Tranxending Vision

Chapter 177: Rabbit and silver needle


The previous recruitment strategy was very successful. In just a few days, the employees of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company lobbied their classmates or friends to come to Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company, as many as fifty-six of them. And there are still people sending in application letters one after another, wanting to join Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company.

The benefits are very good, the boss is very generous and kind, and there are many young girls in the factory. These are all areas that attract talents. Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company has not completed the upgrade, but the problem of talent reserve has been solved in advance.

Xia Lei didn't need to worry about these things at all. It was enough for Liang Siyao and Du Bai, the head of the personnel department, to worry about them. What he wanted to solve was a new problem, that is, how to gain experience in clinical practice of acupuncture.

When night fell, Xia Lei started his experiment at home.

His experimental subject was a rabbit.

He tied the rabbit's four legs with rope and fixed it on the table. Then he shaved off part of the rabbit's back, exposing the skin. Then he used his fingers to twist that part of the skin back up, giving it the appearance of a bruise. Finally, he used a silver needle to prick the rabbit with silver needles.

Skin bruises are caused by injuries to subcutaneous tissue and rupture and blockage of capillaries. He wanted to use a silver needle to unblock the clogged capillaries in the rabbit's body. If he could do it, then theoretically he could also use a silver needle to unblock Shen Turen's clogged blood vessels. This is why he asked for a week. He had to experiment and prove that it was feasible before he could give Shen Turen acupuncture treatment.

Under normal circumstances, ordinary people can only see the bruised skin on the rabbit's body, but Xia Lei is different. He can use his left eye to see the condition inside the rabbit's skin, including which blood vessels are ruptured and which blood vessels are blocked. Everything is clear. With this unparalleled ability, he was able to insert silver needles into a rabbit. If it were anyone else, even an old Chinese doctor with fifty years of acupuncture experience would not be able to insert silver needles into a rabbit.

His left eye twitched slightly, and the situation inside the injured skin of the rabbit came into Xia Lei's sight at a glance. He locked on a blocked blood vessel, and then inserted a silver needle according to the part of the blood vessel. . No one has studied rabbit acupuncture points, and he didn't prick the rabbit's acupoints, but the blood vessels. With the help of the clairvoyance ability of his left eye, the silver needle in his hand penetrated the blocked blood vessel accurately, then tilted the needle and slowly approached the blocked area.

When the needle was close to the blood vessel blockage area, his arm shook slightly, and a trace of inner energy rushed down his arm, and the silver needle was inserted almost instantly. When that trace of inner energy passed through the silver needle, the entire silver needle trembled, and the temperature of the needle body also increased a lot!

That trace of inner energy rushed out of the needle, and the flood hit the blocked area of the blood vessel like a dam. There was no sound, but in Xia Lei's eyes, the blocked blood vessel burst. Then, the bruises on the rabbit's skin became more serious.

"I used too much internal energy, I have to use less force." Xia Lei summed up the experience of failure. Then, he locked on a blocked capillary and continued to use silver needles to add internal energy. Rabbit sticks silver needle.

This time, the blocked capillary did not explode, but cracks appeared in the wall of the tube. However, the blocked area was opened a lot, and a small amount of congestion flowed through the blood vessel.

The third time, a blood vessel burst...

The fourth time, the blood vessel ruptured...

the fifth time…

Failure, failure, success…

Success, success, failure…

Repeatedly and experimented again and again, Xia Lei's needle setting speed increased from slow to fast, the intensity of his inner energy release became more and more accurate, and his experience became more and more abundant.

Early the next morning, he gave the scarred drawings to a neighbor and then drove to Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company to go to work. When she got off work yesterday afternoon, Liang Siyao asked him to go to her home, but he didn't go. One week was very tight, and he had to practice his acupuncture skills to a certain level. Although you can do experiments in the Liang family, you can stick silver needles into a rabbit in front of Liang Siyao and Liang Zhengchun. What would Liang Siyao and Liang Zhengchun think about this? Therefore, he finally chose the location of the experiment in his own home.

When we arrived at the company, the delivery truck from China Industrial Group had already parked in the factory. Those were the last batch of upgraded equipment given away under the contract. Now, just waiting for the new workshop to be established and the newly recruited employees and equipment to be put into production, the upgrade of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company will be completed.

After directing the workers to unload the goods, Xia Lei came to the office.

Liang Siyao had already prepared a cup of Jin Junmei for him. She was wearing a set of black OL clothing, a black coat, a black woolen skirt, black high heels and silk stockings, paired with a white shirt with a lotus leaf collar. She looked indescribably youthful, beautiful, mature and sexy.

Xia Lei thought she was more delicious than the Jin Junmei she brewed, which made him want to taste it.

"What were you doing at home last night?" Liang Siyao asked with a smile.

"Learn medical skills." Xia Lei told the truth.

"Do you have to study at home?"

Xia Lei said with a smile: "The ancient heroes would choose a cave to retreat, and of course I would choose a place to retreat. I also want to go to your house, but with you here, I am not thinking about medical skills. Well, I need a week, and after this week, I will use my acupuncture skills to treat Shentu Tianyin’s father, maybe I can cure him.”

Liang Siyao's cherry lips suddenly curled up, "It's Shentu Tianyin again, when will she return you to me?"

Xia Lei gently hugged her waist and said softly: "Jealous? It's not true. You know I'm not that kind of person."

Liang Siyao smiled, turned around, and kissed her.

