Tranxending Vision

Chapter 56: Husband, where have you been?


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No matter how strong a woman is, she is still a woman, and sometimes she always needs a man to rely on. Copy the URL and visit http://%77%77%77%2e%76%6f%64%74%77%2e%63%6f%6d

In Liu Ying's eyes, Xia Lei is the man she can rely on.

Xia Lei thought for a moment, "The more you act like this, the more unscrupulous they become. Have you ever thought about it? Now they just send a thief to send you a threatening text message. If they lose their patience and hurt you and your children, What do you do? Unless you sell them what they want."

"I won't sell it even if I die!"

Xia Lei said: "Then call the police."

Liu Ying hesitated for a moment, then finally took out her phone and said, "Okay, I'll call the police now."

At this time, Lin Bo came over and greeted Laoyuan: "Mr. Liu, I have a friend who wants to get to know you. I wonder if you would like to meet him?"

Xia Lei then gave Liu Ying a wink, and Liu Ying also understood and put her phone away.

Lin Bo then said: "He is over there, Mr. Liu, I will take you there."

"What does he do?" Liu Ying didn't want to go.

Lin Bo is very good at observing people's words. He explained: "He is in the retail industry and has chain supermarkets and brand stores all over the country. I think it will be good for our company if you get to know her."

Liu Ying was a little moved when he heard what he said. She glanced at Xia Lei, as if she was asking for Xia Lei's opinion.

Xia Lei said: "Sister Liu, go ahead and don't worry about me."

"Then wait for me, I'll be back soon." Liu Ying left these words and followed Lin Bo.

The person Liu Ying was talking to was a stout young man in his early forties, wearing a valuable Patek Philippe watch and a string of valuable jade necklaces around his neck. He gave the impression that he was a wealthy and wealthy man. powerful person. When Xia Lei looked away, Lin Bo left the table and walked towards a young woman.

The young woman's appearance was somewhat similar to Limbaugh's. She was wearing a long hollow skirt. She was sexy and beautiful. She was a very eye-catching woman.

Xia Lei's heart skipped a beat, "Could that woman be Lin Bo's sister Lin Yaru? What would the two of them talk about?"

Curious, Xia Lei locked his eyes on Lin Bo and the young woman, interpreting their conversation with lip reading.

"Brother, who is that boy following Liu Ying?" It turned out to be Lin Bo's sister Lin Yaru. She glanced at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei avoided her gaze in time, then changed his angle and continued to focus on her and Lin Bo, using lip reading to interpret the conversation between the brother and sister.

Lin Bo said: "He is just a poor boy who has a studio. Liu Ying signed a long-term contract with him to supply parts."

"Is he the one who helped Liu Ying get back the design information?" Lin Yaru said.

"It was him. If it weren't for him, we wouldn't be so passive." Limbaugh said.

After interpreting Lin Bo's words, Xia Lei's heart suddenly shook. There is indeed something wrong with this Lin Bo!

"He's already urging us. We have to get it done quickly. We can't fail again this time." Lin Yaru said.

"Don't worry, a widow or a young boy, they are no match for us." As he spoke, Lin Bo's eyes fell on Liu Ying and the young man.

Xia Lei's heart moved and he also moved his gaze to the corner where the young man and Liu Ying were. Liu Ying was sitting with her back to him, so she couldn't see her face, so she couldn't read her lips. The young man was facing him, just enough to see his face and read his lips.

"... Mr. Liu, I am not boasting about Haikou. If your products are sold by me, with the sales channels I have now, selling them will not be a problem at all. To tell you the truth, I am currently building construction projects in Mingkun City and Shudu City. Large shopping mall, develop the western market, your products will also sell well in the western region..." The young man was boasting, foaming at the mouth.

Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "This guy, the most important product of Yuedong Sports is surfboards. Can that thing be sold well in the west? Will consumers buy it back and surf in the ravine? This is a flaw, why didn't Sister Liu find it? ?”

At this time, the young man poured Liu Ying a glass of wine and said with a smile on his face: "Mr. Liu, let's have another drink for our cooperation."

Xia Lei couldn't see Liu Ying's face or hear her voice, but he saw her raise her wine glass. He suddenly realized something in his heart, and his left eye fell on the wine glass raised by Liu Ying. The wine glass was instantly "teleported" to his eyes and then magnified.

The scarlet wine liquid contained some light-colored powder that was invisible to the naked eye. They were quickly dissolving, and the undissolved ones settled to the bottom of the goblet, forming a thin layer of sediment. Wine also has sediment, but the color is purple-red instead of a light color similar to white. It was obvious that the wine was drugged.

A drugged woman will not react normally no matter what is said to her.

Xia Lei walked over quickly, but before he reached the corner, Liu Ying drank the glass of red wine.

The young man stood up and came to Liu Ying's side. He reached out to help Liu Ying and said, "Mr. Liu, you are drunk. I will take you back."

