Tranxending Vision

Chapter 5: Call me sister


It was already late at night when I left the hospital.

Xia Lei returned home and walked into the living room. His sister Xia Xue walked out of her room.

Xia Xue is eighteen years old this year, and her appearance is somewhat similar to Xia Lei. She is 1.7 meters tall, has long legs, and is slim. She is a big girl that everyone loves.

"Brother, what have you been busy with these two days? When I called you in the afternoon, your mobile phone was turned off, and I couldn't find your construction site. I was worried to death." Xia Xue scolded her brother, But every word she said was laced with concern for Xia Lei.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "You're still up so late. Are you waiting for me?"

"Of course, if you don't come back, how can I sleep peacefully?" Xia Xue raised her mouth slightly. Xia Lei is her only relative in this world and her only support, so why doesn't she care about him

"It's okay, we have to work overtime at the construction site." Xia Lei said, "Sit down, I want to tell you something."

"What's the matter?" Xia Xue sat next to Xia Lei and looked at her brother curiously.

Xia Lei took out his wallet and put a bank card in Xia Xue's hand, "There is 30,000 yuan in this card. You can use it to pay your tuition."

"Thirty thousand yuan?" Xia Xue was immediately surprised, "Brother, where did you get so much money? Did you do something bad? Huh?"

Xia Lei pretended to have a serious face, "What are you talking about, girl? Is your brother the kind of person who does bad things? It's like this. I happened to save a person today. That person was very generous and gave me 50,000 yuan as a reward. . I think it’s our mother who is blessing us, so just hold it with peace of mind and don’t think wildly.”

"Brother, who did you save?" Xia Xue was very smart. Although Xia Lei's explanation was reasonable, she would not believe it easily.

Xia Lei knew that his sister would be difficult to deal with, so he had already prepared it. He took out the business card Long Bing gave him and handed it to Xia Xue, "Here, this is her business card. Well, she is from Kyoto. , if you encounter any trouble over there, you can call her."

Only then did Xia Xue believe Xia Lei's words. She breathed a sigh of relief and then giggled again, "Brother, it's a woman. Is she pretty?"

Long Bing's cold face suddenly appeared in Xia Lei's mind, and he said casually, "Beautiful, very beautiful."

"Hey, that's it! They even left you their phone number. This is a hint." Xia Xue said with a smile: "Brother, you're not young anymore, so you should take the initiative and invite people to have tea. Go watch a movie or something and exchange it for me as a sister-in-law as soon as possible."

"In exchange for your size, don't make fun of your brother or me." Xia Lei continued with a straight face, "Also, you should stay in school these days and don't come back."

"Why?" Xia Xue was unwilling.

Xia Lei said: "Then what..."

Xia Xue laughed and said, "I understand. You want to invite my future sister-in-law home, but you don't want me to be a lightbulb at home, right? Okay, I understand. I will stay in the dormitory tomorrow to live with my classmates."

Xia Lei didn't know how to coax her, but she took the initiative to convince herself, which saved trouble. Chen Chuanhu will not let him go, and he will not let Chen Chuanhu go. Letting Xia Xue stay at school temporarily in the past few days is also a safety guarantee.

"Brother, haven't you eaten yet? I'll cook you a bowl of noodles." Xia Xue began to care about her brother's stomach again.

When Xia Xue said this, Xia Lei's stomach suddenly rumbled. After returning from Macau, he knew that he was already starving without even a sip of water in his stomach.

"Forget it, pretend I didn't ask, I went to cook noodles for you." Xia Xue got up and walked to the kitchen.

Xia Lei lay on the sofa and relaxed completely. His eyes fell on a family photo on top of the TV cabinet. In that family photo were his mother, his father, and him and his sister. The family's faces were close to each other, and every face showed happiness. smile…

"Dad, where have you been? Do you know how I have lived these past few years?" Xia Lei whispered this quietly in his heart.

After eating noodles, Xia Lei went back to his room to rest. He was already exhausted from using his clairvoyance ability continuously throughout the day and fell asleep as soon as he went to bed. He slept until noon the next day and didn't wake up until Xia Xue left. He didn't even know when Xia Xue left.

There was a bowl of porridge, a plate of fried vegetables, a glass bottle, and a note under the glass bottle on the dining table.

There was a white capsule in the glass bottle. Seeing it, Xia Lei suddenly thought of his father Xia Changhe.

Xia Lei still clearly remembers that five years ago, that is, the year before his father disappeared, he was very weak. His father found a bottle of medicine from nowhere. This bottle of medicine only contained twelve white capsules. His father asked him to eat one pill every month. The effect of this medicine is very good. After taking the first pill, his physical condition improved a lot. Later, when he took the eleventh pill, his father disappeared, and he didn't know where the remaining pill went.

Now, this bottle of medicine appeared in front of Xia Lei again. The twelfth pill also lay quietly in the glass bottle.

Xia Lei picked up the note under the glass bottle. On the note was Xia Xue's message: Brother, when I was cleaning my father and mother's room in the morning, I found this medicine bottle and the ones you didn't finish. medicine. But since you are strong now, you probably don’t need to take this medicine anymore. He is something your father left for you, so you can keep it as a souvenir.

