Tranxending Vision

Chapter 175: Domineering son-in-law


When Shentu Weiye knocked on the floor tiles, everyone fell silent.

Xia Lei then continued, "Old man, I know what you are thinking. You don't care about money. You just want to leave wealth to the descendants of the Shentu family. You even want the Shentu family to develop into a prominent family. I Is that right?"

Shentu Weiye remained silent, but Xia Lei's words seemed to speak to his heart.

Xia Lei added: "The inheritance of the family line is a conservative idea among us Chinese, and the preference for sons over daughters is also a common social phenomenon. You are an old man, and I am not surprised at all that you have such thoughts. But have you ever thought about it, even if you are an emperor? Family, after several generations, who will still remember who is whose descendant? Let me put it bluntly, a hundred years from now, who will still remember you, Mr. Shentu?"

"Presumptuous!" This was what Shentu Tianfeng didn't want to hear the most. He was afraid that Xia Lei would use this idea to convince Shentu Weiye, so he pointed at Xia Lei's nose and said, "Shut up!"

Xia Lei suddenly shouted at Shentu Tianfeng: "Shut up!"

"You... how dare you tell me to shut up?" Shentu Tianfeng laughed angrily, as if he couldn't believe it.

Xia Lei said disdainfully: "Who are you? Don't think that because you have the support of the old man, you can do whatever you want to bully Tianyin. I tell you, as long as I am here, you can't even think about it!"

"you… "

Xia Lei pointed at Shen Tu Tianfeng's nose, "What about me? You can't beat me by beating me, you can't beat me by scolding me, what can you do to me? But you, eating other people's food, are still staring at their bowls , you don’t know how to be grateful, but instead you are calculating other people’s property all day long, and even moved out an old man to support you. If I were you and lived to your fate, I would just pee and drown myself. It would be a shame to live in this world! "

If he wanted to be a villain, he would do it to the end. Xia Lei spared no effort to ridicule Shentu Tianfeng in order to completely anger him.

"Damn you!" Shentu Tianfeng cursed, broke away from Tan Jingjing, rushed up, and slapped Xia Lei on the face.

Xia Lei raised his hand, but before Shentu Tianfeng's slap hit him, his fist was already on Shentu Tianfeng's face. However, he did not hit Shentu Tianfeng. His fist just stopped on the bridge of Shentu Tianfeng's nose and did not strike. He just wanted Shentu Tianfeng to understand that he could hit him anytime he wanted!

Although he was not beaten, Shentu Tianfeng could still feel the breath of wind emanating from Xia Lei's fist! He was immediately stunned and did not dare to act rashly.

Xia Lei retracted his fist and said, "Don't do things that overestimate your capabilities. I won't hit you because you are Tianyin's brother."

Shentu Tianfeng's eyes wanted to eat Xia Lei's flesh and drink Xia Lei's blood, but he just didn't dare to do it.

Everyone looked at Xia Lei in shock. No one could believe that a son-in-law who didn't come to the door dared to say such things about the Shentu family, let alone Shentu Tianfeng, Shentu Weiye's favorite!

"Old man, did you hear that?" Wang Fang suddenly started crying, "He's gone too far. Don't you have anything to say? When have we, the Shentu family, ever been bullied like this? You, you... If this kid is like this in the future, Marry our Tianyin and enter our Shentu family, I will, I will... with him and without me!"

Xia Lei smiled, "Me or you? Okay, do you know how to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau? The divorce procedure is very simple now and can be done on the same day."

"I'm so angry, so angry!" Wang Fang started to act up, crying and making trouble, "Are all the men in your Shentu family dead? No one said a word when he bullied me like this! Wuwu..."

No one moved, Xia Lei had already seen through the psychology of the Shentu family. These people are just waiting for the results before deciding whose camp they will side with. Now that the outcome is undecided, they will not take sides easily.

Shentu Weiye pointed his crutch at Xia Lei and smiled angrily, "Very good, very good. You are a foreigner and you have made my house a mess before you even entered. I really want you to enter my house." , that’s okay! Tianyin, let him go!”

Shentu Tianyin pretended not to hear, and just stood quietly, looking at Xia Lei. In just a few minutes, she suddenly realized that she didn't know Xia Lei that well. This was also the first time she had seen Xia Lei so strong and domineering. But Xia Lei, who was so unreasonable and even brutal, touched her heart and gave her a very strong sense of security!

Some women like strong and domineering men, and some women like gentle and considerate men, and Xia Lei seems to have these two qualities.

Xia Lei didn't notice the subtle change in the way Shentu Tianyin looked at him. He continued, "I will leave, but I have to finish my words. Why did you ask Tianyin to hand over the Wanxiang Group? Just because Is your surname Shentu? Tianyin’s father single-handedly established the Wanxiang Group. After his success, he did not forget you, so you have become rich. But now Tianyin’s father is paralyzed in bed, and he is not dead yet, but you have begun to force Tianyin. Hand over the news to the Wanxiang Group, you touch your conscience, what is this but repaying kindness with enmity?"

The whole room was speechless.

