Tranxending Vision

Chapter 47: A natural lip reader


Processing a workpiece was an easy task for Xia Lei, and he finished it within an hour after returning to Lei Ma Studio. After completing the sample processing, he sat at his desk and used the computer to search for information on learning lip language.

Du Niang is really a good thing. There is nothing you can’t think of and nothing you can’t search for. He typed "how to learn lip reading" in the input field and hit the Enter key. Thousands of information about learning lip reading suddenly popped up on the browser.

He selected the information provided by Baidu Library, which recorded three methods.

The first is to watch news programs.

The second is to practice by yourself in front of the mirror.

The third way is to use lip reading software.

Each method has detailed steps that are easy to understand. After reading it, Xia Lei browsed some other information on learning lip language. As a result, he found that lip reading seemed complicated, but it was actually very simple for him. It's very simple, his left eye can "record" every subtle movement of the other person's lips!

"Why don't I compare Chi Jingqiu's lip shape with a mirror? Maybe I can decipher her lip language." After reading a lot of information, Xia Lei was eager to try his hand. .

The seven employees of Thunder Horse Studio are all busy, and the equipment donated by Shentu Tianyin is also running at full capacity. When people are busy, machines are also busy, which brings benefits. It was a bit tiring, but the employees worked very hard and no one was cheating.

This sight made Xia Lei happy, and he walked towards Zhou Xiaohong. Zhou Xiaohong was using a hammer to remove the welding scars from a piece of weldment, banging it incessantly. The sweat wet her collar and the deep white groove.

"Xiaohong, please lend me your makeup mirror." Xia Lei said.

Only then did Zhou Xiaohong realize that Xia Lei had come to his side. She quickly stood up and wiped the sweat with the back of her hand, "Brother Lei Zi, what did you say?"

Xia Lei smiled and said, "I said, can you lend me your makeup mirror?"

Zhou Xiaohong looked at Xia Lei in confusion, "Brother Lei Zi, what do you want that thing for?"

Xia Lei said: "Don't worry about this. Do you have it? If not, I'll ask Chen Ajiao to borrow it."

"Yes, yes, I'll get it for you right away." Zhou Xiaohong then went to the inner room to get a mirror for Xia Lei.

Xia Lei thought for a moment and followed Zhou Xiaohong into the inner room before Zhou Xiaohong came out. As soon as she entered, she saw that Zhou Xiaohong's overalls had fallen on the instep of her feet, and she was unzipping the elastic cord of her shorts and reaching for something inside.

The white thighs, the tight-fitting cotton shorts, the wonderfully outlined shapes and mature and attractive lines, these factors were like a piece of fire burning quietly in Xia Lei's belly.

"Ah...Brother Lei Zi, you?" Zhou Xiaohong suddenly saw Xia Lei coming in. Most of her apple-like face suddenly turned red, and she quickly covered her legs with both hands.

Her situation is actually much better than that of Chi Jingqiu who was wearing a bikini, but she is a traditional and conservative mountain woman. Even if she is wearing shorts, she feels ashamed and dare not face Xia Lei.

Xia Lei also turned around quickly and said awkwardly: "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it..." Then he added, "I asked you to borrow a mirror, why are you taking off your pants?"

"I-I put it in the pocket of my shorts." Zhou Xiaohong said nervously.

Xia Lei was completely speechless. It was just a mirror. It couldn't be placed anywhere. Why should it be placed in the shorts that were worn next to it? What confused him even more was that she actually had pockets inside her shorts

Before he could figure it out, there was a rustling sound of putting on pants behind him, and then Zhou Xiaohong walked up to him and handed a mirror in front of him.

It was a very delicate and compact mirror. It was only three times larger than a one-yuan coin. The front was a smooth mirror, but the back was a silver shell with exquisite patterns.

Seeing this mirror, Xia Lei immediately understood why she was wearing her tight-fitting shorts. This mirror is an antique vanity mirror.

