Tranxending Vision

Chapter 83: You are my little apple


"Master, please drink tea." In the boxing gym, Xia Lei knelt on his knees and raised a cup of black tea high above his head.

Liang Zhengchun took the tea with a serious expression and took a small sip. Although his expression was serious and serious, his brows couldn't help but reveal joy. For a martial arts practitioner like him, a disciple like Xia Lei is really rare to meet in a hundred years. If he meets one, it is purely a coincidence and luck.

There was a round of applause in the boxing gym, and all the new and old students were happy for Liang Zhengchun and Xia Lei.

Lu Sheng also clapped, but the smile on his face seemed a little forced.

Liang Siyao held a plate with many red envelopes on it and distributed red envelopes to each student. The money in the red envelope is not much, only one hundred yuan, but this is the custom of Foshan people. It is for good luck and does not care about the amount of money.

Liang Siyao also sent a red envelope to Lu Sheng, while whispering: "Monk, I know you are a little unhappy, but there are some things that cannot be forced. It will be fine if you figure it out."

Lu Sheng said: "I'm fine, Xia Lei is better than me. He has been studying Wing Chun for a few days, and I have been studying Wing Chun for several years, but I can't beat him. He is the most suitable person to inherit Master Lei's mantle. I rarely accept it." Human, Xia Lei is one."

"Well, it's good if you can think of it this way." Liang Siyao smiled.

Xia Lei kowtowed to Liang Zhengchun three times, and then called out again, "Master."

Liang Zhengchun put down the tea cup and helped Xia Lei up. He finally couldn't hide the smile on his face. He said with a smile: "Master has a message for you, be a good person and do good things."

Xia Lei nodded, "I remember, Master."

Liang Zhengchun patted Xia Lei on the shoulder and said, "If you enter my Wing Chun door, you are a member of my Wing Chun. If you use what I teach to do evil and harm others, I will not spare you."

Xia Lei nodded again, thinking, "Master is not usually so verbose, why did he become so verbose today?"

Liang Zhengchun came close to Xia Lei's ear again and lowered his voice, "Siyao said she works in your company, is it true?"

Xia Lei continued to nod, "Yes, it's true."

Liang Zhengchun was silent for two seconds before saying: "Take good care of her. If any unscrupulous man approaches her and tries to take advantage of her, I'll beat him up."

Xia Lei paused slightly, then nodded again.

Most men who raise daughters are like this, fearing that their daughters will be deceived by bad men. It is not surprising that Liang Zhengchun has such thoughts.

Liang Siyao came over after handing out the red envelope, "What are you talking about?"

Liang Zhengchun whispered: "Don't tell her."

Xia Lei was also alert and said, "Master is teaching me kung fu."

Liang Siyao smiled, "You guys are serious, the days ahead are long. Let's make hot pot tonight, do you agree?"

Before Xia Lei could say hello, Lu Sheng said loudly: "Okay, today is a good day for Junior Brother Xia Lei. Can we let Junior Brother Xia Lei treat us?"

"Okay!" The students cheered.

Xia Lei said with a smile: "Okay, it's my treat. Don't be polite. You must eat and drink happily."

There was laughter in the boxing gym.

After finishing the hot pot meal, Xia Lei drank a lot of wine and was unable to drive. Liang Siyao drove him to the community in his car.

"Which floor do you live on?" Liang Siyao helped Xia Lei out of the car and didn't know where to go in the neighborhood with many buildings.

Xia Lei pointed to the stairwell opposite the front of the car and said vaguely: "Sixth floor."

He was so drunk that he couldn't even figure out which floor he lived on.

"I'll help you go home." Liang Siyao helped Xia Lei towards the stairwell.

As she approached the stairwell, Liu Ying saw a woman eating watermelon on the balcony on the first floor staring at her and Xia Lei with a strange look in her eyes. She secretly said in her heart: "This woman is so strange. She doesn't Do you know it’s rude to look at people like this?”

But just as she was thinking this, the woman eating the watermelon suddenly threw the watermelon away, turned around and entered the house.

Just as Liang Siyao helped Xia Lei into the stairwell, the woman eating watermelon suddenly opened the door and came out, looking at her and Xia Lei with a smile. She stood in the middle of the stairs with no intention of giving way.

"Miss, please give way." Liang Siyao said politely. She didn't know that this woman was called Jiang Ruyi, nor did she know about the unclear relationship between this woman and Xia Lei.

"Oh, isn't this our Lei Zi?" Jiang Ruyi spoke, pretending to be a chance encounter on the stairwell.

"Your Leizi?" Liang Siyao asked curiously, "Who are you?"

"Didn't he tell you about me?"

"No." Liang Siyao said.

Jiang Ruyi stepped forward and slapped Xia Lei lightly on the head, "You know how bad wine is, and you don't tell me when you make new friends."

"Who... hit me?" Xia Lei muttered, then closed his eyes again.

Liang Siyao thought to herself, "Is this woman Lei Zi's girlfriend?"

Jiang Ruyi said again: "I'm sorry, our Leizi has caused trouble for you. Please leave him to me and I will take care of him."

Liang Siyao was a little hesitant. Although she suspected that this woman was Xia Lei's girlfriend, this was just a guess after all. She could not trust Xia Lei to be handed over to a strange woman casually.

Jiang Ruyi directly took Xia Lei's other arm and muttered to herself, "You don't know, our Lei Zi will act mischievously when he is drunk, vomit all over people, and even strip off his clothes and roll around on the ground. It's so scary." of."

"This..." Liang Siyao obviously did not expect this situation. She really couldn't imagine Xia Lei taking off his clothes and rolling on the carpet, but she still didn't let go.

