Tranxending Vision

Chapter 2669: season finale


Mars base.

Red flags fluttered in the wind, and the base was a bustling construction scene. As the Martian environment continues to improve, it is becoming more and more suitable for human habitation. Now, recruitment advertisements can be seen everywhere in the cities of China on earth.

Welcome to join the Mars family and build the Chinese dream together!

Join and get a Mars villa, permanent parking space, and high-paying job opportunities. What are you waiting for

Are you a farmer? It doesn't matter, there is endless land on Mars for you to cultivate. Are you a fitter? No problem, there are countless job opportunities waiting for you on Mars. You are a construction worker, so congratulations, you are the most popular person! Come on, no matter who you are, there is a stage for you to prove yourself on Mars...

There are such advertisements everywhere, and Chinese people are pouring into Mars in a steady stream.

For the European and American-led camp, this is embarrassing. They originally expected the Skyrim people to bring them alien technology, help them enter the Martian world, and compete with China for territory. But they didn't expect that the Tianji people would be defeated by the women of Suspended City and Xia Lei, and their plans would come to nothing. Now China is expanding its territory on Mars without any resistance, establishing permanent bases one after another, and at the same time constantly sending Chinese people to Mars. When they have the ability to fly to Mars, maybe there will be another place for them to settle

It is not difficult to imagine what kind of path the newly awakened dragon faces. Xia Lei never deliberately changed the evolutionary process of human beings. He just gave a little help, and the dragon in the east broke free from its imprisonment and soared beyond the nine heavens. The Chinese nation is the largest nation in the world, the smartest, and the most hard-working nation. The space on the earth is really too small, and the vast universe is the stage of the Eastern Dragon!

All this is because of one character, Xia Lei.

No Chinese can forget him, and he is also a well-deserved hero in the Chinese world. However, he who should be receiving praise and support disappeared without any news of his return.

However, the world will not stop functioning because of the absence of anyone. The Mars base is under construction and changing every day. As the first step for humans to step out of the earth, every change it makes is of great significance to humans on the earth.

Gradually, people talked about Xia Lei less and less.

Gradually, few people cared about where he went.

Day after day repeats itself, moving forward.

The past is left behind, and the future is waiting in front.

Someone dies, someone is born.

But no matter who they are, they are just passers-by in this world. They can take nothing with them, and in the end even their traces will be annihilated.

"Wow wow wow..." A string of babies' cries came from an ancient courtyard, as well as a man's laughter.

"Hahaha! It's a daughter!" Xia Changhe held the newborn girl in his hands, grinning from ear to ear with joy, and tears of excitement and joy burst into his eyes.

Zhu Xuanyue looked at her husband with a warm and happy smile, "O Changhe, please name our daughter."

Xia Changhe laughed while crying, "I, I have already thought about it, let's call her Xia Weiyi."

"Wei Yi?" Zhu Xuanyue read, then nodded, "Well, this name is good, I like this name."

"Weiyi, Weiyi, only, only..." Xia Changhe muttered softly, and the face of another child suddenly appeared in his mind.

That was Xia Lei's face. No news came back from him after he left last time.

"Changhe, do you miss the Dragon King?" Zhu Xuanyue asked.

Xia Changhe nodded, his voice full of longing, "I don't know where he is now. Today is a good day for Weiyi to be born. I really want him to be by our side. In this case, our family Reunion."

Zhu Xuanyue smiled and said, "Our family reunion is a big occasion. The Dragon King has twenty wives and a large group of children. This house cannot accommodate them."

"Hehehe..." Xia Changhe couldn't help but laugh.

Zhu Xuanyue said again, "However, I think the Dragon King will be very happy to have Weiyi as his sister."

"Of course he will like it, Weiyi is his sister." Xia Changhe said, he named his daughter with Zhu Xuanyue Xia Weiyi, isn't it just because Xia Lei is "the only one"

The only one, the only one in the universe, whether in the past life or in this life, Xia Lei is the one and only one.

