Tranxending Vision

Chapter 25: Found a good girl


Long Bing appeared and Long Bing left without a trace. Xia Lei seemed to have adapted to this characteristic of hers. Long Bing asked him to repair the compass. Once he repaired it, his work was completed and the matter had nothing to do with him. As for what the compass was for and why Long Bing took it away, he actually didn't care much about these. As for what explanation the Archaeological Bureau would ask for if it came into contact with Long Bing, he didn't even care about that.

After the Luo Pan incident, Xia Lei put all his energy into Thunder Horse Studio. Thunder Horse Studio opened three days later. The business was not as good as expected, but it was not bad either. Xiao An, who is an ordinary live horse, takes action, and Xia Lei, who is more difficult, takes action. The division of labor between the two is clear. After working for a day, I made a net profit of 1,400 yuan in addition to the cost of materials, water, electricity and rent.

"A little less." Xia Lei said, feeling slightly dissatisfied.

Ma Xiaoan was very happy, "Leizi, be satisfied. We earned 1,400 yuan without doing much work. In the past, we had to work for a week on the construction site to earn this much."

When the two of them worked on the construction site, their average salary was 100 yuan a day, and they really needed to work for a week to earn 1,400 yuan. Now I can earn so much in one day, which is already a big improvement.

Xia Lei felt relieved after thinking about it. He said: "If the people from the Archaeological Bureau gave us the 50,000 yuan, we would have earned more than 50,000 yuan. In the past, we had to earn so much, and the two of us would have to do at least the same thing." One year."

"The Archeology Bureau is a government agency and will not default on its debts. It will be paid sooner or later," Ma Xiaoan said.

At this time, a woman appeared at the door of the store. She was very young, in her early twenties, with an apple face and big eyes. She was wearing a plaid short-sleeved shirt, and her huge breasts pushed the fabric high and tight, and the buttons seemed to be bursting at any time. Wearing a pair of cheap denim shorts, her buttocks were rounded and attractive. The woman had a baggage slung on her shoulder. The baggage was made of blue cloth and looked old. A white towel was exposed from the corner of the baggage, and the towel looked dirty. Just in this outfit, people can tell at a glance that she comes from the countryside.

Xia Lei said tentatively: "Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

"I..." The woman looked a little nervous, "Who is the boss here?"

Her words had a Shu accent, and she probably came from Shu.

Before Xia Lei could say anything, Ma Xiaoan pointed at Xia Lei and said with a smile, "Sister, this is our boss, what are you doing with him?"

The woman seemed to have gathered up her courage. She looked at Xia Lei and bowed awkwardly, "Boss, I, I... do you want someone here? I can do everything, wash dishes, serve dishes, clean, and cook. …”

Xia Lei said with a smile: "We are not a restaurant here, we don't need people to carry dishes and wash dishes. Sorry, you can go to the restaurant and ask."

The woman bit her lip, turned around and left without further entanglement.

Xia Lei's eyes fell on her feet. She was wearing a pair of Jiefang shoes. Even in rural areas, few women wear these shoes. Perhaps he was touched by these shoes, Xia Lei felt soft, and then called the woman again, "Wait a minute, can you tell me why you are looking for a job?"

The woman glanced at Xia Lei and then avoided Xia Lei's eyes, and said cautiously: "My father is old and can't work anymore. My younger brother wants to study and has no money. I don't want him to drop out of school, so he comes out to work." At this point , there were tears in her eyes, "But, but I don't have any skills. I asked several restaurants and they were all full. Now is not the season for factory recruitment... I have used up all the money I have, and tonight I don’t know where to live, I…”

Xia Lei interrupted her, "You can stay. I'll give you three thousand a month, including food and accommodation."

"Ah?" The person who made this surprised sound was not the woman looking for a job, but Ma Xiaoan.

The woman looked at Xia Lei gratefully and was so excited that she was speechless.

Ma Xiaoan pulled Xia Lei aside and muttered: "Speaking of Lei Zi, why did you accept her? I know you sympathize with her situation, but there are too many people in this world who need sympathy, just like us. How many can you help with some strength? Also, even if you want to accept her, you don’t have to offer such a high salary. For a rural girl like her, just give her one thousand and fifty for food and accommodation and she will be satisfied."

Xia Lei said: "Don't we have to support my brother's education? If we earn less and give her more, their whole family will be better off. What's wrong with that?"

Ma Xiaoan sighed. He knew the reason why Xia Lei suddenly changed his mind and gave this woman such a high salary was that her situation was somewhat similar to Xia Lei. He didn't agree with recruiting people because he wanted to save money. However, the boss of this studio was Xia Lei. Xia Lei had made the decision and he had nothing to say.

Only then did the woman speak, "Boss, brother, I, I will start working now. What do you want me to do?"

Ma Xiaoan said angrily: "Are you afraid that your boss will regret it? Don't worry, your boss is a good person with a very kind heart. If he promises to take you in, he will not drive you away again."

The woman breathed a sigh of relief and said quickly: "Thank you, boss, thank you, brother."

Xia Lei said with a smile: "You are thanked, so you don't need to be so polite. By the way, what's your name? My name is Xia Lei, and his name is Ma Xiaoan."

The woman said: "My name is Zhou Xiaohong." Then she remembered something again, and then added, "Hello, boss Lei, hello, brother Ma."

Ma Xiaoan was originally feeling uncomfortable, but when Zhou Xiaohong said something like "boss" or "big brother" with a sweet mouth that left people speechless, he felt relieved. What's more, Zhou Xiaohong is still a young and beautiful rural girl. As a grown man, he can't always target others, right? That would be so ungraceful.

"Don't you have a place to stay?" Xia Lei asked.

