Tranxending Vision

Chapter 209: complex


Xia Lei and Liang Siyao came to the company early the next morning.

Xia Lei held a morning meeting to learn about the company's participation in the expo and the preparation of raw materials for the new automatic skateboard. Although he did not handle these matters in the company, Liang Siyao and the company's employees handled these matters very well, and everything went smoothly.

After the morning meeting, Xia Lei carried the engineering plastic box Ke Jie sent to his studio and prepared to modify Long Bing's gun. On the way, he called Jiang Ruyi, but Jiang Ruyi didn't answer his call after calling him twice.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and shook his head, "You really ignored me? Really, I didn't say anything to make her unhappy, right? Forget it, she is like this, she will be fine in a few days."

Several workers looked at Xia Lei, pointed, and whispered about something.

Xia Lei put away his phone and said with a smile, "What are you doing?"

A young man followed and said: "Mr. Xia, we watched the video online, wow, I didn't expect your kung fu to be so good!"

A very young female worker's eyes were shining as she said excitedly: "Mr. Xia, you looked so handsome when you knocked down that American in the ring!"

"You can see it online?" Xia Lei was a little surprised.

"Yes, it has spread on the Internet. Many people are searching for your name. Some people say that you are a modern Huang Feihong, and they also say that you should make a movie." The young female worker's eyes continued to shine.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "I don't know how to do that. You should all leave and go do whatever you need to do."

Several workers then dispersed, and Xia Lei also entered his studio.

Opening the engineering plastic box, Xia Lei took out all the parts and the AS50 sniper rifle and placed them on the workbench. Later, he disassembled the AS50 sniper rifle into parts, and then used his left eye ability to observe them and remember their sizes. His left eye is more precise than any precise measuring instrument. He needs to remember the most accurate data of each part, and then use these data to measure the parts provided by Long Bing and transform them.

He "measured" very carefully. It took almost an hour to "measure" all the parts of an AS50 sniper rifle. But just when he was about to "measure" the parts provided by Long Bing, there was a knock on the studio door.

Xia Lei's left eye twitched slightly, and the studio door suddenly disappeared from his sight. Seeing the person standing outside the door clearly, he was slightly stunned for a moment, then quickly walked over and opened the door.

The person who knocked on the door was the newly appointed Security Minister Lu Sheng, but the person standing behind Lu Sheng was Long Bing.

Long Bing is wearing a straight ladies suit, with firm breasts, plump buttocks, mature and sexy. However, there was no expression on her face. It was colder than an iceberg, making people afraid to get close to her.

She was indeed sexy and attractive, but Xia Lei had never seen a man dare to get close to her.


Xia Lei said: "It's okay, we know each other. Brother Sheng, go and do your work."

"Well, okay." Lu Sheng smiled and left. Xia Lei still called him "Brother Sheng", which made him feel very proud, and he was naturally happy.

Xia Lei looked at Long Bing, "Why don't you call me so I can pick you up."

Long Bing didn't say anything and went directly into Xia Lei's studio.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and closed the studio door.

"Have you started modifying the gun?" Long Bing saw a large pile of gun parts placed on the workbench.

Xia Lei said: "It's just the beginning. You don't want it today, right? I can't make it for you."

Long Bing said: "The gun thing is not that important. I will ask you when you are ready. I am here to tell you something today. You must be mentally prepared."

Xia Lei was filled with curiosity, "Why are you so serious?"

Long Bing was silent for a moment before saying: "Our intelligence personnel have received information. The United States already knows the secret of the most advanced intelligent machine tools we have obtained, and they also know that you built it."

"This..." Xia Lei said in surprise: "How is this possible?"

Long Bing opened his handbag, took out a stack of photos and handed them to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei took one look and was stunned on the spot. The background in the first photo is his studio, with an unfinished smart machine tool. He then looked through the other photos. Each photo was of his smart machine tool, and it was at different stages of completion. This means that the person who took these photos was always paying attention to his progress!

Long Bing said: "These are just part of it. If I wanted to bring all the thousands of photos, I would have to carry a big backpack."

Xia Lei frowned, "Is it that guy Xiang Hongbin?"

Long Bing said: "It can't be him. He was caught before you completed the smart machine tool. He had no chance to take pictures of your subsequent progress. It's another person, and he might be right next to you. .”

In an instant, faces appeared in his mind, but Xia Lei really couldn't think of who could have done such a thing. After a long silence, he said: "Give me some time, if this person is by my side , I will definitely not be able to find it.”

Long Bing said calmly: "Actually, when I got this information, I thought we could find that person without alerting you, but we failed. We checked all the people in your company, and there was no particularly suspicious person. So. , I came here specifically to tell you this, you have to be careful."

Xia Lei nodded, "Is this serious?"

Long Bing said: "There is currently no movement in the United States, but it is impossible for them not to deal with such a matter, and they will definitely take action. But don't worry, even if they know that you built that smart machine tool, they There is nothing we can do about it. If there is an international dispute, it is also a matter of the country and you should leave it alone."

