Tranxending Vision

Chapter 193: We will hold each other together until death


Tanzhong point is mainly used to treat palpitations, respiratory tension, chest and abdominal pain, asthma, etc. It is related to the heart and lungs and is very important. Xia Lei pricked the Japanese woman's Tanzhong point with a silver needle, not to cure her, but to make her sick. He pricked the needle, and a trace of inner energy broke into her Tanzhong point like a wild beast, vibrating, causing chaos and disease reactions there.

In the blink of an eye, a series of reactions appeared on the Japanese woman. Her heart was beating fast and slow, and her beating rhythm was irregular. Her breathing also became short. Her nostrils and breathing passages were not blocked at all, but due to the disordered reaction of muscles and nerves, she felt that she could not breathe. She opened her mouth wide and used her mouth and nose together, but no matter how much air she breathed in, it was of no use. She was like a carp being fished ashore, jumping around and might die at any time.

However, this was not the most uncomfortable thing for her. The most uncomfortable thing was the pain in her chest and abdomen. Her chest and abdomen felt like they were being stirred by knives, and like insects were gnawing at them. They were breaking and rotting. Every second she felt like she was dying and struggling. It was extremely uncomfortable.

Xia Lei gently moved the silver needle, gradually increasing the intensity of stimulating the acupoints.

In less than two minutes, the Japanese woman was already sweating all over her body. The anger and arrogance in her eyes no longer existed, but instead were filled with pain and fear. She has indeed received severe pain training, and her ability to endure pain is far beyond what other people can match, but Xia Lei's method is not something she can endure. The feeling of experiencing death torture every second was indescribable, and her psychological defenses were rapidly collapsing.

"This is just the beginning." Xia Lei continued to twist the silver needle, increasing the pain of the Japanese woman and said: "You also saw that I have a lot of silver needles, and I just stuck one for you. Can you imagine? How would it feel if I stuck them all on you? You would be worse than dead."

The Japanese woman was already dead. Her lips trembled, "You... stop."

Xia Lei let go of his hand, "What's your name?"

This is a very simple question and the beginning of an interrogation.

"Mei Sawada." The Japanese woman said a name. The young man in front of her made her feel scared. She didn't even want to think about the experience just now, let alone experience it again.

Xia Lei said: "Mei Zetian, right? You heard clearly, this is your only chance. You should also be glad that neither Tianyin nor I was injured, so your crime will be sentenced to a few years at most. In a few years, you You can start your new life. But if you don't cooperate, I will make your life worse than death." He pointed at Shentu Tianyin again, "And she can make you stay in a Chinese prison for the rest of your life."

Shentu Tianyin supported him and strengthened his psychological offensive, "By cooperating with us, you can receive the money that Shentu Tianfeng didn't pay you. In addition, I can also give you a sum of money so that you don't have to worry about it for the rest of your life after you are released from prison. You have no money to support yourself in old age. People like Shentu Tianfeng are not worth your life for."

On one side is freedom and a prosperous life for the rest of life, on the other side is losing everything. No matter who is faced with this choice, it is actually not difficult to make a choice.

"You..." Sawada Mei's psychological defense has completely collapsed, "What do you want me to do?"

Xia Lei said: "Tell us how Shentu Tianfeng asked you to kill us, and the details of your deal."

Before Sawada Mei could speak, Shentu Tianyin cleverly took out her mobile phone and turned on the shooting mode. Although there are surveillance cameras in the room, some contents should not be handed over. Photographing the most important content is enough.

Zetian Meiyi did not answer Xia Lei's question immediately, but said: "Shentu Tianfeng hasn't paid me the balance yet. To kill you, he needs to pay a price of five million, and he only paid two million. I will give you a Account number, give me the money, and I will cooperate with you.”

Xia Lei glanced at Shentu Tianyin.

Shentu Tianyin did not hesitate at all, "He owes you three million. I will give you five million. Give me the account number and I will transfer the money to you immediately."

"You said you would give me five times." Sawada Mei said, "But I'm not greedy. You give me 10 million, and then I will do whatever you want."

Five times more unrealistic. Sawada Mei is not stupid. If you ask for too much, you will get nothing.

"Give me your account number." For Shentu Tianyin, problems that can be solved with money are not problems. Ten million, just pocket money.

Sawada Mei mentioned a Swiss bank account number.

Xia Lei said: "Tianyin, give her only 5 million first, and then give her the remaining 5 million when the matter is completed."

Sawada Mei did not object.

It only took Shentu Tianyin a few minutes to complete the payment of five million. Then she handed the payment receipt text message to Sawada Meiyi and let her take a look.

Sawada Mei felt relaxed after seeing the reply message, "Shentu Tianfeng came to Japan two years ago. He was generous and met many gangsters. His purpose was to find people who could do things for him. Later. He met me through an intermediary, and I received a deposit from him. The person he wanted to kill was you. He told me to wait for his contact and kill you when the opportunity comes. I planted a bomb at Dongfang Heavy Industries, but it failed. After that He asked him to stay in China and continue to wait for opportunities until... "

Sawada Mei spoke slowly, while Shentu Tianyin filmed her story with her mobile phone.

After finishing her story, Sawada Mei continued: "This is what happened between me and him. I thought it would definitely succeed this time, but I didn't expect..." She glanced at Xia Lei. If it weren't for Xia Lei, she would definitely succeed. .

Xia Lei said: "Shentu Tianfeng asked you to attack here, what will you do after you succeed?"

Sawada Mei said: "He gave me a mobile phone, which was in my trouser pocket. He asked me to call him when I was done, and he would come to this island to deal with the aftermath."

Xia Lei said: "Call him."

Sawada Mei said: "How can I call him when you tie me up like this?"

