Tranxending Vision

Chapter 134: Do you think I am just your wife?


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When they arrived at Joseph's house, Joseph prepared a lot of ingredients. He was also dressed decently, with suits and leather shoes, and well-polished leather shoes. He obviously wanted Anina to see his handsome side. If only Xia Lei came, he would probably come out wearing home clothes and slippers to deal with it.

"Lucas, can you help me cook some dishes? You know, my body has not recovered yet, so it's not convenient." After a few words of greeting, Lucas couldn't wait to push Xia Lei away.

Anina frowned slightly. She obviously didn't like Joseph treating Xia Lei as a subordinate or servant. Joseph said that he regarded Xia Lei as a friend, but now it seems that it was just a superficial effort. In his heart, he still looked down on Xia Lei, a young man who came to Germany from China to work.

Xia Lei didn't seem to mind at all. He smiled and said, "Okay, I'll go to the kitchen. What do you want to eat? I'll cook it for you."

When Joseph was about to speak, Anina said, "Just do whatever you want, no need to bother." She didn't want Xia Lei to be too tired.

"Well, okay, then I'll just cook a few dishes." Xia Lei walked towards the kitchen.

Joseph and Anina were chatting in the living room, and Xia Lei was busy in the kitchen. While a dish was being prepared, a woman, Long Bing, suddenly appeared at the kitchen window.

Long Bing's appearance immediately startled Xia Lei. He nervously looked back in the direction of the living room, but Anina and Joseph who were chatting in the living room were nowhere to be seen in the kitchen. He then breathed a sigh of relief. . He couldn't see Joseph and Anina without using his clairvoyance ability, so Joseph and Anina couldn't see the situation here either.

"Why are you here?" Xia Lei lowered his voice, "Don't be in a hurry. When I say we operate at night, I mean when both Joseph and Anina are asleep."

Long Bing said calmly: "A female mechanic, a patient, you don't need to be so careful. The matter is very simple. I have already reported it to the superior, and the superior agreed that we will take action tonight. Our retreat plan is also ready, as long as Wait until you succeed."

"So fast?" Xia Lei was a little surprised.

The corners of Long Bing's mouth curled up slightly, "What? Are you reluctant to let go of your little German lover?"

Xia Lei spread his hands speechlessly, indicating that there was no such thing.

"Put this in the food and you can make them comatose for a while." Long Bing handed a paper bag in from the window.

Xia Lei took the paper bag and said, "What is it?"

"Things like sleeping pills, you put them in the dishes you cook. This medicine has no taste, so you don't have to worry about being discovered by them." Long Bing said: "However, you'd better let them drink some wine, so that they will I suspect he fell asleep after drinking too much. In addition, there is a capsule in the paper bag, which is the antidote. If you take it before taking the medicine, you will not be in a coma like them."

Xia Lei nodded, "Okay, I know what to do."

Long Bing said: "I will take action with you after we get it done."

Xia Lei nodded again. The mission finally came to an end, and he would be able to return to China soon, but the feeling of loss was getting stronger and stronger. What is certain is that he will never forget the days of espionage in Germany.

In half an hour, Xia Lei finished five dishes, three German steaks, sausages, fried pork chops, vegetable salad, and a pea soup. Each dish had special "condiments" given to him by Long Bing. He brought the dishes to the table one by one, and then said: "It's time to eat."

Joseph and Anina finished their conversation and came over. Joseph sniffed with his nostrils, then gave a thumbs up and praised: "Lucas, I really can't believe that you have such good cooking skills. In your house, your wife must not want to enter the kitchen. ?”

Xia Lei smiled and said, "She doesn't cook much in the kitchen. Most of the time I do it, otherwise I wouldn't be able to practice such cooking skills."

Anina said somewhat unhappily: "Joseph, what is your Lucas wife doing at this time?"

Joseph pretended to be innocent, "Did I say something wrong?"

He mentioned Xia Lei's wife on purpose. He learned from a colleague who visited him that Xia Lei was married to someone.

"No. I'm going to get the wine. It's not convenient for you anyway." Anina got up and went to the wine cabinet to get the wine.

Xia Lei was about to suggest drinking some wine, but Anina took the initiative to get the wine, which saved her trouble.

"Joseph, you have just been discharged from the hospital, can you drink?" Xia Lei asked tentatively.

Joseph said: "Red wine is okay. I asked the doctor and he said that drinking a little red wine in moderation can help cardiovascular health." Joseph said.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Drink less if you can, and eat more vegetables. The vegetables are nutritious."

"Thank you, Lucas." Joseph said politely.

Anina brought two bottles of red wine, opened one, and poured three glasses of wine.

Xia Lei took a wine glass, raised the glass and said: "Joseph, I wish you recovery, cheers."

"Lucas, I also wish you a happy family." Joseph clinked glasses with Xia Lei, and then drank the red wine under the quilt. He didn't dare to look at Anina's eyes and buried himself in eating steak.

Anina did look unhappy. What she wanted to see most was for Xia Lei's family to be in disharmony, and then he and his wife would divorce. But today Joseph mentioned Xia Lei's wife countless times and wished Xia Lei a happy family. Wasn't this deliberately going against her

Anina also drank a glass of wine, and then lightly kicked Xia Lei's calf under the table.

