Tranxending Vision

Chapter 135: Death of Lucas


An hour and a half later, Xia Lei walked out of the warehouse. In the past hour or so, he has understood all the mechanical structure, integrated circuits, CNC programs, etc. of Joseph's intelligent machine tool. Although he can't see some virtual things, he knows the principles. With what he has mastered now, he will be able to create such a most advanced intelligent machine tool in the world after returning to China!

Back in the living room, Xia Lei saw two strangers. They all wore black silicone masks and looked like black people, but Xia Lei knew from the color of their eyes that they were of the same race as him.

"Is it done?" Long Bing asked aloud.

Xia Lei said: "It's done."

Long Bing looked at the watch on his hand, and then said: "There is not much time, please sit down in your original position."

Xia Lei walked to the dining room and sat in his previous seat. He looked at Anina lying on the dining table, and suddenly felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

He could completely feel Anina's affection for him. She liked him, it was a sincere love, and there was no trace of materialistic desires or anything else in it. Even though she knew he had a wife, she still didn't give up. Her feelings for him were so real, but he deceived her without even a chance to apologize. As soon as she wakes up, he will die in front of her, waiting for her with unsolved mysteries and sad feelings. This is not fair to her at all.

Xia Lei looked at Anina's face quietly and said quietly in his heart: "I'm sorry, I lied to you, but I didn't mean it. There are some things I can't help myself... I don't know if we will have a chance in the future. Goodbye, and if anything, I will repay you well. Take care, Anina."

At this time, Joseph and Anina, who were lying on the dining table, both moved.

Long Bing gave a wink to her two colleagues wearing black masks, and left the room herself.

Two colleagues wearing black masks immediately took out their pistols and lurked on both sides of the dining room, waiting for Anina and Joseph to wake up completely.

Xia Lei also lay on the table, creating the illusion of waking up with Joseph and Anina.

"What's going on?" Joseph was the first to wake up. He opened his eyes drowsily, and then he saw Xia Lei and Anina lying on the table.

At this time, Anina also opened her eyes. She shook her head, as if she wanted to wake up her drowsy consciousness.

"Anina, are we drunk?" Joseph was confused.

"Are we drunk? It's so bad..." Anina muttered.

Xia Lei also opened his eyes. He rubbed his eyes and then said, "Joseph, is your wine okay? It's just two bottles. We are all drunk."

Joseph suddenly remembered something, and his expression suddenly became nervous. He said, "You stay here, I will go to the warehouse to take a look."

"We're going back." Anina stood up, "Lucas, let's go."

Xia Lei smiled at Anina. He wanted to leave Anina with one last smile, but at this time, his smile was full of sadness.

Perhaps Xia Lei's smile touched the soft part of Anina's heart. She suddenly held Xia Lei's hand affectionately in front of Joseph.

Joseph's face suddenly turned ugly.

At this moment, a shock bomb suddenly flew into the dining room, fell to the ground and exploded. The bright light in the left eye and the deafening explosion immediately knocked the three people to the ground. The moment he fell to the ground, Xia Lei subconsciously hugged Anina tightly to protect her body.

Two gunmen wearing black silicone masks suddenly rushed into the dining room and pulled Xia Lei up from Anina's body. One of them pointed a gun at Xia Lei and shouted: "That's him, he killed our boss Navas, kill him!"

"Damn it! Kill him!" The two men wearing black silicone masks sang in harmony, and then fired at Xia Lei together.

Bang bang bang bang…

Sparks shot out of the barrel, and bullet casings clattered to the ground.

Xia Lei screamed and fell to the ground, but the two men wearing black silicone masks were still pulling the triggers on his body frantically.

However, there were only cartridge cases, not bullets. Not even a single piece of skin on Xia Lei's body was broken.

Anina shook her head vigorously, but she still couldn't see Xia Lei's situation clearly. Her ears were buzzing, and the deafening gunshots couldn't stimulate her numbness from the detonation shells. eardrum. But she knew very well that the two black men were shooting at Xia Lei!

"Lucas—" She opened her mouth wide and wanted to wake Lucas up. She expected a miracle to happen, that is, Lucas would suddenly get up from the ground and knock down the two black gunmen. However, such a miracle only existed in her fantasy and did not appear in reality at all.

Joseph struggled to get up from the ground, but before he could stand firm, the handle of a gun hit him on the head. He groaned and fell to the ground again.

Anina heard the voices of two black people talking and saw two extremely blurry figures walking towards her. A thought suddenly came to her mind, "Will they kill me? Lucas, hurry up" Wake up, help me quickly..."

