Tranxending Vision

Chapter 66: Long-legged Wing Chun girl


The woman who walked in from the door was in her early twenties, dragging a suitcase. She was tall, long-legged, young and beautiful. Especially her long legs under her shorts, which were fair and smooth and accounted for more than half of her height, were particularly eye-catching. With her legs like this, she has completely become a first-class leg model.

The woman's breasts were very firm. A white round-neck T-shirt was stretched high and tight, and the shape was like two large-caliber artillery shells. Coupled with a delicate face and long black hair, she is like Angelina Jolie in Hollywood blockbusters, sexy and charming but with a bit of a man's bravery and fearlessness.

This is a very special woman, Xia Lei thought to himself. However, he had never seen her in the past few days since he came, but judging from the tone of her conversation with Lu Sheng, she was not a new student.

"Liang Siyao, when did you come back?" Lu Sheng followed and greeted him with a flattering smile on his face.

Liang Siyao? Xia Lei glanced at Liang Zhengchun, and then at Liang Siyao who was approaching. He suddenly discovered that Liang Siyao and Liang Zhengchun looked somewhat similar.

Liang Siyao said: "I just got off the plane this morning. Dad, I'm back."

Liang Zhengchun's expression was still serious, "You didn't even call me when you came back. Do you still think of me as your father?"

Liang Siyao smiled and said, "Dad, I don't want you to get hurt when you go to the airport. Isn't it nice for my daughter to feel sorry for you?"

"How long will you stay here this time?" Liang Zhengchun asked.

Liang Siyao said: "I won't leave when I come back this time. Dad, I have quit my job there. From now on, I will be with you every day, okay?"

"Okay, haha." Liang Zhengchun suddenly smiled.

When people get old, they just want their children by their side. Nothing else. Being able to see them every day is a blessing and a kind of comfort.

Lu Sheng said with a smile: "Siyao, if you come back as an assistant coach, there will definitely be a lot more new students in the boxing gym."

Liang Siyao also smiled in return, "I'll put down the salutes and talk to you when I come back." She carried her suitcase and walked towards the door of the inner room. Passing by Xia Lei, she said, "Don't argue with the monk, he is a rough man." One person.”

Monk is Lu Sheng's nickname, and many students who are close to him call him Lu Zhishen.

Xia Lei smiled and said, "No, we are joking."

Liang Siyao walked into the back room carrying her suitcase. She had a small waist, pert hips and long legs. Her back was particularly beautiful.

Xia Lei looked away. In fact, as long as he had a slight thought, this long-legged Wing Chun girl would come into his sight without any cover, but he didn't want to do that. It is extremely difficult for other men to see a woman's most primitive body, which is why it is mysterious, but it is too easy for him. A single thought can achieve the goal, so those mysteries have long lost their sense of mystery to him. Not as attractive anymore. In addition, he doesn't want to degenerate in this area, so he can often maintain restraint. Of course, Jiang Ruyi is an exception.

"Boy." Lu Sheng looked at Xia Lei, "Have you ever practiced Wing Chun before?"

Xia Lei shook his head, "No."

Lu Sheng didn't believe it, "Are you lying? I just watched you hit a wooden dummy. You were pretty good at it. It took me eight months of training to reach your level. How dare you say that you haven't practiced before?"

"I really haven't practiced before." Xia Lei didn't want to explain.

At this time Liang Zhengchun came over. He pointed at the wooden man stake and said, "Leizi, hit him again and let me see."

"Okay." Xia Lei walked to the wooden dummy, lowered his waist and took a breath, then hit it one by one.

This time when driving the wooden dummy, his left eye still sent to his brain the image of Liang Zhengchun driving the wooden dummy before, and he still learned how to hit it. However, this time it was more skillful and faster than the previous one. In fact, this is not about how strong his comprehension ability is, but that he has begun to learn to adapt to the delivery speed of his left eye, and his body is becoming more and more adaptable to this "imitation show"-like mode, able to move faster and more accurately. Imitate Liang Zhengchun's movements.

This process seems complicated and magical, but it is actually the same as the aunt who dances in the square and learns dance moves from DVDs. It's just that the aunts' DVDs are placed on the flower stand, while Xia Lei's "DVD" is his left eye and part of his body. This is also his unique advantage that others cannot surpass.

Bang bang bang, bang bang bang…

Xia Lei hits faster and faster, and hits more accurately. He was completely immersed in the world of Wing Chun and forgot everything around him.

Several veteran students stopped practicing and came over to watch Xia Lei hit the wooden dummy.

A large group of people, including Liang Zhengchun, were stunned by the strange sight in front of them. In their eyes, Xia Lei was not a rookie who had just learned Wing Chun for a few days, but a veteran who had been immersed in Wing Chun for at least ten years, hiding his secrets and pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger.

"Isn't it possible? Is this kid a new student?" An old student who had studied Wing Chun for a year opened his mouth wide and couldn't believe his eyes, because even if he went up to hit the wooden dummy, he couldn't hit Xia. Ray is at this level now.

"Definitely not. This kid is very scheming and pretending to be a rookie. He couldn't be sent by another faction to cause trouble, right?" said a veteran student.

"Isn't he here to pick up girls?" someone said.

"It's possible. Liang Shijie is so upright, I'm sure this kid has such thoughts." Someone said.

"What are you talking nonsense about? Senior Sister Liang works in the United States and rarely comes back twice a year. This guy has never even seen her face. What would he think like this? Damn it, let me see, he must be someone else. They were sent by the faction to cause trouble," someone said.

Several students murmured and discussed lively, but also in a low voice.

Lu Sheng's face became darker and darker. He moved closer to Liang Zhengchun and whispered: "Master Liang, he said he only studied Wing Chun for a few days. Look at this skill. Is he someone who has studied Wing Chun for a few days? ?”

