Tranxending Vision

Chapter 210: Chang'e and Zhu Bajie


The venue of the expo is set at Haizhu International Convention and Exhibition Center. This is a very large multi-functional exhibition hall, divided into six exhibition areas with a total area of 30,000 square meters. Companies from Haizhu City gathered in the first exhibition hall, while other exhibition halls were occupied by non-local companies and some foreign companies. None of the 1,600 booths in total was empty. The various products and corporate culture were dazzling and the event was unprecedented.

Hu Hou really gave Xia Lei a good booth, right near the door of Exhibition Hall 1. As long as someone walks into Exhibition Hall No. 1, they can see this booth at a glance.

Almost all the beautiful girls from Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company gathered here, wearing sexy uniforms that Liang Siyao customized from the clothing company early in the morning. Their presence creates a landscape of its own, becoming the most eye-catching presence in the No. 1 exhibition hall.

However, there are only booths and beautiful girls, but there are no products on the Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company's booth. This strange imagination attracted the attention and discussion of many people in the same exhibition hall.

"What does Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company want to show? Beauty?" someone said.

"That guy named Xia Lei patted his chest in front of Mayor Hu Hou and promised that he would not disappoint Hu Hou. He probably thought that Hu Hou liked beauties, and Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company is probably an entertainment city-type enterprise, haha ..." someone sarcastically said.

These words fell on the ears of the female employees of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company. They were all very angry and glared at those who made trouble.

Guan Lingshan walked back and forth in front of the booth, looking very anxious, "Mr. Is that good?"

As he was talking, Hu Hou led a group of foreign businessmen into the No. 1 exhibition hall. While Hu Hou introduced the business situation of Haizhu City to the foreign businessmen, he walked to the booth of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company.

In fact, it's not that I specially brought people to see the Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company's booth, but that the Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company's booth was right next to the door. To go in, you had to pass by the Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company's booth.

Guan Lingshan's face turned pale when she saw Hu Hou and a large group of businessmen. Mayor Hu Hou brought businessmen to visit Exhibition Hall No. 1. The first thing they saw was the booth of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company. However, Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company now has nothing but a lot of eye-catching girls. What kind of exhibition is this

"Let me introduce to you an emerging company in our Haizhu City, Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company. It is..." As he spoke, Hu Hou finally saw the booth of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company clearly. The empty booth was like a fierce Slapping him across the face blocked what he wanted to say.

Guan Lingshan walked up bravely, "Mayor Hu, we..."

Hu Hou interrupted Guan Lingshan, with anger on his face, "Where is Xia Lei? Where are they? Who do you think they are?"

"Our President Xia..." Guan Lingshan didn't know what to say.

Gu Kewen walked over from the Yuedong Sports booth with a gloating smile on his face, "Mayor Hu, are these women the new products of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company? Are they robots?" After speaking, she stretched out her hand to control. Lingshan pinched her cheek and said with a smile, "It's not a robot, it's a real person."

Guan Lingshan swept away Gu Kewen's hand and said, "Please pay attention to your words. Our Mr. Xia must have encountered an accident. I will give him a call right away and he will be here soon."

Gu Kewen smiled and said: "What are you calling? Does he still have the face to see Mayor Hu now? I'm afraid he has been hiding for a long time. I have already said that how can a company that processes screws for others be qualified to participate in such an expo? ? Mayor Hu, you’d better take your business friends to our company’s booth to have a look. Our automatic surfboard is an excellent product that is popular in the European and American markets.”

Hu Hou said to Guan Lingshan with a gloomy face: "No need to call him." Then he said to those foreign merchants: "Sorry, something went wrong. Let's go look elsewhere first. Yuedong Sports The automatic surfboard is… ”

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside Exhibition Hall No. 1.

"Wow! So beautiful!"

"What is that? I've never seen it before!"

“Where can I buy it?”

"Hello? Are you here to participate in an exhibition? Which exhibition hall are you in?"

These voices came all at once, not only interrupting Hu Hou's words, but also attracting the attention of many foreign merchants. Hu Hou was probably the last one to look back. Just as he was looking back at the door of Exhibition Hall 1, Xia Lei, dressed in Adidas sportswear, skated into the exhibition hall on a skateboard.

The skateboard under Xia Lei's feet was shining, the color was dazzling, and the speed was neither fast nor slow. He was as if he were standing on a rainbow that was automatically sliding. It was very dazzling.

Immediately behind Xia Lei, a large group of young people skated into the exhibition hall. Some of them were circling around the merchants, and some were doing cool and difficult moves in the open space. Their appearance immediately set off the atmosphere in Exhibition Hall No. 1, and even tourists and merchants who were going to other exhibition halls were attracted by them.

Hu Hou originally had a stern face, but when he saw such interesting products from Xia Lei and Lei Ma Manufacturing Company, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and he said to himself: "This kid is always surprising. Ah, he really did not disappoint me."

