Tranxending Vision

Chapter 22: Eyes that penetrate the lower abdomen


It was really embarrassing for a man to touch a woman's belly when they met for the first time, but this was a special situation, and Xia Lei couldn't bear to see her continue to suffer. He wanted to do something to ease her pain.

Jing Jing's belly was very soft, and there was a piece of soft and delicate skin under the thin fabric. It exuded a touch of warmth and a touch of body fragrance, which made him feel even more nervous. His hand was touching her belly. also froze. He thought things were too simple, but when he touched his belly, he realized that things were actually very complicated.

"You..." Jing Jing froze for a moment and looked at Xia Lei in surprise.

"Well, just think of me as your mother." Xia Lei said, then he rubbed her belly gently.

Jing Jing didn't refuse, but she looked more nervous than Xia Lei. Xia Lei's hand seemed to have a magical power, which not only dispelled her pain, but also brought a wonderful feeling. That wonderful feeling made her quietly excited and quietly shy. A series of strange sounds came from her throat, the sounds were low and vague. She also had a strange look on her face, looking both painful and happy at the same time.

"Are you still feeling uncomfortable?" Xia Lei asked with concern.

"Well, no." Jing Jing's answer was vague. It was all because of Xia Lei's hands and his meticulous care that made her lose her sense of proportion.

Jing Jing's ambiguous answer deepened Xia Lei's worry, and a thought suddenly came to his mind, "I wonder if my left eye can see clearly what's going on inside her stomach and find her lesions? What if the disease If it's serious, I have to send her to the hospital, regardless of whether she agrees or not."

It is much more difficult to see through a person's body than through someone's clothes. Looking through a person's clothes is like running on a track wearing running shoes. He can easily and quickly cross the track to the finish line. But penetrating a person's body is like wading through a muddy swamp, much more difficult in every way. Therefore, he must maintain a high degree of concentration. If his mind is filled with the beauty of white flowers and pink flowers, it will definitely not work.

Having made up his mind, Xia Lei awakened the ability of his left eye without much thought. The fabric on Jing Jing's body quickly disappeared and could no longer cover her body. Although he was playing the role of a doctor, the scenery in front of him, which looked like mutton fat and jade, still made him yearn for it.

"Stop, stop, I'm treating her, don't look elsewhere." At the critical moment, Xia Lei shook his head vigorously to get rid of some messy thoughts. He had an obsession in his heart, which was to penetrate her belly and see what was going on inside. Under the influence of this obsession, his left eye continued to extract energy from his body, enhancing his ability to see through.

His efforts soon responded. The skin of Ning Jing's lower abdomen gradually became thinner, more transparent and finally disappeared. The situation in her lower abdomen was clearly presented in his field of vision. He saw her small and large intestines, her kidneys, liver, spleen, etc. It was a sight that shocked him. He had never thought that his eyes could see a person's body like a medical device. The internal condition of the body.

Soon, his eyes rested on the peaceful gallbladder. There were several stones in the small gallbladder. The inner wall of the gallbladder was also red, as if there was inflammation, but it was not serious.

This seemed to be the reason for Ning Jing's stomachache. Xia Lei ended the clairvoyance ability of his left eye. When it was over, his body seemed to be evacuated, and he fell onto Ning Jing's body, and his face happened to be buried in the softest place.

"You..." His body was suddenly suppressed by Xia Lei, and the man's breath rushed into his nostrils, making Jingjing extremely nervous. "You, what do you want to do?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it." Xia Lei hurriedly stood up from her body. He tried to act normal, but the wonderful feeling at that moment made him blush and breathe quickly.

Jing Jing's face turned redder. She wanted to blame Xia Lei, but she couldn't find the words. Also, after being pressed so abruptly by Xia Lei, her stomach suddenly stopped hurting. She felt so strange, but she didn't understand why.

The air seemed to be filled with the smell of embarrassment and ambiguity, and it was extremely quiet.

At this moment, a hallucination suddenly appeared in front of Xia Lei's eyes. The gentle and quiet female doctor climbed up from the sofa. She swayed her soft figure and danced beautifully.

Xia Lei shook his head vigorously, but this time the hallucination did not disappear as he imagined, but became more real, and even had interactive movements.

"Don't touch there." Xia Lei said painfully.

"Don't touch anywhere?" Jiang Ruyi looked at Xia Lei in surprise, and her face turned redder, "I didn't... didn't move at all!"

The quiet voice finally made Xia Lei react. He was in a hallucination. He pinched his thigh hard, pain came, and the hallucination in front of him disappeared.

"What's wrong with you?" Now it was Ning Jing who was concerned about Xia Lei.