At this critical moment, she thought of no one but Xia Lei.

The handle of a gun suddenly hit Anina's head, and she completely lost consciousness.

I don’t know how long it took, but Anina slowly woke up. She subconsciously rubbed her painful eyes. She saw Joseph lying on the ground and the bullet casings all over the ground, but she did not see Xia Lei.

Thinking of Xia Lei, an inexplicable power suddenly came out of Anina's body. She climbed up from the ground, then stumbled and ran out looking around, shouting as she ran, "Lucas - Lucas - Lucas, where are you?"

No one responded to her. The sunny and handsome young man from China seemed to have left forever and would never appear in front of her again.

The horrific scene emerged in her mind. Two black gunmen threw detonator bombs into the dining room, and then shot Xia Lei...

"No, you won't die, you won't die... Wuwu..." Reason finally defeated the fantasy, and tears burst out of Anina's eyes, and her cheeks were wet with hot tears.

"Anina, where is Lucas? Joseph also got up from the ground. He looked around, but he didn't see Lucas.

Anina looked back at Joseph, with tears in her eyes, "Lucas was killed by... gangsters... Wow..." At this point, she couldn't hold it back anymore and burst into tears.

Joseph walked over, hugged Anina's shoulders, and said comfortingly: "Don't be afraid, there is still me. I am with you, no one can hurt you."

Anina cried on his shoulder.

But just when she was crying sadly, Joseph suddenly let go of her and strode towards the stairs. As he walked, he said, "Oops, those guys must be coming for my smart machine tool!"

Anina froze on the spot, "Lucas was killed, but you only remember your smart machine tool! He saved your life, have you forgotten?"

Joseph didn't answer, he quickly went up to the second floor. At this time, he didn't look weak at all like a patient, and his steps were windy.

Anina caught up to the second floor and entered Joseph's study.

Joseph saw his computer and breathed a long sigh of relief. "Fortunately, my computer is still there, and the things here don't seem to have been touched." As he spoke, he woke up the computer, and the password popped up on the monitor. frame. He entered his password and checked the contents of his hard drive. The results of the inspection made him feel more relaxed. No one had touched the contents of the computer. He had considerable confidence in his complex code.

"I said, Lucas was killed by gangsters. Those guys were not interested in your smart machine tools at all!" Anina felt worthless for Xia Lei because he saved a heartless person. Guy.

"No, I have to go to the warehouse to confirm!" Joseph followed and went to the warehouse again.

Anina didn't follow him this time. She returned to the dining room and stared blankly at the bullet casings on the ground. She was sure that she saw Xia Lei fall to the ground after being shot, and then two black gunmen fired wildly at Xia Lei's body. No one could survive in that situation, which is why she was sure that Xia Lei had been killed. But why is there no blood and no body

"The two black gunmen killed Lucas, why did they take away the body?" Anina couldn't figure out this question.

After thinking blankly for a while, Anina took out her cell phone and called the police.

Not long after, Joseph also returned from the warehouse, with a smile on his lips, "Those guys are really not here for my smart machine tools. No one has touched the things in the warehouse. I checked carefully and there is no problem." .”

For Joseph, what he was seeing was indeed worthy of his happiness. His most important thing was not lost, but his love rival was dead. Without Xia Lei, would he still worry about Anina not changing his mind

"Enough!" Anina yelled at Joseph: "I don't want to hear you talk about smart machine tools anymore."

Joseph then put away his smile and pretended to be sad, "I'm sorry, Anina, I am also very sad that Lucas was killed. But you know, the smart machine tool in the warehouse is my hard work for several years, and it is Like my kids... we will make a lot of money from it in the future, believe me, we can do it."

"That's you! It has nothing to do with me!" Anina lost control of her emotions. She covered her ears and walked out. "I don't want to listen to you. I'll go out and wait for the police!"

"You called the police?" Joseph looked surprised, "Why didn't you tell me?"

Anina stopped talking to Joseph and walked out of his house angrily.

A flash of hatred flashed in Joseph's eyes, but he did not pursue him shamelessly.

The night is vast, with a bright full moon and countless stars in the sky. In the beautiful scenery, Anina was supposed to be lingering with Xia Lei at home, but in the blink of an eye, they were separated forever and never saw each other again.

"Lucas, are you in the sky? Tell me, which star is you?" Anina looked up at the stars in the sky, tears bursting into her eyes again...

ps: Thanks to Brother Bajian for the reward!