Tranxending Vision

Chapter 61: Threat mark


"Xiaoxue, I'm back." Xia Lei said subconsciously when opening the door.

No one answered in the room, it was quiet.

Xia Lei then remembered that Xia Xue was already studying in Kyoto and was not at home. He shook his head and smiled bitterly. This was actually not the first time he had made such a mistake. When Xia Xue was at home, he didn't feel anything, it was a accustomed feeling, but after Xia Xue left, he realized that he missed her so deeply. After all, she is his dependent sister, his only relative in this world.

After closing the door and entering the living room, Xia Lei's expression suddenly became solemn.

The room looked fine, but he knew someone had come in because the arrangement of some items was not the same as before. Although there are only some subtle changes, even the subtle changes cannot escape his left eye. He can recall the environment that his left eye has seen, even if there is some garbage in the trash can, let alone Said it was changed by others!

The thief who sneaked into the house turned over a lot of things, and then tried his best to restore the turned things to their original positions, but he was unable to fully restore them. For example, the drawer of the TV cabinet. Xia Lei remembered that the gap in the drawer was only one centimeter wide. Through that gap, a screwdriver placed inside could be seen. But now the gap has become two centimeters wide. What can be seen through the gap is It's not a screwdriver either, but an unused plugboard.

"Is it that sissy?" Xia Lei suddenly thought of the thief with the beautiful face that all women envy, "If it's him, then Gu Kewen has already taken action against me, but... she sent What is a thief looking for when he comes to my house? The patent application has been approved. Even if she steals the design information, it will be useless, not to mention that the patented design is not with me at all. So, if she is not here for the patented design, she What do you want from me?"

After thinking about it, he couldn't think of what Gu Kewen sent that sissy snitch to his home to look for.

After a long silence, Xia Lei walked to the TV cabinet and took away the family photo frame placed on the TV cabinet. The glass bottle is still there, and so are the pills in the glass bottle, lying quietly at the bottom of the bottle. It's ordinary, but it gives people a sense of story.

Xia Lei put the photo frame back into place and then moved to the window. His left eye twitched slightly, and a faint footprint came into his sight. The footprints were small and looked like those of a woman. He then scanned the entire room, seeing faint footprints everywhere on the ground. Even the police trace expert needs to sprinkle auxiliary materials such as fluorescent powder to see such footprints, but he can see them at a glance.

This is the microscopic ability of the left eye. He can see extremely small things, but ordinary people need the assistance of a magnifying glass to see.

The footprints extended from the living room to the door of the bedroom. There were footprints in his bedroom and there were also footprints at the door of Xia Xue's bedroom.

Xia Lei followed the footprints and entered his room. His bedroom was full of footprints left by thieves. The drawers of the bedside table and the drawers under the wardrobe all showed signs of being turned over.

Xia Lei casually opened a bedside table, and the underwear inside was turned around in a mess. His brows suddenly furrowed, "Pervert!"

After some inspection, Xia Lei found that although the thief had rummaged through his things, he had not stolen anything. There was an emergency cash of 10,000 yuan in the closet drawer, but the thief did not take it.

Thieves who don't steal money can only have other motives.

Xia Lei then came to his sister Xia Xue's room. The situation was similar. The thief went through all the drawers but didn't steal anything.

After checking it, Xia Lei's eyes suddenly fell on a writing table under the window sill. It was Xia Xue's desk, with a large pile of review materials before the college entrance examination on it, as well as a photo frame containing a graduation photo of Xia Xue. But what he saw was not the smiling Xia Lei in the photo, but an "x" symbol drawn on the glass of the photo frame with a red marker.

The "x" symbol was very small, occupying only one square centimeter, but Xia Lei still saw it. In his left eye, an object of one square centimeter would be as eye-catching as a house. This "x" symbol is painted on the photo frame, with Xia Xue's forehead underneath. It's not difficult to understand what it means - it's a threatening signal!

Xia Lei's face was ashen, he clenched his fists, and after a while he gritted his teeth and said: "Gu Kewen, I don't care who you are, if you dare to hurt my sister, even if it's a hair, I will kill you! "

After his father disappeared mysteriously, Xia Lei actually played not only the role of brother in this family, but also the role of father. If someone wants to hurt Xia Xue, he will definitely fight for that person, even the second young lady of the Gu family is no exception!

The thief finally left through Xia Xue's window because the footprints on the window sill pointed outwards.

Xia Lei's heart moved, and he followed out the door, went downstairs, and followed the footprints left by the thief.

The footprints are getting lighter and lighter, and some of them are covered with other people's footprints. After chasing him into an alley behind the community, the footprints disappeared and there was a motorcycle tire mark on the ground, heading towards the other end of the alley.

The thief was riding a motorcycle.

Xia Lei switched to chasing the tire marks of the motorcycle and continued tracking.

