Tranxending Vision

Chapter 43: Deliberately looking for trouble


Xia Lei walked out and said hello with a smile, "Sister Ning, what's the matter?"

Jing Jing's little mouth curled up slightly, "Why, can't I come to your place if you have nothing to do?"

Xia Lei smiled and said, "Of course you can come. You are always welcome here." After a pause, he said, "I'm really sorry about yesterday, I messed up."

Ning Jing said: "I don't blame you, I didn't know Ren Wenqiang would come. We haven't seen each other for several years."

Xia Lei said: "Your parents seem to like him quite a lot."

Jing Jing said: "I'm here to apologize to you. My mother was a little rude last night, and Ren Wenqiang, he was too arrogant..." She looked at Xia Lei, not knowing what to say.

Xia Lei looked indifferent, "It's okay. It's normal for people of his status to look down on people like me. This society is like this, lacking a little trust and respect." He smiled again, "Also, you Mom, that's for your own good, Ren Wenqiang is very good, I think most mothers would choose that kind of son-in-law."

"Oh, please stop talking." Ning Jing interrupted Xia Lei, "Not all women want to marry a man with a high social status, and not all women want to marry a big house or a luxury car. You are not me, how do you know what kind of man I like?"

Xia Lei said: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that."

Jing Jing said: "I know you don't mean that. What I want to say is, what kind of person do I like and what kind of person do I want to spend my life with? Only I know in my heart that my mother cannot be the master of my life-long affairs." .”

Xia Lei didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, so he said, "Please go in and sit down. I'll make you a cup of tea, and then we'll have a chat."

Jing Jing looked at Xia Lei with a straight look, "It won't delay your work, right?"

Xia Lei said with a smile: "No, no, I don't have much work today."

A sweet smile appeared on Jing Jing's face, "Can you introduce two of your employees to me? I don't have many friends, and I want to make two more friends."

Xia Lei said: "No problem, they will be happy to meet a friend like you."

Ning Jing followed Xia Lei into the studio, and Xia Lei introduced Ma Xiaoan and Zhou Xiaohong to Ning Jing. The four of them chatted and laughed, and then Ning Jing went to ask Zhou Xiaohong to use the computer and office software. The atmosphere in the studio was very harmonious.

Looking at Jing Jing and Zhou Xiaohong who were getting along so happily, Xia Lei felt a little confused, "How could a doctoral student like Jing Jing want to know Ma Xiaoan and Zhou Xiaohong? It's strange."

When people with high education get along with people with low education, there are actually very few topics to talk about, and the possibility of becoming friends is even smaller.

But before Xia Lei could figure out a reason, a black BMW stopped on the side of the road. It was a BMW 7 Series sedan worth several million. The body was waxed, and when the sun shone, the whole car became dazzling and magnificent.

The car door opened, and Ren Wenqiang in a suit and leather shoes stepped out of the cab. He took off his sunglasses and glanced at Thunder Horse Studio, then walked straight over.

"Sister Ning, someone is looking for you." Xia Lei said. He didn't think Ren Wenqiang came to see him. If Tranquility hadn't been here, a person of Ren Wenqiang's status would probably never have taken a look at a small street workshop like Thunder Horse Studio.

Hearing Xia Lei speak, Jing Jing raised his head and glanced up. When she saw Ren Wenqiang, she was stunned for a moment, and the smile on her face disappeared immediately.

Ren Wenqiang walked into Lei Ma Studio. His eyes quickly swept across Xia Lei's face, Ma Xiaoan and Zhou Xiaohong's faces, and then stopped on Jing Jing's face. A beautiful smile appeared on his face, "Jingzi, why was your phone turned off when I called you? I went to your house to look for you, and my aunt said you were out. I went to your work to look for you again, and I found out that you didn't go to work today. I asked and found out Here. This place is really hard to find. I had to work very hard to find it."

A forced smile appeared on Jing Jing's face, "What do you want from me?"

Ren Wenqiang said: "I have been away from this city for several years. The changes here have been great. I want to see its changes, but I lack a guide who can show me around. Would you like to accompany me for a walk?" No. When Jing Jing agreed, he continued: "I have ordered a meal at Golden Beach. We can have Western food at noon."

Luxury cars, romantic Western food, and handsome men, these elements have an irresistible charm for women, but Tranquility seems to be an exception. She shook her head, "I don't like Western food."

Ren Wenqiang said: "Then let's go have Chinese food. I know a restaurant that specializes in Cantonese cuisine. The food there is very good."

"I..." Ning Jing didn't expect Ren Wenqiang to be so pestering. She didn't want to reject him directly, so she said she didn't want to eat Western food. But she didn't expect that he would just switch to Cantonese food, so she didn't know what excuse to use to refuse.

At this time, Zhou Xiaohong got up and went to the water dispenser to pour a glass of boiling water for Ren Wenqiang. She held it in both hands and handed it to Ren Wenqiang, "Sir, please drink water."

Ren Wenqiang didn't even extend his hand or respond politely. He didn't even look at Zhou Xiaohong.

Zhou Xiaohong was stunned on the spot, looking very embarrassed and not knowing what to do.

Xia Lei said aloud: "Xiaohong, this gentleman is too noble for you to greet him. You can go about your business and don't worry about it."