Sure enough, Zhou Xiaohong followed up and explained: "Brother Lei Zi, this mirror was left to me by my grandma. She said that her grandma used to be a maid in the Qing Palace. When the Qing Dynasty fell, she took some palace things and escaped. It came out. However, this is the only piece of mirror that was passed on to me. When I saw it, I seemed to see my grandma, so I cherished it very much. I was afraid of losing it, so I... hid it there. "

Xia Lei smiled, "Aren't you afraid of damaging it?"

Zhou Xiaohong said: "No, it's soft there and won't be damaged."

As soon as these words came out, both Xia Lei and her were stunned. Zhou Xiaohong's face turned red again.

"I, I went out to work." After saying that, Zhou Xiaohong left the inner room as if running away.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly and shook his head, not thinking about her soft spots. He took the mirror and looked at it. It was indeed an exquisite ancient mirror, with very particular materials and workmanship. He didn't understand the market for antiques, but he also knew that this mirror from the Qing Palace could be sold for thousands of dollars.

Xia Lei didn't study the ancient mirror much. He sat next to the wire bed where Zhou Xiaohong slept and handed the mirror to him. It was at this moment that he suddenly smelled a strange smell. The smell was a little mysterious, a little tantalizing. He had stopped thinking about the soft parts, but this mysterious smell seduced his mind to other places.

Then, he strangely found a black hair between the mirror and the corner of the silver case, slightly bent, looking so naughty. After seeing this hair, he was stunned for a moment, and suddenly he guessed its origin, and his brows wrinkled, "I'm so faint, this... Isn't this too elegant? I still need to use this mirror to study. Lip reading?”

After being in a daze for two minutes, Xia Lei carefully pulled out the curved hair, gently put it into Zhou Xiaohong's bed, and then started practicing lip language in front of the mirror.

The scene recorded by his left eye of Chi Jingqiu sitting on the toilet and talking on the phone kept reappearing in his mind. He could see the movements of her lips and the changes in the shape of her mouth as if he saw it with his own eyes. When he recalled these, his lips were also imitating Chi Jingqiu's lip shape when speaking, comparing the correct pronunciation one by one.

Lip reading is actually the product of eyesight, memory, and concentration. Anyone who meets these three conditions can learn lip reading. Of these three conditions, the most difficult one is eyesight, followed by memory, and finally concentration. This condition seems simple and everyone has it, but the real situation is that the vast majority of people cannot even meet the first condition. The reason is very simple. When people speak, the range of lip movement is actually very small, and the changes are very complicated. Ordinary people simply cannot capture these subtle and rapid changes, let alone remember them!

However, these two most difficult conditions to meet have turned into unique advantages for Xia Lei. His left eye has super long sight distance, the ability to see microscopically, and he will never forget what he has seen. Under these conditions, he is actually a natural lip reader!

"I'm in the office, haha... You are so bad... He wants to increase the price in the contract... Twenty percent... Half of the deposit... You are the head of the supply and demand department of Beechcraft Motor Company... Do you still care about this money... Okay, No problem... Director Zeng, can't you even trust me... Okay, I'll come to Qingquan Resort to accompany you... You bad guy... I'm hanging up, my dear, goodbye, Bo... "

Pronounced lip shape by lip shape and compared pronunciation one pronunciation. Although Chi Jingqiu only made three or four minutes of phone calls in the hotel bathroom, the phone call was not long and she didn't say much, but she had to use the content Lip reading is a very complex and difficult matter. It took Xia Lei a full two hours to decipher Chi Jingqiu's words through lip reading.

Two hours is a long time, but the gain is great. Not only did he know the identity of the client, but the greater gain was that through this interpretation, he opened the door to the world of lip reading. Now, he is not familiar with it yet, but once he is familiar with lip reading and has accumulated lip shapes to a certain extent, he will be able to quickly interpret anyone's lip reading! At that time, even if the person he was talking to was two hundred meters away, he could "see" what the other person was saying at a glance!

This is the extended ability of the left eye. With this ability, he will have one-to-zero attributes when he competes in the mall!

