Tranxending Vision

Chapter 172: The irritated son-in-law who came to your door


The famous Shentu family is actually located in a village called "Yulin", surrounded by mountains and rivers, with green tiles and white walls, peaceful and picturesque. Before coming, Xia Lei couldn't believe that the Shentu family was actually in the countryside. In his imagination, Shentu Tianyin's home should live in the best area in the city, either in a villa or on an entire floor. However, her home in the countryside only looked very elegant and disconcerting. Dare to believe.

However, Shentu Tianyin's home was very large, covering an area of more than ten acres. The main house alone had three entrances, front and back gardens, and pavilions and pavilions scattered in the garden. It was a Suzhou garden style.

Fu Mingmei parked the car at the door, and Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei got out of the car. Shentu Tianyin led Xia Lei inside, chatting while walking.

"Most members of the Shentu family live here. My father is a very traditional man. He founded the Wanxiang Group from scratch. He bought land and built this big house for all the Shentu family to move in. Shentu Everyone in the family also works at Wanxiang Group, and my dad doesn’t like to hold meetings in the company’s conference room. Sometimes he would gather the Shentu family in this house for discussions. Before my dad’s accident, the family was actually very harmonious. , it’s quite lively, but my dad has changed since he had a stroke.” Shentu Tianyin said sadly.

Xia Lei said: "A word of money can harm people. Your father established the Wanxiang Group by himself. When your father was still healthy, everyone in the Shentu family looked up to your father. But once your father fell, they had different feelings." They think that Wanxiang Group belongs to them. In the end, money is still a word."

Shentu Tianyin sighed, "They are bullying me because there is no man in my family. If I have a man as powerful as you by my side, would they still dare to bully me so blatantly?"

Xia Lei said with a smile: "What's so great about me?"

"In one night, Liang Siyao became your boyfriend. Isn't that amazing?" Shentu Tianyin said.

Xia Lei smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Shen Tuyi and a woman came out of the main room to greet him. The woman was in her early fifties, her skin was well-maintained, she was white and plump, and she gave people a feeling of wealth.

Shentu Tianyin whispered: "The woman next to my second uncle is his wife, Wang Fang. Although she is tall and fat, she is very small-minded and full of evil ideas. My second uncle is very afraid of her and listens to everything. her."

"Yes." Xia Lei responded softly, indicating that he heard it.

"Tianyin, why is it so late?" Shen Tuyi said with some dissatisfaction: "The old man is getting impatient with waiting."

As soon as Shentu Tianyin came back, Shentu Yi used the old man of the Shentu family, Shentu Weiye, to put pressure on her.

Before Shentu Tianyin could say anything, Wang Fang, who was next to Shentu Yi, interrupted and said, "I'm afraid our Tianyin's thoughts are all about this gentleman, right? What's your surname, sir?"

She must know Xia Lei's name, but she did it deliberately. She seemed to be expressing her attitude to Xia Lei in this way. Who are you to dare to enter the Shentu family

Xia Lei frowned slightly. He had already imagined that this visit would be difficult, but he did not expect that Shen Tuyi and his wife would clearly declare the battlefield as soon as they arrived.

Wang Fang said again: "Tianyin, why doesn't your boyfriend say anything?"

Shentu Tianyin said calmly: "Second Aunt, what do you want to say?"

"Is he mute..." The word "ba" was not spoken, and Wang Fang smiled again, "This gentleman is really shy."

Only then did Xia Lei speak out: "My name is Xia Lei. Hello, aunt."

Although he wanted to kick her in the face, after all, she was Shentu Tianyin's biological second aunt. He pretended to be Shentu Tianyin's boyfriend, so she was also his elder. It was their first time to meet her, so it was hard to fall out with her.

Wang Fang looked at Xia Lei carefully and said: "He is indeed a handsome guy, but it's a pity..."

Xia Lei endured the anger in his heart and said calmly: "What's the pity?"

Wang Fang laughed and said, "I heard that you are a high school student, right? I think it would be nice if your education was a little higher. I don't mean anything else."

Shentu Tianyin's face suddenly darkened, and he was about to have an attack at any time.

Shen Tuyi followed up and said: "Honey, you are good at everything, but you can't control your mouth. If you don't know how to speak, just say less. You see, you have made Tianyin unhappy."

Wang Fang said: "I must have nothing here, but I need the old man's nod. You can't just let anyone enter our Shentu family, right? What is the identity of our Tianyin? She is the chairman of our Wanxiang Group , she is looking for a partner, this is a big deal, as an aunt, can I not help her keep it safe?"

Xia Lei finally figured out that Shen Tuyi and his wife had one purpose, which was to drive him away and let Shentu Tianyin remain single, which was in their best interest. They didn't dare to go too far in front of Shentu Tianyin, but for an outsider like him, there were no taboos and they could use any means they wanted.

To be honest, Xia Lei wanted to turn around and leave because he felt sick when he saw Shen Tuyi and Wang Fang, let alone meeting more people from the Shentu family later. However, when he saw Shentu Tianyin standing alone next to him, his heart softened again. Now that she's here, let's help her to the end!