Suddenly a familiar voice came from outside the door, "Uncle Changhe, are you at home?"

Xia Changhe was slightly stunned, "It's Xiao An, it's so late, why is he here?"

"Go and have a look. I'm inconvenient, so I won't go out. Give me the child." Zhu Xuanyue said.

"Wow wow wow..." Xia Weiyi cried, as if she didn't want to leave Xia Changhe's arms. She was nothing like her nieces and nephews, who were born smiling and talking.

It was obvious that compared with her nieces and nephews, she had already lost at the starting line.

Xia Changhe went to open the door. The moment he opened the door, he was stunned on the spot. Standing outside the door were not just Ma Xiaoan and his wife, but also a large group of people. The person he wanted to see the most was Xia Lei.

"Leizi, you..." Xia Changhe was surprised and happy, and for a moment he couldn't recover.

Xia Lei walked up and gave Xia Changhe a hug, "Dad, my sister came to this world, how could I not come back and see her. No, I am back with your daughter-in-law, grandson, and granddaughter."

Xia Changhe looked at the large group of gorgeous daughters-in-law, some with wings, some without wings, blue, black, and white, as well as the children beside them, and he suddenly felt dazzled.

"Father." The women greeted, a very neat feeling and scene.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! Grandpa..." A large group of children swarmed up and immediately flooded Xia Changhe.

This is not neat, this is messy.

Xia Lei couldn't help but laugh, and his eyes moved to Youxue.

Youxue then took the child in her arms and said, "Ma Lei, call me godfather."

Ma Lei, this is the child of Ma Xiaoan and Youxue. Ma Xiaoan named him Ma Lei. It is not difficult to see that he is proud to be a brother with Xia Lei.

"Yeah..." Ma Lei shouted in Youxue's arms, waving his little hands to grab Youxue's granary. It looked like he was hungry.

Another naughty kid who lost at the starting line.

Xia Lei leaned over, grabbed Ma Lei's little hand and kissed it, "Zhen Gua, when you grow up, you will drive a warship."

"Haha!" Ma Xiaoan laughed, "I want to train him to be the best welder."

As soon as he finished speaking, Youxue stepped over.

Here, Xia Changhe finally got rid of the entanglement of a group of grandchildren, and took Xia Lei and the women and children from Suspended City into his and Zhu Xuanyue's room, as well as Ma Xiaoan, Youxue and Ma Lei. It was really the situation Zhu Xuanyue mentioned just now. The room was so small that he could barely stand up.

After looking at Xia Weiyi and talking to Zhu Xuanyue for a while, Xia Lei was pulled outside the room by Xia Changhe to talk.

"Where have you been? When did you come back?" Xia Changhe said straight to the point.

Xia Lei said: "I just came back. I knew my mother was going to give birth, so I hurried back. Well, we went to a galaxy that was just born, and found a planet similar to the Earth there. Guess I'm on it. What did you see?"

Xia Changhe rolled his eyes at Xia Lei, "Tell me, how could I guess that?"

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Dinosaurs, that world is like the past of the earth. There are no humans yet, but I believe there will be humans in the future."

Xia Changhe said: "I'm not interested in these things. How long will you stay here this time?"

Xia Lei was silent for a moment and then said: "A few days, then we will leave. I don't know when we will come back this time. Also, my return this time did not alarm anyone, so you don't want to say that I have come back."

Xia Changhe said in surprise: "Why? You built this place with your own hands, and you are also a hero of this nation. You can come back openly and accept everyone's praise and cheers. Why come back quietly?"

Xia Lei looked at the earth in the starry sky and was silent for a moment before saying: "I shouldn't exist, just let me slowly disappear into human history."

"But… "

"I'm not a leader, and I'm not a god, I just..." A wry smile appeared on Xia Lei's lips, "I just want to live a normal life with my wife and children, and see the universe."

