Tranxending Vision

Chapter 178: Beautiful guinea pig


Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

At noon that day, Xia Lei received a call from Shentu Tianyin and drove to the headquarters of Wanxiang Group, Wanxiang Building. This is the tallest and most luxurious building in the entire Haizhu area, and it is also the heart of Wanxiang Group. It is in this Vientiane Building that Shentu Tianyin receives information from branches all over the country, and then processes it to run her business empire.

As soon as Xia Lei parked his car in the parking lot, Fu Mingmei appeared.

"Come with me." Fu Mingmei waved to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei got out of the car, followed Fu Mingmei into an elevator, and then went straight to the top of the Vientiane Building.

Shentu Tianyin's office was on the top floor of the Wanxiang Building, which shocked Xia Lei. It is a full two hundred square meters and very wide. A lot of metal materials and cold-toned elements are used in the office, giving people a cold feeling. This is in line with her character, which is noble, majestic and cool.

Shentu Tianyin sat behind a silver metal desk, Fu Chuanfu stood next to her, and in front of her stood four men, very strange men. None of the clothes they wore were valuable, they looked like night market stall goods that cost dozens of dollars each. Their hair and beards are untrimmed, giving them a slovenly and untidy look. What's even more strange is that these four people all have calluses on their hands, and you can tell at a glance that they are people engaged in manual labor. It was normal for these four people to appear at any construction site, brick factory, small coal kiln, etc. However, it was strange to appear in Shentu Tianyin's office.

"Lei, come here." Shentu Tianyin waved to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei walked over, but he didn't stare at the four people deliberately. That's rude.

Shentu Tianyin said: "Get acquainted with these friends. Well, their names are a bit complicated. Uncle Fu, you should introduce them."

Fu Chuanfu responded, and then introduced Xia Lei one by one, "His name is Park Taiji, his name is Jin Zhenhuan, his name is Park Canyeol, and his name is Jin Dahu. They are two brothers, and they all come from Yanbian."

Most of the people in Yanbian area are Koreans. No wonder the names are similar to Korean names.

Although Xia Lei was wondering what these four people were doing and why they were here, he did not lose his courtesy on his face. He smiled and nodded, greeting them one by one.

The four people also nodded to Xia Lei in a very respectful manner. It seemed that Fu Chuanfu or Shentu Tianyin had already told them something before coming.

After the two parties greeted each other and got to know each other, Fu Chuanfu said: "Mr. Xia, the four of them are my former subordinates. They can do anything and are trustworthy. I have already said hello to them. What do you have in the future?" If you need them, just ask and they will do anything for you."

As soon as Fu Chuanfu finished speaking, the four of them, Jin Dahu and Xia Lei, bowed to Xia Lei. This seems to be a statement, a Korean-style statement.

Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "Fu Chuanfu probably had a history before, otherwise he wouldn't have any subordinates. These four people may seem rustic, but they are neither humble nor arrogant in front of Shentu Tianyin. They are obviously not ordinary characters. The look on their eyebrows There is a ruthless atmosphere everywhere. Fu Chuanfu said that they can do anything for me, including illegal things. I am a consultant of Bureau 101. It is better for me to avoid these people, otherwise Long Bing and Boss Shi will definitely get involved. My skin.”

With this thought in his mind, Xia Lei said politely: "Thank you, I will tell them if necessary."

Shentu Tianyin looked at Xia Lei, "You probably know the reason why I asked Uncle Fu to gather his former subordinates, right?"

Xia Lei nodded, walked over, pulled Shentu Tianyin aside, and whispered, "Do you need to do this?"

Shentu Tianyin was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled again, "Do you think I asked them to do anything illegal? I'm not that stupid. I asked Uncle Fu to gather his former subordinates. They mainly protect me. , I won’t kill anyone.”

Xia Lei breathed a sigh of relief, "This makes me feel relieved."

Shentu Tianyin said: "Fu Bo used to be an officer in a mercenary army in Myanmar. These people are his subordinates. They have been on the battlefield and are very powerful. I use them and they will provide professional security. With them here, I I feel a lot more relieved.”

Xia Lei said: "If you feel uneasy, you can ask me to accompany you."

Shentu Tianyin said with a smile: "I know you are very powerful, and I also want you to accompany me and protect me, but... won't Miss Liang be jealous? If you are with me every day, she will definitely come to ask for you."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and said nothing. However, he believed that if he stayed with Shentu Tianyin all day, Liang Siyao would definitely be jealous. With her straightforward temperament, it would not be strange for her to come here to find someone.

Shentu Tianyin said: "Uncle Fu, take them to take care of it. Give them what they want."

Fu Chuanfu said: "Okay." Then he took the four old mercenaries and left Shentu Tianyin's office.

Shentu Tianyin's eyes fell on Fu Mingmei.

Fu Mingmei shrugged, "Okay, I'll go out too, I don't want to be a light bulb."

