Tranxending Vision

Chapter 15: I didn't see anything


When Jiang Ruyi arrived at the police office area, he was stunned on the spot.

The office area was empty except for a few civilian policewomen working.

Jiang Ruyi walked to the desk of a policewoman and asked, "Xiao Wang, what's going on, where is the person?"

The policewoman known as Xiao Wang said: "They were all sent out by the Yellow Bureau."

"What are you doing?"

Policewoman Xiao Wang said: "Some people went to investigate previous cases, some people went on patrol, and some people went to handle an alarm call. The call came a few minutes ago, saying that the home was stolen."

Jiang Ruyi's face turned green with anger, and she said angrily: "Nonsense! The superiors gave us a death order and gave us one week to solve the case. How can they catch a thief at this time?"

"Hmm." Huang Changhai also appeared in the police office area. He was holding a well-paste Yixing purple sand cup in his hand with a gloating smile on his face. "Xiao Wang, go and give it to me." Make a cup of tea.”

"Well, okay." Policewoman Xiao Wang then stood up and went to make tea for Huang Changhai, her attitude was obviously much more submissive than that of Jiang Ruyi.

Jiang Ruyi said angrily: "Bureau Huang, what do you mean? If you send everyone out, who will come to investigate the case of Professor Zhang's murder?"

Huang Changhai said slowly: "Me, I investigate. I personally lead the team and lead the elites of our bureau to handle the case of Professor Zhang's murder." After a pause, he smiled and said: "Bureau Jiang, you didn't bring any The team has solved some cases and has no experience in this area. Just wait comfortably in the office and wait for my good news. I will set off after drinking this cup of tea. "

"Huang Changhai! Did you do it on purpose?" Jiang Ruyi was trembling with anger, "I want to report it to the superiors!"

Huang Changhai chuckled and said, "It's up to you. I'll personally lead the team to solve Professor Zhang's case. What else do you want? You can do it. You can do it yourself."

"You..." Jiang Ruyi was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"What? You don't even have the slightest ability to solve the case, do you?" Huang Changhai's tone was full of provocation.

Xia Lei didn't want to speak at first, but he couldn't stand it anymore. He said aloud: "Huang Changhai, do you think you can prevent Ruyi from solving the case by obstructing him? Let me tell you, it's useless. The suspect's profile picture has been released. , this case is actually half solved."

Huang Changhai sneered: "You provided the heads of these two so-called suspects, right? How could you, a boy working at a construction site, meet the suspect who murdered Professor Zhang? How credible is what you said? You Is there any evidence to prove it? I think you probably wanted to seduce our Jiang Bureau, so you deliberately concocted two trumped-up suspects to get close to her on purpose, right? "

Xia Lei also smiled, "Don't be too happy too early. Only if Ruyi is dismissed from office in a week will you have the right to laugh. If Ruyi solves the case within this week and secures his position in the main situation, I will I think you should cry. Originally, I planned to go to the store to do some work, but this guy is so annoying. Ruyi, I decided to help you solve the case." He looked at Jiang Ruyi, "But you have to promise me that I will find you later. Give this guy a chance to go to the caboose shed."

"Yes, I promise you!" Jiang Ruyi said with a heavy nasal voice, and a smile appeared on his face. She looked at Xia Lei gratefully, feeling relieved.

"Hmph! I want to see who will guard the carport!" The smile on Huang Changhai's face has disappeared.

Xia Lei didn't want to talk to Huang Changhai anymore. He smiled and said, "Ruyi, let's go."

After walking out of the police station, Jiang Ruyi grabbed Xia Lei who was about to walk forward, "Leizi, just now... thank you. If you hadn't spoken for me, I would have lost all face."

Xia Lei said: "You are being bullied, of course I want to help you."

A nice smile appeared on Jiang Ruyi's lips, and she asked tentatively: "That guy Huang Changhai just said that you... said you wanted to pick me up, is that true?"

"Ah?" I have no illusions about you anymore.”

Jiang Ruyi punched Xia Lei and said angrily: "You still remember what happened in the third grade of elementary school, you petty person!"

Xia Lei avoided her second punch and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, no more joking, let's think about the case. Ruyi, what are your plans?"

Jiang Ruyi's mood dropped again, "I don't know what to do anymore. That Huang Changhai is right. I really have no experience in solving crimes..." She looked at Xia Lei, "Tell me, am I very good?" Useless?"

Xia Lei comforted him: "Don't underestimate yourself. The higher-ups must have chosen you for something special by appointing you as director. Although I haven't discovered your merits yet, your leaders must have discovered them."

Jiang Ruyi glared at Xia Lei, "Are you praising me or hurting me?"

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Of course I'm complimenting you. Okay, take me to Professor Zhang's house. I said I would help you solve the case, and I will definitely help you."

Jiang Ruyi frowned, "The crime scene has already been handled by a technical team and nothing was found. Our visit was in vain."

Xia Lei said: "Perhaps the technical team missed something? Let's go and take a look. If we are lucky, we might be able to find some clues."

Jiang Ruyi thought for a moment, "Okay, let's go take a look. Anyway, I don't know where to catch those two bastards."

