Tranxending Vision

Chapter 71: Two hundred thousand dollars buys a thief


The woman finished her hair and left the Meizhimei Hair Salon. She should be Qin Xiang's last customer today. After she left, Qin Xiang closed the door.

"Xiangxiang, are you going home or going to the hospital?" Alan asked.

"I will go to the hospital to see my mother and then go back." Qin Xiang said.

"Have you collected enough for the surgery?" Alan asked again.

Qin Xiang frowned, "It's still a little short, but I will find a way. Just leave this matter alone, go back, and come to open the store early tomorrow morning."

"Okay, goodbye." Alan rode on a battery car and left.

Qin Xiang also got on his Yamaha motorcycle, drove into the driveway and headed to the road on the left.

A red polo car started to follow and the distance of several hundred meters passed in the blink of an eye. It also entered the road on the left and shortened the distance between it and the Yamaha motorcycle.

Although the distance was shortened, Xia Lei still kept the distance between the polo car and the Yamaha motorcycle at about two hundred meters and followed from a distance. Qin Xiang is a snitch, very vigilant, and has far more experience than ordinary people. Tracking him is not an easy task.

After about ten kilometers, Qin Xiang arrived at a hospital.

A signboard hangs on the main doorpost of the hospital, which reads "Haizhu City Springfield Hospital." Xia Lei has heard of this hospital. It is a private hospital. The fees are much more expensive than public hospitals, but the services are much better than public hospitals. He did not drive his car into the hospital. When Qin Xiang stopped his motorcycle and walked towards the hospital building, he also parked his car next to the gate, then got off the car and entered the hospital gate.

Qin Xiang walked into the lobby of the hospital, and a little girl in a nurse's uniform at the reception desk greeted her from afar: "Sister Qin, you are here. What gifts did you bring this time?"

"No, let's do it next time. I'll buy you something delicious next time." Qin Xiang said with a smile, "You little greedy cat."

The little nurse raised her mouth and said, "Can you do my hair later?"

The little nurse was very difficult to deal with, but Qin Xiang remained polite. He said, "Come to my store tomorrow and I will do it for you myself. It's free, okay?"

"Okay, Sister Qin, you are so kind." The little nurse smiled.

Qin Xiang walked through the hall and entered the elevator.

Xia Lei walked into the lobby and watched the numbers beside the elevator door beating. The elevator stops on the fifth floor.

Xia Lei walked to the reception desk and said with a smile: "Ms. Nurse, has Qin Xiang been here?"

"Do you know Qin Xiang?" The little nurse looked at Xia Lei with strange eyes.

Xia Lei nodded, "Yes, we are friends. Can you tell me that he has been here? I called him and he turned off his phone. I have something very important to talk to him about."

The little nurse said: "He went to see his mother in Ward 201 on the fifth floor. You can find him there."

Xia Lei said: "Thank you. By the way, what disease does his mother have? I asked him, but he never refused to tell me."

The little nurse said: "His mother has uterine cancer and needs chemotherapy and then surgery." After a pause, she added: "You should comfort him more. This disease can be cured if treated in time, but the cost is a bit high. .”

"How much will it cost?" Xia Lei asked casually.

"Five hundred thousand." said the little nurse.

"Oh, thank you, I'll go up first." Xia Lei left the reception area.

The little nurse watched Xia Lei enter the elevator and said to herself: "Such a handsome man is with Qin Xiang, what's wrong with this world?"

Fortunately, Xia Lei didn't hear these words, otherwise he would have had goosebumps on his back. After getting out of the elevator, there was a corridor in front of him. There were wards on both sides of the corridor. The fluorescent lamps above cast a cold light. There was no one there. The place seemed particularly deserted, and there was a cold atmosphere everywhere.

Xia Lei quickly found Room 201. The door of the ward was closed, but this was no obstacle at all. His left eye twitched slightly, and the scene in the ward came into his sight.

There are three beds in the ward, two are occupied and one is empty. A female patient, about fifty years old, was lying on the ward near the door. She was drinking from a water cup. There was a woman lying on the bed under the innermost window of the ward. She looked relatively young, about forty years old, but she was lying motionless on the bed. Qin Xiang stood by the hospital bed under the window and looked at the female patient. The female patient was obviously his mother.

"Qin Xiang, your mother just fell asleep." said the female patient who was drinking water.

"Aunt Zhao, how is my mother today?" Qin Xiang's voice was gentler than a woman's.

The female patient known as Aunt Zhao said: "It's not very good. She is very worried about her disease. In fact, you should advise your mother and give her more guidance. This kind of disease needs an optimistic attitude to face it. If you treat it every day Worry and fear will make your condition worse."

Qin Xiang said: "I will enlighten her."

"Really, you should spend more time with your mother. Your barber shop should be closed temporarily for a while. Your mother doesn't even have anyone to accompany her here. How can she be in a good mood?"

There was a hint of shame on Qin Xiang's face, and he said: "It costs so much money to treat a disease. If I don't make money, how can I treat my mother's disease?"

"Hey." The female patient known as Aunt Zhao sighed, put down her water glass, got into bed and went to sleep.

Seeing this, Xia Lei returned his left eye to normal. He reached out and pushed open the door of the ward.

When Qin Xiang saw Xia Lei appearing at the door, his expression suddenly changed, and then he walked towards Xia Lei, his eyes full of anger.

Xia Lei took two steps back and stood against the wall of the corridor.

