Tranxending Vision

Chapter 169: Spot the scam


When Xia Lei walked over, Conrad was speaking in German, and the translator was Shentu Tianfeng.

"Mr. Conrad said that our wind power project not only has to solve the problem of submarine cables, but also our electrical engineering part. It needs to be improved, otherwise the power plant will be unstable after operation." Shentu Tianfeng's expression He looked very serious and professional, "This is a big investment for our Wanxiang Group, and the superiors are also optimistic about this environmentally friendly project. We must solve these problems, otherwise the project will be completed and problems will be discovered when it comes to production. , that would be a joke."

Shentu Tianyin said: "I don't understand this. Ask him, what went wrong and how to correct it?"

Shentu Tianfeng said to Conrad in German: "You know what to say, just say it."

Xia Lei, who had just walked over, felt something in his heart, there was something fishy in this matter!

Conrad nodded, then spread out the drawings in his hand, pointed at the drawings and said: "This needs improvement, use our German equipment. There are also problems here, and they must be improved. It's not that I underestimate you Hua. The design level of China’s electrical engineers is really not good.”

Shentu Tianfeng translated Conrad's words to Shentu Tianyin.

Shentu Tianyin's frown became more obvious, "Why are there so many problems? I thought it was just a problem with laying submarine cables, why is there a problem with the electrical engineering too? We also need to buy equipment from Germany. Ask him to solve these problems. How much does it cost?”

Shentu Tianfeng said to Conrad in German: "She asked you how much it would cost to solve these problems."

Conrad said: "I roughly calculated that it will cost about 30 million euros."

Shentu Tianfeng said to Shentu Tianyin again: "He said that the approximate budget is 30 million euros."

"So much? Thirty million euros, which is already 200 million Chinese dollars. We have invested more than one billion in it. This is too much beyond my budget." Shentu Tianyin said.

Shentu Tianfeng said: "Tianyin, these hidden dangers must be solved, otherwise there will be big problems. Spending money is a small thing, the success of this wind power generation project is a big deal, it will bring stable income to our Wanxiang Group."

Wind power generation is indeed a profitable investment, because wind power does not need to be purchased at all, and electric energy is the future development direction of the energy industry.

Xia Leidi glanced at the drawing in Conrad's hand. He found that drawing three had traces of changes and some German markings. He said aloud: "This drawing was modified by Mr. Conrad, right?"

"My dear, you came just in time, take a look." Shentu Tianyin said with a smile.

Shen Tuyi looked at Xia Lei, not hiding his current contempt, "A private processing company also knows the electrical engineering of wind power generation systems? Tianyin, it's not that I don't believe Xia Lei, it's just that this is impossible. I think Mr. Xia Lei should think more about other things, forget about such serious matters, and don’t waste all of our time."

Shentu Tianyin's brows suddenly furrowed, looking displeased, but she did not show any signs of anger.

Shentu Tianfeng also said sarcastically: "Xia Lei, do you want me to translate your words to Mr. Conrad?"

"Do I need a translator?" Xia Lei said with a smile: "I don't need a translator in Germany, the United Kingdom, Spain, France, and, by the way, Japan and Russia."

Does knowing German mean you are good

Shentu Tianfeng was stunned on the spot, as if there was a fly in his mouth.

Xia Lei said directly in German: "Mr. Conrad, please show me your drawings."

Conrad glanced at Shentu Tianfeng, as if he was asking for Shentu Tianfeng's opinion. Shentu Tianfeng nodded calmly, and then he was willing to hand the drawing in his hand to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei took Conrad's modified drawing and looked at it carefully.

During that time in Germany, he worked hard to learn electrical engineering knowledge. He saw and memorized thousands of electrical engineering drawings with his left eye, and he also memorized millions of electrical engineering knowledge. Word meter. Back in China, in order to manufacture Joseph's intelligent machine tools, he combined theory with practice and learned a lot about electrical engineering. Therefore, although he has not passed professional examinations, he is already a qualified electrical engineer. He is an engineer, and with the ability of his left eye, ordinary electrical engineers can't compare with him!

Xia Lei first looked at the original drawing designed by domestic electrical engineers, and then looked at the parts that Conrad had circled and changed. He has not been exposed to electrical engineering in the field of wind power generation, but the principles remain unchanged and the relevant calculations remain unchanged, so he only needs to use the knowledge of electrical engineering to judge what domestic engineers have done wrong, and Conrad's Are improvements necessary

Xia Lei looked at it very seriously, and his mind was constantly receiving the vast amount of electrical engineering knowledge and drawings passed to him by his left eye.

"Hmph." Shen Tuyi snorted coldly, "Xia Lei, can you do it? Our time is precious. If you can't do it, just say it. We won't laugh at you."

Shentu Tianfeng also said: "Xia Lei, can you understand? Haha. You have to understand that this is not processing screws and nuts, this is electrical engineering."

Shentu Tianyin also looked at Xia Lei with some worry. She was worried that Xia Lei would make a fool of himself.

