Tranxending Vision

Chapter 142: Business and integrity

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The patent was approved on the same day, which was probably an implicit benefit of Xia Lei being a consultant to Bureau 101. The trademark of the selfie stick has also been registered, and its name is: Aimei.

After these things were completed, the salesmen of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company also became busy, looking for sales channels for the two products of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company.

Meizhimei Supermarket naturally became the touchstone for new products of Leima Manufacturing Company. Qin Xiang opened a special counter for Aimei selfie sticks and arranged for people to promote them. As a result, all the hundreds of selfie sticks sold on the counter that day were sold out. . Most of the people who buy this kind of selfie stick are young people, and there are also middle-aged consumers, but the number is not large. This also confirms Liang Siyao's initial judgment that this is a very fashionable and youthful product.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

"Leizi, come with me after get off work." Liang Siyao said in the office: "I have made an appointment with Lu Sheng, and his boss agreed to meet us. The location will be at his home."

"His home?" Xia Lei said, "I thought it was in a hotel. In this case, we can treat him to a meal."

Liang Siyao said: "I think so too, but this is someone else's decision, and I can't help it. Lu Sheng is just someone else's bodyguard, let alone talk about it. His family is his family, I think it's okay."

"What's the name of Lu Sheng's boss?"

"My name is Zhang Sen. He is very young and capable. He is in his thirties and has assets of over 100 million yuan."

Xia Lei smiled and said, "It's indeed amazing. He has been so successful in his thirties."

Liang Siyao stared at Xia Lei, "I think you are more powerful than him."

"Me?" Xia Lei said, "Don't be ridiculous, I can't compare to others. If I were better than him, I wouldn't beg him. It's up to him to beg me."

"Success is not measured by asking for help or not." Liang Siyao smiled and said: "Do you know why I don't go to work for those big companies and groups, but I want to follow you?"

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, "I am your junior brother, who will help me if you don't help me?"

"We are a family, that's one reason." When she said this, Liang Siyao blushed inexplicably, and then said: "Another reason is that you have strong creativity. I see some legendary entrepreneurs in you. In the shadow of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs, they were in a similar situation to you now, and they also started from scratch and built their own empire bit by bit."

"You compare me with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs? You think too highly of me." Xia Lei smiled, "But if I reach their level, I will give you whatever you want."


"of course it's true."

"I want stars!"

"Then... let's charter a spaceship and go to space to see the stars."

"I want the castle!"

"Then I will buy you a piece of land and build you a castle!"

"I want a prince!"

"Then I..." Xia Lei couldn't finish it. Even Bill Gates couldn't buy such a thing as a prince.

Liang Siyao blinked her big bright eyes and curled her lips and said, "It's boring to have a castle but no prince. Then I'll have a house full of children and grandchildren."

Xia Lei, "..."

How to satisfy this wish

Liang Siyao chuckled and said, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. I'll go to the workshop to get the samples. You go take a shower and change clothes and then we'll set off."

After Liang Siyao left, Xia Lei also left the studio and went to the bathhouse to take a bath. If you want to meet someone like Zhang Sen, you will definitely not be able to do it if you are covered in oil.

An hour later, Xia Lei and Liang Siyao drove to a beachside villa. Rich people like to live in beautiful suburbs and by the sea, and Zhang Sen seems to be no exception.

From afar, he saw Lu Sheng standing at the door, wearing a black suit, black sunglasses, and a communicator's spring-shaped headset cord plugged into his ear. He looked exactly like a CIA agent in a Hollywood movie. .

Xia Lei, who was driving, saw Lu Sheng in this outfit through the windshield and couldn't help but said: "Senior Brother Lu is very cool. He is born to be a professional bodyguard."

"Do you also want to hire one?" Liang Siyao said with a smile, "But I guess if you want to hire one, you will hire a beautiful woman as a bodyguard, right?"

Xia Lei said with a smile: "I am your father's disciple. My fists and feet are my bodyguards. What kind of bodyguards do I need?"

The car approached the gate. Lu Sheng opened the door for Xia Lei, and then gave Xia Lei instructions on where to park the car.

Xia Lei parked the car and got out of the car with Liang Siyao. He greeted Lu Sheng cordially, "Brother Lu, I have caused trouble for you this time."

Lu Sheng smiled and said, "You're welcome. We are all fellow disciples, so you're welcome."

"Monk, you look very handsome in this outfit." Liang Siyao said with a smile.

Lu Sheng said with some embarrassment: "Siyao, please stop making fun of me. My boss asked me to wear it. I like loose clothes. This suit is very tight and uncomfortable on my body." He then said: "No. I said, let’s talk later, I’ll take you to see my boss now.”

Lu Sheng took Xia Lei and Liang Siyao into the villa, and then went to the rooftop on the third floor. There is actually a swimming pool on the roof of the third floor, as well as a suspended glass viewing balcony facing the sea. When Xia Lei and Liang Siyao followed Lu Sheng to the rooftop on the third floor, several young women in bikinis were playing cards with a young man by the swimming pool. Behind the young man and several young women stood a bodyguard in a suit and leather tie with a serious face.

Lu Sheng said in a low voice: "The person playing cards is my boss. You go over there, I have to go down." After that, he went downstairs again.

At this time, Zhang Sen suddenly laughed and said, "You lose, come here!"

A woman who had lost a bet had an unhappy look on her face, but she still walked up to Zhang Sen obediently and bowed facing the swimming pool, with her legs straightened and her butt raised high. This is the ready position of a diving athlete.