Liu Ying was helped up by the young man. She was mumbling something, but she couldn't hear clearly.

A few respectable guests nearby cast disdainful glances. It was a shame to get drunk at such a high-end cocktail party.

Lin Bo suddenly spotted Xia Lei walking towards him quickly. He came up to meet him and said with a smile: "Mr.

Xia Lei moved his feet and nimbly walked around Lin Bo. Lin Bo stretched out his hand to pull him, but unfortunately he was half a beat too late. In the blink of an eye, Xia Lei had already reached Liu Ying's side. He reached out and took Liu Ying's other hand to prevent the young man from taking Liu Ying away.

The young man looked at Xia Lei in surprise, and his face instantly darkened.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Sir, please give her to me."

"Who are you?" the young man asked in a conspiratorial tone.

Xia Lei's expression remained as usual, and he remained calm, "I'm her brother, we came together. She was drunk, so I sent her back. Is there any problem?"

"You..." Of course the young man was unwilling, but he could not give an excuse to take Liu Ying away.

When a woman is drunk, her brother wants to take her home. This is normal. It would be abnormal for a man who got her drunk to take her away.

The young man let go of Liu Ying's hand reluctantly, but glanced at Lin Yaru.

Lin Yaru and Lin Bo both came over.

Lin Yaru looked at Xia Lei with a charming smile on her face, "Is this Mr. Xia Leixia? I often hear Sister Liu mention you. It's rare for you to come to such a reception, and you don't want to leave so early, right?" Let's do this, you leave Sister Liu to me, I'll take her to the lounge to have a rest, and I'll make her some sour plum soup or something to sober up."

With that said, Lin Yaru came to help Liu Ying.

At this time Liu Ying muttered, "I want to go home... haha... so many stars..."

Xia Lei said, "Did you hear that? Sister Liu said she wanted to go home. That's it. I'll take her home. I don't want to stay at this cocktail party anymore." After saying that, he helped Liu Ying and walked towards the entrance of the hall.

Lin Bo, Lin Yaru and the young man looked at each other. The three of them really wanted to chop Xia Lei to death and chop him into pieces. But in reality, they could only watch helplessly as Xia Lei helped Liu Ying leave and slowly disappeared from their sight.

Walking out of the hall, Xia Lei's heart suddenly dropped.

After things changed like this, he was already sure that the traitor around Liu Ying was Lin Bo, and Lin Bo was not acting alone. His sister Lin Yaru was also involved, as well as a young man whose identity was not yet known, and The sissy snitch that night. But that's not all. Lin Yaru mentioned a person, and that person was probably the mastermind behind these four people. However, neither Lin Yaru nor Lin Bo mentioned that person's name.

"I have no evidence, and that sissy didn't show up. Even if I expose Limbaugh's identity as a traitor, he can deny it, and there's nothing I can do against him. I'd better hold on tight first, and don't alert the snake. I'll get rid of Sister Liu first." Let's send it back and talk about it later." Xia Lei thought secretly in his heart.

"I want to sleep..." Liu Ying suddenly said something.

Xia Lei put his thoughts away and helped her walk to the parking lot while saying, "I'll take you home right now."

"Husband... I miss you so much... Where have you been during this time?" Liu Ying looked at Xia Lei in confusion.

Xia Lei's heart suddenly felt sour. He couldn't bear to destroy her illusion. He said softly: "I haven't gone anywhere. I've always been by your side."

Liu Ying suddenly hugged his waist and kissed his lips.

The soft and moist lips, the clumsy and reckless tongue, the unprecedented sensitivity, Xia Lei's body suddenly froze. He wanted to push her away, but he couldn't bear it. But he turned his head away in the end. He was not the kind of person who wanted to take advantage of others while they were drugged.

Liu Ying wanted to move closer to his face, but Xia Lei picked her up and said, "I'll take you home."

"Let's go home and sleep, husband..." Liu Ying said vaguely. She curled up in Xia Lei's arms, as quiet as a child.

Xia Lei carried Liu Ying and walked to her Audi Q7. He found the car key from Liu Ying's handbag, opened the door, and put Liu Ying on the back seat sofa. When he walked to the cab, he suddenly stopped. He looked at the steering wheel in the cab, his brows furrowed, and then he remembered a problem - he was not very good at driving.

Lin Bo and Lin Yaru appeared at the door of the hall, as well as the young man. The three of them looked straight at Xia Lei.

Xia Lei didn't look around, but he spotted the three of them out of the corner of his eye in time. Just after discovering the appearance of Lin Bo and the others, he got into the cab, turned on the engine, carefully drove the car out of the parking lot, and then entered the road down the mountain.

He was very nervous at the beginning. The car was not much faster than walking. But after driving for a while, he gradually got used to it and became less nervous. After getting a little familiar with it, he lifted the car forty yards and drove towards the Gold Coast.

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