At this time, Xia Lei handed the drawings to Shentu Tianyin and said calmly: "My dear, this German electrical engineer is trying to trick you."

"He deceived me?" Shentu Tianyin looked at Xia Lei in surprise.

However, the most surprised and astonishing people were none other than the father and son Shen Tu Yi and Shen Tu Tian Feng.

Shentu Tianfeng said angrily: "Xia Lei, please speak clearly!"

Xia Lei didn't take Shentu Tianfeng's anger to heart at all. He pointed at the places Conrad had changed on the drawing and said calmly: "Chinese electrical engineers simplify things, but this German engineer simplifies things. Complicated. There is no need to make any changes here and here. Now our country’s wind power generation level is already very advanced. There is no need to pursue German technology and equipment. There is no need to spend your 200 million.”

"Will there be no problems?" Shentu Tianyin was still a little unsure.

Xia Lei said: "There will be no problem, there is no problem with the drawings of the Chinese engineers."

"Boy!" Shen Tuyi couldn't help but get angry. He pointed at Xia Lei's nose, "Who do you think you are? You are a high school student and you know nothing about electrical engineering and you are just making irresponsible remarks here! You Are you better than German engineers? Disgraceful!"

Xia Lei didn't get angry, and said calmly: "I'm just telling the truth. There is no need to spend money, why should I spend it?"

"Even if you spend money, it's our Wanxiang Group's money. Is it your money? Or do you think Wanxiang Group will be yours sooner or later?" Shen Tuyi said more and more ugliness.

"Enough!" Shentu Tianyin was also angry, "Second uncle! No matter how much money Wanxiang Group has, this is not the way to spend it. You have repeatedly recommended this German engineer and gave me a plan that cost 200 million as soon as he came. What do you mean? ?”

"I..." Shen Tuyi couldn't speak.

Although Shentu Tianyin didn't explain what he said, the meaning was already obvious - you want to get kickbacks!

Shentu Tianfeng followed with a smile on his face, "Tianyin, we are also doing it for the good of the company. We don't understand electrical engineering. Otherwise, I will ask Conrad to change it later and change the plan. Do you think it will work?"

"Another plan?" Shentu Tianyin sneered, "Xia Lei has made it very clear that there is nothing wrong with the plan designed by domestic electrical engineers. I don't want to see another engineer who cheats money. Let him go. Don't Appear in front of me again."

Shentu Tianfeng became anxious, "Tianyin, even if there is no problem with the electrical project, there is still a problem with the submarine cable that needs to be solved. Conrad is an expert and we cannot let him go."

Shentu Tianyin's attitude was very tough, "I have made it very clear that I will not believe a liar. As for the issue of submarine cables, I still believe in domestic engineers. I have decided that I will invite a domestic expert team Come help us solve the problem.”

Shentu Tianfeng and Shentu Yi looked at each other, their eyes filled with hatred. To the father and son, Xia Lei is simply a dung beetle who messes up the situation randomly. Wherever Xia Lei appears, he will be stink!

Xia Lei saw this, but felt a bitter smile in his heart. If it weren't for Shentu Tianyin, he would never offend Shentu Yi and Shentu Tianfeng in this life, let alone become enemies, but now it seems that he has two more enemies.

"What are you talking about?" Conrad's Chinese is very poor. When others speak slowly, he can barely understand a few sentences, but when others speak fast, he feels like he is listening to a book from heaven.

Shentu Tianfeng said angrily: "I asked you to make a plan, what plan did you make?" He pointed at Xia Lei and said angrily: "This man, he said that your plan is not necessary at all, and you still ask for it like a lion? Twenty million euros!”

This time Conrad understood the German spoken by Shentu Tianfeng. He looked at Xia Lei in surprise and was speechless. The reason is very simple, because he himself knows very well that his changes are not necessary at all, but the father and son Shen Tu Yi and Shen Tu Tianfeng wanted a kickback plan, so he had no choice but to concoct it, but he did not expect that it would happen all of a sudden. He was exposed by the Chinese boy in front of him.

Shentu Tianfeng said: "You go and go back to your Germany."

Shentu Tianyin also held Xia Lei's hand, "Lei, let's go too. I'll take you to the back of the island. The scenery there is beautiful."

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Okay. How about we go swimming."

Shentu Tianyin lightly hit Xia Lei and said charmingly: "You are so bad."

The flirting behavior of the two seemed to rub salt into the wounds of Shen Tu Tianfeng and Shen Tu Yi. The father and son watched Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei leave intimately, their eyes almost bursting with fire.

Conrad suddenly said, "What's that boy's name?"

"Xia Lei!" Shentu Tianfeng glanced at Conrad, "Why do you ask this?"

Conrad shrugged, "Nothing, it sounds familiar. I have a friend named Joseph, and he seems to have mentioned this person."

Shentu Tianfeng frowned, "I'm not interested in your story. If you fail, our cooperation will also be terminated."

"So, my commission..."

"You have embarrassed me so much, yet you still have the nerve to ask for a commission!" Shentu Tianfeng roared at Conrad: "Get out!"