Liang Zhengchun shook his head thoughtfully and held out three fingers. "From what I see, I have been practicing for at least three years."

Lu Sheng said: "Master Liang, you have been practicing Wing Chun all your life. If you said three years, it must be three years. So why did this kid lie?"

"It's not like, like..." Liang Zhengchun frowned, and he suddenly felt unsure again. In his eyes, Xia Lei was covered in an invisible fog.

At this time Liang Siyao came out and stood beside Liang Zhengchun watching Xia Lei hit the wooden stake. As she watched, she also showed a surprised look, "Dad, what's this student's name? Why haven't I seen him before?"

"His name is Xia Lei." Liang Zhengchun said, "He has only been here a few days, so of course you haven't seen him before."

"Has he practiced before?" Liang Siyao said.

Liang Zhengchun shook his head, "No, he said it was his first time learning Wing Chun."

Liang Siyao's little mouth suddenly opened wide, looking very surprised, "It's impossible, he's so skilled in this skill, can he be someone who has only learned Wing Chun for a few days?"

Liang Zhengchun said: "He is an honest person and does not look like someone who can tell lies. However, he does not look like someone who has just learned Wing Chun. I am not sure, I can't see through him."

Liang Siyao said: "This is not simple. If I practice with him, won't I know his details?"

Lu Sheng said: "Siyao, let me go, I will fight with him."

"Go, go, you have a bad temper and don't know the severity of your attacks. It would be better for me to go." Liang Siyao said, and she walked towards Xia Lei.

Xia Lei just finished his last move and withdrew his fists and kicks.

He was very tired after this trip of driving the wooden dummy. There were beads of sweat on his forehead and body. His hands and feet were so sore, and many places were red and swollen. After all, what he hit with his fists and feet was hard wood. Although his hands were calloused, they would definitely be damaged if he kept hitting the wooden stakes.

After driving down the wooden dummy this time, Xia Lei gained a new understanding of the secrets of Wing Chun's power, which can be considered a gain.

"Xia Lei, right?" Liang Siyao said with a smile, "You played well."

Only then did Xia Lei realize that Liang Siyao had come to his side. He also smiled and said politely: "Ms. Liang is just laughing. I'm just practicing blindly."

"You're so good after practicing blindly?"

Xia Lei smiled and said nothing.

"Are you interested in sparring with me?" Liang Siyao said.

Xia Lei shook his head and said, "I've only been studying for a few days and I don't understand many things. I'm no match for you, so I'd better give up."

Liang Siyao suddenly stepped forward and punched Xia Lei in the chest.

Xia Lei didn't expect that she would suddenly attack. He didn't react in time and was immediately punched by Liang Siyao. Even though Liang Siyao is a delicate and delicate woman, her fist strength is not inferior to that of men at all. This punch immediately knocked him back two steps, and his chest also felt burning.

Before Xia Lei could regain his footing, Liang Siyao forced himself in front of Xia Lei and kicked Xia Lei on the crook of the leg. The force of the sweep immediately knocked Xia Lei to the ground, causing him to fall into a miserable state.

Several students watching the excitement immediately cheered, and Lu Sheng even applauded exaggeratedly.

"You attacked me for no reason, and you were so cruel, damn it!" Xia Lei cursed in his mind, turned over and got up, and then made a starting gesture, ready to fight Liang Siyao.

"You should have been like this a long time ago." After the voice fell, Liang Siyao moved, and in the blink of an eye, she was in front of Xia Lei again, and punched Xia Lei in the heart.

This time Xia Lei was on guard, and with a move of his right hand, he pushed Liang Siyao's fist to the side, and his right elbow also hit Liang Siyao's waist.

Liang Siyao lowered his left hand, held down Xia Lei's right elbow, and pushed forward with all his strength. The two of them completed their respective offensive and defensive actions in the blink of an eye, and no one could hit the other.

The two looked at each other and instantly started fighting again.

Liang Siyao followed Liang Zhengchun to learn Wing Chun since childhood. The experience and level are not comparable to that of Xia Lei, a beginner, but Xia Lei also has his advantage, which is his left eye. No matter how fast Liang Zhengchun is, as long as he can't go faster than his left eye, it's not considered fast for him. Therefore, once he locked Liang Siyao with his left eye, he had a prediction before Liang Siyao attacked, which allowed him to avoid Liang Siyao's vicious attacks every time.

The two of them were punching each other, kicking each other, and elbowing each other. They were inseparable. As time went by, Xia Lei received several punches and kicks, and Liang Siyao also received several punches and kicks from Xia Lei. It was a close fight.

As he was punching Xia Lei, a thought came to his mind, "I am a man, and my strength must be greater than Liang Siyao's, but the fist she hit me seems to be stronger than me. This must be related to the strength she exerts." It's about technique. My left eye can catch her movements. No matter how fast she is, she can't be faster than my left eye, but can I see her exerting force? If I can see, I can quickly master Wing Chun. Once I master the secret of punching force, I won't be afraid of opponents like Lu Sheng!"

As soon as this thought came to his mind, his left eye twitched slightly, and the T-shirt and bra on Liang Siyao disappeared in a flash. His field of vision was filled with white flowers, the white areas were like spring snow, and the pink areas were like peach blossoms in March. The alluring sight immediately stunned him for a moment, and his reaction was half a beat too slow.

"Hey!" With a sweet shout, Liang Siyao kicked Xia Lei on the abdomen.

With a muffled bang, Xia Lei fell to the ground, clutching his stomach.

"Are you okay?" Liang Siyao hurriedly went to help Xia Lei.

Xia Lei quickly closed his eyes and cursed in his heart, "You deserve it!"