark environment, Xia Lei is actually a naturally terrifying hunter!