Five o'clock is approaching, and the employees of Thunder Horse Studio have finished their work for the day and are taking a rest. Xia Lei was still sitting on Zhou Xiaohong's wire bed, looking in the mirror, mumbling something.

"Boss Lei, isn't he suffering from some illness?" Chen Ajiao took a peek and said with worry on her face.

"Yes, he has been muttering for a long time. I noticed it when I was pouring water just now." Liu Xuebing said.

Zhou Xiaohong was unhappy, "What are you talking about? Brother Lei Zi is very normal, he won't get sick."

Ma Xiaoan also said: "Leizi is indeed a little abnormal during this period, but you don't have to worry, as long as he doesn't forget to treat us to dinner tonight."

Several new employees at the studio laughed.

They were talking at a long distance, and their voices were deliberately lowered so as not to be heard by Xia Lei, but they didn't know that Xia Lei was observing their mouth movements in the mirror and interpreting their words with lip language.

There is no shortcut to learning lip language. Observation and connection are very important. Xia Lei does not want to miss any opportunity to learn and practice lip language now.

"You say I'm sick, haha, I'm not sick. You'd better not say bad things about me behind my back in the future. As long as you are seen by me, I can interpret what you are talking about, haha!" Although I couldn't interpret what everyone was muttering. came out, but this time the quick interpretation was too vague, Xia Lei was very excited.

Zhou Xiaohong finally couldn't help but walked into the inner room with worry, and said tentatively: "Brother Lei Zi, are you okay?"

Xia Lei then finished his lip language practice. He stood up and handed the mirror to Zhou Xiaohong, smiling and saying, "I'm fine, I just looked at the acne on my face."

Zhou Xiaohong, "?"

Xia Lei walked out and said, "Put the mirror away. It is indeed very precious." When he went out, he closed the door.

Only then did Zhou Xiaohong come to her senses. Her face turned red inexplicably. Then she took off her pants and hid the mirror in the secret pocket of her shorts. There is no doubt that Xia Lei was the first person to know that there was a mirror hidden in her place.

When Xia Lei came out, everyone's eyes were focused on him, and everyone's eyes were full of curiosity and worry. He smiled and said, "It's okay. Why are you looking at me? Just change your clothes. We'll have a good meal later."

Ma Xiaoan laughed, "I said he was normal, haha!"

There was laughter in Rema's studio.

A Volkswagen cc parked on the side of the road opposite the studio. Chi Jingqiu got out of the car with a document bag in her hand.

Ma Xiaoan and others wisely left the studio, leaving room for Xia Lei and Chi Jingqiu to talk.

Xia Lei saw the workpieces he had processed personally placed on his desk, "Test it."

"No, I trust your craftsmanship." Chi Jingqiu just glanced at it lightly, opened the document bag, took out a contract from it, and said to Xia Lei: "The contract has been modified according to your requirements. Just take a look and sign if you have no problem."

Xia Lei read it over, but there was no signature on the contract from Director Zeng or a representative of Beechcraft Company, but from Chi Jingqiu. He was a little surprised by this situation, but not surprised either.

"Why is there no client's signature?" Xia Lei asked tentatively.

Chi Jingqiu smiled faintly, "My client trusts me very much and decided to let me be the full agent. Don't worry about it. Just sign and give me your account number. I will give you an advance payment of 150,000 yuan. If you make money, you still need to take care of it. Who does business? Or do you want to pry away my customers?"

Xia Lei smiled, signed the contract with his pen, and then told Chi Jingqiu his bank account number.

When Chi Jingqiu was making the payment, Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "You don't need to tell me to know that you went to Qingquan Resort to sleep with that manager Zeng, otherwise they would give you full authority to act as an agent and make you more money. ? Just wait, I will steal as many customers as you bring me."

"Okay, I've called you, please check." Chi Jingqiu put away her phone, then extended a hand to Xia Leisheng with a smile on her face, "Happy cooperation."

Xia Lei also smiled, "It's a pleasure to cooperate."