Tranxending Vision

Chapter 222: The death of Anina


A taxi stopped on the side of the airport, and the door opened. Marcus got out of the car first, then opened the back door and waited for Anina to get off. Ralph paid the fare and got off last. The two stood beside Anina, one on the left and one on the right, and Anina's every move was under their control.

In a black car in the airport parking lot, Long Bing and Xia Lei were staring at Ralph, Marcus and Anina who were walking towards the airport terminal. Also in the car was Long Bing's subordinate Ke Jie. Marcus and Ralph felt that Anina was under their control, but they didn't know that their every move was also under the control of others.

Just when Marcus and Ralph took Anina into the waiting hall, Long Bing said: "Ke Jie, go in and keep an eye on it. If there is any situation, report it to me in time."

"Yes." Ke Jie responded, got out of the car and walked towards the waiting hall.

Long Bing looked at Xia Lei, "Have you thought about how to settle her?"

Xia Lei said: "I want her to help me. She is a very good senior mechanic. She can even dismantle and repair the German Leopard 2 tank. She is very powerful."

Long Bing shook his head, "I knew you would have such an idea, but I have to tell you that she can't show up for at least a year, let alone work in your company. Do you understand what I mean? "

Xia Lei smiled bitterly but said nothing. He actually understood what Long Bing meant. Anina was acting out a death scene. How could a dead person come to work at Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company? More importantly, she is the person wanted by the American CIA. If she suddenly died at the airport in China, the American CIA will definitely send someone to investigate. What if someone saw the dead Anina working at Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company

Long Bing sighed, "I actually feel sorry for her, mainly because I met you."

Xia Lei rolled his eyes at her, "Don't say that, okay? I know I owe her, but isn't it also because I have to complete the task? That is something that is beneficial to the country and the nation. What does it matter if I personally owe her? I I will make it up to her later. But before that I ask you to take good care of her, and only you can do it."

"Don't worry." Long Bing said.

At this moment, Ke Jie's voice came from the communicator, "Boss, they are about to pass the security checkpoint."

In the car, Long Bing and Xia Lei immediately ended their conversation and quietly waited for the development of the matter.

At the airport security checkpoint, Marcus was the first to pass the security checkpoint. His ID and his salute were all fine.

"Go." Ralph said to Anina: "Don't make trouble, you know, it will be useless if you make trouble. You cooperate with us, and we will help you."

Anina sneered, "Will you help me? Well, I know, you are helping me go to hell."

Ralph nudged Anina, "Don't talk nonsense."

Anina walked towards the security checkpoint. At this moment, there was no Germany or any German compatriots in her heart, only her parents and Xia Lei. Xia Lei's appearance came to her mind, and a smile appeared on her lips. Stay in China? If you can be with the person you like, why not

Ralph and Marcus looked at each other. In their opinion, based on their understanding of their American counterparts, Anina's crossing of the security checkpoint was tantamount to crossing the threshold of hell. However, there was no mercy in their hearts. If a professional agent has compassion, then he is not a qualified agent.

The security personnel at the airport waved to Anina and told her to hurry up.

Anina quickened her pace and stood at the security checkpoint where her whole body could be seen through. The alarm sounded at this moment.

"There is something in her stomach, take her down!" The tone of the security personnel operating the equipment was stern.

Two airport police officers rushed over and immediately blocked Anina who was standing at the security checkpoint. In the next second, two airport police officers restrained her.

"What's going on?" Marcus's face suddenly changed.

But no one answered his question, so the two airport policemen carried Anina to the police room.

Marcus, who had passed the security check first, followed him. He caught up with the two policemen and said angrily: "What are you doing? She is German, why do you arrest her?"

A policeman looked back at Marcus and said in English: "Sir, what did you say? Please speak English."

Marcus then said in English: "Why did you arrest her?"

The policeman who spoke to him said: "She has illegal drugs hidden in her stomach. If you care about her so much, who are you to her?"

In one sentence, Marcus's expression changed again. He knew very well what the crime of carrying drugs into China was. If the amount reached a certain level, it would be the death penalty, and no one could save him. Under such circumstances, how dare he express his opinions randomly!

"What's your relationship?" the police asked again in English.

Marcus shook his head and said, "We have nothing to do with each other. We are just Germans and we are members of a business delegation. I just care about her. We have nothing to do with her."

"So that's it. We are a country governed by the rule of law. Anyone who violates the law will be dealt with according to the laws of our country. You can contact your consulate, but do not interfere with our law enforcement." The policeman left after saying that.