"Are you okay?" Xia Changhe asked with concern: "I always feel that you are acting weird tonight."

Xia Lei hugged Xia Changhe and said, "Dad."

It's just "Dad", no other words, but this word contains many things.

Xia Changhe's tears quietly rolled down from the corners of his eyes...

"Hush!" A strange voice suddenly came from the bamboo forest outside the courtyard gate.

Xia Changhe turned his eyes and saw two hurriedly dodging figures at a glance. Although the two people hid quickly, he could still see clearly. One was Jing Jing and the other was Gu Kewen.

"Yeah." Xia Lei coughed dryly, "Dad, I'm going to relieve myself in the woods."

Xia Changhe pretended not to see it. He patted Xia Lei on the shoulder and said, "I finally understand what kind of life you want. Well... there is a blanket in the bamboo forest. I put it there and forgot to collect it."

Xia Lei said with some embarrassment: "I'm just going to relieve myself. Why are you carrying a blanket with me?"

"Go, go, hurry up, I will help you delay for a while." Xia Changhe didn't wait for Xia Lei to leave, but he left.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and walked towards the bamboo forest.

Ning Jing and Gu Kewen cautiously poked their heads out of the bamboo forest and saw Xia Lei and the two women waving to him excitedly, signaling him to get into the bamboo forest quickly.

Xia Lei walked into the bamboo forest and said speechlessly: "Are you two too brave? Twenty tigers are in the room outside. What do you want to do?"

"I, I seem... to have it!" Gu Kewen said nervously: "I was so worried, so, so... I came to you quickly."

Xia Lei couldn't help but kiss her and said excitedly: "I'm going to be a father!"

Gu Kewen rolled his eyes at him, "Your acting skills are too exaggerated. As a father who has been a father for more than 20 times, you shouldn't have any feelings, right?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Jing Jing suddenly hugged him from behind, "I want one too!"

Gu Kewen pointed to the depths of the bamboo forest and said, "I saw a blanket over there just now. How about we go there and have a chat?"

Xia Lei, "..."

Is this the life he wants

Yes, this is the life he wants.

He doesn't want to be regarded as a leader or a god by humans, so he wants to erase his traces. Time will obliterate everything, and one day no one will remember who he is or what he has done. And to him, that meant nothing. What he wants is to "grow old" slowly with his wife and children, and to reach his final destination in love and being loved.

Everything will have a destination.

Time is not time. In the blink of an eye, thousands or tens of thousands of years...

Deep in the distant universe, on a dying planet, in a desert.

Click, click…

A bronze figure walked slowly in the desert, extremely lonely.

"This is it, it's nice here. I don't need a tombstone, and I don't need anyone to visit my grave." The bronze figure stopped and then lay down in the desert.

This bronze figure is Xia Lei ten thousand years later. In the past ten thousand years, he has given away his beloved women, children, and children's children. Although his wife is still alive, he can no longer be with them. Ten thousand years later, he is decomposing every day and cannot maintain his original flesh and blood. He didn't want them to see him turned into a bronze skeleton, so he left quietly.

He wanders alone in the universe, from galaxy to galaxy. He thought he could find the edge of the universe, but in the end he realized how naive and ridiculous this idea was. The universe is always expanding, covering every dimension. No matter which direction he goes, he can't keep up with the expansion speed of the universe. No one can reach the edge of the universe and take a peek at the scene outside the universe, and neither can he.

He was tired and didn't want to wander anymore.

A dry wind suddenly blew up, blowing up yellow sand and bronze bone powder that fell from his body. He is very weak now and may die at any time.

He looked at the dim stars in the sky. He didn't know when his vision suddenly became hazy, and a bronze skeleton also appeared in his void.

Those are the bones from his previous life.

"You are going to die." The bone from the previous life said, "You have loved, and you are tired. Most of the women and children you have loved have died and been taken away by the laws of the universe. Don't you hate it?"

Xia Lei waved his hand, "Go away, I don't want to talk to you, and I know you don't exist."

