Tranxending Vision

Chapter 85: A man selling water in the desert


It does take considerable courage and courage for a person who runs a small street shop to cooperate with a large state-owned enterprise and then interrupt the cooperation to blackmail the large state-owned enterprise into buying land for him to build a factory. Mu Jianfeng appreciates Xia Lei's personality and abilities, which is why he appears here.

At this time, Jiang Xin came to Xia Lei's side and whispered, "Mr. Xia, do you know who he is? Our boss!"

Only then did Xia Lei know Mu Jianfeng's identity. This identity shocked him and made him speechless.

At this time, Liang Siyao also noticed that Mu Jianfeng and Jiang Xin were coming. She vaguely guessed something and walked out after them.

"Mr. Xia, could you please take a look at this recruitment document?" Liang Siyao specially handed the newly printed recruitment document to Xia Lei.

Xia Lei understood Liang Siyao's thoughts very well. He smiled and said, "Mr. Mu, Mr. Jiang, let me introduce to you. This is my assistant. Her name is Liang Siyao."

Liang Siyao bowed and said, "Hello, Mr. Mu, hello Mr. Jiang."

Do not shake hands directly, but bow to salute. This is already a very high etiquette in the workplace.

Jiang Xin said politely: "Hello, Miss Liang. I wonder which university Miss Liang graduated from and what major she studied?"

Liang Siyao said: "I studied at Harvard University in the United States, where I graduated from. I studied business management. I once worked for an e-commerce company in the United States and also worked for a venture capital company." She said it simply and generously. After looking at her resume, she smiled again, "Now I work for Mr. Xia."

After hearing what she said, Mu Jianfeng and Mu Jianfeng couldn't help but look at each other, both of them looking surprised. Because they know very well that business management talents who graduated from Harvard University are also very popular in the United States, not to mention in China. As long as she is willing, she can choose to work in a listed company, and the annual salary will definitely be 500,000. rise. But for such a highly talented person, she actually chose to follow Xia Lei, who was still starting a business!

Xia Lei saw the reactions of Jiang Xin and Mu Jianfeng, and Lezi felt particularly proud.

"Ms. Liang, if I give you an annual salary of 500,000 yuan, would you like to work in our company?" Mu Jianfeng said.

Xia Lei's smile suddenly froze on his face, and he thought to himself: "What's going on with this old man? Even if he wants to poach people, he should go behind my back, right? I'm still here, and he actually opens his mouth to poach people? He is Are you not taking it seriously at all, or are you not planning to help me win that piece of land?"

For a moment, Xia Lei's heart was filled with speculation and worry.

At this time, Liang Siyao said: "Thank you, Mr. Mu, for your kindness. Compared with your Shenzhou Industrial Company, I am willing to stay in Thunder Horse Manufacturing."

"Huh?" Mu Jianfeng looked interested, "Miss Liang, tell me, why?"

Liang Siyao said: "Although your company is very large and the salary you offer is also considerable, it is only a temporary advantage. If I stay in Thunder Horse Manufacturing, I can gain greater development space. My current income will definitely not reach the annual salary of five yuan." One hundred thousand, but it will definitely be more than this number in the future. This is due to income. Another reason is the prospects. The prospects of Thunder Horse Manufacturing are very good, which cannot be matched by ordinary companies. You have to admit this, otherwise, you You won’t appear here anymore, will you?”

One sentence hit the point. If it weren't for the fact that Xia Lei and Xia Lei's Thunder Horse Manufacturing were the only ones in China who could process the ultra-precision parts they needed, would Mu Jianfeng and Jiang Xin have appeared here

"It's amazing. It's not easy. Young people today are much more powerful than we were back then." Mu Jianfeng chuckled and said, "Miss Liang, I was just joking. Go and do your business."

"Well, okay, Mu Lao." Liang Siyao turned around and left.

Xia Lei stopped her and handed her the recruitment document, "Just take charge and don't ask me."

Liang Siyao nodded and entered Thunder Horse Studio with the recruitment documents. The employees of Thunder Horse Studio looked at Mu Jianfeng and Jiang Xin outside curiously and whispered. After entering, Liang Siyao motioned for them to stop looking and continue working. They then stopped talking and started working.

As Xia Lei's assistant, she must be at a higher level than them, so she must listen to what she says. The employees at Thunder Horse Studio are not highly educated, but one thing is very good, that is, they know clearly who is the boss, and they will always do whatever the boss asks them to do to the letter.

Mu Jianfeng said to Jiang Xin: "Xiao Jiang, let the workers unload the raw materials, and then ask them to help move into the studio. Mr. Xia's studio has few people, so there is no need for his people."

"Okay." Jiang Xin followed and made arrangements.

Mu Jianfeng said to Xia Lei again: "Mr. Xia, come with me for a walk."

Xia Lei had already guessed that this moment would come, and he said, "Okay, let's just walk around."

An old man and a young man walked along the sidewalk, chatting as they walked.


Xia Lei said: "I can probably guess it. Mr. Mu came to Haizhu this time to find out whether I can upgrade ordinary machine tools to the most advanced machine tools in developed countries in Europe and America, right?"