"This girl, she is so good. I don't know who will be lucky enough to marry her in the future. As a brother, I must keep a check on her." Xia Lei smiled and put the note and medicine on the TV. behind the framed family photo on the counter, then returned to the table for his breakfast and lunch.

After eating, Xia Lei went out.

After going downstairs, Xia Lei immediately saw Jiang Ruyi who was in a daze on the balcony. His heart moved and he walked over.

Jiang Ruyi didn't see Xia Lei at all. She held her cheeks and looked at the cup on the table. She didn't know whether she was thinking about some delicious food or a certain handsome man.

"Robbery!" A fierce voice suddenly came.

Jiang Ruyi was startled. When she looked up, she saw Xia Lei standing outside the fence. She glared and said, "Are you going to die? Are you scaring me like that?" Then she reached out to hit Xia Lei, but Xia Lei dodged. .

"Ruyi, I want to ask you a favor." Xia Lei said.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Ruyi said.

"It's like this. You work in the police station. Do you know a person named Li Qinghua?"

"He is our director, why don't I recognize him?" Jiang Ruyi stared at Xia Lei and asked tentatively: "What are you doing with our director?"

Xia Lei said, "I have something to ask him about. Well, can you tell me where he lives and what his mobile phone number is?"

Jiang Ruyi interrupted Xia Lei, "Why do you ask these questions?"

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Do you think I'm going to do bad things? Even if I do bad things, I won't be stupid enough to go to the police, right? It's a friend of mine who has something wrong, and he wants to find some connections. You know, in this world now Whatever you do, you have to find some connection.”

"So that's it." Jiang Ruyi took out her mobile phone from her pocket. She opened the contact window, then leaned on the stainless steel fence and handed the mobile phone to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei saw a photo of Li Qinghua, his mobile phone number, and home address. He remembered these contents, then handed the phone back to Jiang Ruyi, and said, "Thank you."

Jiang Ruyi put her phone away, pursed her lips and smiled, "No thank you, it's tacky, just call me sister."

Her smile was charming, and Xia Lei, who was about to leave, couldn't help but look at her one more time, and then his eyes inadvertently fell on her waist and hips. No matter what, his see-through breasts popped out uncontrollably, and Jiang Ruyi's uniform skirt and T-shirt suddenly turned into an almost invisible gauze, and then disappeared. The secret scenery of Jiang Ruyi's body was exposed to his sight in no way. Her breasts, buttocks, and long beautiful legs were white and tender. His heartbeat suddenly accelerated and his breathing became rapid.

"I really... shouldn't have done it." Xia Lei shook his head vigorously, and then lightly slapped himself to get rid of all the bad thoughts in his head.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Ruyi looked at Xia Lei curiously.

"Uh... it's nothing..." Xia Lei was extremely embarrassed, but in his panic, he suddenly had an idea and said, "It's a mosquito. I'll swat it."

At this moment, a mosquito actually settled on Jiang Ruyi's waist. I don't know whether it was to prove that his lie was true, or because he didn't want Jiang Ruyi to be bitten by mosquitoes, Xia Lei waved his hand and patted Jiang Ruyi on the small waist.

There was a crisp sound, and the small waist trembled slightly, and the plump part also trembled slightly. Jiang Ruyi was stunned for a moment, and most of her face turned red. She looked at Xia Lei, her mouth opened, and she didn't say a word for a long time.

Xia Lei handed the hitting hand to Jiang Ruyi, opened his palm, and revealed a swatted mosquito.

Jiang Ruyi glared at Xia Lei in shame.

Xia Lei explained awkwardly: "Mosquito, mosquito, it's okay, it has been killed."

But at this moment, another mosquito flew past Jiang Ruyi's eyes, slowly and leisurely flew to her butt and settled down. Jiang Ruyi looked at the mosquito sitting on her butt, and then at Xia Lei. She didn't speak, but her slightly fierce eyes seemed to send a signal - don't you like to fight mosquitoes? Here comes another one, do you dare to hit it? If you dare to hit me, I will kill you!

Xia Lei raised his hand, but in the end he did not lower it. He just waved it to scare away the mosquitoes.

He can still swat the mosquitoes on his waist, but he dare not swat the mosquitoes on his buttocks. That place is really too sensitive, that's right. If a man spanks a woman, what's the deal

"Okay, I'm leaving, see you later." Xia Lei didn't dare to stay for long and was about to run away.

Jiang Ruyi said: "Director Li likes to drink tea at the Jushanyuan Tea House. He likes to drink Taiwan's frozen top oolong tea the most. You tell your friend that if you ask Director Li to do something, you'd better buy some better oolong tea to take with you. Today is just the day. It's the weekend, if you ask your friend to go there to look for him, you will definitely find him."

"Yes, I remember." Xia Lei waved his hand and left.

"You haven't called me sister yet! Do you want to be a cheat?" Jiang Ruyi's voice came from behind.

"Sister!" Xia Lei smiled bitterly and quickened his pace.

"Remember, oolong tea!" It was Jiang Ruyi's voice again.

Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "Oolong tea? A scum like Li Qinghua, it's better if I treat him to drink urine!"

ps: Thanks to Brother Bajian for the reward, I hope you will like the new book. The new book list will be updated three times a day. I hope you will give me your votes!