Zhou Xiaohong returned to the desk with the water cup. She put the water cup on the desk and buried her head in learning how to operate the computer and software. She seemed to be used to living a humble life, but she didn't react with any displeasure even though Ren Wenqiang was so contemptuous.

Ma Xiaoan did not have the good temper of Zhou Xiaohong. He picked up the water glass on the desk, drank all the water in one breath, then placed the water glass heavily on the desk, and said angrily: "The country The leader doesn’t have such a big air, right? He pours you water just to give you face, he doesn’t even know the slightest courtesy, what the hell!”

There was a hint of anger in Ren Wenqiang's eyes, and he sneered, "A welder is so angry, I don't know where he gets the confidence from."

"What's wrong with the welding? Tell me again!" Ma Xiaoan rolled up his sleeves, looking ready to start a fight.

Ren Wenqiang's eyes were full of disdain, "You're going to take action just by saying that? But before you take action, I want to remind you that I am an eighth-level judo practitioner."

Ma Xiaoan retracted one of his already stepped out heels. He couldn't defeat even a first-level judo player, let alone an eighth-dan judo player.

Ren Wenqiang looked at Xia Lei again, his eyes still full of disdain, "Xia Lei, right? I know it's not easy for you to open a small shop. You are doing well at your level, but you don't You think too much, Ning Jing is not a woman you can pursue, don’t pester her in the future, because you don’t deserve it.”

No matter how good his temper was, Xia Lei couldn't bear it any longer. He pointed at the door and said, "Get out of here!"

Ren Wenqiang looked at Jing Jing and said, "Jing Zi, come with me. Don't stay with these rough guys all day long. You will be polluted by them."

"I won't leave! If you want to leave, you can go by yourself!" Jing Jing was actually fed up.

Ren Wenqiang said: "Do you want me to call my aunt and uncle? I think if they knew you were here, they would definitely come over. Your father has a bad heart, can you bear to make him angry because of this?" "

"You..." Jing Jing was so angry that she burst into tears, "Why are you so domineering!"

Ren Wenqiang said: "I am not overbearing, how can I protect you? There are too many liars in the world now, and you are so simple, you can easily be deceived."

Although he didn't explicitly say who was the liar, he looked at Xia Lei with provocative eyes when he said this. His words were obviously aimed at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei wanted to take action. Ma Xiaoan also grabbed a wrench and was ready to help Xia Lei.

At this moment, three cars stopped on the roadside. A black Mercedes-Benz sedan, a flatbed truck, and a small crane.

The door of the Mercedes-Benz opened, and a bald old man got out of the passenger compartment, glanced at the shop sign at Rema Studio, and then walked straight over. Behind him, the driver of the flatbed truck jumped out and unhooked the tarp on the bed. There are two brand-new CNC lathes and a precision welding machine placed on the cargo compartment.

The sudden turn of events brought a pause in the tension in the studio.

The old man walked into Thunder Horse Studio. He has a thin face and long eyebrows. Although the corners of his eyes are full of wrinkles, his eyes are still sharp and deep, and there is a sense of vicissitudes that young people do not have.

Xia Lei had never seen this old man before, and with the trucks and cranes outside the store, he was full of questions. He was about to ask a question, but unexpectedly Ren Wenqiang spoke first.

"Uncle Fu." Ren Wenqiang looked surprised and respectful, "Why do you always come here?"

The old man known as Uncle Fu glanced at Ren Wenqiang and said calmly: "Wen Qiang, what are you doing here?"

"I..." Ren Wenqiang smiled awkwardly, "I'm here to find my friend."

The old man known as Uncle Fu did not say a word to Ren Wenqiang. He glanced at Xia Lei, then at Ma Xiaoan, and asked tentatively: "Which one of you is Xia Lei?"

Xia Lei said: "I am, who are you?"

A smile appeared on the face of the old man called Uncle Fu, "My name is Fu Chuanfu, and I am the old housekeeper of the Shentu family. Haha, I heard about what happened yesterday. Thank you so much."

When he said this, Xia Lei suddenly understood. Shentu Tianyin's appearance suddenly appeared in his mind. Everything about her was so clear, as if she was right in front of him, still so lonely, proud, and stunningly beautiful.

Next to him, Ren Wenqiang looked at Xia Lei in surprise. Everything he had now was given to him by Shentu Tianyin, but he couldn't figure out how Xia Lei, a small person who ran a street shop, could possibly know a woman like Shentu Tianyin! His mood at this moment is difficult to express in words, it is extremely complicated!

Fu Chuanfu continued: "My lady asked me to send you some equipment to express my gratitude to you."

Before Xia Lei could speak, Ren Wenqiang interrupted and said, "Mr. Fu, what's going on? How could Miss Shentu let you..."

Fu Chuanfu frowned, "Wen Qiang, don't you know I don't like people to interrupt me when I'm talking?"

Ren Wenqiang was stunned for a moment, blushed and closed his mouth.

ps: It has been half a month since the new book was released, and the number of words is over 100,000. I believe my friends have already figured out what the story is. That's right, this is a story about a ** silk's counterattack. If you have any suggestions, you can leave them in the book review area. I will take good advice, just like a miracle doctor. I have taken a lot of good advice. Friends, feel free to speak your mind, no matter what it is, be precise!

In addition, I would like to recommend a book by a friend: the author Huo Ye, the book is titled "Plane Smuggling Tycoon". Friends who are interested in this subject can read it.