Xia Lei added: "I know you think you have contributed to the Wanxiang Group, and your surname is Shentu, but you go to work in other companies, don't you have to work? You want Tianyin to hand over the Wanxiang Group, do you? Does the law support you? Or is your conscience supporting you? In my opinion, you just saw her father paralyzed in bed, and she is just a woman, and you want to take the opportunity to calculate the property her father left her!"

After Xia Lei finished speaking, there was still no sound in the ancestral hall, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Xia Lei's words were very unpleasant, but they were all true.

"I'm done, I'm leaving." Xia Lei turned around and walked out the door.

"Wait a minute." Shentu Tianyin called out to him, "Wait a minute, I'll say something and we'll leave."

Xia Lei stopped.

Shentu Tianyin looked at Shentu Weiye with a calm expression, "Grandpa, you asked me to make a decision just now. I have thought about it. I think Xia Lei is right. Why should I hand over Wanxiang Group? It belongs to my father for his whole life. I will guard my hard work. I have done a good job. I don’t think anyone in the Shentu family is more qualified for my current position. As for the future, I want to wait until my child is born before considering it. That’s it, I’m leaving , you can continue to discuss. If anyone feels that he cannot stay at Wanxiang Group, I welcome him to submit a letter of resignation at any time."

Everyone in the room was stunned. This was Shentu Tianyin's decision, so disrespectful!

Shentu Weiye said angrily: "Go away, as long as you walk out of this house with that kid, don't come back!"

Shentu Tianyin said calmly: "Grandpa, you are old and can no longer distinguish right from wrong. Please stop meddling in these things. You are being used by others. Don't you know?"

"Get out!" Shentu Weiye couldn't catch his breath and kept panting.

This time, Shentu Tianfeng did not pat him on the back.

The old face can no longer be sold, and there is no value in using it. Shen Tuyi's family will never support him as before.

Shentu Tianyin held Xia Lei's hand and said affectionately: "Let's go and see my dad."

"Yes." Xia Lei responded. He turned back and glanced at the Shentu family members in the ancestral hall. Those people avoided his sight, as if they were afraid that he would remember their faces and settle accounts with them in the future.

In the eyes of these Shentu family members, Xia Lei entered the Shentu family so forcefully. He was already the man destined to ride on Shentu Tianyin. Who would dare to offend him

Shentu Tianfeng, Shentu Yi and Wang Fang watched with fire in their eyes as Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin left affectionately. After some calculations, what they got in the end was a humiliation. Such a result was terrible for this family. It's like a vicious irony, unacceptable.

"This road is dead." Shen Tuyi whispered.

"This is the path she chose, so don't blame me for being ruthless." Shentu Tianfeng's voice was cold.

Wang Fang said bitterly: "It's all the fault of that boy named Xia Lei. He is just like a rat excrement and spoiled a pot of soup! I really don't know what that little bitch likes about him. He's not married yet. She actually got pregnant with that kid’s bastard, it’s so embarrassing!”

Shentu Yi said: "Haven't you seen it yet? Shentu Tianyin just fell in love with that boy who is so strong. She deliberately found such a man to support her. Things are going to be difficult now. This boy is a very difficult person. A fascinating character."

"Difficult? Dad, you overestimate him. I know there is a person who will be happy to deal with him. I will contact that person now." A sneer appeared on the corner of Shentu Tianfeng's mouth.

Shen Tuyi was stunned for a moment, "Are you talking about... Gu Kewu?"

Shentu Tianfeng nodded, "It's no secret that Gu Kewu likes that little bitch. Gu Kewu also has the same calculation as us, but this time he will also become a pawn of mine. Just wait, the fun has just begun!”

On the way, Shentu Tianyin kept looking at Xia Lei with strange eyes.

Xia Lei felt a little uncomfortable when she looked at her and said with a smile, "Why are you looking at me like this?"

Shentu Tianyin said: "I'm curious, you looked so fierce just now. I have never seen you look so strong and domineering. When you and Liang Siyao were together, would you also be so cruel to her?"

Xia Lei smiled bitterly, "We sometimes joke and fight. The situation just now will definitely not happen. Besides, aren't I helping you? I thought about it, and I stimulated it hard. Once the family is there, they can't help but take action, and you can solve the problem."

"Do you want to resolve this quickly?"

"Of course, the sooner a problem like this is solved, the better. If it drags on, you will lose your precautions, which is very dangerous for you." Xia Lei said.

Shentu Tianyin's lips moved, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn't.

Xia Lei said: "It's better not to talk about this matter here. Do you remember when I came to you, I said I wanted to tell you good news?"

"What good news?"

"I have seen your dad's condition, and I think his condition is not as serious as you think. I have learned kung fu and can also do acupuncture. If you are willing to let me try, maybe I can wake him up."

"Ah?" Shentu Tianyin stared at Xia Lei dumbfounded.

"What I said is true." Xia Lei said seriously, "But you have to take your arm to a place that is convenient for treatment. I don't want to come here again."

Shentu Tianyin suddenly hugged Xia Lei.

Xia Lei suddenly froze on the spot.

ps: Thank you to Brother Bajian for the reward, thank you to Brother Ai Wuqing for the reward, and thank you to all the brothers who voted for me monthly!