Shentu Tianyin frowned, but didn't say anything about Fu Mingmei.

Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin were the only two people left in such a large office. The space was so large that it seemed too quiet and deserted. Xia Lei said: "You created such a big office and used so many cool-toned things. Don't you feel cold?"

Shentu Tianyin said: "I am a woman in charge of such a large group with tens of thousands of employees. I have to create an indifferent atmosphere to make people think that I am not easy to get along with and talk to. They will also be afraid of me. In this case, I will be treated badly. There are benefits to management. I know you also have your own management style, but it is completely different from mine. Yours is humane management."

Xia Lei said: "My company is small and has just started. If I want to retain people or attract talents, I must treat the employees well. Wanxiang Group is a big company. You also said that you have tens of thousands of employees. If you also It definitely won’t work if I manage it the way I do.”

"It's good that you understand this. Okay, let's not talk about the company. Let's talk about what you have been doing these days." Shentu Tianyin looked at Xia Lei expectantly.

Xia Lei knew what she wanted to know. He said, "I have been doing clinical trials these days. Well, I am doing experiments on rabbits."

Shentu Tianyin said in surprise: "You... conducted experiments on rabbits?" She also said something she didn't say: My dad is not a rabbit!

Xia Lei said with a smile: "This matter is not as simple as you think, but I am not going to explain it to you, because even if I explain it to you, you won't understand. I have gained a lot these days, but I still We need a volunteer to do the experiment. After all, your dad is a human, not a rabbit." At this point, he frowned slightly, "According to my plan, I should find a volunteer today, but I really can't think of anyone. willing… "

Shentu Tianyin suddenly interrupted Xia Lei, "Isn't there one right in front of you?"

"you?" Go into battle in person.

Shentu Tianyin said: "The person you want to heal is my father. For his sake, why not do you want me to be your guinea pig? Don't hesitate. Come on, what do you want me to do?"

Xia Lei took a look and found that Shentu Tianyin's large office only had her chair and desk, not even a sofa for others to sit on. He asked, "Do you have a lounge here?" Is it? I need a quieter place where I won’t be disturbed by others.”

"Of course." Shentu Tianyin grabbed a remote control placed on the desk and pressed it lightly.

The metal wall behind the desk suddenly opened, revealing a very elegant space with a TV, bed, sofa, and even a large indoor bathtub and a small bar filled with famous wines.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "I want to change offices with you."

Shentu Tianyin pursed his lips and smiled, "If you want, I can give you this floor. I am serious, not joking."

Xia Lei, "..."

Entering the secret lounge, Shentu Tianyin pressed the remote control again, and the metal wall closed again. However, an entire wall of the lounge is made of tempered glass, so the light is not affected at all. Through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, you can overlook the urban scenery of Haizhu City, and the view is excellent.

"Okay, no one will disturb you here. What do you want me to do now?" Shentu Tianyin stared at Xia Lei, waiting for his instructions.

Xia Lei glanced at her trousers and said with a headache: "You used to wear skirts, why are you wearing trousers today?"

"It's cold, so of course I have to wear long pants. Does this have anything to do with the experiment you did?"

Xia Lei shook his head, "It doesn't matter, just lie down and go. You don't have to take off your pants."

A slight blush appeared on Shentu Tianyin's cheeks, but she didn't say anything. She walked to the bed, took off her high heels, then climbed to her bed and lay down on her back.

Xia Lei also walked to the bed and took out a deerskin wallet from the inner pocket of his suit. The deerskin wallet contained dozens of silver needles. During this time, he was obsessed with the world of acupuncture, and he also carried this pack of silver needles with him. Whenever he was free, he would stick a few needles into his body and learn about acupuncture and acupuncture points. Now, these silver needles will be used on Shentu Tianyin.

"I'm ready, are you ready?" Xia Lei took out a silver needle from his deerskin wallet.

Shentu Tianyin was a little nervous. She pursed her lips and responded softly, "Yeah."

Xia Lei then reached out and took off her socks, then pulled down her trousers. But when he pulled it, he discovered to his dismay that her pants were bigger at the top and smaller at the bottom. He could only pull them up a little, which was not enough at all. He bit the bullet and pulled it up again, but it still didn't work.

"Well... you'd better take it off." Xia Lei was extremely depressed.

"Do you really want to take off your clothes?" Shentu Tianyin's face suddenly turned red, showing a rare shy look.

Her shy look is truly breathtaking and breathtaking.

Xia Lei nodded bravely, "Actually, the instep can barely do it, but the blood vessels in the instep are very thick, so the effect cannot be achieved. In addition, I also need more places to inject needles, so that I can get more information, so … Take it off.”

"Turn around." Shentu Tianyin's voice was very low, and she no longer had the aura of a queen at all.

Xia Lei turned around, but secretly said in his heart: "Won't I still see it later? Why do you want me to turn around?"

There was a rustling sound coming from behind...