Qin Xiang walked out of the ward and closed the door. Suddenly he turned around and kicked Xia Lei in the chest.

Xia Lei reached out and neutralized Qin Xiang's attack with ease, then grabbed Qin Xiang's ankle and pulled him forward. Qin Xiang was immediately pulled under the wall by him and almost hit him.

Qin Xiang looked at Xia Lei in surprise. He couldn't understand why Xia Lei suddenly became so powerful. However, his surprise was overshadowed by his anger in the blink of an eye, and he hit Xia Lei in the face with a backhand elbow.

Xia Lei raised his hand to support his elbow and used his strength to deflect Qin Xiang's attack again. After that, he took a step back and said loudly: "If you want to fight, I will accompany you and we will fight outside. This is a hospital and your mother is still in the ward. Do you want to wake her up and let her see us fighting?" "

This sentence was very effective. Qin Xiang calmed down immediately and stopped taking action, but his eyes were still full of anger, "Asshole! How dare you come here? What do you want to do?"

Xia Lei said: "Let's go somewhere else to talk."

Qin Xiang hesitated for a moment, but finally followed Xia Lei to the stairwell.

Xia Lei stopped in the stairwell and said straight to the point: "Do you know Chen Chuanhu?"

Qin Xiang said: "I've heard of him, but I'm not very familiar with him."

Xia Lei said: "Today He Laoqi sent him to lead people to destroy my shop."

Qin Xiang sneered, "I'm not surprised at all. You should have known the consequences of going against He Laoqi. What's more, you also offended Gu Kewen, who is more terrifying than He Laoqi. Why, your store Was it smashed? Chen Chuanhu has many younger brothers, I have heard about it for a long time. "

Xia Lei shook his head, "Chen Chuanhu was detained. His younger brother is lying in the hospital. My store is still fine."

"What?" Qin Xiang looked at Xia Lei in surprise.

Xia Lei said: "I came here to find you to find out some information about He Laoqi and where he lives..."

Before Xia Lei could finish speaking, Qin Xiang interrupted Xia Lei, "You can go, I won't tell anything about He Laoqi's situation. I also warn you, if you follow me again, or come here Harass my mother and I’ll kill you!”

Xia Lei was not frightened by him, and said calmly: "This time it's Chen Chuanhu who belongs to the He Laoqi faction. Next time it might be you. You have plenty of chances to fight me. I let you go last time, but next time I'll let you go." Wouldn’t be so kind.”

It was difficult for him to defeat Qin Xiang in the past, but now his strength is no longer what it used to be. Qin Xiang is no match for him at all, as can be seen from the previous confrontation.

Qin Xiang's face was uncertain.

Xia Lei said: "I know He Laoqi holds the handle on you. If he continues to ask you to do things for him, there is no way you can refuse him. You were able to get away with it last time, and I didn't report you. But Next time, I will make it impossible for you to come back. If you go to jail or die, what will your mother do?"

Qin Xiang gritted her teeth and said, "I'm warning you, don't threaten me with my mother!"

"Be smart." Xia Lei said sternly: "Have you ever thought that He Laoqi can use your leverage to blackmail you once, and he can blackmail you a second time, a third time, until you are finished! Do you want to live in his shadow your whole life? Until you are killed or caught by the police at some point?"

Qin Xiang was silent, and Xia Lei stabbed him in the sore spot.

"He Laoqi wants to kill me. He and I are mortal enemies. Haven't you heard this saying? The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Xia Lei said.

"What do you mean?"

Xia Lei said: "You help me, I will bring down He Laoqi and destroy your leverage in his hands. What do you think?"

Qin Xiang suddenly laughed, "You want to bring down He Laoqi? Don't be ridiculous."

Xia Lei said: "You can laugh at me for overestimating my capabilities, but I am actually giving you a chance. Even if you don't help me, I can get what I want from other channels, and you, you will become His cannon fodder until he plays to death. That's all I have to say, just take care of yourself." After saying that, he walked down the stairs.

"Wait a minute." Qin Xiang suddenly stopped and said, "Give me two hundred thousand, and I will deal with him with you."

"Two hundred thousand?" Xia Lei was stunned for a moment.

Qin Xiang said: "I urgently need this money to give my mother chemotherapy. I have sold everything I can, but I still can't get enough for the treatment. Give me 200,000, and I will help you deal with He Lao Qi."

"Two hundred thousand is not a small sum of money. You want two hundred thousand, what can you do for me?" It is intended to be used to start a company, and he has not yet reached the level of a rich man who can casually give people 200,000 yuan.

Qin Xiang looked at Xia Lei, "What do you want me to do for you?"

This sentence is a hint that he can do anything for Xia Lei. Xia Lei secretly said in his heart: "He did something for He Lao Qi. He should know He Lao Qi very well. Maybe he also knows He Lao Qi's weaknesses and some shady things... Although two hundred thousand is a bit much, it is acceptable. , not to mention that the money was used to treat his mother’s illness... "

"Think about it, you know where to find me." Qin Xiang said, then turned and left.

"Wait a minute." This time it was Xia Lei who stopped him, "Deal, I'll give you the money tomorrow. Where can we meet?"

"Just wait for my call." Qin Xiang said, with a charming smile on his face.

"Why do you have my phone number?"

"I know what brand of underwear you are wearing, what's so weird about knowing your phone number?" Qin Xiang said.

Xia Lei was speechless for a moment.