Tranxending Vision

Chapter 36: The Queen of the Shentu Empire


Five days later.

In the workshop, Xia Lei was immersed in work. There are several precision-machined parts that have been processed in a box next to the hand-controlled lathe. After a while, he will be done, because he has the last precision-machined part in his hand. Once it's done, the one million salary will be earned.

"With this million, Thunder Horse Studio will have the funds to upgrade. Buy equipment and hire skilled workers. There is no need for me to stay at Thunder Horse Studio to do those low-profit jobs. With my current skills, I should Become the signature of Thunder Horse Studio and only accept difficult jobs or jobs that others can't do. In this way, not only can I make more money, but I also have time to do other things." While working, Xia Lei's heart While planning for the future.

This million gave him an inspiration. With his ability, he really did not need to do those jobs with rough technology and low profit. With his ability, if he wants to take action, he has to be able to pay like this time!

Indeed, if Xia Lei is now squatting on the street with a welding tong to mend an iron pot, what kind of mastery will he have? If a customer came to him to negotiate a precision machining business worth tens or even millions, and happened to see him mending an iron pot, the customer would still have nothing to discuss with him!

A series of footsteps came from behind, interrupting Xia Lei's thoughts. He put down what he was doing and looked back, just in time to see Ning Yuanshan and Chi Jingqiu leading a group of people into the workshop gate.

Ning Yuanshan was talking to a young woman, and Chi Jingqiu looked very nervous next to her. Behind that woman were four young men in suits. The four men had cold expressions and very strong bodies. They were always observing the surrounding environment while walking. These characteristics are only possessed by professional bodyguards.

Xia Lei's eyes stayed on that woman, and at that moment his soul seemed to be taken away.

The woman surrounded by everyone has a pair of bright black eyes, which seem to be soaked in clear spring water, giving people a watery feeling, wisdom, clarity, and brightness. Her lips were small and fresh, with a light red natural color like the most delicate rose petals. Her figure is also extremely good, with a perfect eight-headed body, plump and slim, and the lines of every part are impeccable. Especially a pair of slender but plump legs, white and pink, slightly transparent, as if they were carefully carved from nature's most beautiful materials, without any flaws, they are perfect. Her temperament is also very special, like a jade lotus flower blooming in an ancient palace, pure and pure, and the entire solemn and solemn palace is her foil.

Chi Jingqiu can be regarded as an eye-catching beauty, but next to this woman, she suddenly looks tacky and dull.

There is no most beautiful woman in the world, but Xia Lei feels that this woman whose name he doesn't even know is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen in his life. He was attracted immediately and his heart was pounding.

"Miss Shentu, please come this way." Ning Yuanshan looked very polite, speaking and leading the way.

"Who is this woman? Could it be that she came to see me process parts?" Xia Lei was very curious.

Ning Yuanshan led the woman past Xia Lei, and then continued walking deeper into the workshop. As for the woman surrounded by everyone, she didn't even look at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei thought they were here to see him process parts, but they walked past him without even looking at him. To her, his presence was like a street vendor.

Looking at the woman's retreating back, a wry smile appeared on Xia Lei's lips, "She is so beautiful, but she is also too arrogant. I don't know what kind of man can pursue a woman like her."

Chi Jingqiu slowed down and waited until Ning Yuanshan and the woman were some distance away before walking to Xia Lei and said, "Don't look at her. It's useless to look at her for a lifetime."

Xia Lei then looked away from the woman's back. He looked at Chi Jingqiu and said with a smile, "If you were as good-looking as her, I would look at you the same way."

Chi Jingqiu didn't look angry at all, "Don't make me angry with this. I, Chi Jingqiu, am aware of myself. Do you know who she is?"

"who is she?"

"The female head of the Shentu family, Shentu Tianyin."

"Shentu family?" Xia Lei shook his head, "I don't know."

"You still have little knowledge." A contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of Chi Jingqiu's mouth, "Let me give you some popular science, which can also give you some knowledge. The Shentu family is the largest family in the eastern region, and the Shentu family The Vientiane Group controlled by the family is involved in the fields of real estate, energy, home appliances, and technology, with assets worth tens of billions. What’s the use of seeing a woman like this, and a man like you? There’s no chance, so you’d better be realistic and don’t have wishful thinking. ”

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Don't use this to make me angry. No matter how bad a man like me is, I can still be a little better than your man."

"You-" Chi Jingqiu suddenly became angry on the spot.

"Okay, let's stop being vindictive. After all, we are just classmates." Xia Lei eased the atmosphere, "By the way, what is Shentu Tianyin doing here?"

Chi Jingqiu was still angry with Xia Lei, but her tone became softer, "She came to inspect our company on behalf of Wanxiang Group. Wanxiang Group wants to build a wind power station and needs a large number of wind power equipment. We can manufacture it." This kind of equipment. She is the God of Wealth, haven't you seen Ning Dong accompanying her like a queen?"

"So that's it. Director Ning must want to win the order from Vientiane Group." Xia Lei said.

Chi Jingqiu sighed, "Hey, same people have different fates. They are the same women, but their destinies are so different. Lei Zi, do you think God lacks fairness?"

