Tranxending Vision

Chapter 23: First business


The blazing welding light started and stopped. After about five minutes, Xia Lei put down the welding tongs, grabbed the welded gear with his left hand wearing protective gloves, and put it into the precision electronic scale tray.

Huang Weiguo and Ning Jing followed, and Long Bing and the staff of the Archaeological Bureau also followed. All four pairs of eyes fell on the gears that Xia Lei had welded. They were first curious, then surprised, and finally amazed.

The gears Xia Lei welded were smooth and smooth, with not a single weld scar visible on the surface. The most commendable thing is that he does not do full welding, but spot welding. There are three solder joints in a crack, two at the starting point of the crack and one at the halfway point of the crack. The length of each solder joint is controlled to about 0.8 mm, which is very precise.

This is a very smart way to deal with it. Three spot welds are used to weld the broken gear, but the overall weight will not increase too much. The most important thing is that the welded gears look very strong and are not the kind of weak welds that will break again if touched.

"Quickly, weigh it quickly." Huang Weiguo urged the staff member he brought.

The staff member immediately turned on the power of the electronic scale, and the display showed that the total weight of the gear was 11.5 grams.

The staff member looked at the gear number and said excitedly: "Professor Huang, the weight of this gear was 10 grams before, but now it has increased by 1.5 grams."

The standard set by Huang Weiguo is that the weight added after welding cannot exceed 2 grams. The weight added by Xia Lei's welding of this gear is 1.5 grams, which not only meets the standard, but also achieves excellent results. The most amazing thing is that he welded three solder joints, each of which weighed 0.5 grams. His hands seemed to be precision instruments!

Therefore, it seems that a gear has been simply welded, but based on these data, we can see how powerful Xia Lei's craftsmanship has become!

Huang Weiguo excitedly grabbed the gear in the electronic scale tray. It was still a little hot, but he seemed not to feel the hot heat. He broke off the gear that Xia Lei had welded hard. The gear didn't move at all and was very strong. He lifted the gear high and then dropped it hard to the ground, but the gear was still intact, with no sign of cracking.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Professor Huang, what you asked me to repair is a compass from hundreds of years ago. It is also a precision instrument. It cannot have a lot of power when it operates, so I chose spot welding. .If there is no weight requirement, I can weld it all, but the weight will definitely increase a lot. In this case, it will inevitably affect the accuracy of the compass. Am I right?"

"Haha!" Huang Weiguo hugged Xia Lei and lost his temper with excitement. "Master Lei, your craftsmanship is so good that I have nothing to say. Your idea is also a good one. The less weight you add, the better the compass will be." The greater the accuracy, the greater our chances of uncovering the secrets of this compass."

Xia Lei said: "Professor Huang, do you want me to do it?"

Huang Weiguo smiled and said: "Of course, there is no need to continue testing. In fact, if you can repair the key, you have already met our conditions. Just to be more secure, Jingjing and I decided to test you."

At this time Ning Jing said: "Professor Huang, I just thought of a better way."

Huang Weiguo's eyes moved to Ning Jing, "What can I do?"

Jing Jing said: "Doesn't Master Lei have a workshop? He can definitely process the same parts. We can ask him to reprocess the damaged parts and repair the damaged original parts at the same time. In this case, we There are two options. We can use the original parts, or we can try to use newly machined parts.”

Xia Lei thought for a moment and then interrupted: "Dr. Ning, you mean to process parts of the same material and the same weight, right?"

Jing Jing pursed her lips and smiled, "That's what I mean."

Huang Weiguo clapped his hands and looked very happy, "Okay, let's do it like this, Ning Jing, I'll leave this matter to you. You take the parts that need to be repaired to Master Lei's studio, and as you said, Repair the original parts and then process new parts. With these two solutions, we will definitely be able to unlock the secrets of this compass."

"Just leave it to me." Ning Jing agreed readily.

"By the way, Master Lei, how much remuneration do you want?" Huang Weiguo suddenly remembered this.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Professor Huang, just do whatever you want."

Huang Weiguo said: "How about that? Let's do this. After the compass is repaired, the Archaeological Bureau will pay you 50,000 yuan. Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay." Xia Lei agreed readily.

Fifty thousand yuan seemed like a very generous amount of revenge, but in fact Xia Lei didn't take any advantage. For the same thing, if Huang Weiguo went to find a senior welding engineer, the remuneration would probably not be high enough for him. The most important thing is that even if a senior welding engineer takes action, he cannot achieve Xia Lei's level of perfection.

Therefore, the person who took advantage of this transaction was actually the Archaeological Bureau represented by Huang Weiguo, not Xia Lei.

However, Xia Lei is not greedy either. He has already received a business worth fifty thousand yuan before Thunder Horse Studio opened, and he is already very happy. His career had just started, and he never expected to become a big fat man in one bite.

Huang Weiguo said: "Without further ado, Jing Jing, please clean up now and then go to Master Lei's studio."

"Well, okay." Jing Jing took action immediately. She put the broken parts and compass into a password box.

