Tranxending Vision

Chapter 194: Flagpole in the morgue


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The first ones to rush to the room were the hotel security guards, but they were stopped by Jin Zhenhuan who stayed behind. Although they entered the room, Jin Zhenhuan did not allow them to touch the "bodies" of Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin.

"I have checked, they are dead." Jin Zhenhuan said to the hotel security guard.

"What happened?" asked a hotel security guard.

Jin Zhenhuan said: "Several gunmen attacked us, killed people, and then ran away. Call the police and do not move at the scene."

"Don't you need a doctor?" a security guard said.

Jin Zhenhuan said: "Have you seen their wounds?"

Several security guards looked at Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin who were lying on the ground. Their bodies were covered with blood, and several bullet holes were also in the chest. Everyone was shot in the heart. Such fatal injuries, let alone a doctor Come, even if the gods come, it will be useless.

"It looks like he is really dead, but let's let the doctor confirm it." The security captain who led the team said, and then used the communicator to call the main station and asked the main station to send a doctor.

Wang Fang came before the doctor came.

"Who are you? You won't go in." A security guard stopped her.

Wang Fang said arrogantly: "I am... I am that woman's second aunt, and she is my niece. Why can't I go in? How is she?"

"Dead." The security guard blocking the door said.

Wang Fang suddenly got under the security guard's arm and slipped to the side of Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei.

Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin lay motionless on the ground, with blood everywhere on their hands and bodies. Both men also had several bullet holes in their chests, each one fatal. Seeing such a scene, a sneer appeared at the corner of Wang Fang's mouth, but she began to cry hypocritically, "Tianyin, my Tianyin, you died so miserably... wuwu..." she cried. I was very sad, but there were no tears in my eyes.

The security guard didn't have the heart to pull her out when he saw her crying so sadly.

Jin Zhenhuan came over, grabbed Wang Fang's hand and dragged her out, "Get out!"

"Who are you? How dare you do this to me?" Wang Fang suddenly became angry, "I am Shentu Tianyin's second aunt! How dare you do this to me!"

Jin Zhenhuan said expressionlessly: "This is a scene, and no one can destroy it. Fu Chuanfu is already on the way here. He has told us that the scene must be protected, and no one can touch the body."

"Fu Chuanfu is coming?" Wang Fang suddenly became nervous.

Jin Zhenhuan snorted coldly, "If something like this happens, can he not come?"

"I... I'm going to see the old man. You must not let him know about this. He will be pissed to death." Wang Fang left in a hurry.

After walking out of the villa, Wang Fang couldn't wait to take out her mobile phone and made a call, "Bring someone here quickly, Fu Chuanfu is coming too. If he comes, the body will definitely be protected! Those people you invited are really useless... Okay , stop talking, come quickly, it’s best to come by helicopter!”

At this time, the leaders of Tianci Hospital rushed over with several medical staff.

Wang Fang hesitated for a moment, but in the end did not follow, but walked slowly towards the inpatient department at the foot of the mountain. She had her concerns, because she just said she was going to take care of Shentu Weiye, and if she returned to the scene, she would inevitably attract the attention of Shentu Tianyin's bodyguards. Moreover, looking at the corpses of Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin, she couldn't be sure that she wouldn't reveal any flaws because she was too happy. After weighing the situation, she finally gave up the idea of going to the scene again.

In the villa room, a doctor reached out and touched Xia Lei's carotid artery, and then said: "There is still a pulse. Send him to the hospital for emergency treatment. Hurry."

You can't pretend to have a pulse, because even if you hold your breath, your heart is actually beating and blood is flowing in your blood vessels. Therefore, no matter how much you pretend to be, you still can't pretend in front of the doctor.

But just as the two nurses were about to attach an oxygen bag to Xia Lei, and the doctor reached out to touch Shentu Tianyin's carotid artery, Xia Lei suddenly opened his eyes, "Who of you is in charge here? I am the National Security Bureau Detective, I am handling a case, you must cooperate with me to catch the criminal."

Shentu Tianyin also opened his eyes, "I am Shentu Tianyin, the chairman of Wanxiang Group. I will compensate you tenfold for the losses suffered by your hospital."

As soon as he hit his chin, the whole room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, and it was also filled with a strange aura.

In fact, this was not part of Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin's plan. It was just that people from the hospital came and they also brought medical staff. If he and Shentu Tianyin didn't "die", the play wouldn't be possible. Went down. So, he had an idea and pretended to be an agent of the National Security Agency. Shentu Tianyin also revealed her identity and wanted to use her influence in Haizhu City to convince the other party.

In fact, there was no need for Xia Lei to pretend to be an agent of the National Security Agency. Shentu Tianyin only needed to reveal his identity. As soon as she revealed her identity, the hospital leader stretched out his hands and said with a smile, "Miss Shentu, I know you. Your father lived here for a while. You may not remember me."

Shentu Tianyin said: "Of course I remember, you are Dean Zhang."

"It's such an honor that you still remember me." Dean Zhang looked very happy, "Is your father okay?"

Xia Lei has been left alone, but he doesn't mind...

A few minutes later, Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin were carried out of the villa. The two lay on stretchers, covered with white hotel sheets. The hotel security guard carried two stretchers to the hospital down the hillside, with Zhang Yuanchang and several medical staff following closely behind. Walking at the back was Jin Zhenhuan, with all four pockets filled with mobile phones.