Xia Lei untied the rope from Zetian Meiyi's body. When Zetian Meiyi took out his mobile phone, he said: "Turn on the speakerphone, tell him that you have succeeded, and let him come over. If he asks how the body was disposed of, you can He said he was still in the hotel room. When you were acting, you exchanged fire with Tianyin's bodyguards and were discovered. You had already escaped by boat."

"Wouldn't he be suspicious?"

"He is a suspicious person by nature. He will be suspicious no matter what the outcome is, but he will definitely come to this island. He will not leave a body behind, and he will definitely come to find a way to deal with it." Xia Lei said.

Sawada Mei nodded and dialed the only phone number stored in the phone. There was no doubt that that number was also a dedicated number and would be discarded after use, and the identity of the owner could not be traced.

Shentu Tianfeng's voice soon came from the phone, "How's it going?"

"Shentu Tianyin is dead, and Xia Lei is also dead." Zetian Meiyi looked at Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin and said, "But there was some trouble. We got into trouble with Shentu Tianyin's bodyguards, and we were alarmed. The escort force on the island. We were unable to take away the bodies of Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei. Their bodies are still in the hotel, and we also escaped with the shipwreck."

"How could this happen?" Shentu Tianfeng was a little anxious, "Didn't I tell you that you must dispose of the body? This will cause trouble!"

"Sorry, you can figure out how to deal with it yourself." Sawada Mei said: "I have already killed the person, give me the balance as soon as possible."

"Asshole! How dare you ask me for money after things are like this?" Shentu Tianfeng was angry, "I don't care, you guys go back to me immediately and take away the body!"

Sawada Meiyi was silent for a moment, "The guards on the island have guns. Otherwise, you can find a way to get the body out of the island. You are Shentu Tianyin's brother. You have every reason to take the body away. Let's pretend in the sea Attack your ship and we'll dispose of the bodies."

"Okay, I'll be right over." Shentu Tianfeng hung up the phone.

Sawada Mei put down her phone, "Will he really come? I know him, he is very cunning."

Xia Lei suddenly remembered something. He picked up the mini submachine gun that fell on the ground, took off the silencer, and fired a round at the window. The sound of gunshots and broken glass suddenly broke the tranquility of the island. The alarm blared in the hotel, and the sleeping guests were also frightened. The entire hotel was in chaos.

Xia Lei then took off his bulletproof vest, laid his suit and shirt on the bulletproof vest, and fired a few more bursts into the clothes.

Shentu Tianyin was still stunned on the spot, wondering why Xia Lei did these strange things.

Xia Lei said: "Take off your clothes and bulletproof vest too, quickly."

Although Shentu Tianyin didn't understand why Xia Lei asked her to do this, she still did it.

Xia Lei also fired several shots at Shentu Tianyin's clothes, and then said: "Put it on, just clothes, not a bulletproof vest."

Shentu Tianyin did as he was told and put on his clothes in a panic.

Xia Lei also put on his clothes, and then turned on the bug terminal. Sure enough, the sound of Wang Fang talking to someone was soon heard.

"Dead? It's a good death! It's clean after death... Did you hear gunshots? Yes, I just heard gunshots and sirens... What? The body can't be disposed of? Damn it, those people It's really useless... Okay, I'll go check out the situation and then call you." Wang Fang's voice.

Xia Lei threw the empty magazine of the gun on the ground and strode towards the bed.

Sawada Mei suddenly became nervous, "I have followed your instructions, what are you going to do..."

Xia Lei punched her temple, and Sawada Meiyi groaned and passed out.

"Why did you knock her out?" Shentu Tianyin looked at Xia Lei in confusion.

Xia Lei said: "Wang Fang will be here soon. Our time is limited. Sawada Meiyi and her accomplices cannot be seen by Wang Fang. I asked Jin Dahu to move her and her accomplices to a secret place. We will pretend here." die."

Only then did Shentu Tianyin understand why Xia Lei did these strange things.

Before Xia Lei could give instructions, Jin Dahu had already opened the door and walked in. Jin Dahu and Jin Zhenhuan actually knew what happened in the house. After all, the entire villa was under their surveillance.

"Hide the person well and be sure not to be discovered." Xia Lei warned.

Jin Dahu said: "Don't worry, I know how to do it." He picked up Zetian Meiyi and left the room. He also took away the bulletproof vests that Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin took off.

Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin were the only two people left in the room.

Shentu Tianyin took the initiative to lie down on the ground, with his legs tightly together, his hands gently pressing on his lower abdomen, and then asked Xia Lei, "Is this okay?"

Xia Lei smiled, "Can you die more gracefully?"

"Then how are you going to die?" Shentu Tianyin had no experience at all, and she didn't want Xia Lei to see her ugly appearance.

Xia Lei picked up the saber that Zetian Meiyi had dropped on the ground, slashed open his forearm, and then spilled the blood on Shentu Tianyin's body and face.

"You..." Shentu Tianyin suddenly became nervous.

Xia Lei lay down next to her and wiped the blood on his face and body. Then he separated Shentu Tianyin's legs and opened her hands to make her death look more realistic.

But just when he was ready to die, one of Shentu Tianyin's legs suddenly lifted up and pressed neatly on his thigh.

"What are you doing?" Xia Lei, whose face was covered in blood, asked curiously.

"You are my fiancé. We have to hug each other until we die." Shentu Tianyin said seriously, then got into Xia Lei's arms and hugged his waist.

Do you have to be so romantic even if you are pretending to be dead

Xia Lei didn't know what to say anymore.

ps: Thank you to Brother Bajian for your generous reward, and also to book friend 13639415 for your reward. I am deeply honored to have your support, thank you.