Zhang Sen suddenly slapped the woman on the butt, and then kicked her up. The woman screamed and plunged into the swimming pool.

Xia Lei was dumbfounded by this scene. Isn't Zhang Sen very good at playing

A look of disgust flashed across Liang Siyao's eyes.

Xia Lei seemed to feel the change in Liang Siyao's mood. He said softly: "If you don't like it, go down and wait for me. I'll talk to him."

Liang Siyao nodded, "Okay, I'll go down and talk to the monk."

After Liang Siyao left, Xia Lei walked towards the swimming pool. He was also thinking about how to communicate with people like Zhang Sen.

Zhang Sen actually saw Xia Lei and Liang Siyao coming up a long time ago, but he didn't get up to say hello. When Xia Lei walked towards the swimming pool, he pushed the several thousand dollars in front of him to the woman playing cards with him, "No more playing, you can take the money and divide it."

"Thank you, Brother Sen." Several women thanked him in a cooing voice and went down holding the money.

The woman who had just climbed out of the water passed by Xia Lei and quietly winked at Xia Lei. The wet bikini, the bulge on the chest, and the dent between the legs were clearly visible, and it was very provocative, but Xia Lei didn't even feel the slightest bit, let alone being tempted and seeing through her left eye.

Xia Lei walked up to Zhang Sen and said politely with a smile on his face: "Mr. Zhang, my name is Xia Lei and I'm here..."

Zhang Sen interrupted Xia Lei, "I know what you are here for. Miss Liang is here with you, right?"

"You know her?"

"I heard Lu Sheng talk about it and know something about it. Lu Sheng said she is a Wing Chun master, right?"

Xia Lei said: "She is my senior sister, she is indeed very powerful."

"So you are also very powerful?" A strange light flashed in Zhang Sen's eyes.

"It's okay." Xia Lei said, "Mr. Zhang, your place is very beautiful and enviable."

The other party was not in a hurry to discuss business, and neither was he. In the five years he had worked hard at the lowest level of society, he had never received any cold looks or rolls of eyes. This cold treatment was nothing.

Zhang Sen did not invite Xia Lei to take a seat. He waved his hand, and the bodyguard standing behind him followed him and walked up to him.

"Mr. Xia, my bodyguard is from Thailand, and I am very good at Muay Thai. How about this, you compete with my bodyguard, and if you win, I will sell your selfie stick online and open a counter for you. , what do you think?" Zhang Sen said.

Xia Lei's brows suddenly raised slightly, and he suppressed the anger in his heart, "Mr. Zhang, I come to you to discuss business, not to compete. If you look down on me and my small company, you can tell me clearly I, I’m leaving now and won’t disturb you.”

Zhang Sen tilted his lips at his bodyguard.

This was a hint. Zhang Sen's Thai bodyguard suddenly raised his leg, and drew a long leg towards Xia Lei's neck like a bow that was suddenly fully drawn.

Xia Lei was furious and advanced instead of retreating. He blocked the Thai bodyguard's leg attack with his left hand and struck between the Thai bodyguard's legs with his right fist. That part is closest to him and the most effective!

The Thai bodyguard didn't expect Xia Lei's reaction to be so quick, and hurriedly reached out to block Xia Lei's right fist. But Xia Lei's right fist was too fast, and he barely blocked Xia Lei's fist, but Xia Lei's fist impacted his palm into the area between his thighs. At that moment, the huge impact caused his mouth to open into an "O" shape.

Xia Lei took a lunge and pushed out with both palms at the same time, "Go!"

The Thai bodyguard suddenly lost his balance and fell into the swimming pool with a splash.

Muay Thai is more than one level behind Wing Chun. What's more, although the Thai bodyguard's sneak attack was fast enough, it couldn't be faster than Xia Lei's left eye!

"Okay! It's really amazing!" Zhang Sen clapped his hands and looked very excited, "If you and Miss Liang had a fight, who would win? I want to make friends with Miss Liang. I wonder if you can introduce us to each other? What? I like it very much..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Lei suddenly reached out, grabbed his collar, and threw him into the swimming pool.

"Gulu..." Caught off guard, Zhang Sen choked on his water. He popped his head out of the water and pointed at Xia Lei, "How dare you—"

Xia Lei reached out and grabbed Zhang Sen's finger, "You can be disrespectful to me, but not to my senior sister. If you say a dirty word to her, I will twist your fingers off."

Zhang Sen's Thai bodyguard swam over nervously, ready to rescue him.

Xia Lei glared at him, "Just be patient. If you want your boss to cut off his fingers, just come."

The Thai bodyguard stayed in the water and did not dare to move.

Zhang Sen was stunned for a moment, then said with a wry smile: "I really just want to be friends with her, why are you beating me? I've liked kung fu since I was a child, but I can't learn it."

Xia Lei then let go of Zhang Sen's fingers. If this Zhang Sen just gives him a little look, despises him, and teases him, he can endure it for the sake of business. Nowadays, in order to open up sales and get orders, many small companies even ask female employees to go to bed with customers. What's the big deal if he suffers a little humiliation for the development of the company? However, Liang Siyao was different. He regarded Liang Zhengchun as his father. Liang Siyao was also his sister and his relative. It was unacceptable for anyone to insult her, even if the business could not be negotiated!

This may seem reckless or even stupid, but if a man has no backbone, is he still a man? Therefore, he does not regret this at all!, the fastest updated novel reading website!