Tranxending Vision

Chapter 195: Tianyin's tears


A helicopter landed on the tarmac on the roof of the main building of Tianci Hospital. Shentu Tianfeng, Shen Tuyi and two burly bodyguards jumped out of the helicopter and rushed to the stairs quickly. The faces of the father and son could not hide their excitement and joy, but they also had a lot of anxiety.

"Fu Chuanfu is coming soon. He is taking the waterway. We must rush ahead of him to transport the body away." Shen Tuyi said.

Shentu Tianfeng nodded, turned around and said to the two bodyguards who were following closely: "After we see the bodies of Shentu Tianyin and that kid later, you don't have to worry about anything and just take them to the helicopter."

The two bodyguards said in unison: "Understood."

Shentu Tianfeng laughed, "The helicopter broke down at sea, and the body of Shentu Tianyin, the chairman of Vientiane Group, sank into the sea. I think the major news media will definitely write like this tomorrow, right?"

Shen Tuyi couldn't hide the excitement in his heart, "That little bitch is finally dead. Now, Wanxiang Group belongs to us!"

Shentu Tianfeng quickened his pace, "Dad, the police will definitely investigate. Have you figured out how to deal with it?"

Shen Tuyi snorted coldly, "Investigation? I don't know anything. Even if we are suspected, where is the evidence? There are no bodies, how can the police investigate? Don't worry, I will handle this matter. Besides, the old man is also willing to help Shen Tu The family has made sacrifices and took a step back to look at this matter. When it really got to that point, the old man shouldered the responsibility. The current law will not sentence an old man in his seventies to death. His old man is just changing a place to retire. .”

"Hahaha..." Shentu Tianfeng was so happy that he couldn't help but laugh again.

Under China's current laws, it is true that a 70-year-old man will not be sentenced to death, and even if he is guilty, he will be given a light sentence. With Shentu Weiye acting as the last gold medal to avoid death, and the cost of crime being almost negligible, Wanxiang Group was taken away. How could such a thing make people unhappy

Before approaching the morgue, Wang Fang rushed over with Shentu Weiye's support. The four people met in the corridor, with excitement and joy in their eyes.

"The bodies of that little bitch and that boy are in the morgue. I saw them with my own eyes. They were beaten into sieves. They were so miserable." Wang Fang couldn't help but say.

"She deserves it." Shen Tuyi showed no mercy at all.

Shentu Weiye sighed, "Don't talk about it. After all, she is still a bloodline of the Shentu family. Let's leave her like this. Leave her some dignity."

Shentu Tianfeng then said: "Mom, Dad, please stop talking. This is not the place to talk. Be careful that the walls have ears. Let's go and have a look at the morgue."

Four people from the Shentu family and two tall bodyguards quickly arrived at the door of the morgue.

There were many people standing at the door, including Jin Zhenhuan.

A hotel security guard said: "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Shen Tu Yi was furious, "I am Shen Tu Tianyin's second uncle, and this is his grandfather! Get out of my way!"

As soon as they heard that they were Shentu Tianyin's second uncle and grandfather, the security guard stepped aside even if they dared to block the way.

Jin Zhenhuan blocked the door.

"Get out of my way too!" Shen Tuyi said angrily.

Jin Zhenhuan said: "Butler Fu said that we have to wait until he comes..."

But before Jin Zhenhuan finished speaking, Shen Tuyi said: "What the hell butler? I'll fire him now! And you, you'll be fired too, get out!"

Before Jin Zhenhuan could say anything, the two tall bodyguards who accompanied him immediately grabbed Jin Zhenhuan's arms and savagely pushed him aside.

In this situation, the people at the hospital headed by Director Zhang did not even dare to say anything.

Shen Tuyi opened the door, and Wang Fang and Shentu Tianfeng supported Shentu Weiye into the morgue. The two bodyguards followed him in and closed the door directly.

Jin Byung-hwan walked to a corner and took out his mobile phone to make a call...

In the morgue, two mortuary trucks were parked side by side in the middle of the morgue. The air-conditioning was blowing, giving people a bone-chilling chill and an eerie feeling.

Both morgue trucks were covered with white sheets, and the people lying inside could not be seen. However, the physical characteristics of women and men are still very obvious. Shentu Tianyin's breasts have a wavy curve that is clearly swollen under the sheets.

Wang Fang walked up and lifted the sheets off Shentu Tianyin, revealing her face and upper body. Then, she lifted up the sheet covering Xia Lei, revealing Xia Lei's face and upper body.

Xia Lei and Shentu Tianyin's bodies were covered in blood. The blood had dried up and turned black and red. Both of them had several bullet holes in their chests. Judging from the location of the bullet holes, both of them were shot in the lungs and heart. Such injuries make people believe that they died early on.

"Tianyin, why didn't you refuse to hand over the Wanxiang Group? You are a woman. Sooner or later, you will get married and take care of your husband and raise your children." Shentu Weiye shook his head and sighed, "If you hand over the Wanxiang Group, , how did you end up like this? Forget it, you are all gone, and grandpa doesn’t want to talk anymore. I forgive you for all the mistakes you made. You can go on your way with peace of mind, your second uncle will take good care of your dad Yes, you don’t have to worry about it. Don’t blame your second uncle and Tianfeng, they are also doing it for the good of our Shentu family."

"Old man, you are kind-hearted," Wang Fang said.

Shentu Tianfeng walked to Shentu Tianyin's side, with a sneer on his lips, "Tianyin, don't blame me for being cruel, it's all because of you. Originally, I had nothing to say to you, but now that you're gone, I This brother should also say goodbye to you. Don’t you like the sea? I will help you and let the sea be your best destination."

