Tranxending Vision

Chapter 132: As long as the hoe is wielded well, there is no corner that cannot be dug down


The gang shootings subsided, and the thrilling days seemed to be gone forever, and the following days were uneventful. Xia Lei goes to work in the factory every day and returns home on time. Except for work and the necessary sleep time, he spent all his available time studying electrical engineering, and his reference was the intelligent machine tool that Joseph studied.

Every time Xia Lei learned a little knowledge about electrical engineering, he would refer to the circuit structure of the smart phone he memorized with his left eye to understand the meaning and purpose of the existence of those circuits. In this way, he was equivalent to redesigning and making the intelligent machine tool again after Joseph. What was in his mind was no longer a drawing on paper, but something real.

The days are peaceful and fulfilling, but there is also a little trouble.

The trouble is Anina.

After going through that series of things, even though she knew he was a man with a "wife", she still didn't give up. The hoe digging into the corner was waving like a breeze.

This is actually understandable for her.

A woman suddenly met a man who threw a brick at the gunman's head one day and risked his life to save her. Moreover, this man was good-looking, gentle and attentive. How could she want to miss this time? A wonderful and magical encounter? Even if he has a wife, are there still too few couples getting divorced every day in this world

As long as the hoe is wielded well, there is no corner that cannot be dug down!

This witticism, which is very popular in China, seems to be very suitable for Anina, and that is exactly what she did.

"Lucas, don't move." Anina suddenly said to Xia Lei in front of the engine of a Leopard 2 tank.

Xia Lei, who was tightening the screws, looked up at Anina, looking a little confused, "What are you doing?"

Anina suddenly took off the gloves on her hands, took off a white towel from her neck, and then came over to wipe Xia Lei's face. While wiping it, she said: "Your face is splashed with engine oil, let me wipe it for you." .”

Xia Lei said awkwardly: "I'll do it myself."

"Don't move, don't move. Let me wipe it for you. What's wrong?" Anina simply squatted on the tank engine, her blue denim skirt suddenly opened, and there was a hint of purple scenery deep in her snow-white thighs. That shape, mature and sexy, wonderful and alluring.

Xia Lei was extremely embarrassed. He was embarrassed to stare at the other person, but he couldn't turn his face to the side and let them wipe his ears when they were wiping his face, right

What's even more uncomfortable is that Anina's body is covered with a very strange perfume, which is very stimulating. Coupled with her gentle movements and the heated air breathed out from her nostrils, these factors converged. For Xia Lei, this was not a pleasure, it was simply torture.

Moreover, this kind of thing happens almost every day, more than once.

This is already the thirtieth day after Joseph was shot. Xia Lei can no longer remember how many times Anina hinted at him, nor how many times she showed her favor to him. He didn't have such strong willpower to persevere until now, but ever since Long Bing climbed onto Anina's roof that night and knocked the tiles with rocks, she would always appear at very critical moments. Under such circumstances, how could he dare to achieve good things with Anina? Every time his heart beats, and he wants to have something with Anina, he is worried about a situation, that is, when he is about to enter that something, Long Bing suddenly appears, or knocks the tiles with stones, or knocks on the door. A cough... This has become a problem.

Xia Lei secretly breathed a sigh of relief after Anina finally wiped the oil off his face. During the day, she was seduced by Anina, and at night she had to sleep on the same bed with Long Bing, and she couldn't do anything. During this time in Germany, he wanted to see a psychiatrist.

Anina wiped Xia Lei's sweat, but instead of putting the towel on her neck, she used the towel to wipe the sweat on her chest. She wiped it back and forth, the soft area swaying from side to side, and a large piece of white snow swayed in front of Xia Lei's eyes.

Xia Lei swallowed quietly and looked away awkwardly.

Anina raised the corner of her mouth slightly and put away the towel, "Lucas, let's go to the hospital in the afternoon. I received a call from Joseph. He said he was discharged from the hospital in the afternoon. Let's pick him up from the hospital."

Joseph stayed in the hospital for a whole month, but without Xia Lei and the forceps, he would have lived in a coffin until the destruction of the earth.

Xia Lei said: "He doesn't like me and treats me as..."

"Love rival?" Anina giggled, "Is that what you're talking about?"

Xia Lei nodded, "Isn't it?"

"It's impossible for me and him. I've always regarded him as my brother since I was a child. How can I marry someone I consider to be my brother? That's not love." Anina said: "There is someone, I think. I'm with him, but he...he's married again, what do you think I should do?"

Xia Lei coughed dryly. He didn't dare to talk about such a topic casually.

"Come to the hospital with me, Joseph said I want to thank you personally." Anina didn't want to tease Xia Lei anymore. She felt that Xia Lei was actually quite pitiful.

Xia Lei said, "Okay, I'll go to the hospital with you." He said secretly in his heart: "The most important part of that smart machine tool is the CNC program. When will Joseph be able to complete the CNC program for that machine tool after he is discharged from the hospital? But Hopefully he’ll finish it within a month so I can return home.”

It has been more than a month since I came to Germany. I can't contact anyone in China, and I don't know anything about the company. Xia Lei has been dreaming about his home these days, dreaming about Jiang Ruyi and Liang Siyao, as well as his company and Shentu Tianyin…

In the afternoon, Anina took Xia Lei to a hospital. Xia Lei saw Joseph in a ward. He was originally a thin man, but after living in the hospital for a month, he actually gained a lot of weight. However, he still looks a little weak and needs some time to recover before he can return to normal.