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Auntie, you are not looking for a son-in-law. What culture do you choose? I am indeed only a high school student, but Tianyin likes high school students. I once asked her, I said why don't you look for a son-in-law? What about college students? She told me that there are a lot of college students and doctoral students in her company, but she fell in love with me. This is called fate, do you understand? "

"Hey, you..." Wang Fang never expected that Xia Lei would dare to argue with her here, and her face suddenly turned green with anger.

Shentu Tianyin burst out laughing.

"My dear, let's go and take me to see your grandpa." Xia Lei stretched out his hand again, "Give me the gift and I'll get it."

"Yes." Shentu Tianyin responded and handed a large package of gifts into Xia Lei's hand. When Xia Lei was carrying two large packages of gifts, she held Xia Lei's arm in a very affectionate manner.

Then, the two ignored Shen Tuyi and Wang Fang, bypassed them and entered the main room.

Shen Tuyi and Wang Fang looked at each other, their expressions extremely ugly.

"This kid is not a rested person, he is just a thorn!" Wang Fang said.

Shen Tuyi whispered: "This kid is not simple. Huang Yihu fell into his hands. He is a powerful person."

Wang Fang said bitterly: "I don't care who he is, in short, I will never allow such a person to enter our Shentu family! Later, we must unite to drive away this kid. First meeting If you dare to talk to me like this, what will happen to us if that woman marries him? Let’s just wait for tears to make rice!”

This Wang Fang's vision and intuition are still very powerful. Indeed, with Xia Lei's abilities and methods, as well as his personality, if Shentu Tianyin really marries him, will he tolerate the Shentu family bullying his wife? ? He will crush them!

There was no one in the main room, so Shentu Tianyin led Xia Lei into the inner courtyard through a door on the side.

There is a large courtyard paved with bluestone slabs in the inner courtyard, and a gray-haired old man is sitting on a chair basking in the sun. Next to him, a large group of people were standing chatting. Shentu Tianfeng was also among them, and beside him stood a young woman in her twenties. The woman was very beautiful, with a big belly, as if she was about to give birth.

Shentu Tianyin then said to Xia Lei: "The woman next to Shentu Tianfeng is called Tan Jingjing. She is his wife. She is eight months pregnant. It is said that she is a son. My grandfather likes her very much and looks forward to the birth of his great-grandson."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and said, "Your grandfather's generation has a very strong concept of inheriting the family line. You should be more open-minded. Some things cannot be corrected."

Shentu Tianyin nodded, "Let's go, I'll take you over to see my grandfather."

The two of them walked towards Shentu Weiye who was sitting in the courtyard. Everyone in the Shentu family focused their attention on Xia Lei. Everyone in the Shentu family had no kindness in their eyes. They already regarded Xia Lei as an enemy that would affect their current superior life.

Shentu Weiye's eyes also fell on Xia Lei, and there was actually a little anger in his eyes.

Shentu Tianyin said bravely: "Grandpa, I'm back. Let me introduce to you, this is Xia Lei, my boyfriend."

Xia Lei then said: "Hello grandpa, I bought you some gifts..."

Before Xia Lei finished speaking, Shentu Weiye snorted coldly, "Who do you call grandpa? It doesn't matter, don't mistake him for grandpa."

Behind Shentu Weiye, a large group of Shentu family members showed gloating smiles. Especially Shentu Tianfeng, although he was not the one with the most obvious smile, he was undoubtedly the happiest one.

Xia Lei couldn't bear to be angry and said with a smile: "Did I call you wrong? Then what should I call you? Can I call you old man?"

Shentu Tianfeng's wife Tan Jingjing muttered, "You are so thick-skinned."

Shentu Tianyin looked at Tan Jingjing, who then looked away and closed her mouth.

Xia Lei placed the gift next to Shentu Weiye's chair, but Shentu Weiye didn't even look at it.

"Tianyin, when did this happen to you?" Shentu Weiye stared at Shentu Tianyin, not hiding his dissatisfaction at all.

Shentu Tianyin said: "We have been together for several months. I was not sure before, but now I am sure that he is the person I am looking for in this life, so I brought him back to meet you and my uncles and aunts. From now on, everyone We are a family and we have to meet sooner or later.”

"Family?" Shentu Weiye frowned.

Shentu Tianyin said bravely, "Well, we plan to get married during the Spring Festival."

"Huh! I'm not dead yet." Shentu Weiye said in a harsh tone, "Why don't you ask me or your uncles and aunts about such a big matter? Your marriage is a major matter for our Shentu family. , can you be the master alone?"

Shentu Tianyin bit her lip gently. Her heart must have been broken at this moment, but she was a very strong woman. She held back and did not let the tears flow out.

Xia Lei saw it and felt sad for her.

At this time, Shen Tuyi and Wang Fang walked out of the main room.

"Dad, this kid gave me a bad look as soon as he came in." Wang Fang complained as soon as he came in, "I thought about Tianyin, so I told him that he was a high school student, and he said it was not me looking for a son-in-law. Dad, you Say, how can such a person become Tianyin’s man in our family?”

The people of the Shentu family suddenly started talking.

"Why is he such a person?"

"Yes, why would Tianyin find such a man? He is so unqualified."

"If Tianyin marries such a disrespectful person, can we still stay in Wanxiang Group in the future?"

There are so many words, and eight out of ten sentences can actually be summed up in one word, money!