At the end of the alley is a street, and the tracks of the motorcycle extend forward along the street. Some places are obvious, some places cannot be seen. Xia Lei gave up after walking a distance of twenty or thirty meters on the street. The street was full of tire marks. There were cars, motorcycles, and electric scooters. They were crushing each other and mixed together, making it impossible to tell them apart. Know who is who. In addition, he had a strong discomfort reaction due to the ability to continue to use his left eye, dizziness and weakness in his limbs.

If it was a simple environment, he might be able to keep tracking, but on a road with busy traffic, this would definitely not be possible.

After resting for a few minutes, Xia Lei returned to the community. Instead of going home, he knocked on Jiang Ruyi's door.

Jiang Ruyi had just finished exercising. She was still wearing Adidas brand sports shorts and a tight vest. The soft elastic cotton fabric was tightly attached to her skin, like her second skin. The exercise made her sweat all over, and crystal sweat beads could be seen everywhere on her white and tender skin. The sweat beads also wetted her sports shorts and tight vest, making them hazy and transparent. In this way, some areas will be clearly defined by the wet cloth. They can't speak, but they seem to be saying playful and shy words in a provocative language, which is extremely sultry and seductive.

Xia Lei didn't know where to turn his eyes.

Jiang Ruyi was naturally generous. She wiped her forehead with a towel, and then wiped her chest. She said, "You knocked on my door in the middle of the night. What will the neighbors think when they see you?"

Xia Lei coughed awkwardly and said, "We have been like this for so many years. They are used to it and they won't think about it. I'll get the car. Give me the keys. I'll go out and do some errands."

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Ruyi's tone contained a hint of suspicion.

Xia Lei said: "Don't worry about it, just leave it to me."

"Don't go looking for women, right? If you are caught by the anti-pornography and anti-illegal crimes team, don't say you know me." Jiang Ruyi said.

Xia Lei, "..."

"Wait for me, I'll get you the key." Jiang Ruyi turned around and went to get the key.

Xia Lei looked at her back, with a small waist and pert hips, long plump legs, and an indescribable youthfulness and beauty. In just an instant, Jiang Ruyi's shorts and vest flew away.

Xia Lei closed his eyes and lowered his head, thinking secretly: "Why can't I control my eyes with her?"

In terms of beauty, Shentu Tianyin was far prettier than Jiang Ruyi, but he had never looked into Shentu Tianyin's thoughts and desires, but when it came to Jiang Ruyi, he couldn't help it. This seems to be an unsolvable matter.

Jiang Ruyi quickly brought a car key, but it was not the key to the Great Wall h6, but the key to her broken Volkswagen Polo.

Xia Lei held the car key, and after a while he said, "This is your car key, I want mine."

"Take it if you want it, don't push me down." Jiang Ruyi said angrily: "Everyone in the bureau said that I bought a new car, and I acquiesced. You can't let me drive that small car to work again, right? ? I am the director, and the director has to be the director's dignity. Let me drive your car for a few years."

"How many years have you been open?" Xia Lei didn't know how to talk to her anymore. In short, he was not normal.

"That's it, let's go and do things. I won't talk to you anymore as a man and a woman alone." Jiang Ruyi said, and then before Xia Lei could say a word, she closed the door with a bang.

Xia Lei, however, was still stunned at the door of Director Jiang, and said in a confused tone: "A man and a woman alone? You are a man and a woman alone. How big are you? If I had known, I wouldn't have lent you my car."

A new car costs more than 100,000 yuan. Xia Lei drives it less than 15 kilometers. Now the car is occupied by Director Jiang. If you do the math, it's almost 10,000 yuan per kilometer - even driving a Bugatti Veyron is not that expensive!

After a while, Xia Lei left the community in Jiang Ruyi's tattered Polo and drove slowly in the direction he had followed before.

There was no clear direction and no traces on the ground, but he stubbornly wanted to try his luck. The chance of finding the thief in this way is no different from finding a needle in a haystack, but even with such a slim hope, he doesn't want to give up - if he dares to use Xia Xue to threaten him, no matter who the other party is, he has already provoked him!

It was actually not too late at this time. There were many vehicles on the streets and many people walking on the sidewalks. Xia Lei drove the polo car carefully, driving forward aimlessly at a speed of thirty yards. His eyes kept searching the streets on both sides and the people passing by. Although he did not see the appearance of the thief, he was also suspicious of the sissy he saw at Liu Ying's house that night. Therefore, once he finds someone with similar characteristics to that sissy, he will observe them carefully and rule them out before leaving.

The route Xia Lei chose was a straight line with no turns. If it turns, the range will be too large and impossible to track. He had a hope in his heart that the other party would also walk in a straight line and then park the motorcycle on the side of the road. In this case, he would be more likely to find the guy. Of course, this is just a hope, and the chances of this happening are pitifully small.

Flashing neon lights, street shops, and all kinds of pedestrians shuttled through Xia Lei's field of vision. Two hours passed like this, and the straight road came to an end. There was a T-shaped intersection ahead. There was a road to the left and a road to the other. Xia Lei didn't know whether to go left or right, so he stopped the car.