Xia Lei glanced at her in surprise. His eyes seemed to be asking Anina why she kicked him.

Anina moved her lips gently, but there was no sound, but Xia Lei used lip reading to interpret what she said. What she said was: Eat quickly, let's go home after eating!

Anina no longer wants to stay here.

Xia Lei suddenly remembered what she said by the river: Let me put a cuckold on your wife. These words made his heart flutter.

Anina winked at Xia Lei playfully, and gently rubbed Xia Lei's calf with her feet as she sat down.

Xia Lei was so excited by her teasing that he didn't dare to look at Anina's seductive eyes. He buried his head in eating the steak.

The three of them ate and drank, and the two bottles of red wine were quickly consumed. Almost all the food on the table had been swept away. Xia Lei was filled with curiosity and secretly said: "I put all the medicine Long Bing gave me into the food, but why are Joseph and Anina not unconscious yet? Could it be that the medicine Long Bing gave me is expired? "

At this moment, Joseph put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and then said: "Lucas, the food you cook is so good... eat..."

Before he could finish a sentence, his head suddenly hit the dining table.

Anina, who was sitting next to Joseph, also tilted her neck and lost consciousness.

"Joseph, are you okay?" Xia Lei reached out and shook Joseph's head, but Joseph didn't respond at all. He then patted Anina's cheek again, "Anina, wake up."

Anina didn't react at all.

At this time, a woman's voice came from the direction of the kitchen, "Don't bother, it will take them two hours to wake up."

Xia Lei turned around and saw Long Bing, "Two hours? So fast?"

"Get to work, every minute is precious from now on." Long Bing reminded.

Xia Lei said: "His computer is in the study room. I will take you there."

Xia Lei took Long Bing upstairs, and then came to Joseph's study. Joseph's computer was placed on the desk. Xia Lei opened the computer and a password input box appeared on the screen. His brows suddenly wrinkled, "I don't know the password."

"Get out of the way, I'll do it." Long Bing approached.

Xia Lei stood next to him. He doubted that Long Bing could solve the password set by an electrical engineer, but he didn't expect that Long Bing entered a long string of passwords and opened Joseph's computer in one fell swoop.

" do you know Joseph's password?" Xia Lei said in shock.

Long Bing glanced at him and said calmly: "Do you think I am just a wife in Germany waiting for you to come home for dinner? When Joseph was hospitalized, I would climb up the building opposite the inpatient department of the hospital every day to monitor Joseph with a telescope. He has to enter his password several times a day, and I have already memorized it.”

"So that's it." Xia Lei sighed in his heart, he was indeed a professional agent.

"I've done all the dirty work, but it's better for you to have fun with Anina every day." Long Bing added when inserting the USB flash drive into the USB interface.

Xia Lei was embarrassed and said nothing. After the laptop's operating interface opened, he took over the computer and quickly found the program software that needed to be copied. He opened it, confirmed it, and then copied it directly to the USB flash drive. Not only the completed program software, but also some information and draft documents were copied to the USB flash drive.

After finishing it, Xia Lei took out the USB flash drive and closed the laptop. "Let's go to the warehouse and have a look. He must have implanted a control program in the past half day. Before leaving here, I want to take a look at his machine again."

Long Bing nodded, "There's still plenty of time, let's go."

The two left Joseph's study and came to the warehouse behind the house.

The fluorescent tarpaulin of the intelligent machine tool has been unveiled, and standing in the warehouse is a complete large-scale intelligent machine tool. Xia Lei found a machined part on the operating table. His heart moved and he walked over quickly. He picked up the part, inspected it, and said excitedly: "This is a high-precision part. Currently, there are no machine tools in our country that can process it. Yes, he implanted the CNC program and it was successful!"

"Do you need to dismantle his machine and take a look? Do you want to take away the circuit board or main control computer?" Long Bing didn't understand this at first, but during more than a month in Germany, in order to complete the task, she I also read professional books in this area and gained some knowledge.

Xia Lei thought for a moment, "No need. You go outside and look out for me. I want to check his machine carefully, and then we can leave."

Long Bing said: "Okay, but you have to remember that you only have one hour and forty minutes. After that, you need to sit back at the dining table, and then our people will kill you."

"Ah?" Xia Lei was suddenly startled and stared at Long Bing dumbfounded - there's no need to be so straightforward about burning bridges, right

Long Bing burst out laughing suddenly, "You're so funny like this. Don't worry, this is just part of the mission. I won't really kill you, I'm just pretending to be in front of Anina and Joseph after they wake up." Just kill you. You can't just disappear mysteriously when Joseph has just completed the intelligent machine tool, right? You need an illusion that you will disappear from their lives forever. You think, if you die, Joseph will still suspect that you stole his Confidential?"

So that was it, Xia Lei shook his head with a wry smile. Just when Long Bing turned around and walked out of the warehouse, his left eye twitched slightly, and then the internal structure of the intelligent machine tool appeared in front of him one by one, like a woman without clothes...

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