These mobile phones belonged to hotel security guards and medical staff. After Dean Zhang agreed to assist, he used the fake identity of the National Security Agency agent to ask several hotel security guards and medical staff to hand over their mobile phones to Jin Zhenhuan. Before catching Shentu Tianfeng and Shentu Yi, he didn't want them to run away after hearing the news.

Because of Shentu Tianyin's presence, the hospital did not verify Xia Lei's identity as a so-called National Security Agency agent. He had requests, and the hospital did its best to accommodate them. All of this was actually for Shentu Tianyin's sake. If it weren't for Shentu Tianyin's face, the hospital would definitely not be so cooperative and would at least let him show his ID to prove his identity.

When the "bodies" of Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin were carried down the mountain, Wang Fang had not yet entered the building of the inpatient department. She deliberately slowed down her pace. When she saw the hotel security guard carrying a stretcher covered with white sheets, she simply stood on the roadside and refused to leave.

"Dean Zhang, can my niece be rescued?" Wang Fang knew Dean Zhang.

Dean Zhang shook his head, "It's hopeless. How can we save everyone if they are already dead? We have done our best to express our condolences and accept the change."

Wang Fang said again: "Where are you going to send the body?"

Dean Zhang said: "Of course, send it to the morgue and wait for the police forensic doctor to take over."

A sneer appeared on the corner of Wang Fang's mouth, and suddenly his mouth deflated, and he cried loudly, "My niece, Tianyin... wuwu, why are you dead? Why are you dead? You Can’t die…”

I cried loudly, but there were still no tears.

The hotel security guards put the "bodies" of Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin into the morgue, and then cleared everyone out. Even Wang Fang, who was crying to see Shentu Tianyin for the last time, was no exception and was kicked out directly. .

As soon as the morgue door is closed, the whole world becomes pure.

Shentu Tianyin lifted up the white sheets covering her body, then reached out to lift off the sheets from Xia Lei on the morgue next to her, and whispered: "When do you think Shentu Tianfeng and my second uncle will come? "

Xia Lei opened his eyes and looked at her, "Sister, you are already dead, please don't be so naughty, okay? Lie down and continue to pretend to be dead."

"There is no one else here, and there are no surveillance cameras. What does it matter if we say a few words?" Shentu Tianyin hugged his arms, "The air conditioner is on here, it's so cold."

She didn't mention Leng Xialei, but he still felt cold when she mentioned it. He got up and said, "I'll give you my clothes. I'm not afraid of the cold."

Shentu Tianyin said: "How can a dead person take off his clothes?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Shentu Tianyin blinked, "Why don't you come over and let's lie down together, with two sheets, we can also stay warm."

Xia Lei, "..."

"Forget it, let me come over. Your bed seems to be bigger." Shentu Tianyin said and climbed over, lifted up the sheets on Xia Lei and got in.

What else could Xia Lei say? Everyone has already come over, can he still let a female corpse crawl back

The two people squeezed into a morgue, and the already narrow morgue suddenly became crowded. Both of them could only lie down on their sides. This position made them face to face, with their faces less than a fist apart. The breath coming out of Xia Lei's nostrils hit Shentu Tianyin's face, and the breath coming out of Shentu Tianyin's nostrils also hit Xia Lei's face. The male's breath and the female's breath are intertwined, subtly affecting the two young hearts.

The temperature in the morgue was very low, but a blush slowly appeared on Shentu Tianyin's cheeks. Her body was close to Xia Lei's body, and the charming fragrance emanating from her body enveloped the space under the sheets, making the whole space fragrant. And this fragrance, coupled with the softness of her body, also quietly caused trouble and embarrassment to Xia Lei.

Although Xia Lei didn't move, how could he, a normal and full-blooded man, not react at all to such a close contact? But when that reaction became more and more obvious, could Shentu Tianyin, who was close to him, not know

The reaction from that place made Shentu Tianyin's face redder and more nervous, "What...are you thinking about?"

Xia Lei said awkwardly: "I... didn't think about anything."

"You really didn't think about anything?"

"I didn't really think anything of it."

"You must be thinking of something."

"I really didn't think about anything. If you insist on telling me what I'm thinking about, then tell me what I'm thinking about?" Xia Lei lied.

"You..." Shentu Tianyin blushed and wanted to say but couldn't. There are some things that feel embarrassing just thinking about them, so how can you say them out loud

Then neither of them spoke. You looked at me and I looked at you. The air-conditioning in the morgue was still blowing, but instead of feeling cold, the two people lying together felt hot, and it was the kind of heat that was difficult to cool down with ice cubes.

Not long after, Jin Dahu's voice suddenly came from the tiny headphones plugged into his ears, "Mr. Xia, Miss Shentu, Shentu Tianfeng's helicopter is here."

Shentu Tianyin hurriedly crawled out of Xia Lei's arms and returned to her own morgue. She hid her blushing face under the white sheets.

Xia Lei also secretly breathed a sigh of relief and said secretly: "Fortunately, I am stable."

At this time, Shentu Tianyin suddenly lifted the sheets from his face again, pointed at Xia Lei's waist and said, "Hey, you who don't think about anything, you should find a way to hide it."

Xia Lei took a quick look and saw a ball of sheets standing between his legs like a flagpole, as eye-catching as he wanted. Looking at Shentu Tianyin's slightly teasing eyes, he had thousands of words to say but could not utter a single word.

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