Tranxending Vision

Chapter 129: Becoming a doctor for the first time


The passionate kiss ended, but the most important part fell into someone else's control. Suddenly, Xia Lei wanted to stop caring about everything, push her to the grass in the forest, taste the scent of a woman, and take off the virgin hat on her head. Anina seemed to be trying to lure him into doing that. She bit Xia Lei's ear and said, "You want me."

Her voice was full of temptation, but it made Xia Lei wake up. He grabbed her hand that was trying to untie his belt, "Anina, we should go see Joseph."

Anina was stunned for a moment, then let go of Xia Lei. The continuous close contact, coupled with the weird excitement of shooting and killing, kept her in a state of excitement. She wanted Xia Lei very urgently. But Xia Lei's words were like a ladle of cold water poured on her head. Yes, Joseph was her friend who grew up with her. He was shot by a gangster and his life or death was uncertain. How could she be romantically happy with Xia Lei at this time?

"I'm sorry..." Anina said with some embarrassment: "I lost control. Let's go and see Joseph." She picked up the shotgun she threw on the ground and walked towards Joseph's home.

The two passed by Navas' body, which lay on the ground like a dead dog. Anina kicked Navas on the thigh bitterly, and then said: "This kick is given to you by Joseph!" Then she kicked again, "This kick is mine!"

Xia Lei patted her shoulder and said, "Let's go, he's dead."

Anina nodded and followed Xia Lei out of the woods.

The lights were on in Joseph's house. Under the light, a group of people could be seen standing in front of Joseph's house in the distance. Several men had shotguns in their hands. These people were residents of the small town. They heard the gunfire and came to support, but they did not dare to rush into the dark woods to fight the gangsters.

"Put your hands up! Don't move!" An old man saw Anina and Xia Lei and aimed his gun.

Several small town residents also picked up shotguns, and the scene suddenly became tense.

Anina shouted: "It's me, Anina! The gangster is dead!"

"It's Anina's voice!" someone said.

"She said the gangster is dead? What's going on?" Some people didn't believe it.

The residents of the town were talking about it.

Xia Lei and Anina walked over and saw Joseph. He was lying on the ground with two bullet holes in his back, one in his lung and one in his waist. The wound was still bleeding, soaking the ground beneath him. But he was still breathing, not dead.

There was some cotton cloth on the grass next to Joseph, covered with blood. It looked like someone had treated his wound just now, but the way it was done was amateurish.

"Joseph, are you okay?" Anina asked with concern.

Joseph didn't respond. He closed his eyes and had difficulty breathing.

At this time a woman came out of the house, carrying a first aid kit in her hand.

"Which of you knows first aid?" the woman asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

The woman's brows suddenly frowned and she said, "I've called the police and explained the situation. Why haven't the police and ambulance come yet?"

An old man holding a shotgun said: "It won't be that fast. Last time my wife broke her leg in the bathroom, I called the ambulance, and they arrived more than half an hour later. Fortunately, my wife only had a broken leg." , if it were a wound like Joseph’s, I’m afraid he would have died long ago.”

"What should we do?" the woman said anxiously, "Joseph's wound is still bleeding, and he won't be able to hold on until the ambulance arrives."

Everyone is anxious, but this kind of thing requires professional knowledge and skills, so it is useless to be anxious.

At this time, Xia Lei said: "Let me try."

The woman looked at Xia Lei in surprise, "You? Who are you? Are you a doctor?"

Anina said: "Aunt Lorna, his name is Xia Lei, he is my friend, he is very capable, let him try."

"Is he a doctor?" asked the woman known as Lorna.

"He is..." Anina was stopped by the question. She actually didn't know whether Xia Lei had first aid ability.

Xia Lei said: "I am not a doctor, I am a mechanic."

"Huh? Mechanic?" Lorna's expression was exaggerated. "Joseph is not a machine. What he needs is a doctor, not a mechanic."

Someone said: "Yes, how can a mechanic do the work of a doctor? Let alone a boy with yellow skin."

"He doesn't look like a doctor. If he kills Joseph, who should bear the responsibility? Him?" someone questioned.

Everyone was talking about it, and apart from Anina, almost no one wanted to believe Xia Lei.

Xia Lei said: "Joseph's wound is still bleeding. How long do you need to discuss? I'm afraid Joseph will die of excessive blood loss before you can come up with a result. Let me try, he may still have a chance. I don't Give it a try, he doesn’t even have a chance. It’s up to you to decide.”

In fact, not only the residents of the town felt that this matter was too risky, but even Xia Lei himself knew that it was very risky. The reason is simple, because he has never treated anyone, nor has he seriously studied any medical skills. The reason why he decided to do this was not that he wanted to be a hero at this time, but that Joseph was very important.