"Good guess. Since you guessed it, can you give me a reassuring answer?" Mu Jianfeng stopped and looked directly into Xia Lei's eyes, as if he wanted to see through all the secrets of Xia Lei. .

Xia Lei said: "I have already told Mr. Zhou Wei and Mr. Jiang Xin that I can do it, but only if I go abroad to see the drawings and see the real thing."

"That's no problem. You can go abroad at any time. We also have channels for you to see the drawings and the most advanced machine tools. When will you go abroad?"

Xia Lei said: "After the company is established."

Mu Jianfeng's eyes flashed with displeasure, "Mr. Xia, do you really want us to help you get that land?"

Xia Lei nodded, "Well, I'm just asking you for this one thing, and I won't ask you for anything else in the future."

Mu Jianfeng walked forward again, "Mr. Xia, it's hard to help you with this."

Xia Lei stopped talking and secretly said in his heart: "You have to help even if you don't want to help."

"How much money do you have now?"

"The total is about 6.4 million."

"What?" Mu Jianfeng looked at Xia Lei in surprise, "You only have six million, and you actually asked us to help you buy land worth hundreds of millions? Are you kidding me?"

Mu Jianfeng's tone suddenly became bad, but Xia Lei's patience did not diminish. He said calmly: "Yes, it's only six million. With this money, I will also use it to build a factory and add equipment. Recruiting workers or something like that. Now I wish I could use one penny as ten thousand."

Mu Jianfeng sneered, "I thought you had money, at least 70 to 80 million, maybe 70 to 80 million. We can lend you some, and then use our administrative connections to requisition that land for special purposes. But now you actually tell me that you only need about six million, and this money will be used to build a factory, buy equipment, and even recruit workers. Young man, are you kidding me, old man? "

Mu Jianfeng's tone became more and more rude, and Xia Lei's temper gradually increased. He also sneered, "Mr. Mu, if this matter were left five or six years later, I wouldn't have to ask you to help me with this." I’m busy. I really don’t have any money right now, so I’m advancing the benefits of our future cooperation to do today’s work.”

"What you said is as light as a wick. Young man, I have to remind you that the land you want is worth hundreds of millions!" Mu Jianfeng said unceremoniously: "Without that money, why would you Do you have to choose that piece of land? You can choose it in a remote place, with dozens of acres of land, you can get it for one million, please give me an explanation!"

Xia Lei frowned, "Do you think I'm blackmailing you?"

Mu Jianfeng said: "If you don't have a more reasonable explanation, I will understand it this way."

Xia Lei snorted coldly, "If you really think so, then there is no need for us to continue talking."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not interested. I will complete the order signed with Mr. Zhou Wei this time, and then you can hire Gao Ming. From now on, I will not make even one screw for you."

"You kid—" Mu Jianfeng was so angry that he blew his beard. No one had ever dared to talk to him like this, Xia Lei was the first one.

"Keep your money and connections. Goodbye, Mr. Mu." Xia Lei dropped these words and turned around to leave.

"Wait!" Mu Jianfeng became anxious and grabbed Xia Lei's arm.

Xia Lei didn't dare to break free. He was worried that if he accidentally dragged the old man down, the scene would be overdone.

"Why do you have such a bad temper?" Mu Jianfeng glared at Xia Lei unhappily, "I can be your grandfather, but you can't stand being a grandfather and giving you a few lectures?"

Xia Lei said: "I didn't say anything, but Mr. Mu, you treat me as a liar. Can I be happy?"

"I'm sorry you don't dare to lie to China Industrial Group. I think you also know what kind of company it is." Mu Jianfeng said.

Xia Lei said: "Of course I know, it is equivalent to the Lockheed Martin Company in the United States, producing war weapons for the country. So, even if I am tired of living, I will not be stupid enough to defraud you of your money, right? What's more, I It’s not money that’s being defrauded, it’s land. Can I sell that land? Or can I take that land abroad?”

Mu Jianfeng's face softened a little, but his words were not soft, "But that land is indeed worth hundreds of millions. Your Thunder Horse Manufacturing Company built a factory on that land. Your company is not valuable, but the land is. Even if A property company came to evaluate the assets, and you suddenly made hundreds of millions. Do you think this is reasonable?"

"Do you think it's unreasonable?"

"Unreasonable." Mu Jianfeng shook his head.

Xia Lei said: "Let me use an analogy, I am not selling water next to the water company, I am selling water in the desert. You are my customers, customers walking in the desert. Europe and the United States have implemented strict technical blockades, you The water storage has long been used up. Just when you were very thirsty, you found me, the water seller. You said, can you give me one yuan and I will sell the water to you?"

Mu Jianfeng was stunned for a while, then suddenly laughed, "Well said, this metaphor is very appropriate. You are indeed the person selling water in the desert. Is this why you are so confident in ripping us off?"

Xia Lei shrugged, "Whatever you say, I don't care about cheating or extortion. I don't care what you think of me. I just want to build a factory on that land."

Mu Jianfeng sighed and walked back.

Xia Lei stood still and didn't move.

Mu Jianfeng took two steps and then turned around and shouted, "What are you still doing standing there? Take me to see that land."

Xia Lei suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, Mu Lao, I will take you to see the place right now."

Mu Jianfeng smiled bitterly and shook his head, "You are the most stubborn boy I have ever seen."