"Don't think too much, be content with what you have."

Chi Jingqiu shook her head, "If I could live like Shentu Tianyin, I would be willing to live less than twenty years. Living like this, facing that wimp every day, I am going crazy."

"Follow her quickly, or you will be punished." Xia Lei didn't want to talk about this topic with her.

Chi Jingqiu looked disdainful, "I don't care. I actually want to talk to you about business. Do you want to make money?"

Xia Lei said: "Who doesn't want to make money? Let's talk about it."

Chi Jingqiu said: "You have the craftsmanship and the studio. I have the connections and the methods. If we cooperate, we will definitely make money."

"you mean?"

"I'll get you an order, and you'll give me a commission."

Xia Lei was a little moved. Chi Jingqiu works in a large state-owned enterprise like Dongfang Heavy Industries, and she also does the job of secretary to the chairman. Her husband and father-in-law are also important figures in the company. Her connections are definitely good, and the orders she can get are sure to be good. Not a small order of a few thousand. However, although he was a little moved in his heart, he still said calmly: "How much commission do you want."

Chi Jingqiu said in one breath: "Fifteen percent."

Xia Lei chuckled and said: "You are really a big talker. You don't have to do anything. Just keep talking and you will get 15%. I provide people and equipment and materials, so I'm afraid I won't make as much as you do." ?”

"Then how much will you give?" Chi Jingqiu looked at Xia Lei intently.

Xia Lei stretched out a palm and said, "Five percent."

"Too little, ten percent."

"Eight percent, if you want to do it, do it, if you don't, you'll get it."

"Deal." Chi Jingqiu extended a hand to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hand to shake her hand. Her little hands were warm and soft, giving him a little stimulating feeling.

"Wait for my news." Chi Jingqiu took away her hand and quickly chased the team that was walking away.

Seeing her hips swaying, Xia Lei thought to himself: "Eight percent is eight percent. If you introduce someone, I will get to know that person. When I establish my own network of contacts, I will There’s no need to give you a commission.”

The first love and old classmates no longer exist. Xia Lei only has business in his eyes.

Ning Yuanshan took Shentu Tianyin and his group away, and Xia Lei also gathered his mood and started working. However, standing in front of the lathe, holding the control lever, Shentu Tianyin always appeared in his mind. He also had a strange feeling in his heart, as if one of his three souls and seven souls had been lost.

"The women of the Shentu family are worth tens of billions. What am I doing stupidly? That bitch Chi Jingqiu is right. It's a waste of time to think about it. I'd better work honestly. Get this million first, Then use the one million to buy new equipment, recruit people, and then cooperate with Chi Jingqiu." Xia Lei quickly thought it through and calmed down. His eyes were locked on the last piece of work, and then he slowly put down the turning tool and started working.

Ten minutes later, the last piece of work was completed. Xia Lei put it in the box, packed it up, and then called Ning Yuanshan.

"Uncle Ning, I'm sorry, I know you have important guests, but I still want to call you to talk about it." When the call was connected, Xia Lei said straight to the point: "I've finished the work, I'll leave the last few items. It's next to the lathe, send someone to pick it up."

"Well, not bad, I'll send someone to pick it up right away. You have helped me a lot this time." Ning Yuanshan said with a smile: "I have prepared the check a long time ago, and I will ask someone from the Finance Department to bring it to you. .”

"Thank you, Uncle Ning, go ahead and get busy. Goodbye." Xia Lei hung up the phone.

After ending the call with Ning Yuanshan, someone came to pick up the last batch of precision-machined parts within a few minutes. Xia Lei watched them complete the inspection and left the workshop after confirming that there were no problems. Not far away, someone from the Finance Department of Dongfang Heavy Industries sent a check for one million.

Ning Yuanshan is really an upbeat person, and he doesn't do things sloppily at all.

The check was so light that it weighed almost nothing, but Xia Lei felt that it weighed dozens of kilograms, very heavy. He also had a smile on his face, this was the biggest money he had ever made in his life.

After the work was done, accepted, and the money was received, Xia Lei no longer needed to go to the villa. He walked directly to the gate of Dongfang Heavy Industry.

While passing by the parking lot, Xia Lei saw a limited edition Rolls-Royce Phantom. It was majestic and majestic, like an emperor in the car.

"This car must be Shentu Tianyin's car. Only a woman of her level can afford such a car." Xia Lei also wanted to buy a car, and the woman gave him a driver's license in Long Bing. It got even stronger after that, but he couldn't even think about the Rolls-Royce Phantom in front of him.

At this time, a female worker wearing Dongfang Heavy Industry overalls pushed a cart into the parking lot from a side entrance. She was pushing a cleaning truck. While walking, he used an iron plier to pick up the garbage on the ground and put it into a plastic bucket on the cleaning vehicle.

Perhaps it was because of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, its existence made the female worker look humble, and Xia Lei couldn't help but take another look at the female worker. The female worker looked very young, with a perky butt and bulging breasts, which was very sexy.

Xia Lei was a little curious, "Most of the people who do cleaning work are aunts. She is so young and sexy, how can she do such a rough job?"

ps: Thanks to book friend 10065166 for the tip, you are handsome!