Zhou Xiaohong lowered her head gently and said in embarrassment: "Well, my money... ran out, and the hotel owner kicked me out this morning."

Xia Lei thought for a while, "Why don't you stay in the hotel tonight? There is a steel wire bed in the store. I will order you a takeaway later and you can make do with it. I will help you when you settle down." You think of a way."

"Boss Lei, you are so kind, thank you, thank you." Zhou Xiaohong kept saying thanks.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Look, you're here again. Don't be so polite in the future."

Zhou Xiaohong smiled awkwardly, and then said: "You don't have to order takeout for me, just give me, give me a box of instant noodles."

Xia Lei said, "How about that? Xiao An, you go to the Sichuan restaurant across the street and order her a takeaway, and I'll help her make the bed."

"Oh." Ma Xiaoan responded, then moved closer to Xia Lei and whispered: "Don't you have an empty house at your house? Take your house with me, hehe."

Xia Lei stepped on Ma Xiaoan's instep, "What nonsense are you talking about, get out!"

Ma Xiaoan grinned and ran to order takeout for Zhou Xiaohong. In fact, he was just joking casually. He knew that Xia Lei was not that kind of person at all. He is not that kind of person, otherwise he and Xia Lei would not be friends.

Xia Lei opened the wire bed and covered it with cotton wool and blankets. This steel wire bed was left by the former shop owner, Mr. Jiang. He bought new sex supplies and originally planned to sleep here sometimes when working overtime. However, he did not expect that a rural girl would be added to the studio on the first day it opened. It happened to be used by her too.

"Boss Lei, how can I ask you to make my bed? I should do it." When Xia Lei was making the bed, Zhou Xiaohong squeezed him away.

Xia Lei looked at her nimble hands and feet, and was thinking about what work to arrange for her tomorrow. Three thousand dollars for food and accommodation, although he sympathized with her, he couldn't give it to her for nothing, she had to work hard. He secretly said in his heart: "The work of receiving guests will definitely be left to her in the future, but it is too little to just do this work. It is better to teach her the craft. She can learn it quickly at such a young age. She can learn it in less than two months." She can operate independently. Yes, let her do some work such as receiving guests and cleaning first, and then let her learn welding and lathe processing when she is free."

"Boss Lei, these are all new, how can I have the nerve to sleep on them?" Zhou Xiaohong made the bed, but didn't dare to sleep on it.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "What's there to be embarrassed about? You can live here for now and make other plans when the conditions are better."

"Well, Boss Lei, you are such a good person." Zhou Xiaohong then added: "I... I didn't say thank you."

Xia Lei was amused by her simple behavior, and he said: "It doesn't matter even if I say it, I just don't want you to be too polite. By the way, I have an idea, I don't know if you are willing to do it."

"What do you think?" Zhou Xiaohong became nervous inexplicably. She subconsciously pulled her half-open collar, as if she wanted to hide some secret.

It was normal for her to react like this when a relatively unfamiliar man suddenly proposed an idea and asked if he wanted to do it. Xia Lei found her more and more interesting. He smiled and said: "I want you to learn crafts, welding and lathe processing. As long as you study hard, you will have a craft to make a living even if you return to your hometown. Are you willing? ?”

"So that's what you said?"

"What do you think I'm talking about?" Xia Lei looked at her with a smile.

Zhou Xiaohong's face suddenly turned red, and she said hurriedly: "No, it's nothing, of course I am willing. I have always wanted to learn a trade, but I don't have the money to pay the tuition. My hometown is in the mountains, and we don't have many capable relatives in our family, so I have always wanted to learn a trade. Not as expected. Boss Lei, if you are willing to teach me, I will definitely learn well."

Xia Lei said: "Then it's decided. When guests come tomorrow, you greet them, pour a glass of water, and ask them what they want to do. When you have nothing to do, you can learn the skills from Ma Xiaoan and me."

"Ma, Brother Ma, are you willing to teach me?" Zhou Xiaohong looked timid, "I'm a little afraid of him."

At this time, Ma Xiaoan walked in with a takeaway, "Why are you afraid of me? Will I eat you?"

Only then did Zhou Xiaohong see Ma Xiaoan come in. She waved her hands hurriedly, "No, no, no, Brother Ma, I didn't mean that. What I meant was..."

Ma Xiaoan handed the takeaway to Zhou Xiaohong's hand and said with a smile: "Don't worry, as long as you are willing to learn, I will never hold anything back and teach you everything."

"Thank you, Brother Ma." Zhou Xiaohong relaxed.

Ma Xiaoan smiled and said: "Also, I am a kinder and more lovely person than your boss Lei. In the future, you will find that I have countless advantages."

Zhou Xiaohong looked at Ma Xiaoan and then at Xia Lei. She pursed her lips and said nothing, but she obviously didn't think so in her heart. This could be distinguished from the look in her eyes at Ma Xiaoan and Xia Lei.

After settling down with Zhou Xiaohong, it was already dark when Xia Lei and Ma Xiaoan left Lei Ma Studio. Ma Xiaoan drove Xia Lei home on his shabby motorcycle, and then rode away on the motorcycle again.

When he got home, Xia Xue had already prepared food and was waiting for him to eat.

After dinner, Xia Lei turned on the TV and chose an English channel to watch.

Xia Xue, who was clearing away the dishes, looked at Xia Lei curiously, "Brother, since when did you like to watch English channels? Can you understand?"

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Of course I can understand."

Xia Xue snorted, "I don't believe it. I can't even understand it. How can you understand it?"

Xia Lei did not explain, but while watching TV, he imitated the announcer on the TV to speak English. He has memorized all the English words and related grammar. All he lacks is the ability to speak. Once he breaks through the difficulty of speaking, there is no doubt that he will be a human translator. Of course, he couldn't tell Xia Xue this secret.