Tranxending Vision

Chapter 215: She came prepared


"Hello, I'm..." When the call was connected, Xia Lei hesitated before saying in German: "I'm Lucas, where are you?"

Anina's voice came from the phone, full of excitement, "You are finally willing to admit that you are Lucas, you liar."

Xia Lei said bravely: "Where are you?"

"It seems to be called Haizhu International Hotel. I'm on the sixth floor, room 508." Anina's voice said.

"Wait for me, I'll be right over." Xia Lei hung up the phone.

More than ten minutes later, Xia Lei drove to Haizhu International Hotel and took the elevator to the sixth floor.

After exiting the elevator, two blond Germans walked in the corridor. One is a translator from the German business group, and the other is a merchant who has placed an order with Rema Manufacturing Company. Xia Lei knows both of them. These two Germans, the translator is named Andreas, and the merchant is named Leo, who is from Munich. The CEO of a retail brand.

"Mr. Xia, why are you here?" Andreas greeted warmly in Chinese.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "I'm here to see Miss Anina."

Leo said in German: "Mr. Xia, you must be gentler to her and explain the misunderstanding between you. Anina is a very good girl and we all like her."

Xia Lei pretended to be confused, "Sorry, I don't understand German."

Andreas translated Leo's words to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei nodded, "Yes, I will explain it to her. This is also the purpose of my coming here. Okay, I'll go over first and see you two gentlemen again."

The two Germans nodded politely and watched Xia Lei walk to Anina's room.

"This Chinese young man is very outstanding." Leo said in a low voice: "The automatic skateboard he designed is really great."

Andreas said: "This is Miss Anina's first time in China. How could she know him?"

Leo shook his head, "I don't know, I asked, but she refused to say anything."

"Forget it, it's none of our business." Andreas withdrew his gaze and walked to the elevator with Leo.

Xia Lei came to the door of Room 508, his left eye twitched slightly, and he had a panoramic view of the situation in the room.

Anina is sitting in front of the dressing table putting on makeup. She has changed into a long black skirt and a white towel. The visual impact of black and white makes her look more elegant, mature and sexy.

While Xia Lei was observing the situation in the room, Anina stood up from the dressing table, picked up a bottle of perfume and sprayed it under her armpits, then handed the bottle to her towering chest and sprayed it twice. Finally, she gently lifted up her black skirt and sprayed a few times on and between her legs.

The perfume seemed to be sprayed on Xia Lei's eyes. He could no longer maintain his perspective state. He secretly complained in his heart, "This battle, isn't it clear that... what should I do?"

After much hesitation, Xia Lei still knocked on the door.

The door opened, and Anina's face came into view, with a smile, expectation, and excitement. She was still so sexy, charming and charming, but Xia Lei only felt guilty. He took advantage of her and then disappeared from her world by "death". If it weren't for this chance encounter, he wouldn't have appeared in her life, but she would probably remember him for the rest of her life. How could such an injury and such a debt be overcome with just a few words

They looked at each other, but there was no sound, but it seemed like they had been talking all night.

In the end, Xia Lei couldn't match Anina's eager eyes. He shrugged, "Won't you invite me in to sit down?"

Anina finally came to her senses, and she hurriedly opened the door. After Xia Lei entered, she closed the door to the room again.

"I'm sorry, Anina, I lied to you." Xia Lei turned around and looked at her. She has already found out his identity, so it would be too hypocritical to pretend that he doesn't know him anymore.

"I accept your apology and forgive you." Anina said with a smile.

Just forgive him

Xia Lei, "..."

"Sit down, have a drink, I've prepared red wine." Anina walked to the coffee table and poured two glasses of red wine. One was handed to Xia Lei, and the other was kept for herself.

The red wine is in a decanter, and it can be seen that she has prepared everything.

Anina and Xia Lei clinked their glasses, "Cheers to our reunion."

Xia Lei smiled, then raised his head and drank the red wine in the goblet, and then said tentatively: "Anina, why do you appear in such a business group? You are a mechanic, not a businessman."

Anina looked at Xia Lei with a smile, "You got into the role so quickly?"

Xia Lei was slightly stunned, "What role?"

Anina sat on the sofa, crossed one leg, and said in a very leisurely manner, "Come and sit, we have to have a good talk."

Xia Lei gritted his teeth and sat next to her, "Tell me, tell me, why did you appear in such a business group?"