As far as the information currently available is concerned, Joseph has not yet completed the research and production of the advanced intelligent machine tool, but is only nearing the end. If Joseph dies at this time, who will complete the advanced intelligent machine tool

Lorna glanced at the dying Joseph, and she finally made a decision. She handed the first aid kit to Xia Lei, "You try it, but please be careful. If you don't have the ability to deal with the problem, wait for the ambulance." Go ahead. We will pray for Joseph."

Xia Lei nodded and then came to Joseph's side. He opened the first aid kit, took out the scissors, and carefully cut open the blood-stained shirt on Joseph's body. The two wounds on Joseph's back were exposed. Both wounds were bleeding out, and the situation inside the wounds could not be seen at all.

Joseph's injuries were serious, and Xia Lei frowned slightly.

With such a serious injury, even if the ambulance arrived, it could only put Joseph on oxygen and then transfer him to the hospital for examination and treatment. To wait for treatment, Joseph had to survive the ambulance ride that took him to the hospital. In terms of time and injury, Xia Lei could almost conclude that Joseph would die on the way to the hospital, or before that.

"He really doesn't have the ability in this area." An old man said, "I guess he doesn't even know what he should do."

"Joseph will die by his hands, let him stop, I don't believe him." someone said.

Anina was unhappy, "Can you keep quiet? Even if Joseph is in the hospital, will the doctor allow you to be so noisy?"

Several people who were whispering among themselves closed their mouths in embarrassment. In fact, if Xia Lei was a German, they might not be so suspicious, and even if they were suspicious, their tone would be much more polite. Although this is not racial discrimination, there is a bit of regional discrimination.

Lorna said: "Let's pray for Joseph together. The Lord will bless him."

A group of people began to pray, and Xia Lei also found peace. While everyone was praying for Joseph, his left eye twitched slightly, cutting into a wound that hit Joseph's lung like a scalpel. He saw the blood and then made the blood disappear. Then he saw torn muscles, broken blood vessels and a cratered lung, with the bullet embedded in his lung.

Xia Lei then looked through the wound on Joseph's waist. Joseph was very lucky. The bullet stopped at the edge of his kidney, and one centimeter further forward was concentrated in his kidney. If the kidney had been hit by a bullet, he would have died long ago.

"Joseph's fatal injury is in his lungs. If I can find a way to remove his warhead and then tie off the broken blood vessels, he will probably feel better and be able to go to the hospital for treatment, right?" Xia Lei thought in his mind. , his eyes moved to the first aid kit.

The first aid kit contains gauze, disinfectant and styptic powder, as well as tweezers and commonly used drugs such as amoxicillin. There was no scalpel, no anesthesia, and the conditions for surgery were completely lacking.

Under normal circumstances, the doctor would need to take a photo of Joseph to confirm where the warhead was before he dared to operate. But Xia Lei could see the situation inside Joseph's body with his eyes, and it was clearer and more accurate than the instruments. Then, all he lacks is the tools and medicine for surgery.

After thinking for a while, a bold plan took shape in Xia Lei's mind. He picked up the medical forceps and carefully inserted them into Joseph's wound.

The tweezers entered Joseph's wound bit by bit, and Xia Lei's left eye locked tightly on the wound, not daring to relax at all. This may seem like a reckless move, but it is actually the safest and least invasive approach because he can see the tweezers inside the wound. With the clairvoyance ability of his left eye, he could also avoid causing a second injury to Joseph.

"He actually used tweezers..." An old man saw Xia Lei's actions and was so shocked that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

"Let him stop! What a joke, he actually inserted the tweezers into Joseph's body!" one person said angrily.

Anina was also frightened.

But at this moment, Xia Lei lifted up the hand holding the tweezers, and a slightly deformed bullet was pulled out of Joseph's wound.

Xia Lei threw away the warhead, and then inserted the tweezers into Joseph's wound. This time he didn't insert the forceps too far. He used the forceps to clamp the blood vessel that was shorted by the bullet and that was it. After the tweezers clamped the broken blood vessel, the bleeding stopped immediately.

Everyone stared at Xia Lei dumbfounded, so silent that there was no sound.

Xia Lei said: "His wound has stopped bleeding and he should be able to hold on until the ambulance arrives. The other wound is not fatal, so let's wait for the doctor to treat him."

Anina looked at Xia Lei blankly, but there was nothing in her mind.

No one said anything to Xia Lei anymore, their eyes were full of respect.

The sound of an ambulance was heard in the distance, getting closer and closer.

Xia Lei breathed a sigh of relief quietly, and said in his heart: "I must learn medical skills after returning to China. I work for Bureau 101, and I will definitely encounter similar situations in the future. It would be good to have another skill at my side."

ps: There are only two updates in the past two days. I’m really sorry because I’m busy with worldly matters. I will make up for the third update tomorrow!