Tranxending Vision

Chapter 45: New employees


After Ning Jing left with Ren Wenqiang, she never showed up or called again. Xia Lei was a little worried about her, but he didn't call her. He had his concerns. Ning Jing's parents liked Ren Wenqiang very much and wanted to bring Ning Jing and Ren Wenqiang together. If he got involved again, wouldn't he become a third party? He didn't want to be regarded as an enemy by Jing Jing's mother. If Jing Jing's father's heart disease was caused again, it would become a bad thing. For these reasons, he temporarily forgot about tranquility.

Xia Lei finally canceled the order for equipment online because the equipment Shentu Tianyin asked Fu Chuanfu to send was enough to upgrade Thunder Horse Studio, and it would be a waste to buy more equipment. The money is saved, and the funds to buy a car are available. He bought a Great Wall h6 and a Great Wall pickup truck. He left the Great Wall h6 to drive himself, and left the Great Wall pickup truck to Ma Xiaoan, who also served as a delivery truck to deliver processed parts to customers.

On the fourth day, five newly recruited workers also came. They had all worked together on the construction site before. One was Yang Bencai, a master in his early fifties, and the other was Wang Youfu, a migrant worker from Sichuan with an honest personality. , one is the local middle-aged master Liu Xuebing, the other is Cui Yong, a 19-year-old boy who has just graduated from a technical school, and the last one is Chen Ajiao, a woman from the north, who is 28.9 years old and has an open-minded personality. Except for Cui Yong, who was introduced by Yang Bencai, these five workers were all people who had worked with Xia Lei and were familiar with each other.

"Leizi, I didn't expect that in just a little while, you would be your own boss." Master Yang Bencai said with a smile on his face, "In the future, you should pay more attention to us old comrades."

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Of course, you took care of me before, now I take care of you, and we can make money together."

"Hey hey hey... Comfortable, Bashi!" This is what the honest and kind Wang Youfu said, with a simple smile on his dark face.

Zhou Xiaohong looked at him and said to himself: "This fellow is so handsome."

The youngest Cui Yong was still wearing a pair of myopic glasses. He was a little cautious, but he still mustered up the courage to say hello to Xia Lei, "Boss Lei, please take good care of me in the future."

Xia Lei patted his shoulder and said with a smile: "You're welcome, I'm not much older than you, just call me Brother Lei Zi from now on."

Cui Yong then called out, "Brother Lei Zi."

"Work hard, this studio is home for all of us." Xia Lei said.

"Leizi, you are so promising. Why are you so powerful? That damn guy in my family can't even compare to one of your toes. He tortures me all day long." Chen Ajiao giggled and spoke as fast as a machine gun, " Are you lacking a boss lady here? You must be lacking a boss lady, haha, I was thinking... "

Ma Xiaoan interrupted Chen Gillian, "Sister Gillian, come on, you don't want to be our boss lady, do you?"

"Go, go, go!" Chen Ajiao made a motion to shoo away mosquitoes. She was not embarrassed or shy at all. "If Lei Zi likes me, I would dare to go to bed with him now. Lei Zi, do you dare?"

Xia Lei, "..."

The studio burst into laughter. Such jokes are common on construction sites. Men and women say anything. Sometimes women are more open-minded than men. They come from the construction site, and the habits developed on the construction site cannot be changed all at once.

"Leizi, do you dare?" Liu Xuebing, a local master, urged.

Xia Lei looked slightly embarrassed and said, "Stop making trouble, just let it be a joke."

Chen Ajiao said: "That's right, I am a married woman with children, how can I be worthy of our Lei Zi? I am talking about the swallows in our village. That girl is so beautiful, her skin is like skin." , Butt is big and round, those breasts..."


A series of car horns interrupted Chen Gillian's words.

The person honking the horn was Jiang Ruyi. She was driving a brand new Great Wall h6. That car is Xia Lei's car. He doesn't dare to drive on the road yet. He only dares to practice in the open space of the community. Usually when he doesn't drive it, Jiang Ruyi drives it to get used to it. Jiang Ruyi is naturally 100% willing, provided that Xia Lei works hard.

Jiang Ruyi lowered the car window and shouted loudly: "Leizi, hurry up, there's no time!"

Xia Lei said: "My sister is going to Kyoto to study today, and I have to see her off. Xiao An, you can lead everyone to work. Let's have a good meal together in the evening, and I will take care of everyone."

"Okay." Yang Bencai and others responded with smiles.

Ma Xiaoan said: "Leizi, give Xiaoxue a message for me, study hard and you must be successful."

Xia Lei patted Ma Xiaoan on the shoulder and said, "I will definitely tell Xiaoxue. Everyone, I'm leaving now. See you in the evening."

Several people sent Xia Lei out of the door, and Jiang Ruyi urged again: "Hurry up, Mo Ji."

Xia Lei said: "Why are you urging me? I'm here right now?"

Jiang Ruyi leaned over and opened the car door for Xia Lei. Xia Lei got in the car and she started the car again and drove into the driveway.

"Is there nothing wrong with driving this car?" Xia Lei asked. This car is the most expensive thing he has ever bought in his life, and he is worried that it may have some quality problems.

Jiang Ruyi said: "No problem, don't listen to those people bragging about how good joint venture cars are. This car is easier to drive than my Polo, has more space, and is very cost-effective."

Xia Lei felt relieved now. He watched Jiang Ruyi shift gears and step on the accelerator, his hands itching, "Don't worry about driving alone, you have to teach me to drive."