At this time, Ralph walked over through the security check. He whispered: "Damn it, I just heard the security inspector say that she had two condoms filled with powdered objects hidden in her stomach. She is always under our surveillance. She Where did all this mess come from?”

"Is it the cleaner?" Marcus said.

"Have you forgotten? The cleaner is also under our surveillance. I know you want to say that you closed the door, but it only lasted three to five seconds. How could she give that kind of thing to Anina? ?”

"Damn it! This must be that Xia Lei who is up to something!" Ralph said angrily: "He must be using this method to keep Anina and prevent the CIA from getting involved. She is a very key witness! "

"Hmph! I'll go over and take a look. You contact our consulate immediately and ask them to send someone over." Marcus made a quick decision.

Ralph nodded and took out his cell phone to make a call.

Marcus walked to the police room and stood at the door to watch the airport police take notes for Anina.

"Do you speak English?" the police officer who was taking notes for Anina asked in English.

Anina looked very nervous, but she nodded anyway. She raised her head and glanced at Marcus who was standing at the door. Marcus was looking at her with a sinister look. She seemed to feel guilty and avoided Marcus's sight.

"Okay, let me ask you, there are two condoms in your stomach, what are they in?" the policeman who took the note asked.

"I..." Anina hesitated, biting her lip, looking uneasy.

The policeman who was taking the notes snorted coldly, "If you don't want to say it, let me say it for you. There is heroin hidden in your stomach, which triggered our security inspection equipment. You are really brave, you dare to bring this The things passed the customs. Tell me, do you have any accomplices?"

Anina looked up again at the description standing at the door.

Marcus became nervous at this moment, he was afraid that Anina would say that he was her accomplice. In that case, he would probably be arrested too. However, he is not afraid of being imprisoned in China for drug possession charges, but it will definitely be troublesome for Germany to keep him and Ralph back.

Anina shook her head, "I have no accomplices."

"Where did your drugs come from?" the policeman who took the note asked.

Anina said: "I bought it on the black market."

"Who did you buy it from?"

"Follow..." Anina shook her head again, "I don't remember. Give me a glass of water. I want to drink water."

The policeman who took the note said to him at the same time: "Give her a glass of water."

Another policeman walked to the water dispenser, opened the cabinet below and took out a paper cup, then took a glass of water and handed it to Anina.

"Don't be nervous. Our country's laws are very humane. As long as you plead guilty with a good attitude and perform meritorious service, you will be given a light sentence. Therefore, you must take the initiative to tell your accomplices and our sellers." ." said the policeman who took the note.

Anina nodded, but she didn't say anything, just drank the glass of water.

At this time, Ralph came over, leaned into Marcus' ear and whispered: "I have contacted the consulate, they will be here soon." A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Don't think they can use this This trick can keep Anina, and we and the CIA will put pressure on China."

Marcus breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, otherwise we wouldn't be able to do business."

In the police room, Anina finished the glass of water and was silent for a moment. Then she suddenly raised her finger and pointed at Marcus who was standing at the door. "My boss is him. His name is Marcus. He asked me to carry drugs through the border." ’s. And he, his name is Ralph, he’s also involved.”

The two policemen looked at Marcus and Ralph at the same time.

Marcus panicked all of a sudden and shouted angrily: "You bitch, what are you talking about?"

But at this moment, Anina suddenly fell down from the chair. She was convulsing all over and foaming at the mouth. The situation was extremely dangerous.

"Oops!" The policeman who was taking the note stood up. "The condom in her stomach must have broken! Call an ambulance quickly!"

The police car that poured water for Anina then used the landline phone on the desk to call the ambulance.

Marcus and Ralph could no longer hold their composure, and they quickly walked into the police room.

The policeman who took the note shouted: "Stop, don't move, you are under arrest!"

Marcus ignored the police's warning. He squatted next to Anina, opened Anina's eyelids with his hands and looked at her pupils. Anina's pupils were dilating. He then touched Anina's carotid artery with his hand. His heart went cold when he touched it, because Anina had no pulse!

A pistol was suddenly pressed against Marcus' head. The gunman was still the policeman who took the transcript. His eyes were very cold, "You guy, what do you think of this place? Get down on the ground and hold your hands." On the head."

Marcus shouted: "I am a German policeman, what do you want to do?"

The policeman who was taking the note kicked him, knocking Marcus to the ground. Then he kneeled on Marcus' back, instantly suppressing Marcus.

Ralph was stunned for a moment, did not resist, and lay on the ground obediently, then put his head in his hands.

A few minutes later, several medical staff entered the police room, checked, declared Anina dead in public, and then took away the body.

People from the German consulate arrived later, but the first thing they wanted to rescue were two living people, not the dead.