"I have always lived in your heart and never left. Otherwise, how could I come out to talk to you when you were about to die?"

Xia Lei closed his eyes.

"It's useless. You are thinking about me. You are thinking about what kind of person you were in your previous life, right?"

Xia Lei opened his eyes again. He grabbed a handful of sand and threw it at the bones of his previous life in the void, "Get out! Get away!"

Yellow sand flies away.

His voice was weak and feeble.

"You are a coward. You don't even know what kind of person you were in your previous life. What's the point of your short life?" The bone in the previous life said contemptuously: "If you are a man, you should face yourself. Everything, including your previous life.”

"Why don't you tell me."

"Coward." The bone from the previous life continued to taunt Xia Lei, "Do you think you really gave up everything and died in peace? Don't lie to yourself. You are wandering alone in the universe. Don't you also look for the edge of the universe? ? You also want to know what is outside the universe, right?"

"you shut up!"

"Take back your bones and awaken the memory of your past life!"


A stone rolled down from Xia Lei's body. It was his own treasure. At that moment, the energy barrier of the own treasure opened, and the sarcophagus of the World Stone and the World Box rolled out.

"Get your bones back, awaken the memory of your past life, and then die. Only in this way can you die without regrets." said the bone from the past life.

"I know it's me who is talking, not you!" Xia Lei shouted, his mind was a little confused.

"Haha... Coward! Coward! A coward who doesn't even dare to face his own past life!"

"I'm not a coward! Get out of here!" Xia Lei suddenly slapped the sarcophagus.

Perhaps it was a flashback, but this slap contained the last bit of his remaining source energy. With a flash of golden light, the sarcophagus shattered, and the bones from the previous life inside immediately fell out and fell on him.

Bones fuse with each other quickly, you are in me, and I am in you.

Memories from past lives flooded into Xia Lei's consciousness...

Complete book.

thanks for reading.

ps: It has a history of more than two years, almost 900 days and nights, from the first word to almost 8.6 million words now, and it is finally finished. I don't feel the joy of finishing the book, but I feel like I'm falling out of love. I'm reluctant to end it, but it's time to end all the feasts in the world. All the holes that need to be filled have been filled in, and it would be too long to write any more. I don't want a good book to be bad because I want to make more money, I would rather end it here. This ending surprised some book lovers, but it was set up early on. A person's biggest enemy is actually himself. Xia Lei did not defeat himself in the end. He took back the bones of his previous life and awakened the memory of his previous life. You may want to think about what the memories of the past life are, whether Xia Lei will die, and whether he will restart the universe. These are all the spaces I leave for your imagination. There are a thousand different story extensions for a thousand readers, and I cannot impose the ending I want on you. I know that some people will be dissatisfied with this ending, but how can things in the world be perfect? When reading a book, it’s best if you feel a little bit unfinished about it. I have said everything and you have forgotten it in the blink of an eye. This ending will make you think and reminisce.

Thank you for accompanying me all the way. Without you, there would be no me. You are my book buddies, my friends, and actually my food and clothing parents. Thank you for every click, recommendation, tip, subscription, and words of praise and scolding. I won’t name them one by one. Believe me, I haven’t forgotten anyone who should be remembered. I am already on the road to a new book, let us meet in the new book. After more than ten years of accumulation, I will repay you with more exciting stories.

The new book is tentatively planned to be released before the Spring Festival. Didn’t some book friends say what to do during the Spring Festival? You see, I will send you a new book in advance, haha.

As for the content and name of the new book, I won’t reveal these secrets. In short, the official account will notify you before the book is released. In addition, although the book is finished, the official account will still be updated every day. Which chapter do you want to see the full version of? Please leave a message on the official account and I will write it again to satisfy your curiosity.

Okay, that’s all. This is not a permanent farewell, just a month of separation, haha.

The last sentence is that I look forward to meeting you in the new book.

December 26, 2017 7:52 pm

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