Jiang Ruyi rolled her eyes at Xia Lei, "You can't drive even if you have a driver's license. You are the one. Isn't that Long Bing afraid that you will hit someone? How dare she give you a driver's license directly."

"Will you hand it over or not?"

"Teach me, put your hand on the gear lever and I'll teach you when to shift gears." Jiang Ruyi said while slowing down the car.

Xia Lei put his left hand on the gear lever and waited nervously for Jiang Ruyi's instructions.

Jiang Ruyi suddenly stretched out her right hand and took Xia Lei's hand.

Her hands were soft and boneless, and her skin was smooth. Xia Lei's nerves suddenly became sensitive, and he said with some embarrassment: "Why are you holding mine?"

"Teaching you how to drive, what do you think I want to do?" Jiang Ruyi glared at Xia Lei, stepped on the clutch, then held Xia Lei's hand and pushed forward, "It's in third gear now. When the car starts running, Speed up, remember?”

"Remember." Xia Lei's eyes fell on Jiang Ruyi's thigh, and his mind seemed to have become more sensitive, with more messy imaginations.

In this way, one taught and the other learned, the Great Wall h6 went fast and slow in the lane, which annoyed many drivers with car anger...

A journey that could be completed in half an hour took Jiang Ruyi and Xia Lei a full hour. Back in the community, Xia Lei led Jiang Ruyi into the door of his house. There was a large suitcase on the sofa in the living room, and Xia Xue was ready to go. Seeing Xia Lei and Jiang Ruyi come in, she stood up and said, "Brother, Sister Ruyi, why are you coming back like this? I've been waiting for more than an hour."

"Your brother wants to learn to drive. I'll teach him on the way." Jiang Ruyi said with a smile: "You don't know, your brother is as stupid as a big stupid cow. He didn't even learn a simple upshift or downshift for a long time." learn."

Xia Xue glanced at Xia Lei and smiled mysteriously.

Xia Lei rolled his eyes at Jiang Ruyi and said, "Let's go, Lusuo, you will definitely become a big-mouthed woman in the future."

Jiang Ruyi said: "A big-mouthed woman is a big-mouthed woman. You need to take care of her!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing. You have been arguing for more than 20 years and haven't you argued enough? Send me to the airport quickly, or I won't be able to catch the plane." Xia Xue urged.

The two stopped bickering, helped Xia Xue get her luggage, and then left home.

When they arrived at the airport, Xia Lei sent Xia Xue to the ticket gate, "Xiaoxue, remember to call Miss Long when you arrive in Kyoto, she will take care of you."

"Brother, don't worry, I remember it." Xia Xue's eyes filled with tears. This was the first time in her life that she had left her brother, and she felt reluctant to leave.

"Come on, Xiaoxue, sister Ruyi, give me a hug." Jiang Ruyi came up and held Xia Xue tightly in her arms.

"Sister Ruyi, I can't bear to leave you and my brother..." Xia Xue couldn't bear it anymore, tears flowed from her eyes.

Jiang Ruyi comforted her gently, "Silly girl, it's not like you're not coming back. Won't you be coming back during the winter vacation? If you miss me and your brother, just give us a call. You can also use QQ to video chat. , won’t we meet?”

Xia Xue choked and said: "But..."

Xia Lei felt very reluctant to let go, but at this time he put on a straight face, "Why are you crying and crying? You must always learn to be independent. Come in quickly and call me to make sure you are safe."

Xia Xue stopped crying and dragged her suitcase into the ticket gate. When she walked into the throne room, she took a few steps and looked back. That scene made Xia Lei feel sad for a while.

Xia Lei didn't turn around and leave until Xia Xue could no longer be seen.

On the way back, Xia Lei continued to learn to drive. On a relatively remote section of the road, Jiang Ruyi asked Xia Lei to drive, and she sat in the passenger seat to direct. Learning to drive is a good thing, but Xia Lei felt that Jiang Ruyi was like a female pervert. She not only touched his hand, but also touched his thigh.

"Press the brakes, apply the brakes!"

"here we go again… "

Sure enough, before he finished speaking, Jiang Ruyi's hand fell on his thigh, pressing his thigh to make him apply the brakes. The area she pressed was still close to the base of her thigh, which was very sensitive. This made Xia Lei very nervous. He was worried that Jiang Ruyi would move his hand up a little bit at any time and pull up his handbrake with a crash.

Back in the community, Jiang Ruyi drove Xia Lei's Great Wall h6 to the police station. Before leaving, she asked Xia Lei for 400 yuan for gas money.

Xia Lei was very depressed, "He drives my car and uses my money to refuel. Who is he?"

When I got home, the house was deserted. Xia Xue left, Xia Lei's heart was empty. He walked to the TV cabinet and looked at the family photo. In the photo, he and Xia Xue were both smiling happily, and his father and mother also showed happy smiles. However, those happy days will never come back again.

Then, he saw the glass bottle behind the family portrait and the pills in the glass bottle. Just when he was about to take it out and look at it, his cell phone rang.

The call was from Chi Jingqiu.

"Leizi, Xitian Hotel, Room 201, I'll wait for you." Chi Jingqiu said straight to the point.

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, "What are you waiting for me in the hotel for?"

"Go to bed later." Chi Jingqiu said with a smile.

Xia Lei frowned, "Stop joking, I'm really not in the mood today."

Chi Jingqiu said: "Okay, it's business. Didn't I talk to you? I have an order for you."

Xia Lei said, "Okay, I'll be right over."

ps: Thank you Yiwu Draw Sword for the reward for the Freedom Brothers, you are so heroic! I’d also like to ask for votes here. During the new book period, votes are very important, so please read your votes to me! thank you all!