Jiang Ruyi tugged and found that Liang Siyao had no intention of letting go. She suddenly took out a book of documents, opened it, and handed it to Liang Siyao, "Look, I am a policeman. You should believe me now, right?"

Only then did Liang Siyao realize that Jiang Ruyi was actually a policeman and the chief of a district police station. The worries in her heart were immediately eliminated. She finally let go of her hand, "Okay, I will leave him to your care. Please tell me He, I drove his car away, and I’ll pick him up early tomorrow morning.”

Jiang Ruyi stretched out her hand, "Give me the car keys and you can take a taxi back."

Liang Siyao was stunned for a moment, and finally handed the car keys to Jiang Ruyi, and then left depressedly. Who told him to be the chief of the police station

Jiang Ruyi did not help Xia Lei go up to the second floor, but directly entered her house. She kidnapped Xia Lei just like that.

Jiang Ruyi placed Xia Lei on the sofa in the living room, then gently slapped Xia Lei on the face, "Who is that woman?"

"Don't make any noise...sleep..." Xia Lei didn't even want to open his eyes.

"Hmph!" Jiang Ruyi stretched out her hand and pinched Xia Lei's waist again, "You playboy, you have a good woman who was your childhood sweetheart, but you are still living and drinking outside. What's so good about that long-legged woman?"

"Snoring... snoring..." Xia Lei snored.

"Sleep so sweetly, you so heartless." Jiang Ruyi cursed, but with a smile on her face, she leaned on Xia Lei's shoulder and said to herself: "You are too bad. What do you want to do when you get drunk and break into someone's home to cause trouble?"

"Snoring... snoring..." Xia Lei continued to snore.

Jiang Ruyi's hands moved around Xia Lei's body, and her cheeks became redder and redder, "You guy, you were so thin when you were a child, with no meat on your butt, but now you are so strong, why are you so strong? ?Are you trying to seduce me? I won’t be fooled.”

Xia Lei couldn't feel Zi's hand moving around on his body at all. He was really asleep.

Jiang Ruyi got up after playing for a while, "Forget it, let me put the bath water for you and then help you take a bath." Before leaving, she reached out and pinched Xia Lei's thigh again, " You are out having fun, and I am so nice to you. Do I owe you anything in my previous life?"

Xia Lei muttered something, but even he couldn't hear it clearly.

Jiang Ruyi chuckled, then turned and went to the bathroom.

There was the sound of water in the bathroom, and the sound of a woman, Director Jiang, singing, "Little Apple."

But at this moment, the door of her house suddenly opened, and a woman wearing a windbreaker walked in, grabbed Xia Lei who was lying on the sofa, then squatted down, pulled, and directly carried Xia Lei on her shoulders. Go up and leave.

The door closed quietly again, and the whole process took less than fifteen seconds.

"You are my little apple..." Jiang Ruyi walked out of the bathroom, her eyes fell to the sofa, and she suddenly froze, "Where is the person...?"

After being stunned for a while, she hurried out the door, went up to the second floor, and knocked on Xia Lei's door.

In the room, a woman in a windbreaker sprayed a spray into Xia Lei's nostrils twice.

"Ah sneeze!" Xia Lei sneezed suddenly and then opened his eyes.

"Leizi, Leizi!" Jiang Ruyi's voice came from outside the door.

Xia Lei shook his head vigorously, and then saw Long Bing standing in front of him.

"Leizi? Are you at home?" Jiang Ruyi's voice was anxious.

Xia Lei seemed to have remembered something, and he responded: "I'm at home, what can I do for you?"

"I...I want to break off our relationship with you!" Jiang Ruyi's voice was heard, and then the voice coming downstairs was heard.

Xia Lei smiled bitterly. Jiang Ruyi had broken off relations with him no less than a hundred times since she was young, but none of them were true. He knew her so well, just like he knew the palm of his hand.

After a long silence, Xia Lei spoke up: "Why are you here?"

"Perform the mission." Long Bing said.

Xia Lei was stunned for a moment, "Performing a mission? Is it related to me?"

Long Bing nodded, "I'm also surprised that my target for this mission is actually you."

Xia Lei said: "What exactly is going on?"

Long Bing sat down and looked straight at Xia Lei, "I couldn't tell you originally, but... I think it doesn't matter if I tell you. That's right, China Industrial Group submitted a report, and you were mentioned in this report . You have processed some very important parts for China Industrial Group, and they also think that you can upgrade ordinary machine tools to the advanced level of Europe and the United States. They attach great importance to this matter and let me investigate everything about you."

Xia Lei was surprised when Long Bing suddenly appeared in front of him, but after she told her the purpose of her visit, he was no longer surprised. His cooperation with China Industrial Group, on the surface, is a cooperation between two companies, but in fact it is his personal cooperation with China Industrial Group. He also knows very well that in today's technology-blocked environment, he is of great significance to China Industrial Group. This is why he dares to use orders to ask China Industrial Group to get land for him.

However, everything has its pros and cons. He can use his ability to gain benefits from China Industrial Group, but at the same time, his ability has also attracted the attention of some people. Then, it is not surprising at all that Long Bing appears here to investigate him.

Xia Lei shrugged, "I'm right in front of you, how do you want to investigate me? Where to start?"

"Good night." Long Bing said, then stood up and walked to the door.

"Hello?" Xia Lei stood up, "You're just leaving like this?"

Long Bing opens the door, Long Bing closes the door.

Xia Lei looked at the closed door and didn't move for several minutes.

Why is she always so mysterious? It's unpredictable.