"Why do you want to know this?"

Xia Lei smiled and said, "I, I'm just asking casually."

"Just asking?" Anina looked directly at Xia Lei, "You are a spy."

Xia Lei's smile suddenly froze on his face. He is not a spy, but when he went to Germany, he acted as a real spy. Anina now said that he was a spy, but he had no words to refute. He also had a preliminary judgment in his mind, that is, Anina had already thought of the most dangerous place.

"What, don't you want to admit it?"

Xia Lei said: "You misunderstood, I am not a spy."

"Stop pretending, I know your purpose of entering Krupp Mark Machinery Manufacturing Company. You became my assistant because of that purpose."

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and said, "Then what do you think my purpose is?"

Anina put her head next to Xia Lei's cheek and said in his ear: "Joseph's intelligent machine tool, don't deny it, that is an insult to my IQ. You are a Chinese spy."

Xia Lei said: "If I were a spy, I might kill you and solve the problem. But you invited me to your room, aren't you afraid?"

"Giggle..." Anina smiled sweetly, "I know you, you are not a bad person. You didn't have to save me at the motorcycle bar that day, but you still saved me. Also, in the woods, You could have left me and escaped, but you didn't do that. Also, you taught me how to use a gun and acted as my eyes to kill those gangster gunmen. If you wanted my life, you had many opportunities in Germany. But you didn’t do that. You wouldn’t hurt me, am I right?”

Xia Lei was speechless. Only now did he understand that Anina's association with him as a spy was not just a guess based on feelings, but a real basis. That was what happened that night in the woods, when he acted as her eyes and took out several gangster gunmen. Quite simply, how could an ordinary mechanic have that ability? But if it were a spy, it would be possible.

Confess to her

Just when this idea came up, Xia Lei suddenly felt a little confused. He secretly said in his heart: "She appeared out of nowhere. I asked her twice why she appeared in such a business group. But she always avoided answering. This is just a very simple question, why didn't she say it? "

It was this trace of confusion that made him feel more vigilant.

It's okay to confess to Anina. From his personal point of view, he believes her. But considering the interests of the country, he can't do this. What's more, Anina's appearance was unclear. If she was used or threatened, he would probably get into big trouble if he casually admitted it!

With this hint of vigilance, Xia Lei's left eye twitched slightly and he began to observe every corner of the room.

In less than thirty seconds, he discovered a pinhole camera hidden in the TV wall. The camera was facing the direction of him and Anina.

There is indeed a problem!

"Why don't you speak?" Anina looked directly at Xia Lei, "How long do you plan to lie to me?"

"I..." Xia Lei pretended to think about what to say, but continued to observe the situation in the room with his left eye.

Soon, he discovered a monitor installed in the tail of the desk lamp and a pinhole camera installed in the mural beside the bed. The pinhole camera was facing the direction of the bed. If he and Anina were doing something like that between adults, the surveillance camera would clearly capture it!

"Have another drink, you are very nervous." Anina poured another glass of wine for Xia Lei, "Red wine can make people relax."

Xia Lei took the wine but didn't drink it anymore. Instead, he put it on the coffee table. "Okay, I'll tell you everything. But you can't tell anyone, you promise me."

Anina hesitated, but she nodded.

Her hesitation made Xia Lei sure of something, and he relaxed. He said calmly: "Actually, you have also seen that I am the boss of a Chinese manufacturing company, and I have always been dissatisfied with our backward manufacturing industry. , I want to go to Germany to learn more advanced technology..."

While speaking, his left eye was locked on the opposite wall. His left eye twitched slightly, and the wall suddenly disappeared from his sight.

In the next room, two blond men were sitting on the sofa, staring closely at a notebook. The image of his conversation with Anina was playing on the screen of the laptop.

His eyes locked on the lips of the two men, interpreting their conversation through lip reading.

"Everything he said was a lie. This guy is too cunning." A blond man said.

"Did he find something?" Another blond man said.

"No way. If he finds out, he should leave."

"Let Anina go to bed with him, the medicine in the wine is almost ready to take effect."

"Well, men are willing to say anything when they are in bed." The blond man who spoke picked up the communicator placed on the coffee table and said, "Go to bed."

This is a commanding tone.

Xia Lei looked away, feeling sad in his heart.

She is no longer the innocent and lovely mechanic Anina. She came prepared this time.