At this time, Long Bing's cell phone rang suddenly, and she quickly walked to the door and answered the phone.

Xia Lei looked at Long Bing standing at the door and thought to himself: "She looks very busy. What is she busy with? Is recommending me to the Archeology Bureau just a casual thing?"

"I've packed up, Master Lei, let's go." Jing Jing said.

Xia Lei nodded, "Okay, let me carry the box."

Jing Jing said, "No, it's up to me to carry it. I feel at ease only when it's in my hands."

Xia Lei smiled and said, "What? Are you still afraid that I will run away with the box?"

While they were laughing, Long Bing walked in again, and she walked straight to Xia Lei, "I'm in a hurry, so I won't go to your studio. I'll come back to you after you finish the matter in front of you."

"Well, if you have something to do, just go and do it." Xia Lei said.

Long Bing didn't say much, turned around and left the showroom.

Watching her back disappear from sight, Xia Lei also had a question in his mind, "Come to me again after I finish this matter. Why are you looking for me? She seems to be eyeing me when she comes back from Macau. What exactly is she doing?" What do you want to do? Oh, what a headache."

"Master Lei, everyone has left, why are you still dazed? Let's go." Ning Jing urged.

Xia Lei smiled awkwardly and followed Ning Jing out of the showroom.

Jing Jing drove to Thunder Horse Studio. When she got out of the car, she saw the street shop that was still being renovated. A look of surprise appeared on her face.

"Master Lei, is this your studio?" The small shop she saw in front of her was completely different from the large studio she imagined.

Xia Lei said: "Yes, this is my studio. Doesn't it say on the shop sign, Thunder Horse Studio?"

"I thought..." Jingjing wanted to say something, but closed her mouth again.

Ma Xiaoan walked out. He glanced at Jingjing who was standing next to Xia Lei, then at Xia Lei, and then said after a while: "Leizi, who is this lady?"

Xia Lei said: "This is Dr. Ning Jing from the Archaeological Bureau." Then he pointed to Ma Xiaoan and introduced Ning Jing: "This is my partner Ma Xiaoan."

"Hello, Master Ma." Jing Jing took the initiative and stretched out a hand to shake Ma Xiaoan's hand.

Ma Xiaoan also stretched out his hand, but then he found that his own hand was full of oil and paint, while Dr. Ning's hand was white and tender, so he retracted his hand and smiled honestly. Laughing, "Haha, my hands are dirty, so I won't do it."

Jing Jing retracted her outstretched hand. Girls all like to be clean. If Ma Xiaoan really shakes her hand with that hand covered in oil and paint, she will definitely feel bad. She glanced at Xia Lei beside her with the corner of her eye. She didn't say anything, but her eyes seemed to have made a comparison - they were also masters, one was dirty and fat, and the other was sunny and handsome. It's also clean, so why is it so different

Xia Lei said: "Xiao An, go and tell the decoration master that you can stop here today. I need to use the machine tool, so he can come back tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll talk to the decorator right now. It's not much work anyway." Ma Xiaoan turned around and went in to discuss with the decorator.

Ning Jing said: "Master Lei, you have such good skills, you should have a better development platform. This studio is too small and will bury your skills."

"Huh?" Xia Lei said with a smile: "A better development platform? I don't know many people. Dr. Ning, why don't you introduce one to me?"

"We are relatively familiar, right? Don't call me Dr. Ning anymore. I'm three years older than you. Can you call me Sister Ning?" Ning Jing also had a smile on his face, very gentle and pleasant.

"Okay, Sister Ning." Xia Lei called out immediately.

"Giggle." Jing Jing smiled happily, but said: "Although you call me sister, I can't help with this matter, and I don't know many people. I'm just making a suggestion. I think you should have A better development.”

No one doesn’t want better development, and no one doesn’t want to live a better life. It's not that Xia Lei has never thought about a higher and better development platform, but in this situation, it's useless for him to think about it. This is a very realistic and complex world. People who are capable may not necessarily live a good life, but people who are incompetent can often hold important positions and live a happy life. But he is also very content. Compared with the days before his eye accident, he is many times better now. He also has his own life plan. Everything must be done step by step and not in a hurry.

Ma Xiaoan quickly discussed it with the decorator. The decorator didn't even bother to pack away the tools and materials. He said hello to Xia Lei and left on his freight tricycle. Xia Lei took Ning Jing into Thunder Horse Studio, ready to start work.

ps: There will be another chapter after this chapter is updated, which will be at 6 pm. This is the first week of "Super Perspective", and I am very pleased to see that the results are pretty good. I am very grateful for everyone's support, especially some old friends. You came from Peerless Miracle Doctor and now support "Super Perspective", which touches me. Next week is also the time when new books are on the list. I hope my friends will continue to give me support so that the results of the new books will be better. I promise here that this month it will be updated three times a day and will never stop. Therefore, for my diligence and the story of this book, please give me all the votes in your hands! I wish everyone a happy weekend, happiness and good health!