Xia Lei didn't see any of Joseph's friends in the ward. The ward was deserted, which surprised him.

"Joseph, how are you feeling today?" Anina greeted Joseph.

"Not bad, thank you." Joseph's eyes moved to Xia Lei, and before Xia Lei could say anything, he came up to him and stretched out his hands to shake hands with Xia Lei.

When Xia Lei met Joseph for the first time, he took the initiative to shake hands with Joseph, but Joseph did not shake hands with him. Now he took the initiative to extend his hands to shake hands with Xia Lei. From this point alone, it is not difficult to see that after the last incident, He changed his attitude towards Xia Lei.

Xia Lei shook hands with Joseph and said, "Mr. Joseph, nice to meet you."

"Lucas, I know what you did for me." Joseph hugged Xia Lei and said sincerely: "Thank you for saving me. I was sorry to you before... I want to say sorry to you."

Xia Lei smiled, "Why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything to be sorry for."

Lucas also smiled, "Lucas, be my friend, okay?"

Xia Lei said: "Of course, it's my honor to be your friend."

Anina interjected: "Can you two men stop being so disgusting? If you continue like this, I will suspect that you are gay."

Lucas and Xia Lei looked at each other and smiled, and the previous unhappiness disappeared at this moment.

Anina added: "Joseph, where are your friends? You were discharged from the hospital today, why didn't any of them come?"

Joseph shook his head, "Hans almost killed me. I don't need that kind of friend. I have already made clear my boundaries with some people in the past. I also want to tell you some good news."

"What?" Anina asked.

Joseph paused, and then said in a more exaggerated tone: "During the time I was hospitalized, I completed the CNC program for my smart machine tool on my laptop. I tell you without exaggeration, it will become the world's first CNC program. The most advanced machine tool in the world! I can make a lot of money!"

"Wow! Really?" Anina hugged Joseph and said excitedly: "Congratulations, Joseph!"

Joseph smiled and said: "In one week, my child will be born. In the future, when there is profit, I will give him the latest and best Harley motorcycle, okay?"

"Okay!" Anina kissed Joseph's cheek excitedly.

Kissing the face is just a common etiquette in the West, but Joseph looked very excited. He glanced at Xia Lei from the corner of his eye. He seemed to care about Xia Lei's reaction at this time, but when he saw Xia Lei's smile on his face, he was actually very happy.

When Anina let go of Joseph, Xia Lei also leaned over and gave Joseph a hug. He said with a smile: "Congratulations, Joseph, you are so amazing. Your research results will definitely go to the world and inject into the global manufacturing industry." New energy.”

Joseph shook his head, "I didn't think too much about it, and there are some things that will not be exported."

Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "Not speaking out will not prevent your research from taking root in the East. Joseph, I save your life and I steal your scientific research results. We are even. In one week, I can Go home!”

"Can you get me some things? I haven't been home for a month, and I also need to go to the supermarket to buy some things. The things in the refrigerator are definitely no longer practical," Joseph said.

Anina said: "We will help you if you don't tell us, let's go, what do you need us to help you with?"

"Can you help me walk? I'm still a little inconvenient now." Joseph looked at Anina expectantly.

Anina nodded readily, "No problem."

Joseph said to Xia Lei again: "Lucas, can you help me get my computer bag? I only have a few things."

Xia Lei saw the computer bag placed on the hospital bed, and his heart skipped a beat, but his face remained calm as he said, "No problem."

Anina helped Joseph out of the ward, and Xia Lei followed behind carrying Joseph's computer bag. He had a strong impulse to find an excuse to leave Joseph's sight for a few minutes, and then copy the CNC program completed by Joseph. However, every time this thought was very strong, another voice would appear in his mind: Calm down, calm down...

After walking out of the hospital, Anina helped Joseph get into a taxi, and then she said to Xia Lei, "You accompany Joseph in the taxi, and I will follow on my bike."

Joseph said, "Please stay with me. Lucas must know how to ride a motorcycle, right?" He looked at Xia Lei.

God-given opportunity!

Xia Lei nodded and said, "I can ride, no problem. Anina, give me your key, and I'll follow."

Anina rolled her eyes at Xia Lei and reluctantly threw the motorcycle keys to Xia Lei.

The moment he took the keys to the motorcycle, Xia Lei felt that he was holding a direct flight ticket to China. He said excitedly: "This is an excellent opportunity. I deliberately lost it and copied the CNC program..."

"Lucas, can you give me my computer bag?" Joseph's voice came.

Suddenly a ladle of cold water was poured on Xia Lei's head.

Joseph was cautious. The more this happens, the less impatient it is to be impatient at this critical moment of the end of the mission!

Xia Lei smiled, walked over and handed the computer bag to Joseph, and then said: "Let's go, I will try to keep up. If you can't see me, then make me a cup of coffee at home, I will definitely I showed up to you while the coffee was still hot."

Anina warned: "Be careful when riding."

Xia Lei nodded.

The taxi drove Anina and Joseph into the driveway, but Xia Lei took out his mobile phone and made a call, "He is discharged from the hospital. He has completed what we want. Let's do it tonight."

A woman's voice came from the mobile phone, "Just ride a bike, I'm in the hospital lobby."

Xia Lei, "..."