Xia Lei took a deep breath and waited until his mind calmed down before saying: "It's okay, I didn't mean that just now, I just wanted to say..." He really didn't know how to explain why he said such a sentence, so he changed the topic. , "Dr. Ning, you really need to go to the hospital for treatment. There are several stones and inflammation in your gallbladder. If this continues, it will cause lesions."

"How do you know I have gallstones?" Jing Jing looked surprised.

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment. Yes, how did he know that there were gallstones in his stomach? He obviously couldn't tell Serenity that he looked into her belly and saw there were stones in her gallbladder. He thought for a moment and said with a smile: "I have a friend who also has gallstones. Your symptoms are the same as him, so I think you also have gallstones. Dr. Ning, this is a very serious matter. You really Go to the hospital for treatment quickly.”

"Am I really suffering from gallstones?" Jing Jing still didn't believe it.

Xia Lei couldn't say it clearly, but just said: "Eight or nine, believe me, go to the hospital."

Jing Jing said: "Okay, after you fix the compass, I will go to the hospital to check it out." Then, she smiled and said, "The way you looked just now and the way you spoke sounded like a doctor."

Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "I'm afraid no doctor can find the patient's lesions directly with his eyes like me, right? If I know how to prescribe, I can really become an excellent doctor."

At this time, Long Bing and Huang Weiguo walked in together, followed by a staff member from the Archeology Bureau, dragging a wheeled micro-precision welding machine in his hand. There is a shopping bag and a precision electronic scale placed on the welding machine. As soon as the three of them entered the door, their eyes focused on Jing Jing and Xia Lei.

"What are you doing?" Huang Weiguo said.

Ning Jing, who was lying on the sofa, got up, looking embarrassed and flustered, "No, it's nothing."

With her reaction, it was treated as if it was nothing. Xia Lei was a little embarrassed. He stood up and said, "Dr. Ning had a stomachache just now. I helped her go to the sofa and lie down for a while."

Long Bing looked at Xia Lei and Ning Jing, her eyes were a little special.

Fortunately, Huang Weiguo just asked casually. He didn't care what the two were doing on the sofa. He waved to Xia Lei and said, "Master Lei, the things are here. Come over and try your hand."

Xia Lei nodded and walked over.

The staff of the Archaeological Bureau connected the precision welding machine to the power supply, then opened a shopping bag placed on the welding machine, took out several small parts, and finally placed them together with the welding tongs and welding rods. on the ground.

Xia Lei glanced at the small parts placed on the ground. Those small parts were made of cast iron, including gears, connecting rods and rotating shafts. The workmanship was relatively rough, as if they were removed from a tap water meter. They also all have signs of damage, some have cracks, and some are broken into two or three pieces.

"Is that all?" Xia Lei said disapprovingly. He thought it would be a very difficult test, but he didn't expect it to be so simple. Welding these things is not difficult for him.

Huang Weiguo said: "That's all. However, Master Lei, don't take this test and design too simply. I have weighed these small parts. I want you to weld them, but their weight cannot exceed the original two grams. "

Xia Lei's brows suddenly frowned. Welding things would definitely increase the weight. Huang Weiguo asked him not only to weld these small parts, but also to control the added weight to two grams. Such a request was a bit embarrassing.

"Master Lei, can you do it?" Huang Weiguo looked straight at Xia Lei, as if he wanted to get the answer he wanted with his eyes.

Jing Jing said: "Master Lei, it doesn't matter. These are small parts for testing. I believe you can do it."

Huang Weiguo glanced at Jingjing in surprise. He felt a little strange in his heart. Just now, she kept questioning Xia Lei's ability. Why did she start to encourage Xia Lei again now

Xia Lei still didn't speak, but he squatted down and skillfully picked up the welding tongs and goggles. He first tested the performance of the welding clamp on a ground piece, and then observed the thickness of the welding scar left on the ground piece. After a while, he picked up a piece of gear that was broken into two pieces, laid it flat on the ground, and used welding pliers to weld it.

A glaring arc light lit up in the showroom. Long Bing, Huang Weiguo, Jing Jing and the staff member all turned around, not daring to look directly at Xia Lei, who was welding. However, none of the four people knew that at this moment, Xia Lei's left eye directly penetrated the goggles and arc light, reaching the center of the solder joint!

No words can describe the magic of this moment. The goggles blocked the arc light that could damage the eyes, but Xia Lei's eyes penetrated the goggles and could clearly see the contact points between the welding rod and the gear, without missing anything!

The difficulty of welding is that you cannot see the contact point between the welding rod and the object to be welded. But once you can see it and even zoom in, what difficulty is there in welding

Perfect welding!