Women in love love jealousy the most, and even Liang Siyao, the "daughter of the world", is no exception. However, she is jealous, but she is very broad-minded and easy to coax. Xia Lei coaxed her gently and she was fine.

"Uh-huh, cough." Someone coughed at the door of the office, his voice was thin and very special.

There was no need to look back at Xia Lei to know that it was Qin Xiang standing at the door. He quickly let go of Liang Siyao, then looked at Qin Xiang standing at the door of the office, pretending to be dissatisfied, "I said, don't you know how to knock on the door? ?”

Qin Xiang shrugged, pointed to the door against the wall, and said, "Do you want me to come in and knock on the door?"

Liang Siyao's face was also red, and she said quickly: "I'm going to the R&D department to have a look. Yin Hao and the others said they have a new design. Let's talk about that."

When Liang Siyao walked up to him, Qin Xiang deliberately said loudly: "I think there should be a slogan on the wall of our company, especially the wall here: no love and no intimacy during working hours."

Liang Siyao glared at Qin Xiang, and suddenly stepped on Qin Xiang's instep.

Qin Xiang's mouth suddenly opened wide, and she didn't close it until Liang Siyao went out.

Xia Lei chuckled and said, "You deserve it. If you dare to provoke her, she will even dare to hit me if she gets angry."

Qin Xiang smiled bitterly, "I understand that I am a descendant of Yan Yongchun."

"You've probably gained something by coming here, right?" Xia Lei changed the topic to more serious matters.

Qin Xiang came over and was not polite. He picked up the Jin Junmei that Liang Siyao had soaked for Xia Lei and took a big sip before saying: "I didn't sleep all night last night. What if I get nothing? The boy you asked me to pay special attention to, He met someone last night, guess who it was?"

Xia Lei thought for a moment, "Gu Kewu."

"Ah?" Qin Xiang looked at Xia Lei in surprise, "How did you guess that?"

Xia Lei smiled and said, "I made a big fuss in the Shentu family. The Shentu family still has Shentu Tianyin in charge. He definitely can't use the power of the Shentu family to deal with me. He wants to find a helper. Gu Kewu is a The best choice. Gu Kewen likes Shentu Tianyin. This is no secret. He has always regarded Shentu Tianyin as his prisoner. If I interfere, he will definitely take action, and that is precisely Shentu Tianyin. What the wind likes to see.”

Qin Xiang gave Xia Lei a thumbs up, "Awesome, but I don't understand. What you are telling me is that the Shentu family doesn't want Shentu Tianyin to fall in love and get married, so Shentu Tianfeng goes to Gu Kewu. This is not moving a stone. Smash his own foot?"

"It's just a ploy to kill with a borrowed knife. Shentu Tianfeng certainly doesn't want Gu Kewu to get Shentu Tianyin. He is not stupid. He knows what kind of person Gu Kewu is."

Qin Xiang said worriedly: "Then you have to be careful, Gu Kewen represents the Gu family."

Xia Lei said: "I will be careful, and you should be careful too."

"I'll keep watching and I'll contact you if there's any news." Qin Xiang left Xia Lei's office.

After Qin Xiang left, Xia Lei thought about the problem quietly, "When I decided to help Shentu Tianyin, I expected that Gu Kewu would take action. I'm not afraid of him now. To be clear, I am in the 101st round. As a consultant, in this capacity, he can help me resolve my misfortunes. I guess he will choose this method, right? What will he do... "

It is easy to guess the thoughts of ordinary people, but it is difficult to guess the thoughts of people like Gu Kewu.

Just as I was thinking about things, a middle-aged man in a suit and leather shoes appeared at the door and said politely: "Excuse me, are you Mr. Xia?"

Xia Lei greeted him, "I am, who are you?"

"Well, I am the general manager of a real estate development company under the Vientiane Group. My name is Wan Dahai. I am here to discuss cooperation with you on behalf of our company." The middle-aged man called himself Wan Dahai and spoke straight to the point.

Xia Lei was a little confused, "What cooperation?"

Wan Dahai took the initiative to extend his hands to shake Xia Lei's hand and said with a smile: "Our company has properties in major cities across the country. We need a large amount of decorative railings, steel mold fasteners, etc. I would like to ask your company to process and produce them for us. . This is not a small business, our annual consumption is about 40 million."

Xia Lei suddenly understood that Wan Dahai was sent by Shentu Tianyin. If it weren't for Shentu Tianyin, this Wan Dahai would definitely not come to Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company to discuss cooperation.

Xia Lei laughed bitterly in his heart and said secretly: "What is she doing? There is absolutely no need for her to do this."


An order of 40 million yuan is not a small order. It will take at least two workshops to operate at full capacity for a year to complete. The profit margin for producing parts such as construction fences and steel form fasteners is low, but this is a long-term order. Once signed, the workers in the two workshops will have work all year round. This kind of order is exactly what Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company needs.

"Okay, let's talk. The price should be based on the market price." Xia Lei quickly made a decision. Although this is the business sent by Shentu Tianyin, business is business. If Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company wants to develop and grow, the more such business, the better. He won't refuse.

It was already noon when Wan Dahai was sent away. He wanted to stay with Wan Dahai for dinner, but Wan Dahai insisted on leaving regardless, but he didn't know if this was Shentu Tianyin's intention as well. He wanted to call Shentu Tianyin and ask, but after thinking about it he gave up. For something like this, it would be disrespectful to call someone to say thank you.

After getting off work in the afternoon, Xia Lei went to the vegetable market and bought a rabbit, and continued to practice acupuncture on that rabbit in the evening...