Xia Lei felt relieved now, "By the way, does the fact that you want me to modify the sniper rifle have anything to do with this?"

Long Bing said: "It doesn't matter, it's just that I suffered some losses from my sniper rifle during the last mission. The parts you see are my sniper rifles. It would not be difficult to build the most advanced sniper rifle today, but I've been using this gun for several years. It's easy to use and I have feelings for it, so I want to ask you to help me modify it. You can even make things like machine tools, and I believe you can transform it into this world. Get the best sniper rifle."

Xia Lei smiled and said, "I thought you were going to use it to perform some dangerous mission, and I was worried about you. It turns out that's the case, so I won't be in a hurry. I can do better with more time."

"Which mission doesn't require a gun? I don't have as much time as a consultant like me." Long Bing said, and then she looked at Xia Lei, "I want to ask you a question."

"you say."

"How does it feel to be with Liang Siyao?"

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, and then said with some embarrassment: "I can't hide such a thing from you, but why are you asking?"

Long Bing said calmly: "I'm just curious. I think it would be interesting for someone like you to fall in love. If you don't want to say it, forget it."

Xia Lei said: "There's nothing hard to say about this. My feeling... How should I put it? Love is about feeling, happiness, sweetness, etc., but what I feel more is completeness."

"Complete?" Long Bing looked a little curious, "What do you mean?"

Xia Lei said: "You know my life experience, my parents are no longer around, I only have one sister. I have always felt very lonely, you will not understand that feeling. In my heart, I always feel that something is missing, Incompleteness, this feeling cannot be erased no matter how much money I make. Until Siyao appeared, and my master Liang Zhengchun, I now feel that I have a complete family, this is the feeling, complete."

Long Bing smiled for the first time, "So that's it, I wish you the best."

"Thank you." Xia Lei also smiled, "Just don't leave. You stay, I'll call Siyao, and we'll go out to have a meal together."

"No need, this is my working time, no eating or drinking." Long Bing said.

Xia Lei was not surprised by her response at all. He smiled and said, "That's up to you. I'll call you after the gun is modified."

Long Bing walked towards the door. When he reached the door, he turned around and said, "By the way, your performance in the martial arts competition was very good. Boss Shi was full of praise for you."

Xia Lei said in surprise: "Does Mr. Shi already know?"

Long Bing said: "His goddaughter told him, well, she even took a video."

"Boss Shi's goddaughter?" Xia Lei was confused again, "Who is she?"

"my colleague."

"I asked about the name." Xia Lei was not satisfied with this answer.

"You will meet in the future." Just saying this, Long Bing opened the door and walked away.

Xia Lei wanted to send her out of the factory, but Long Bing actually reached out and closed the door, obviously not wanting him to send her away.

Long Bing left, but Xia Lei fell into deep thought. There are two things on his mind, one is that there is a mysterious spy by his side. This incident worried him. Another thing is that there was actually someone from Bureau 101 at the martial arts conference, and she was also Boss Shi's goddaughter. This incident confused him again. Who was she

"Could it be her?" After recalling for a while, Tang Yuyan suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's mind, but he finally shook his head, "The Tang Sect in Shu is a martial arts sect, how could Tang Yuyan be the boss of Mr. Shi?" Where is the daughter? What's more, Long Bing didn't mention Tang Bochuan at all. If Tang Yuyan is Mr. Shi's goddaughter, then isn't Tang Bochuan the godson of Mr. Shi? "

I think it is, but I think it's not. It's really hard to draw a conclusion on such a thing.

Xia Lei threw the photos left by Long Bing into the trash can and lit them on fire. A large stack of photos burst into flames, emitting blue smoke.

"Lei, it's me." Liang Siyao's voice came from outside the door.

Xia Lei turned around and opened the door.

Liang Siyao saw the flames burning in the trash can, and she asked curiously: "What are you burning?"

Xia Lei said: "It's some photos."

"Photo? What photo?" Liang Siyao looked at the trash can, but unfortunately she could no longer see any content.

Xia Lei said: "Don't ask, it has something to do with Long Bing. Anyway, you should be careful in recent times."

"What happened?" Liang Siyao became slightly nervous.

Xia Lei said: "There is a spy here. I don't know who it is. You should pay more attention to it and tell me if you find anyone suspicious. But be careful. Even if you find it, don't take any action. Tell me. I will Helong Bing will handle it."

"I'm dizzy... It's time to make a spy movie." Liang Siyao patted her high chest lightly, "Okay, I will pay attention. If I catch him, I will tell you as soon as possible."

"Be careful." Xia Lei warned again and again.

"Okay, I understand." Xia Lei was so concerned about her that Liang Siyao couldn't hide the smile on her face, "By the way, Mayor Hu Hou's secretary just called and asked us to go this afternoon The exhibition hall is setting up the booth, and the expo will start tomorrow. If you are not busy, we will go over and take a look now."

"Well, let's go take a look." Xia Lei said.

Liang Siyao glanced at the AS50 sniper rifle and a lot of parts on the workbench, but just took a glance, and then left the studio holding Xia Lei's hand.