After speaking, he waved his hand. The two accompanying bodyguards came over, covered Shentu Tianyin and Xia Lei with sheets, and pushed the two morgue trucks towards the door.

Shen Tuyi followed and opened the door.

Dean Zhang, who was guarding the door, was anxious, "Where are you taking the body?"

Shentu Weiye said: "She is a member of my Shentu family. Fallen leaves must return to their roots, so of course she must return home."

"This..." Dean Zhang looked very embarrassed, "The person died here. It's early in the morning and the police haven't sent anyone over to investigate yet. How can you take the body away? Let's wait until tomorrow. The police will investigate and then take him away."

"What's the matter with you?" Shentu Tianfeng glared at Dean Zhang, "I'll take my sister home, and the police can come to my house to investigate! Get out of my way!"

Dean Zhang still blocked the door and refused to let him go.

Shentu Weiye hit him with his cane, "You bastard, get out of here! Or I'll hit you and die!"

This sentence was more effective than anything else. There was no need for the bodyguards brought by Shentu Tianfeng to take action. Dean Zhang and several people from the hospital got out of the way.

"You take Tianyin back and leave this place to me." Shentu Weiye said.

"Let's go." Shentu Tianfeng didn't want to waste even one more minute.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came from a morgue, "Where are you taking me?"

"Who's talking?" Shentu Tianfeng didn't realize that the voice came from the morgue.

The bodyguard pushing Xia Lei pointed to the morgue in front of him with a pale face, "Yes, yes..."

"Are you stupid?" Shentu Tianfeng said angrily: "How can a dead man talk? Push him away quickly!"

But at this moment, another voice came from under the white sheets, "Master Tianfeng, are you trying to push me into the sea to feed the fish? You are so cruel. Killing me is not enough. You want to feed me to the fishes. Even if I am in the underworld, I still want to settle the account with you."

The words were spoken clearly, and Shentu Tianfeng could hear them clearly now, but there was no trace of blood on his handsome face.

Shen Tuyi and Wang Fang were also frightened, confused and speechless.

However, Shentu Weiye was the boldest. He poked Xia Lei with his crutch to test Xia Lei's life or death.

Xia Lei grabbed the crutches, then lifted the sheets covering him and sat up. He suddenly stuck out his tongue at Shentu Weiye.

“Ah—” Shentu Weiye was frightened and staggered, then fell to the ground.

Xia Lei raised his other hand, holding a mobile phone in his hand. In the morgue, he recorded the conversations between Shentu Tianfeng, Shentu Yi, Shentu Weiye and Wang Fang.

Shentu Tianfeng suddenly realized something, and his voice trembled, "You, you... you are not dead!"

"It's not just me." Xia Lei stretched out his hand to lift the sheets from Shentu Tianyin beside him.

Shentu Tianyin lay quietly on the morgue, tears rolling down from the corners of her eyes, leaving two crystal tear stains on her face. Four members of the Shentu family, including her grandfather, did not shed a tear or apologize when they saw her for the last time, but they were discussing how to destroy her body. How could something like this not make her sad and shed tears

Seeing Shentu Tianyin who was crying silently, Shen Tuyi and Wang Fang seemed to have had all the bones in their bodies taken away at once, and collapsed on the ground like soft mud.

"Ah—" Shentu Tianfeng suddenly roared and rushed towards Shentu Tianyin like crazy. He had lost all reason, and he still thought that as long as he killed Shentu Tianyin, he would still have a glimmer of hope.

But before he could touch Shentu Tianyin, Xia Lei jumped up from the morgue and kicked Shentu Tianfeng in the face.

boom! Shentu Tianfeng fell to the ground on his back, his nose was crooked and his front teeth were missing. But he didn't seem to feel any pain, and he roared: "I won't lose! I won't lose! This is not true, this is not true..."

Shentu Weiye got up from the ground, walked tremblingly to Shentu Tianyin, and suddenly slapped Shentu Tianyin.

Shentu Tianyin grabbed Shentu Weiye's hand and looked at Shentu Weiye with tears in his eyes.

"You bitch! You actually set up such a trap to harm me and your second uncle's family!" Shentu Weiye said angrily: "How could I, Shentu Weiye, have a granddaughter like you! Why don't you die? Why!"

"Grandpa." Shentu Tianyin said sadly: "This is the last time I call you grandpa. After this call, I won't have a grandpa. I don't have a cruel grandpa like you."

Shentu Tianyin shook off Shentu Weiye's hand. She jumped off the morgue, walked to Xia Lei, looked at him, paused, and suddenly threw herself into his arms, lying on his shoulder and singing loudly. burst into tears.

Xia Lei patted her back gently and comforted her gently: "Don't cry, don't cry, it's all over, it's all over. Trust me, tomorrow will be better."

Shentu Weiye froze there. At this moment, he seemed to have aged ten years.

Two helicopters roared from the sky, one of them had police markings, and the other one was occupied by Fu Chuanfu and brothers Park Taiji and Park Chanyeol. But what was left for them and the police was simple.

This is just like the plot in a play in a movie. The police come to take away the bad guy who has been subdued, and the hero and heroine embrace each other, and then the whole play ends with a passionate kiss...

The only thing missing was that passionate kiss, a soul-stirring kiss.

Xia Lei didn't do this because he knew very well that he was in reality, not in a movie. If it was Liang Siyao who was crying in his arms, then he could do this, he could still...