Gu Kewen looked at Xia Lei and the skateboard on his feet with a livid face. She had to admit that the skateboard under Xia Lei's feet was really beautiful and fashionable. Such products were most likely to be loved by teenage consumers and could even spark a skateboarding craze! But she also had an intuition that the skateboard produced by Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company was an infringing product that copied Yuedong Sports' automatic surfboard!

Thinking of this, Gu Kewen's face became more and more gloomy, not only because Xia Lei not only plagiarized but also ignored her, he actually brought this product to the expo in front of her. !

At this time, Xia Lei came to Hu Hou on his skateboard. He stepped lightly on the back of the skateboard, and the skateboard stopped immediately. He smiled and said: "Sorry, there is a traffic jam on the road, so I asked my employees to come over on skateboards. Originally, we could have come in earlier, but I think if people like us stroll around the exhibition hall, we will definitely attract many businessmen. , so I didn’t rush over, but walked around the exhibition hall before coming over.”

Hu Hou was no longer angry in his heart. He smiled and shook Xia Lei's hand. "You did a good job. Hurry up and decorate the booth. I think you will definitely gain a lot this time."

"Well, okay, I'll arrange the work right away." Xia Lei then said to the employees of Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company: "You should do whatever you need to do, and hurry up."

The girls and boys from Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company quickly placed the exhibits on the booth, and the female employee who acted as a model also went to the booth and stood beside the automatic skateboard in a lively manner. The products are beautiful and the people are beautiful too, and the eye-catching effect is even stronger.

The merchants who originally planned to follow Hu Hou to see Yuedong Sports' automatic surfboard all flocked to the Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company's booth. With the merchants and tourists chasing in from outside, the Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company's booth suddenly became Exhibition Hall 1. The busiest booth here.

This is normal. Yuedong Sports' surfboards are rarely sold in China, because China is a huge continental country, and more than 90% of its territory is inland far away from the ocean. Without the sea, surfing is impossible, who would buy one? What about automatic surfboards? But the automatic skateboard is different. It will face all land markets!

The lively scene in front of him also made Xia Lei smile with relief. His bet was considered right.

There was another commotion at the door.

Four people dressed as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles entered the exhibition hall on automatic skateboards. Leo was holding a pair of knives, Raphael was holding a pair of forks, Mikey was holding a nunchuck, and another was holding a wooden stick. Sticky Dhoni. However, none of them are the protagonists. The protagonist is Chang'e, played by Liang Siyao, who appears immediately after them.

Liang Siyao was wearing a white ancient dress with many streamers. As she was riding the skateboard, the streamers on her body flew back and danced slowly. Coupled with the blue fluorescent automatic skateboard under her feet, she really The beauty is like a fairy.

"Wow, can this skateboard be played like this?" Some tourists stared at Liang Siyao with envy.

"What kind of company is this? An animation company? It's so good and talented!" someone said.

"They sell skateboards. Let's go and have a look. Buy one and take it for a spin in the park. The rate of return will definitely be 100%!"

"A magical tool for picking up girls, haha!"

There was anything to say, and many people went to the booth to ask the staff how to buy an automatic skateboard.

The four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles increased the speed of their walking skateboards, and then jumped up to the booth. There was a sound of applause all around.

Liang Siyao slid towards Xia Lei and circled around Xia Lei. She had a smile on her face and her eyes were full of love. I don't know if she imagined Xia Lei as the Marshal Tianpeng who coveted her beauty.

"You are so beautiful." Xia Lei couldn't help but utter a heartfelt compliment out of the love in his heart.

Liang Siyao raised her lips, "Time is limited, otherwise I will find you a set of clothes that Dong Zhuo wears so that we can show off on the stage."

Xia Lei said with a smile: "You are Chang'e, what does it have to do with Dong Zhuo? Are you the Seven Fairies?"

Liang Siyao said with some embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I went abroad very early, and I confused these two myths. You should be playing Zhu Bajie, right? Haha, you are just like Zhu Bajie without makeup."

Xia Lei glared at her pretending to be annoyed.

Liang Siyao chuckled and said, "Okay, you are my Zhu Bajie, okay?"

Just as the two were flirting, Gu Kewen suddenly came over with a large group of Yuedong Sports employees.

"Xia Lei!" Gu Kewen said sternly: "Give me an explanation! Otherwise we will see you in court!"

Xia Lei knew what explanation Gu Kewen wanted, but he pretended not to know, "Hey, isn't this Miss Gu Er? What explanation do you want me to give you? See you in court? I don't owe you anything. Your money?"

Gu Kewen pointed at the automatic skateboard under Liang Siyao's feet angrily, "I said it was it! It's okay for you to be shameless, but I didn't expect that your courage is as bold as the sky. You dare to copy our company's products!"

ps: Thanks to book friend 13205906 for the reward, you are in good health!