Xia Lei got into Jiang Ruyi's car. In the car, he called Ma Xiaoan and told him what he should do.

Ma Xiaoan smiled and said: "Don't worry, I can handle a little thing. Don't worry about dating your future sister-in-law. Remember to wear a condom, haha!"

"Wear your hair!" Xia Lei said in a low voice, and then hung up the phone decisively.

Jiang Ruyi glanced at Xia Lei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, "Who did you call? What did he ask you to bring?"

"Ma Xiao'an, he asked me to remember..." Xia Lei almost let it slip, but he said wisely in a hurry: "He asked me to remember to bring money."

"Bring money? What are you bringing money for?" Jiang Ruyi suddenly showed a nice smile, "Leizi, do you want to treat me to dinner? Take me to eat Western food. I know a Western restaurant with good steaks."

Xia Lei rolled his eyes at her angrily, "I'm sorry for you, just drive your car."

"Stingy guy." Jiang Ruyi muttered, "I'm teaching you how to pick up women. How can you pick up women if you're so stingy?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Professor Zhang Boqing's home is located in a high-end community and is a single-family villa.

Professor Zhang's wife passed away a year ago. He had no children. After his death, the place became an empty house, which seemed very deserted.

Jiang Ruyi broke the seal and took Xia Lei into the house. Under normal circumstances, police seals are not allowed to be broken, but as the chief, you still have this right, not to mention that this is to solve the case.

The living room is very clean and everything is neatly arranged.

"Did this place get cleaned up later, or was it like this before the incident?" Xia Lei asked.

Jiang Ruyi said: "It was like this when we got the report and rushed here. The maid who reported the crime said she was going to wake up Professor Zhang and then clean up, and then she found Professor Zhang dead in his bedroom. , so she reported it. She said she hadn’t touched anything since then.”

"Take me to the bedroom and have a look." Xia Lei said.

Jiang Ruyi took Xia Lei to a bedroom on the second floor.

The bedroom didn't look too messy, and there was no obvious blood stain on the floor. One corner of the quilt was opened, as if the owner had just gotten out of bed and left. The objects in the bedroom looked normal, not damaged or thrown around. It feels like the old owner of this room just got up and went out to water the flowers or walk the dog and will come back later.

The only disharmonious thing is that there is a human figure drawn with a paint pen on the pine floor. It is located near the window. That is probably where Professor Zhang was killed.

Jiang Ruyi sighed softly, "This doesn't look like a murder scene at all. I can't figure out how the two suspects did it without leaving any traces."

Xia Lei said: "The wind will leave dust behind, let alone the presence of people. It is impossible for the suspect to leave no trace at all, it's just that your people didn't notice it."

Jiang Ruyi said: "Everyone in the technical team is an expert and has professional equipment. They have inspected the villa inside and out and found no trace. We have nothing. How can we still Did you find anything?"

Xia Lei stopped arguing with her on this point. He asked: "By the way, there is no sign of murder at all. How did you determine that Professor Zhang was the murderer?"

"Of course it's a corpse. His neck was twisted and the technique was clean and neat." Jiang Ruyi said: "If it weren't for this feature, we might not even be able to determine whether this case is a homicide."

"Let me take a look and then talk." Xia Lei walked to the window and carefully observed the human figure drawn with a paint pen on the floor. For a minute, he simply squatted on the ground and watched. After another minute, he even lay down on the floor to look at the gaps between the floors, his face almost touching the floor.

The police expert in the technical team has equipment, magnifying glass, fluorescent powder and so on. He has nothing, but he has his eyes. As long as he wants, he can even see the dust suspended in the air. His eyes are much more effective than the detection equipment of the technical team!

Jiang Ruyi looked at Xia Lei curiously, "Leizi, what are you doing?"

"Looking for clues." Xia Lei said as he put his left eye into a gap in the floor.

"I think you seem to be looking for ants." Jiang Ruyi said, she quietly raised a pink leg and prepared to kick Xia Lei on the butt.

Xia Lei suddenly turned around and saw Jiang Ruyi raising her foot to kick his butt. Jiang Ruyi's feet were raised higher, and she was wearing a skirt. At that moment, he saw a small piece of purple lace, and a mature scenery suddenly came into his sight, and it was slightly transparent. With just such a glance, his eyes snapped to attention, and there was a feeling of heat in his lower abdomen.

"You're going to die!" Jiang Ruyi suddenly discovered that Xia Lei was staring at the bottom of her skirt, and her face suddenly turned red like a ripe persimmon. She hurriedly closed her legs, her beautiful legs closed tightly, for fear of something. As if drilling into it.

Xia Lei was also embarrassed. He coughed and said, "Well, I didn't see anything."

"You still said that!" Jiang Ruyi was so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in.

Xia Lei closed his mouth, but secretly said in his heart: "If I want to see you, it doesn't matter how many clothes you wear, it's just that you don't know..."

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became awkward. In the end, Xia Lei couldn't stand Jiang Ruyi's murderous eyes, so he got up and came to the window. He looked around the window and then opened it.

ps: Today’s update ends here, see you tomorrow! Give me all your votes and let me take the first place, quack! Don't say you don't have votes, I know you all have votes!